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When and how often do you go grocery shopping?


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I know we're all busy homeschooling moms with the typical evening schedules that complicate our lives further, so given that simple fact, when and how often do you go grocery shopping? Also, do you divide and conquer the task or all go together?


Just trying to get more organized in the midst of a very busy year...

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We're still trying to figure it out. I really prefer to go once a week. (We are a small family of 4) We don't shop at Costco, but prefer to go to the SuperTarget. (This place is awesome, btw!)


The best is when the whole family goes on a Sunday. HOWEVER, that being my dh's only day off of work, it kind of ruins the day. I've been trying to go with the kids on Mondays, but I really hate taking the kids (they're littles). So, I then end up going Monday night.


I know that probably didn't help you, but I do one of those 3 options. I used to shop every other week, but found that I ran out of produce. Saving a little extra money from the prior week to go get more produce probably wouldn't work well for me. ($$$ tends to burn a hole in my pocket :D)


I look forward to seeing what other people post.

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Now that dance is starting again and I have more than one reason to go down river to the supermarket, we go once a week.


When the pantry is bare, as it is now, we do the divide an conquer. When we go down Monday we will go to Wal-mart, Sams, Hannaford supermarket and the natural foods store.


After that the subsequent Mondays will be days to pick up things we have run out of.

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My favorite grocery store is open until midnight. I LOVE shopping there at 11:00 or so and being the only one in the store. I do that a couple of times a month for the big trips.


The kids and I go to our CSA farm every Tuesday afternoon for our pickup. And we stop at farm stands/markets a couple of times a week.


My DH did laugh at me last week whe I explained that my midnight shopping trips were my "freedom." Yep, the flour and I sometimes just go driving at night... :D



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My favorite grocery store is open until midnight. I LOVE shopping there at 11:00 or so and being the only one in the store. I do that a couple of times a month for the big trips.


The kids and I go to our CSA farm every Tuesday afternoon for our pickup. And we stop at farm stands/markets a couple of times a week.


My DH did laugh at me last week whe I explained that my midnight shopping trips were my "freedom." Yep, the flour and I sometimes just go driving at night... :D




LOL! I actually LOVE this idea, if only I weren't in a pregnant year when my energy levels are totally zapped come evening. I'll have to remember it for next year. :)

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I've been going at about 5:30-6:00 one morning during the week. I can get back before dh has to leave for work, and it means I don't have to take the boys. Mornings are reserved for school work around here, and there is only 1 afternoon that would work for me to go and it's the only day I don't have to go anywhere else, and I don't want to give that day up (it's my big cleaning afternoon).


I used to go on Saturday mornings, but now dh needs that time to study (he's taking a class at the University). I hate going on Saturday afternoons. I also used to go in the evenings, but I don't like to do that now that it gets dark earlier (I don't like loading the car in the dark). I did have a spell where I took the boys one morning a week, but now we have co-op and I can't give up another day (besides, that was pure torture).

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I know we're all busy homeschooling moms with the typical evening schedules that complicate our lives further, so given that simple fact, when and how often do you go grocery shopping? Also, do you divide and conquer the task or all go together?


Just trying to get more organized in the midst of a very busy year...


I am trying something entirely new to me. I used to be a late night shopper but am trying to get to bed earlier.


So, I am going to do my big shopping every 3 weeks. I am going today to get what I think I will need to last me these 3 weeks.


I will have to make quick grocery runs for stuff like milk, and produce. I am really really hoping this works! I hate being a slave to grocery shopping. :tongue_smilie:

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Twice a week - once is the major shopping for whatever perishables we are out of - the other is for more fresh veggies and more milk - I can do not have storage for more than three big jugs at a time and we go through almost a jug a day. I rotate which stores I go to, too - have FIVE local supermarkets!!!! I try to go weekdays, after dd is done with her schoolwork but before the local schools let out. Otherwise early on a weekend day.

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Currently DH and I have a "date " and go to Costco on Saturday ams. I don't call it a date, my kids and our friends do. DH loves Costco and all the free samples to try out new foods.


Back in the day when I was homeschooling 3 kiddoes, Fridays were our light day of school. Usually Math and then whatever else needed attention. Then we cleaned and then we headed off to the grocery store and errands if we needed to do them.

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I do it while the oldest dc are in an activity without me. If that doesn't happen, I go later in the evening on a night my dh can be home with all of them. I used to go early on Saturday morning, but that made our Saturday morning activities feel too rushed.


Oops - Forgot to add, I go to the grocery store once a week and I hit a farmer's market once a week.

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I go once a week on Friday mornings after we have finished the little bit of school that we do on Fridays. I leave the kids at home cleaning their bedrooms. My kids are 10 and 13 (almost 14) and my mom is 2 blocks away.


I took the time a year ago to create a master shopping list. I took all receipts for 3 months and used that to create the list. ALL items that are needed regularly are on the list by category (based on Wal-Mart's floorplan) with a couple of blank lines for items rarely purchased and the meat that is on sale. Very rarely do I need more than a few items from each category. We get our grocery sale flyers on Wednesdays and on Thursday I print my list, create a menu for the next week, check my items off so that I'm ready to go on Friday.


We usually run out of milk but that is purchased at a separate store on Wednesdays after church.


One thing I recently started doing to help me track expenses is to divide my items into 2 purchases - all food items and all non-food items. This has really helped us to see *where* our money is going and where we can cut back.



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The nearest grocery store used to be 30 minutes away from me. I used to go once a week, sometimes on an afternoon, sometimes in the evening, depending on what was going on in our lives at the time. I would usually go the same day/time every week for months on end and only change if there was some drasting change in our lives (ie swim lessons changed days, etc) I'm a real creature of habit and can better plan my life if I know that I'm going to the grocery store every Monday night, or whatever.


A store opened about 10 minutes away, so I still try to go only once a week, but feel the freedom to go a second time in a week if needed.


We've had such a crazy summer (house guests for 10 weeks - 6-12 people at a time in addition to our family of 6) so my shopping schedule was completely off. I was at the store every 2 or 3 days some weeks because my little European fridge couldn't hold enough for so many people. Now that everyone's gone I need to get back on schedule.

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I stock up when I see sales (for example, I bought 40 jars of spaghetti sauce the last time it was on sale, or 20-30 pounds of ground chuck etc) so I don't really have to shop often for staples. Right now my garden is still producing well so we are okay there and I've started baking my own bread so the only fresh thing I need is milk. I've gotten in the habit of shopping when we are out somewhere else. Yesterday my oldest 3 kids (10, 8, 5, 21 months, and 4 weeks) had phy ed. Normally I would run to the store during the class with the littles, however, due to the arrangement of the seats, I can't easily reach 21 month's carseat to buckle and unbuckle her. So I just waited till class was over and ran in right after. We were in and out in about 20 minutes so it wasn't hard to navigate with the 5 of them. I'll be running somewhere else today and again it will probably only be a 20 mintue stop. I just make sure to coordinate a particluar store with when I will already be in the area so I don't waste extra gas but otherwise several short trips a week work well so the kids don't get overally rambuctious. Ocassionally on the weekends my hubby will run me to a store and sit in the van with the kids while I run and grab milk but I really try to avoid the stores on the weekends because they are so packed it takes twice as long to shop just trying to navigate around all the extra people in the store.



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I took the time a year ago to create a master shopping list. I took all receipts for 3 months and used that to create the list. ALL items that are needed regularly are on the list by category (based on Wal-Mart's floorplan) with a couple of blank lines for items rarely purchased and the meat that is on sale.



One thing I recently started doing to help me track expenses is to divide my items into 2 purchases - all food items and all non-food items. This has really helped us to see *where* our money is going and where we can cut back.




These are some great ideas. I too order my grocery list according to the layout of my grocery store, but have not yet created that master grocery list. I like the idea of customizing it (w/out much thought) through the use of saved receipts. I've tried to use online master grocery lists, but they differ too much from our individual preferences. Thanks for the idea. :thumbup1:

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I know we're all busy homeschooling moms with the typical evening schedules that complicate our lives further, so given that simple fact, when and how often do you go grocery shopping? Also, do you divide and conquer the task or all go together?


Just trying to get more organized in the midst of a very busy year...


We do our big grocery shopping every two weeks when dh gets paid. I will make a few small trips between to re-stock on bread, milk, fresh produce, etc

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Preferably once week (not enough refrigerator/freezer space to go every two weeks), while dh is home with the dc, which would make it evenings or Saturdays. We went together for the first three years or so that we were married, but then I began to feel the need to have that little, bitty time alone :-)

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I usually go after dinner and take one of the kids with me. Before they were old enough to stay home alone, I'd take them all during the day. Boy, was that fun! :D


Sometimes I call DH and wheedle him into going with me.


I go once every 2 weeks for major shopping trips, count on DH to bring home milk and bread when we run out of it, and stop by about once a week for other perishable items.


Once in a great while, DH will take my list and do the shopping. One of three things happens: (1) he forgets to bring the list into the store and brings home a ton of junk food, whole milk, and whatever he remembers was on the list, (2) he buys what was on the list + a ton of junk food, (3) he values his head, so he brings home what is on the list, but doesn't know what some of it is so I end up with 9 lbs. of yellow onions because he didn't see any green onions.


I have to be really tired and completely out of food before I ask DH to go grocery shopping by himself.



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My goal is once every 2 weeks for a "big" list and I try to do that one on the weekend by myself; but have done this with all 3 lots of times due to dh's travel/work schedule. The other weeks we have a smaller stop for fresh fruit and other things I forgot on the big weeks. For our smaller stops we try to utilize our local farmer's market, there is a butcher shop there, too. I have a menu plan for at least 2 weeks out when I go for my big list and that really helps.


ETA: I forgot to add that we receive weekly deliveries of milk and eggs from a local dairy, so sometimes I can skip an entire week of going to the grocery store; that is very helpful.

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I took the time a year ago to create a master shopping list. I took all receipts for 3 months and used that to create the list. ALL items that are needed regularly are on the list by category (based on Wal-Mart's floorplan) with a couple of blank lines for items rarely purchased and the meat that is on sale. c




What a great idea! I usually jot down things as we open the last container, and then on grocery day, write them down again by aisle order, which is a pain, but the only way to keep from forgetting things. I think I'll try your idea! :)

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I go once a week....simply because it's a half hour drive to the grocery store! (We live in the boonies)


My hubby goes with me, usually on either a Tuesday or Thursday evening, and we leave the children home, with the 17yo in charge. We fill up two shopping carts and bring dinner home (sometimes it's lunchmeat, or a pre-prepared pizza, etc.)

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The plan is that I do grocery shopping once a week, after park day. (To save on gas and only drive around on Fridays most of the time.)


I go twice a month to Dream Dinners to make freezer meals.


And I make a Costco run for bulk items once/month.


Between the dinners and the once/week shopping, that should take care of food and free up both my shopping time and cooking time.


The reality is that DH often stops by the store on the way home from work to pick up a couple things that we've run out of before the week is up. Sigh. I guess that's better than getting too much and letting it spoil before we can use it.


I really dislike shopping and running around from store to store. This is about as streamlined as I have been able to make it!

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The plan is that I do grocery shopping once a week, after park day. (To save on gas and only drive around on Fridays most of the time.)


I go twice a month to Dream Dinners to make freezer meals.


And I make a Costco run for bulk items once/month.


Between the dinners and the once/week shopping, that should take care of food and free up both my shopping time and cooking time.


The reality is that DH often stops by the store on the way home from work to pick up a couple things that we've run out of before the week is up. Sigh. I guess that's better than getting too much and letting it spoil before we can use it.


I really dislike shopping and running around from store to store. This is about as streamlined as I have been able to make it!


We do wkly, because freezer cannot hold anymore.


Shel, how do you like dream dinners, is it a clean place and is it affordable or a pain in the keester?

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Every Thursday. It makes for a long day because it's such a drive, and I'm usually broke when I get home. This isn't a big deal now that "guests" have learned that you don't come over for the weekend and scarf down anything and everything edible in the house. I had this happen once and I was furious. All my groceries for the week were gone in less than 24 hours. I guess I should look at the bright side -- if teenagers like your food, you're doing something right.


We are making a special trip today to pick up milk and eggs. Fortunately, the power being out for two days we only lost what was in the fridge. The stuff in the freezer was still frozen!

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We do wkly, because freezer cannot hold anymore.


Shel, how do you like dream dinners, is it a clean place and is it affordable or a pain in the keester?


The closest Dream Dinners to me is clean and easy to use... I managed to put 13 dinners together by myself in under 2 hours, which is a LOT faster than I can assemble freezer meals here at home. If DH comes with me and we split it up, we can get done in about an hour.


Affordable...? Eh. I make the 6-serving sized dinners and it averages out to about $28/meal or $4.65/serving. We save a bit of money just because DH takes that 6th serving to work with him the next day and doesn't have to go out to lunch.


I usually do not buy their pre-made side dishes... I just get bags of frozen veggies from Trader Joes and either steam them or saute them. So that also brings up the price a bit per meal, but not by too much.


So far I can say that the dinners have been very tasty! They are not low fat or low carb, lol, but I think they have a good balance of protein and carbs and are healthier than pre-packaged meals. The serving sizes are pretty good; smaller than the average American super sized meal, but a reasonable portion. Plus it's nice to assemble the meals to our own tastes... leave out the cilantro and put in a little extra garlic, etc...


I have done freezer meals here at home as well, and that is definitely less expensive. BUT, it takes an entire weekend for me to do the shopping and get all the prep work done as well as assemble the meals and clean up, etc. So I'm paying for the convenience of having the tedious work done for me. ;)

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I *must* go alone in order to stay within my budget, LOL, and in order to keep my sanity. I try to go sometime between Friday evening and Sunday evening, because my husband is off work on those days and can stay with our younger son. I have been shopping for sale items, particularly meats, lately; and so sometimes I'll run to our nearby store to check for meat items pulled after the weekend on Monday mornings while my son is at a piano lesson.

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The plan is that I do grocery shopping once a week, after park day. (To save on gas and only drive around on Fridays most of the time.)


I go twice a month to Dream Dinners to make freezer meals.


And I make a Costco run for bulk items once/month.


Between the dinners and the once/week shopping, that should take care of food and free up both my shopping time and cooking time.


The reality is that DH often stops by the store on the way home from work to pick up a couple things that we've run out of before the week is up. Sigh. I guess that's better than getting too much and letting it spoil before we can use it.


I really dislike shopping and running around from store to store. This is about as streamlined as I have been able to make it!


Whats this?

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I used to go to Sam's club every other Thursday. Now I am trying to do it all in one trip - once a month. Then I end up at Super Walmart once every two weeks. I don't really have a set day. I just look at my schedule and find an opening. I take my mom and disabled sister along with me grocery shopping. They can't drive. So, it is a caravan and quite a day when you add in taking my two kids too.

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