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Watch as Gift for Elementary Kid?


Does your child use his/her gifted watch?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. If your child received a watch as a gift, did it get used? (Multiple choice allowed for multiple children.)

    • Yes, my child uses a watch.
    • My child used it for a while, but lost interest.
    • No, my child really never used it.
    • My child might have used it if it were more his/her style.
    • Obligatory "other"

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My older kids are in elementary school, and I thought I'd get them each a watch for Christmas...but my mom said it would be a waste of money because she doesn't know any kids who wear watches.  I wear a watch, if it makes a difference.  At any rate, I thought I'd poll the hive: is a watch a useful gift for a kid in the early elementary years, or have you had watches languishing at your house?  Thanks for your input!

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Mine have watches but they lose them frequently.  When they find them they love to wear them again but for whatever reason they can't seem to put them in a safe place when they take them off.  My youngest is like that with everything but my oldest usually keeps track of his things.  Not sure why watches are so elusive!  But they like having them.

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I voted other....since I'm answering based on my students. :) 
My 4th graders LOVE the cheap watches they got when they had a Walk to School event. VERY cheap. lol But, they are always playing with them, freaking out when they take them off and leave them in other rooms. I can only imagine how they'd feel if they had a nicer watch. 

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DS9 needed an analog watch to be able to learn time.  He also loves watches so he has many.  DS10 isn't as into watches but he wears one so he knows when activities are going to start and end when we are not at home. They pick their own watches. My parents and my in-laws are happy to buy them watches as gifts.

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Our girls got watches pretty young to help learn time--inexpensive ones with an elastic wrist band. They used them until the batteries died and apparently you can't just replace the batteries with this style. My 15 yo dd specifically asked for a watch last Christmas and she wears it regularly (it's a nicer one).

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My boys each bought watches at the dollar thrift store--my dad took them there to spend the money they earned pulling weeds for him. (Thanks, Dad. He also suggested that they buy a gift for their mom. I've got two hideous knick-knacks on my mantel.)


The watches are SO ugly. Ds12 finally lost his, but ds10 wears his frequently. It's one of those old stretchy-band watches. When he wears it, he tells us what time it is ever 5 minutes or so. Really, thanks a lot, Dad. Sigh.....


But seriously, he really likes his watch and wears it whenever he remembers and can find it.

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My DS has had a Timex kids' watch since turning four. A year later, he still wears it regularly. It's a very durable watch, surviving a trip in the swimming pool. If your kid is interested, there is absolutely no better way to teach them time. ODS was accurate to five minutes within a couple of months of daily use.


Editing to add: My DS was obsessed with time for a while before he got his watch, so a kid less rigid about times might not be as fascinated as mine was.

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Both of my kids have watches but I've only ever seen DS11 wear his, and it has been a handful of times.  Most people I know use their phone to tell the time.


This reminds me of a story.  I was at the soccer field with a friend of mine and she asked me if I had my phone on me.  I said no, that I had left it in the car.  She said too bad, she wanted to know what time it was.  I replied that I did have my watch on...

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Thanks for all the replies--this has been super helpful.  My oldest loves numbers and data and precision, so I think he'd get a kick out of a watch (especially if it had a second hand), and my daughter keeps asking if she's going to get one (though she may view it more as jewelry)...so maybe I'll give it a shot.  Timex has some pretty durable-sounding watches on Amazon for under $20, and it sounds like several of you had good luck with them.  Thanks again!

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All of my kids got a watch soon after they learned to tell time. They each wore the watch until it broke and became good at telling time (analog).

FWIW, I am not getting my kids cell phones any time soon. My old (10) frequently meets up with a friend to play at a local park (doesn't that sound like something out of the 1980s?). He usually has a time he is supposed to come home and needs a watch in order to get home on time. Since his broke, he actually takes mine with him in his pocket. 


Hmmm. Maybe he needs a watch for Christmas!

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All of my kids got a watch soon after they learned to tell time. They each wore the watch until it broke and became good at telling time (analog).

FWIW, I am not getting my kids cell phones any time soon. My old (10) frequently meets up with a friend to play at a local park (doesn't that sound like something out of the 1980s?). He usually has a time he is supposed to come home and needs a watch in order to get home on time. Since his broke, he actually takes mine with him in his pocket. 


Hmmm. Maybe he needs a watch for Christmas!


Yeah, I only just got a phone of my own and I still haven't activated it.  It will be a long time before my kids have a phone, but I still need them to be home on time.

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My 9, 11, & 16 year olds all wear watches daily.  The 13 year old used to (he now wears a survival bracelet with a compass on it).  My 15 year old never has.


The Timex Kids analog watches have really held up here.  The watch my 9 year old wears is about 12 years old (it belonged to an older boy at one time). 


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Thanks for all the replies--this has been super helpful. My oldest loves numbers and data and precision, so I think he'd get a kick out of a watch (especially if it had a second hand), and my daughter keeps asking if she's going to get one (though she may view it more as jewelry)...so maybe I'll give it a shot. Timex has some pretty durable-sounding watches on Amazon for under $20, and it sounds like several of you had good luck with them. Thanks again!

We got a simple Timex analog watch for my son when he was 5 or 6 and learning to tell time. He wore it daily until a camp counselor who was holding it lost it. So, he kept it and used it daily for about 2 years, we plan to replace it for his upcoming birthday.


I think it really depends on the child as to how often it will be used.

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I got my older boy a watch for his birthday when he was able to tell time. I got it at Target and it cost less than 20$.  It was lost in about a week and he never mentioned it again.  He is now 15 and none of his friends wear a watch, they all have phones. DS uses his phone for quite a lot of time related things, it is his alarm clock, reminders, he times himself for exams etc. He really uses the watch function, but it's in his pocket, not his wrist.


I didn't bother with my younger boy. None of his friends wear one and he didn't see the point. 


We do have clocks (not digital!) in a couple rooms and they do check those, so they can tell time.


I should also add that none of my adult peers wear a watch either.  I never have and I am in my 40s, neither has DH. If you walk up to a group of parents and ask what time it is, everyone reaches for their pockets to check their phone.

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My son got a watch for his birthday in August and wears it 24/7 (it's waterproof so even in the bath and when swimming).


My youngest has one that she wears sporadically.


My oldest doesn't wear a watch at all but she has a phone. 


ETA:  I wear a watch everyday.  It's a casual gold/silver one that was a gift from DH.

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I voted "other" because my 9 year old has been asking for a watch for awhile. I don't know if, or how long, it will be used.  She says she would like to have one when she's playing outside or at a friend's house so she can quickly see if it's time to go home.


Now that I think about it, my 12 year old wore his watch often until he lost it. It was useful at Scout camp so he could keep track of merit badge classes while having freedom around the camp.

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