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What is for Father' Day dinner?


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Marinating a boneless leg of lamb here for grilling later. Thank goodness ComEd came out 20 minutes after I called in a power outage (entire street appeared to be out) when I woke at 5am to use the bathroom and noticed all the electronics off. No idea how long off, but stuff in fridge - including lamb - still cold.

No idea for sides yet. Pastry-school dd making cupcakes.


Ok, found tiny taters at Sam's Club to be oven roasted, and coleslaw.

Edited by JFSinIL
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Oh man. Yesterday we went shopping for it, and I'll be honest, it wasn't the most pleasant shopping trip. *I* would have made a menu and then a shopping list. My DH, OTOH, said our meal is going to be like a trip to Sam's Club (Costco), where we try all the different samples. He caught fish and wants to try it fried. He borrowed a friend's fryer and wants to try that out, too. I think our final menu includes:


Fried fish

Fried zucchini

Fried french fries

BBQ tri tip...

...on tacos

with beans and fixins

Hot dogs



corn on the cob

marshmallow brownies

strawberry cheesecake


I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Yesterday I was cranky, but today I said, hey, he wants to make it and there will be no shortage of food. And it's Father's Day. :)

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Steaks, burgers for those who prefer them (the younger children), baked potatoes, salad, maybe a green vegetable (oooh, maybe I'll make cheesy broccoli, and it can be a baked potato topping if desired!), and maybe parmesan mushrooms.  And probably a pie because my husband prefers pie to cake.

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We ate dinner out (Prime Rib) with two of our boys (+ two friends) last night at a local diner for our "official" Father's Day meal.


Today - in less than half an hour - we're going to have grilled burgers, Berks hot dogs, cheese dogs (all on potato rolls), beets, sauteed beet greens, garden peas and sour cream or regular Herrs potato chips - all followed by cake and either mint chocolate chip or almond butter ice cream.


I'm pretty sure no one will have to eat again for a few days.


Oh wait... we have young twenty somethings here.  Yeah, they'll probably want supper.  At least three of them will be out on their own for supper (attending a concert nearby).  I have left over Prime Rib for my supper if I'm interested.  If not, it will keep until tomorrow.

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I'm amused at how many of the menus have steak or burgers on them!  It seems men really like their meat. :)



Some, I'm sure.  Mine eats less and less meat these days.  I'm cool with that.

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Apparently nothing because he was officially in charge of it and it's 7:15 pm with nothing bought or prepared. (Mother's Day retribution.) I guess I will give up and feed the little kids something in a minute. Big kids can fend for themselves. Grrr.

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