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S/O Who's Planning for Next Year Middle School?

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Okay, because I now feel bad because I don't have plans (not really, I was just bored today and thought I'd put something together!)


Math: CLE, Key to Decimals (Daily)

Latin-MP Third Form (Daily)

French-Ecoutez, Parlez Books 3 and 4 (4 days per week)

Language Arts-CW Maxim, Analytical Grammar (Daily with the grammar scheduled as needed)

History-Human Odyssey Volume 2 (2 days per week)

Science-McHenry Elements and Carbon Chemistry (2 days per week)

Logic-The Thinking Toolbox (1 day per week)

Literature-Don Quixote, Gulliver's Travels, Oliver Twist, MP Poetry and Short Stories (1 day per week)

Geography-Trail Guide to US Geography (1 day per week)

Art-Artistic Pursuits Grade 6-8 Book 1 Elements of Art and Composition (1 day per week)


Anyway, that's the idea. Subject to radical change, of course.


ETA: All the literature selections are adapted for age, naturally. And I'll probably tweak the life out of MP Poetry and Short Stories too.

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I am always planning, lol.


Young 7th grader:

Plan A:  Oak Meadow 7 for English and History and maybe Earth Science

Plan B:  Story of the World 3 and 4, Lightning Lit, and either Bookshark 6 science or RS4K Astronomy & Geology

MM 7 or AOPS Pre A

Competitive tennis player--trains daily, so PE is all set


8th grader:

History:  Bookshark 120 or their History of Science that comes out in January

Math:  Finish Saxon Algebra 1 and start Algebra 2

ELA:  Lightning Lit 7&8, finish Hake 8

Science:  either Bookshark 7 (Technology, Conservation and Robotics), or I had heard rumors that RSO Earth Science 2 would be out, so that may be an option.


They are both working on Rosetta Stone Spanish, so we will keep going with that I think, I would also like to pick Latin back up with the older one.  


Writing, ugh.  I have no idea.  Nothing is sticking.


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I'll have 6th and 8th graders.





MFW 1850-Modern (includes science for 6th grader, Bible, art, and music)

Progeny Press guides - 2 of the following: Screwtape Letters, Fahrenheit 451, Jane Eyre

IEW Early US History pt 2 writing OH CRAP WHAT HAPPENED???  This is suddenly discontinued?  What now?!?!?!

*** Advanced US History writing lessons is listed on the IEW website for grades 9-12.  Ummmmm..... help?




I'm pretty sure the US History Part 2 theme book was always a higher grade level than the other one.  Have they revised it?  Maybe call IEW and talk with someone about the revision and the grade level. 

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I am planning 6th for next year... Here is the tentative plan:



Finish MM6 (not sure how far we will get this year) and then???


Online writing class-- probably WTMA?

Reading and Reasoning

R&S Spelling 7


Science-- undecided -- hopefully something online or DVD based that all my kids can do together

Middlebury Interactive Spanish

Piano, art, and gymnastics

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This thread just brought to my attention the fact that I will have 3 Middle Schoolers next year.  :svengo:   5th, 6th and 8th



I'm going to go play with my playdoh and coloring books now... :gnorsi:




(I'm going to use Christmas Break to plan the last half of this school year.  I will gather ideas Jan-May, but I'm resisting the urge to PLAN plan until June.  I do have a pretty firm idea about things so I won't be planning from scratch.)

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This thread just brought to my attention the fact that I will have 3 Middle Schoolers next year.  :svengo:   5th, 6th and 8th





Just think, in five more years, you'll have three high schoolers.  :scared:


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I'm still unsure whether or not I am counting this year as Dd12's 8th or 7th grade. Ds11 will be in 7th next year. We are only on week 13 of this year, so I'm not planning out next year really yet, but we are thinking of doing Literature Lessons from Lord of the Rings. Ds11 is very interested and Dd12 would want to do it if he does it.

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Just think, in five more years, you'll have three high schoolers.  :scared:




Shut.UP!  :ack2:


3 highschoolers AND a 2nd grader...I've had more than a few hyperventilating moments over that fact.  I know other moms here have done that, and done it well, but I'm not sure I'm that awesome.  (Add in oldest is dyslexic and ack!  I will have to outsource some stuff.)

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Eldest - Grade 7

: AOPS Prealgebra. Also attend the math circles hosted at the local university and take the math contest at the end of the year. This will be good experience of a classroom setting since it involves 16, 2 hour sessions in a classroom.


English: IEW, Continuing Course B. He will actually likely be starting this sometime in February. He will finish it whenever he finishes it.


Literature: I do plan to come up with a list of books to read out loud to my boys. But it would also have to be something that works for Youngest. Till this point we have just been focusing on reading, as in speed and comprehension - both of which are really good. I haven't given this area much thought. We have always done lots of read alouds, but not much lately that isn't fantasy or science-fiction.


Spelling: Whatever is next in Sequential Spelling sequence. He enjoys using the DVD and his spelling still needs help. I will make him use SS till he stops asking me how to spell things. 


Science: I'm not sure. Perhaps continue on with the more advanced courses put out by Mr. Q. This isn't an interest here. Perhaps find a way to increase interest in the area. 


History: We could go anywhere with this. His best friend really likes history and will hopefully start inviting him to the local history talks that happen around town. Right now we are currently doing a quick review of all of history by re listening to the Story of the World books. It is taking us about a month to listen to each book. We have done this review before whenever we have lost our way with history. 


French: Eldest should be finished his Duolingo tree by that time. He really likes doing Duolingo- so either do the reverse tree. (That is the one meant for people who know French and are learning English). We also have other options available to us for this depending on wants and needs. My Dh speaks French (but only to people who already speak the language  :glare:  ) and we go to Quebec twice a year. 


Music: Keep up with weekly piano lessons. The Teacher recommends taking the Royal Conservatory Exams for year 3, 5, 7 and 8. If it works out he will take the grade 3 exam at the end this school year. For far off future plans, if he ends up taking and passing the grade 7 exam the RCM gives him a grade 11 credit. Passing the grade 8 exam will give him a grade 12 credit. 


PE: Eldest likes running. He currently is part of a running club and does 15+ KM a week. He is going to enter a few races. His current favorite distance is 10Km. I will insist he try out something else that moves his body in a different way. Every year I offer a few options and he has to pick one and spend a few hours trying out said activity. 


Other: I want to have him take an online class. Just so he can experience that format. I'm open to any suggestions for this. The cheaper the better since I want it to just expose him to online classes. He already gets exposure to class room classes from the math circles he attends. 


We school year round, and have never had an official stop or end of a school year. The biggest change for when Eldest starts grade 7 is his best friend who comes over here twice a week at 1pm will be finished homeschooling and entering grade 9 at the local highschool. Depending on how my boys take it we might have more time for school at home, or they might want to look for social outlets during the day since best friend wouldn't be around. I'm not sure what it will be like, since best friend has come to my place twice a week from 1pm to 5pm or later twice a week for the last 4 years, and various other days and weekends. 




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I'm not sure I'm that awesome. 


:001_wub: You're that awesome. You'll be just fine w/all the help the Hive offers. One year at a time with the rest of us, Paula! 


French: Eldest should be finished his Duolingo tree by that time. He really likes doing Duolingo- so either do the reverse tree. (That is the one meant for people who know French and are learning English). We also have other options available to us for this depending on wants and needs. My Dh speaks French (but only to people who already speak the language  :glare:  ) and we go to Quebec twice a year. 


Other: I want to have him take an online class. Just so he can experience that format. I'm open to any suggestions for this. The cheaper the better since I want it to just expose him to online classes. He already gets exposure to class room classes from the math circles he attends. 


First, that's awesome that he's doing so well on his Duo tree. I'm pretty much stuck where I am on Spanish because I don't learn the grammar well through Duo. (I need a grammar-first approach.) I'm very, very, very slowly making progress in French because I try to keep my tree gold as I go. I made it through French 5 in high school, but I don't remember learning some of the stuff on the Duo tree. Since he's doing so well in French & because you have a French-speaker, might you consider an online foreign language class? See if there is some sort of testing-in as I probably wouldn't have him start with (high school) French I if he's made it through the Duo tree by then. Perhaps French II....

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:001_wub: You're that awesome. You'll be just fine w/all the help the Hive offers. One year at a time with the rest of us, Paula! 



First, that's awesome that he's doing so well on his Duo tree. I'm pretty much stuck where I am on Spanish because I don't learn the grammar well through Duo. (I need a grammar-first approach.) I'm very, very, very slowly making progress in French because I try to keep my tree gold as I go. I made it through French 5 in high school, but I don't remember learning some of the stuff on the Duo tree. Since he's doing so well in French & because you have a French-speaker, might you consider an online foreign language class? See if there is some sort of testing-in as I probably wouldn't have him start with (high school) French I if he's made it through the Duo tree by then. Perhaps French II....


He has finished 20 of the available 80 skills. He usually makes his tree golden ever day. Right now he has 1610XP in total and I think he is on day 35 since he started. 


As you can see from my blurp at the bottom (I forget what it is called) we have used and given up on many different French things. This is working right now, so I'm not going to mess with it, or try changing it in any way. 


Perhaps you just need the proper motivation. :) 2 weeks ago I started the new rule. If you finish a skill and your tree is golden then you get to play computers for 1 hour. :) 

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Other: I want to have him take an online class. Just so he can experience that format. I'm open to any suggestions for this. The cheaper the better since I want it to just expose him to online classes. He already gets exposure to class room classes from the math circles he attends. 




My oldest took the free Digital Learning course from Impact Virtual Learning last year as a 7th grader, and it was an excellent introduction to online learning for her. Not only did she learn a ton of stuff (how to set up a blog, how to use digital tools to make a presentation, internet safety, etc.), but she learned how to follow directions to complete an assignment, how to check with a teacher if she had questions about an assignment, how to do reviews of peers' assignments, how to budget her time to finish her work by the due date, how to read a syllabus, etc. The instructor is very good with the kids; he responds quickly to their questions and has very high expectations of the students. And did I mention it was free :001_smile:

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My oldest took the free Digital Learning course from Impact Virtual Learning last year as a 7th grader, and it was an excellent introduction to online learning for her. Not only did she learn a ton of stuff (how to set up a blog, how to use digital tools to make a presentation, internet safety, etc.), but she learned how to follow directions to complete an assignment, how to check with a teacher if she had questions about an assignment, how to do reviews of peers' assignments, how to budget her time to finish her work by the due date, how to read a syllabus, etc. The instructor is very good with the kids; he responds quickly to their questions and has very high expectations of the students. And did I mention it was free :001_smile:


Thanks for Recommending this. I'll bookmark it and keep it in mind for when the time comes. 

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Next year I will only have one in middle school. She will be in 7th grade, and most of her schoolwork will be a continuation of what she is doing this year. She will do BYL 6, which is the second half of American History. Math, Latin, and spelling will just be the next level. Grammar will probably be daily diagramming exercises. Science and Bible are undecided; I will worry about them next spring.

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I'll have one entering 6th next year. This will be my second go around with 6th grade, but this daughter is polar opposite my older daughter so I'll be starting from scratch. Ughhhhh! My tentative plans are...


Math... MM5

Science... RSO Chemistry

History... SotW3

Civics... Uncle Sam and Me

L.A.... FLL4, W&R Narrative1&2, SpellwellD&DD

Reading... good books


Cross Country and 4H for extracurriculars.

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IEW Early US History pt 2 writing OH CRAP WHAT HAPPENED??? This is suddenly discontinued? What now?!?!?!

*** Advanced US History writing lessons is listed on the IEW website for grades 9-12. Ummmmm..... help?

It is for sale in a classified ad here. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/classifieds/item/19876-high-school-writing-vocab-grammar-revised/

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Current plans (undoubtably will change - semper gumbi) for 6th grade:


Math - AOPS PreA (slowly)


Writing - W&R 5&6

Grammar - MCT Grammar Voyage

Literature - counting on co-op lit again (fingers crossed)


History - TGC Understanding the World's Greatest Structures


Science - Chemistry a la mom


Latin - BBoLL 2

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I'll have a 6th grader next year.  Here are my general plans so far:


MUS Zeta?


Spelling Wisdom 

SCM Early Modern History

Science?? --I have no idea!  Ellen McHenry's Elements looks interesting.

Piano lessons

CM style family studies

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I'll be planning 8th grade for my son. I have a couple of issues that have my planning on hold.


We participate in a co-op which decides yearly the subjects and curriculum we will do. We usually agree on 2 subjects that have homework and agreed upon curriculum and one elective with no homework, such as art class. Thus far, we've done science each year, so I anticipate that will be one of the two core subjects. We've had literature as well as composition classes, but I won't know what we have next year until February/March.


The other issue is that I'm going to be using a new math textbook starting in January (older 8th grade pre-algebra text). I think we can finish it by the end of summer, and I'll start Algebra 1 if I feel ds is ready. 


Here are some of my tentative plans, though.


Bible: continue an overview of the bible utilizing reading at night with dh, bible resource books, and Alpha Omega's 6th grade lifepacs


History: CLE's Changing Frontiers US History



continue CLE's LA program

Word Wealth

an IEW program if co-op doesn't have a composition course

MP American Literature Poetry and Short Stories

book club which I lead (haven't chosen books yet)


Math: Algebra 1 if ready, still considering courses but I have Lial's Beginning Algebra


Science: should be a co-op class; he may need to join the high school biology class if I'm not happy with the middle school science choice; will most likely be Apologia or Shepherd for the high school group


Latin: First Form Latin (considering Latin for high school foreign language)


Piano/Guitar (begins piano lessons in January and has expressed interest in guitar, so we might do both)

Basketball on church team










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I'm not really an obsessive planner, but I'm a neurotic anxiety ball, so I'm channeling that into planning.


DS will technically be 5th grade, but he will be doing mostly 7th-ish grade work.


Math - Considering TWTM AOPS.  He's working through Jousting Armadillos, we'll see how it goes the rest of the year.  If it's not looking like AOPS will be a good fit, we'll move on to Crocodiles & Coconuts. 


Lit -  We are working through the Mensa excellence in reading list for middle schoolers.  I'll probably add in some as well.  We love classics. :)


Writing -  Bravewriter


Grammar - MCT Lit level


History - Project of his choosing


Science - Project of his choosing also classes at our History Museum and science center


Spanish  - researching what to do after GSWS


Art - classes at the art museum


Music -  continue with Double bass and hopefully join the youth orchestra


Swim lessons and community baseball in the spring.  He runs with me occasionally so I might try to get him to be more regular with that.

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Tentative 8th grade Plans


Math: Algebra--Looking for a good fit. Singapore does not work.


Literature: Reading and writing literary response essays. Focus on Shakespeare and longer novels. (7th grade focused on short story.) Considering Excellence in Literature American Literature.


Nonfiction Reading: Focus on nonfiction essay reading and response, using The Best of Science Writing series. 


Writing: Creative writing both short 500 word stories and poems. 

              Creative Nonfiction writing as part of history, science, and current events.


Spelling & Grammar: Spelling Workout and Hake Grammar and Writing without the writing.


History: History Odyssey Level 2 Early Modern and Modern + K12 History Odyssey book 3


Science: CPO Physical Science  Exploration Education Physical Science. 


Geography: Continue 9th grade text over 7th and 8th grade.


Computer Science?

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ds grade 5
Math: MIF 5B/Course 1
History: Human Odyssey Ancients and The World in Ancient Times (OUP)--still working out what this will look like
Geography: trying to deny that I need to do this next year--hoping to do it as a co-op class ETA; I just bought MapTrek so I guess I better use that?

Science: AIG Life Science 
English: AAS, Jr. Analytical Grammar, SICC-A (I think?), Reasoning and Reading

Literature: read good books, occasionally discuss using Teaching the Classics method
Latin:  Latin for Children Primer A

Music: feeble attempts at piano (sigh)
Art: Artistic Pursuits Grades 4-6 Book 1 (we are a bit behind)
PE: Family Time Fitness maybe?
Logic: :Logic Liftoff, etc.


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For my soon-to-be 6th grader, still lots to decide since we're only on week 14/36 of 5th grade:

History: SOTW 4, post-WWII, then supplementing past 2000

Science: either biology or Lego physics

Math: Teaching Textbooks 7 or possibly Saxon 7/6

Literature: custom list, including Beauty by Robin McKinley, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, The Time Machine, Where the Red Fern Grows. Eventually the list will be 9-10 books.

Spanish: second half of an old high school book, since she's enjoying it this year

Logic: Logic Liftoff, a puzzle book, Mindbenders book 4, Android programming, possibly First Lego League again

Art: she wants to learn graphics design on the computer so she can make cartoon videos, so I've been looking at software for that; we'll also continue with weekly multimedia projects and I'll probably get her a book on how to use colored pencils (i.e. blending, shading, realistic tips).

Spelling: she wants to go back to Evan Moor

Vocab: Vocab from Classical Roots 6

Health: I have a middle/high school text we'll probably spread over several years, possibly adding in units on STDs

Life Skills: focus on cooking more main dishes, at least weekly

Grammar: it became apparent this year that she needs to learn how to diagram sentences, so I've got to get something to teach that

Composition: either Writing Strands 5 or a novel writing curriculum, plus updating her blog and daily journaling



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My current 6th grader is too unpredictable, and out-of-the-box...every year it is a trial of tears to figure out what to do with her.  In fact, I believe that next year will be one of the worst for deciding what to do...she has aged out of her math and her English and also her Spelling...


I would love her to be more independent but I think that is a non-reality...


So...rock and hard place are my main ideas so far.

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My dd will be 8th.  She wants to skip it though and just start high school.  Some of her stuff is high school level....so next year is just weird to figure out.  what we know:


*Biblioplan Middle Ages.  Will read some books from middle school list, and some from high school list.  

*Rainbow Year 1(physics/chem).  Not her favorite topics, so going with simple.  Will supplement with Tiner's books. 

*Jacobs Geometry.  I have the Callahan videos, but her brother dumped this and will be doing it next year...he wants co-op teacher, so this may be at a co-op and just put both in the same class.  

*ASL- Landry....her passion is ASL.  


English...no idea.  She is finishing R&S 8 this year.  Maybe Vocab from Cl. Roots?  And some lit analysis program?  She will be reading a lot with history.  We need to finish IEW SWICC-B.  Who knows.  Totally up in the air. All depends if we call this 8th or 9th grade. 


She plays volleyball on the local YMCA team twice a year.  We do some art videos.  She plays with the Wacom tablet enough to call it art LOL.  She sings at church for the kids program twice a year.  So really, any elective topics she wants, she can do.  


so much more to plan....

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For my 8th grader. A lot of this is a continuation of what is going well for us this year.



Algebra 1 at the local middle school


Foreign Language--

German 2 at the local middle school



Finish 2nd half of IEW SICC-C, and then

Maxwell's Writing in English (what we can fit in at end of year)


Other Language Arts--

R&S English 8

IEW Fix It

Finish Word Wealth Junior, then start Word Wealth

Evan Moor Daily Reading Comprehension

Read good books



BJU online Earth Science 8



Read A Patriot's History of the United States

Critical Thinking Company's US History Detective

Draw the world using map-of-the-whole-world.weebly.com

Maps, Charts, and Graphs workbook


Public Speaking--

Speech club or debate club (or both)


"Discussion" Elective--

Complete a literature guide for one good book

Word, Excel, and/or PowerPoint courses through udemy.com

Uncle Eric book (maybe Whatever Happened to Justice?)

Thinking Toolbox

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I'm mulling over long-term goals at the moment. My oldest is in 6th. She's coasting; not really learning new skills. She's a fast learner. Should I accelerate math, science, and writing the next two years? Thinking about having her do college as a junior and senior.


That's all. Just thinking and researching at this point.


ETA: Ok,no accelerating, but we do need to move forward in writing skills. I just ordered WWS 1 and I think she can start in the middle and finish by the end of this school year.


ETA again: nevermind about WWS. Not my style.


So 7th grade so far:


CLE 7 math

Writing-classical composition

R&S grammar 6/ ELTL 6

BJU Life Science w/Dive

Tiner's books

Book of the Ancients, Greeks, Romans (mills)

Iliad and Odyssey (butler)

Gerber's us history/SOTW 4

MP Latin

MP logic?

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I saw the thread for the High School Board and wondered if anyone besides me with a middle-school student is an obsessive planner. I've pretty much got my classes outlined and have already purchased all my stuff (maybe a few extras will be finagle their way into the mix). 


So, here's my tentative plan for 8th grade:


  • Math: This is the only class weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re unsure about yet.  DD is struggling with Pre-Algebra, so weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re taking it very slowly.  If she has to continue with it into next year in order to solidify the concepts, thatĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s fine with us.
  • Bible/Lit: Combination class utilizing the Hobbit & LOTR series.  Following are the books weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll be using:

o   Annotated Hobbit Ă¢â‚¬â€œ This oneĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s for me so I can help teach DD how to annotate, as well as give me inside info.

o   LOTR Readers Companion (General info)

o   BilboĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Journey (Bible portion while reading Hobbit)

o   FrodoĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Journey (Bible portion while reading LOTR)

o   Hobbits, You, and the Spiritual World of Middle-Earth (Bible inclusion for series)

o   The Gospel According to Tolkien (Bible inclusion for whole series)

o   The Real Middle-Earth (a little geography & ancient history thrown in if possible)

o   The Real Middle-Earth (Prime Video; poor quality video but still interesting)

o   Lectures from Mythgard and Peter Kreeft thanks to suggestions from fellow boardies!

  • Language Arts: This year weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve been doing a LA Loop.  DD loves it and would like to continue it next year.  HereĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s what IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve planned for that:

o   Fix-It Grammar 3 w/English Grammar in Use & parts of ELTL

o   Adventures in Fantasy

o   Paragraphs for Middle School

o   Excavating English

  • Science: IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m trying to plug holes here.  I want to cover Evolution and Physics mostly.  WeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve done Chemistry, but a short refresher wouldnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t hurt.  Therefore, science will be mixed.  I may even separate out the Evolution debate and have that as a separate class altogether.  Here are the resources I plan to use:

o   Discovering ID w/online companion

o   Articles from Evolution News & Views to coincide with other texts

o   On the Origin of Species (from our library)

o   CK12 Evolution Flexbook to coincide with Discovering ID Chapters

o   Various videos to coincide with topics

o   Science Matters Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Spine for Physical Science

§  BrainPop Ă¢â‚¬â€œ as a supplement for Physics & Chemistry topics

§  The Wonders of Physics

§  A KidĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Introduction to Physics

§  Various videos to coincide with Science Matters Chapters

  • History: Since weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve finished with rotations, IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve given DD free choice for this class.  SheĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s chosen to study the Celts, Druids, and a more extensive study of Mythology.  Since this may not take the whole year, I may include another unit on the history of fairy tales. 

Celts and Druids are difficult topics to find good, factual information for because they left no written histories. Any info regarding them is from secondary sources from the Greeks, Romans & Britains.  In fact, many scholars no longer believe Celts were a separate Ă¢â‚¬Å“raceĂ¢â‚¬ per se.  Therefore, IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve chosen those books which I believe will provide the most accurate info I can find:


o   Druids: A History

o   Blood of the Celts: A New Ancestral Story

o   The Celts Ă¢â‚¬â€œ YouTube 6-episode Documentary (on Amazon Prime @ $1.99/episode)

o   The Religion of the Ancient Celts

o   Mythology: The Illustrated Anthology of World Myth & Storytelling

o   YT & Amazon videos

o   Know Why You Believe

o   Know Who You Believe

  • Spanish: This will be DDĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s first year of Spanish in lieu of Latin.  IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve had 5 years of Spanish (many moons ago), and I still remember much of it.  Therefore, I will be able to help her quite a bit, especially with pronunciation.  I didnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t really like any of the standard Spanish texts or curricula out there, so IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m cobbling something together which I hope will be successful.  Here are my picks. If the Hive has other suggestions, please let me know:

o   Teaching Spanish: The Essential Handbook (Reference for me)

o   Easy Spanish Step-By-Step (Spine)

o   PMP Complete Spanish Grammar

o   PMP Spanish Conversation

o   First Spanish Reader: Dual Language Book

o   MadrigalĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Magic Key to Spanish

o   Duolingo

o   Watch movies in Spanish

  • Economics: Hobbit Party (in keeping with our Tolkien Theme)
  • Shakespeare/Poe: Read various selections each week alternating authors
  • Art: @ the local high school (we've done a lot of artists' / music study this year, so we'll give those a break. That way I will have room to separate the science out if I need to.)

So, has anyone else been working on their plans for next year?


Sidenote, but I'm wondering how exactly you accomplish all this?!  I'll just fancy myself that it may be the difference between having one child at home and... well, 7. And don't you tell me any different!  :laugh: 


I'm just starting to seriously consider what we will do next year; Hence I'm back poking around the forums. :)  Here is what I have so far, which is only a vague idea. Lots of decisions still to make!



8th grader:


Math -

Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra


Science -

Apologia... something. We are using a co-op for Sci this year so not sure if I should skip past the General Science and go right for Physical Science, or not.


Language Arts -

Evan Moor Spelling (He's dyslexic, so he will be way behind grade level wise, so the goal is just progress).

Grammar ... not sure. Evan Moor Daily Language Review, or Daily Grams?

Writing ... not sure about that either. lol  Possibly an informal "write one essay a week" type of system.


Foreign Language - 

Spanish ... no idea. Need suggestions for a first year spanish.


Religion - 

Faith & Life by Ignatius Press


Logic - 

Thinking Toolbox or The Art of Argument ?? 


History / Geography / Reading - 

Sonlight Core E; The Eastern Hemisphere



7th Grader - He will be doing the same as above except Teaching Textbooks 7, and he will use a spelling program that is on grade level since he's not dyslexic.



If anyone has any suggestions for me, please pm me!

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Well, I've got plans in place, but not because I'm a compulsive planner (I used to be, but I like doing other things now).  Because my family lives in West Africa, I have to plan starting in late October, so that I can place orders in January/February.  Shipping is horrendously expensive, so the organization we are with encourages us to make arrangements (to get our supplies over here) with volunteers coming over to work with us,   That can take several months, but most years I've been able to get the last of my materials by sometime in the summer.  This past year, though, we didn't get our last supplies until October.  It was kind of miserable having to turn around and plan for next year about the same time.


All that being said, here are my plans for my twins who will be in 7th grade.




Bible/History Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Remembering GodĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Awesome Acts

Science Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Winterpromise Animals and their Worlds

English Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Cover Story

Math Ă¢â‚¬â€œ MathUSee

French Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Rosetta Stone

Critical Thinking Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Building Thinking Skills book 3 Figural, Building Thinking Skills Book 3 Verbal


The twin with learning differences will be working at a lower level of MathUSee and will also use CLE Bible (finishing Bible 4, starting the elementary elective) for extra reading comprehension.

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Our year ends in Feb, and behind in March, so this is for mid 6th to mid 7th:


AoPS PreAlgebra (online class)

History/Lit: Sonlight Core G

Shepherd Life Science and maybe The Story of Science

CodeHS Intro to Computer Science (online class)

MCT Town Level

Logic - undecided

Latin - we want to start this!

Hopefully start back piano with a teacher

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  • 2 weeks later...

We just finished planning my son's 5th grade classes. This is the first time he has bought in to the whole "education and learning" thing. It is a relief and so much easier to plan going forward when he has an opinion beyond "I don't want to do anything." :) Now on to planning dd's 7th grade year.


5th grade


Saxon 65

Beast Academy 4


Oak Meadow 5 US History

Connect the Thoughts Modern History

CNN Student News


Oak Meadow 5 Environmental Science

Critical Thinking Science Detective Beginning


Hake Grammar 5

Spelling Power

Vocabu-Lit E

Galore Park Junior English 3


Veritas Press Self Paced Greece, Rome and the New Testament


Kolbe Elementary Literature

Daily Free Reading


Connect the Thoughts Animation II

Connect the Thoughts Creative Writing II


Foreign Language - still on the fence, may put away all materials until 7th grade





Swim team

Triathlon training




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We'll be starting dd's 5/6th gr year in a couple of weeks. She's 10 (11 in July), we school Jan-Dec.


Maths: a mix of beast academy 4d and 5 as they're released, finish working our way through life of Fred pre-a series (we're halfway through 0) and mathematics a human endeavor.


LA: spelling by sound and structure.

MCT voyage

Writing across the curriculum mainly, with a little poetry, slow reading through a midsummer night's dream and creative writing as part of her journal project.

Lots of reading!


History: finish Diana waring's RRR.


Science: a mix of bfsu vol 2 and astronomy, as part of our journal project.


Latin: Gswl and fabulae ceciliae (sp?)


Russian: Rosetta Stone and homemade.


Project: based on country diary of an Edwardian lady, monthly pages with nature study, sketches etc. This will include art which will focus mainly on sketching, watercolours and calligraphy.


Violin lessons weekly and some sport that I haven't decided yet. We'll also be going through Telling God's story with some friends and doing crochet together too.


And we'll be out of time!


Eta- I forgot logic! I've got critical thinking and fallacy detective!

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Sidenote, but I'm wondering how exactly you accomplish all this?!  I'll just fancy myself that it may be the difference between having one child at home and... well, 7. And don't you tell me any different!  :laugh: 


I'm absolutely sure you're absolutely correct...lol...


Honestly, I so admire those of you who have multiple kids to teach.  God knew I wouldn't be able to do it and only gave me what I could handle.

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Well, it IS catalog time, isn't it? 


Frankly, I am just thrilled we are still on track for a timely finish with Latin this year. All the rest is gravy, sort of. Here's the plan so far for my last child, who will be 8th grade:


Math: MUS Geometry OR ELSE Foerster's Algebra 1 if it looks like MUS Algebra 1 is not taking well enough. So far, results are mixed.


Science: Earth Science - using a Prentice-Hall text, study guide and lab notebook


Latin: Latin Alive 3 -- after which dd is REALLY looking forward to doing a modern language @ CC


History: American Odyssey with some of the SL Core 100 books


English: WWS 2 with several Memoria Press Lit Guides, probably including Tom Sawyer, To Kill a Mockingbird and something for Red Badge of Courage, plus a shakespeare play (on the one-a-year-plan)


Logic: Discovery of Deduction


Other: Youth Group, American Heritage Girls, Homeschool Skate Day (roller skating for PE), maybe a speech class, but if we do that we'll have to drop out something else, above.



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OK here's my plans for dd who will be 7th grade: She is not my super strong academic kid (gets distracted very easily, hates sitting still....) so you'll see no Latin, foreign language, logic or honors courses. I plan to keep it streamlined with her as much as I can. Math is her best subject so the challenging math course makes sense.


Derek Owens Pre-Alg and first half of Algebra and Math Club

WHA or TPS Composition and/ or Literature ***

WHA or TPS Life or General Science****

History at Co-Op (also includes presentations, crafts, and some Geography)


Scottish Country Dancing

Sewing Club


We will have to buy her her own laptop and other items to complete these classes...


She is working really hard on Typing right now- 30 minutes per day. In only two weeks she has gone from nothing to full sentences using most letters. ...this will be a big help for her lack of patience and dyslexia!


***WHA may not work after all...see note below.

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I think I am a bit more determined about our 6th grade plans.

Math - Geometry (aops class)

English - Socratic dialogue (class), MCT, WWS 2 (class)

Science - physics 

Foreign Language - I haven't determined which materials we will use yet. 

History - SITW 4 & second half of American history. 

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OK here's my plans for dd who will be 7th grade: She is not my super strong academic kid (gets distracted very easily, hates sitting still....) so you'll see no Latin, foreign language, logic or honors courses. I plan to keep it streamlined with her as much as I can. Math is her best subject so the challenging math course makes sense.


TPS Pre-Alg and Math Club

TPS English 1

TPS Apologia General Science

History at Co-Op (also includes presentations, crafts, and some Geography)


Sports Day


We will have to buy her her own laptop and other items to complete these classes...


She is working really hard on Typing right now- 30 minutes per day. In only two weeks she has gone from nothing to full sentences using most letters. ...this will be a big help for her lack of patience and dyslexia!

Have your dc done TPS before? I am thinking of their English 1 for ds11 and maybe English 2 for ds13. What math does TOS use?
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Jade orchid- no, we have not. I think that although the TPS courses are generally challenging she can handle this workload because she will be an older 7th grader- turns 13 in November. Also with less number of subjects she can focus better.


They use some kind of Pearson digital thing which I'm not so sure about. But, they used it for a few years now so if it wasn't showing good results I would think TPS would have already pulled the plug. Pearson is pretty good as far as ps curriculum goes.... So....we will see. My other idea for her is TT but since she's actually strong in math I hesitate to try TT, which moves slowly and over explains ...


******edited**** We are also considering WHA. The only thing holding me back is that I think their reading choices are somewhat dark/violent/depressing. I'll have to see what books they study in their Great Conversations courses too. My dd would absolutely hate to be forced to study depressing or dark titles. Even my son would be bummed. In the list they had Picture of Dorian Grey, Edgar Allen Poe, and one other all of which I feel are needlessly dark and could easily be replaced. If that's the flavor of WHA it will never work for my dd, and the TPS titles look better so...we may stay with TPS after all. Even the CS Lewis course is a little over the top as a required booklist in terms of the overall feel of it.

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  • Language Arts: This year weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve been doing a LA Loop.  DD loves it and would like to continue it next year.  HereĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s what IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve planned for that:

o   Fix-It Grammar 3 w/English Grammar in Use & parts of ELTL

o   Adventures in Fantasy

o   Paragraphs for Middle School

o   Excavating English


So, has anyone else been working on their plans for next year?


Would love to hear more about your LA loop.  I would also like you to plan for me.


My brain is a bit muddled in regards to my up-and-coming grade 7'er.  I have this idea that a huge shift needs to happen next year...like academic lock down.  :lol:  I'm just not sure exactly what needs to shift.  We have come to the point where all my not-so-supportive family has started voicing their opinions again, as well.  They got quiet for awhile there, but now they are back.  Clearly I can not expect to homeschool anymore?  *sigh*  I admit though, it gets in a persons head.  I have so many doubts flying around right now that I am putting off planning until I can think a bit more clearly. 

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We have come to the point where all my not-so-supportive family has started voicing their opinions again, as well. They got quiet for awhile there, but now they are back. Clearly I can not expect to homeschool anymore?

My kids music teacher who is supportive of homeschooling K-8 thinks homeschooling high school is a bad idea. Of course she just said once her opinion and thats it so we still have a good working relationship.


My kids classmates (outside classes) parents are asking how we are prepping our kids to enter private high schools out of genuine curiousity. So it is just high school they are worried about.


My parents and in-laws are ok since my oldest has took ACT and will take SAT. They just want to know their grandkids would be able to meet university admission requirements. That we are not closing any doors.

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My kids music teacher who is supportive of homeschooling K-8 thinks homeschooling high school is a bad idea. Of course she just said once her opinion and thats it so we still have a good working relationship.


My kids classmates (outside classes) parents are asking how we are prepping our kids to enter private high schools out of genuine curiousity. So it is just high school they are worried about.


My parents and in-laws are ok since my oldest has took ACT and will take SAT. They just want to know their grandkids would be able to meet university admission requirements. That we are not closing any doors. 



I wish it was genuine interest.  They (my sibling and his spouse, mainly) believe I am a helicopter parent and I homeschool because I can't "let go" of my kids.  No amount of discussion has changed their opinion.  They aren't at all interested in what we do or how we do it.  They have decided it's "wrong" and they often voice their opinions.  Conversations with them are often similar to beating one's head against a wall.  For example, my brother informed me that the kids are lacking outside sports.  I mentioned that they do soccer, swimming and skating.  His reply?  Why haven't you taken them skiing?  :banghead:

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I don't have everything planned and what's here is still subject to change



6th grade

CLE math

Easy Grammar 
IEW- US history based or SICC-B

Abeka Science

Books, books, books


8th Grade

Saxon Alg 1

Easy Grammar

IEW- US history based or SICC-B

Apologia Physical

Book, books, books


There will be other miscellaneous stuff in there like drawing, piano, geography etc, but those are the main things I'm planning as of now.





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Well, I'm still mulling next year in my mind. This is what I have come up with so far.


My seventh grader


Math u see zeta and prealgebra

Essentials in writing

Abeka language

BJU Literature


Real science 4 kids or Apologia


Piano lessons




My fifth grader will do


Math Works 5

Essentials in writing

Voyages in English 5

BJU reading 5

Real science 4 kids

HWT cursive

Spelling workout e



Soccer/ Football

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