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I just found out that my mom dies of a massive heart attack about 2 hours ago.

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My brother who lives with her is an over-the-road driver and he is currently in Oregon. My dh is in Tampa on business and my dd is in Dallas with said grandmother. Luckily, there is very close family friend there that my dd is staying with. I have been on the phone for hours now trying to figure everything out and so far I haven't made much progress. My dh will be home in the morning and we are trying to figure out how to get my brother home as soon as possibble. I guess my family will leave out sometime tomorrow to drive there and I have no idea after that. Everyone still has the flu and we are all very tired. Prayers and well wishes please. Thanks.

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This has been a horrible year. First the problems with my son, then buying the house and moving, the row with the crazy landlord, strep throat, mono, the problems with teen dd, dh changing jobs and traveling around the us, the flu and now this. And I am sure that I am probably forgetting a few things. I have heard that God only gives you what he knows you can handle but I really think that I have reached my limit.


And I am so completely overwhelmed for my brother. He is the baby of the family but I know that he feels that he has to be the strong one to carry the family through. I don't even know if he has cried yet. He has taken care of my mom for the last nine years and frequently provided for my brothers as well. He just closed on his 1st house on the 31st of Jan. He hasn't even moved yet. He barely just finished painting and now he doesn't even want to live there. He is on the road most of the time and he really has no need for a house. He just wanted to make a nice home for my mom. And I know he is going to feel like if he had just did something different then maybe this wouldn't have happened.


I think that maybe she didn't really want to move away from her home. Her friend talked to her on the phone just 15 minutes before she died. The friend was walking down to her house. My mom had gotten up to visit with the friend but she died by the time the friend got there. She probably didn't even know that there was anything wrong.


My dd is hysterical. She was very close to my mom. My dd was born at home and my mom was there. She was like a second mother to my dd. But they were arguing yesterday about the best way to move my mom and my dd didn't even see her today. They never had a chance to make up and I don't think that my dd will get over this.


I hope that you guys don't mind being my sounding board tonight. Dh is already sleeping because he will have to start traveling very early in the morning. My brother can't get home until about Sat. at the earliest. I really do think that he is in shock and not processing this. I am worried for him. :(

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