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Does bleeding always mean miscarriage...


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I'm pregnant, but only 5-6 weeks. Haven't seen a doctor yet and this early there's not much that can be done anyway so I see little point in going in. 


I know some women bleed in pregnancy and it's totally ok, but I've had three babies and NEVER bled during pregnancy with any of them. The only time I ever bled, I miscarried.


Is there anything I can do, or any hope that this isn't a miscarriage?

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No, bleeding does not always mean miscarriage.  I had a miscarriage once, bleeding for about a week ahead of time, and then the next time I got pregnant I bled pretty bright red blood for a day or so (not a ton, but enough to be concerning).  I thought for sure I was miscarrying again. That baby is now seven and watching "Cinderella" with us right now.  I hope it works out well for you and congratulations. 

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I had one miscarriage (1st pregnancy). With my last baby, before I knew I was pregnant, I had crazy heavy bleeding that I called my OB about after hours because it reminded me of my miscarriage. It turned into what seemed to be a fairly normal cycle, but I was actually pregnant. I don't know if I miscarried a twin? Anyway, there are also people with subchorionic bleeds that go on to have healthy babies. I hope everything is okay. Can you get checked out? :grouphug:

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I was 9 weeks and positive I was miscarrying. Bright red bleeding, terrible cramps, nausea... We were camping in the middle of nowhere so we drove 4 hours to the nearest ER concerned it was ectopic, but were told that was unlikely and I was probably miscarrying and should just go home. For two weeks I thought I had miscarried. I was waiting for insurance to come through to see a OB/gyn . When I finally did, it was so amazing to see that first ultrasound that I just cried. Although, in my defense, my appointment was the morning of 9/11/01 and so there was a lot of confusion and crying going on that day in general.

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my first, I had bleeding and thought I was miscarrying, but it turned out we had a situation, there's a name for it, can't remember it...but the placenta was attached a bit on one side, there was a good size gap where it was not attached and then it was attached.  I had to be careful and on partial bed-rest for a few weeks, but then it was okay. That baby is 20 now :)  


thinking good thoughts for you.  Get checked out.

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I don't want to get your hopes up, however, I had what really looked like a full period with Elizabeth.  She was the one right after the little girl we lost and I'll tell you I was a basket case.  Thank God she was just fine.  Bleeding lasted three days.  She is a beautiful healthy little girl.  One never can tell.

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I had sporadic bleeding from implantation through week ... I don't know, 10 or so? My doctors kept "preparing" me for a miscarriage, acting as if it were a foregone conclusion or that my baby had already died. We even did the blood test at one point that showed that my pregnancy hormone levels weren't rising as fast as they should, and the doctors told me there was a very high chance of miscarriage based on that alone even without the bleeding. They told me not to bother taking it easy or anything; that whatever would happen would happen and there was nothing to be done.


On the advice of several nurses, I took it very easy anyway for several weeks--not quite bed rest, but close. My baby survived and grew and is now 5 years old, and I still deal with bitterness over those doctors acting as if she were dead.

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I bled with dudeling, never with the others.  I've never miscarried.


I started bleeding about six-seven weeks. my ob sent me to the ER to determine if I was miscarrying or not. an internal US can detect a heartbeat at that stage. (we had a good one)  as well as where the blood was coming from. every time I bled, until finally I said I'm letting you know, and if it gets worse or I get concerned, I'll come in.


I had what is called "implantation bleeding".  a pocket forms behind the developing placenta, and that is where the blood was coming from.  I bled off and on for six weeks.  coincidently, I developed a small abruption at 7 mos. and bled off an on for the rest of the pregnancy.  I looked at my placenta after delivery - and it was very clear where it had not attached to the uterine wall.


questions your dr will ask. what color is the blood?  how much blood is there? are there any clots (not the same thing as coagulated blood)  is there any cramping?  My dr did tell me you can loose a chunk of the placenta - and still have a healthy baby.


they also did blood work to track the levels of HcG.  it climbs while the pregnancy is establishing itself, then descends as the pregnancy progresses.  that's normal. there was other blood work that can also be done.



eta: I also ended up with pneumonia at this time and could barely do anything.


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I had bleeding around 5 weeks into 6 weeks with my oldest child. It started off red but slowed down to brown spotting. I had an u/s at 6 weeks 2 days to check on things and only a yolk sac was seen. I thought the worse and knew from the interwebz that usually you can see something at 6 weeks. 2 weeks later at the follow up there was a little baby bean with arm and leg buds and a strong heartbeat.

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I had bleeding around 5 weeks into 6 weeks with my oldest child. It started off red but slowed down to brown spotting. I had an u/s at 6 weeks 2 days to check on things and only a yolk sac was seen. I thought the worse and knew from the interwebz that usually you can see something at 6 weeks. 2 weeks later at the follow up there was a little baby bean with arm and leg buds and a strong heartbeat.

I had exactly the same. I knew my dates were exactly right so it couldn't just be that I was less far along than I thought. They just said it didn't look positive. They blood tests show increase but not as much as they should have. ds is 8 now and healthy. They ultrasound dates at 12 weeks and 20 weeks insisted my dates were a week out too though. I also had pink mucous a little like they bloody show in labour. There was no reason as in no cysts, placenta nowhere near cervix etc.

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Bleeding doesn't always mean a miscarriage, especially if it is spotting or scant red and stops. I've had early bleeding with three pregnancies - one was a miscarriage and the other two are two and seven years old. I actually bled fairly heavily - one was implantation bleeding and the other was a a bleed in my placenta and a really friable cervix. Neither caused any real issues, it was just scary. With the implantation bleeding I was about five and a half weeks along, we figured she was just burrowing in really deep to settle down for the long haul :)


I'm praying this is nothing and your baby is healthy!

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If you go in, they can test your HCG level to see if it is rising. They can also do an ultrasound to see if the yoke sack looks as it should for 5 weeks.


As someone who has had a number of miscarriages, usually without prior spotting or bleeding, I can say you never can tell. Getting more information can help relive your fears or help prepare you if you are starting to miscarry.


I hope all is well and you have a baby in 8 months.

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I bled about the same time as you, for about a week, and that child is currently eating a P&J sandwich for breakfast. :001_smile:  I also have relatives who thought they had their period their first month of pregnancy (and sometimes beyond!).  


Praying for a good outcome for you.  Please keep us posted.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I bled with my second, and it was frightening. It turned out that I had a low-lying placenta, and it was almost covering my cervix, which was causing the bleeding (which went on for a week or so). My MWs just monitored to make sure my placenta shifted to where it needed to be, which it did. The bleeding stopped after that.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  to you, mama. I hope all is well with you.

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The bleeding is coming and going, definitely more than spotting, but less than a period, so if I am miscarrying it hasn't actually passed through yet. 


Having said that, began feeling queasy yesterday. Unsure if this is good or bad, since I don't get 'a little bit queasy', I become debilitatingly ill from the first day it hits, so being just a little sick is a mixed signal. Then again, if it's a boy, I don't know what to expect in that regard since there's a lot of evidence that people who suffer hyperemesis with girls often are less sick with boys. 


Reading the stories here is reassuring though. When I first saw the blood I was convinced baby was gone, and was dismissing any bodily symptoms as leftover hormones. But reading stories here and finding out it's quite possible things are ok, I'm paying attention to my body again, and I'm thinking that baby is still alive in there. other symptoms might be coming on slowly but they aren't decreasing.


The doctors were closed over the weekend and the hospital wouldn't have seen me for mild spotting with no other issues this early on. I have an appointment at the doctors in a couple of hours though. I'm a little skeptical, I haven't had a good history with doctors actually taking my first-trimester concerns and issues seriously, and the last time I miscarried I was told not to bother coming in unless I began feeling unwell. But, we'll see.

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The bleeding is coming and going, definitely more than spotting, but less than a period, so if I am miscarrying it hasn't actually passed through yet. 


Having said that, began feeling queasy yesterday. Unsure if this is good or bad, since I don't get 'a little bit queasy', I become debilitatingly ill from the first day it hits, so being just a little sick is a mixed signal. Then again, if it's a boy, I don't know what to expect in that regard since there's a lot of evidence that people who suffer hyperemesis with girls often are less sick with boys. 


Reading the stories here is reassuring though. When I first saw the blood I was convinced baby was gone, and was dismissing any bodily symptoms as leftover hormones. But reading stories here and finding out it's quite possible things are ok, I'm paying attention to my body again, and I'm thinking that baby is still alive in there. other symptoms might be coming on slowly but they aren't decreasing.


The doctors were closed over the weekend and the hospital wouldn't have seen me for mild spotting with no other issues this early on. I have an appointment at the doctors in a couple of hours though. I'm a little skeptical, I haven't had a good history with doctors actually taking my first-trimester concerns and issues seriously, and the last time I miscarried I was told not to bother coming in unless I began feeling unwell. But, we'll see.


Queasy is great. :)

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Probably positive results at the ultrasound. She said she couldn't see a baby yet (i thought it would be visible by then...).


She said however that the endometrium was nice and thick, so assuming I am, in fact, pregnant, I'm probably not miscarrying. We don't know what IS happening, the bleeding begins each morning and stops each afternoon for three days now, but it doesn't seem to be a miscarriage.


The chances of three false positive pregnancy tests (with someone who has not taken fertility medication) are pretty much none, right? My doctor was doing the whole 'well we need to check that you're actually pregnant first' thing, which has me slightly second guessing myself. 


Going back tomorrow for blood test results. 

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Probably positive results at the ultrasound. She said she couldn't see a baby yet (i thought it would be visible by then...).


She said however that the endometrium was nice and thick, so assuming I am, in fact, pregnant, I'm probably not miscarrying. We don't know what IS happening, the bleeding begins each morning and stops each afternoon for three days now, but it doesn't seem to be a miscarriage.


The chances of three false positive pregnancy tests (with someone who has not taken fertility medication) are pretty much none, right? My doctor was doing the whole 'well we need to check that you're actually pregnant first' thing, which has me slightly second guessing myself. 


Going back tomorrow for blood test results. 


it's probably early to see the heart beat.  I was just over seven weeks, and the heart beat was good and strong- couldn't see a baby otherwise.

false positives are very unusual.  I read up on them with dudeling - it was just so hard for me to believe I was pg - then I started bleeding. very recent previous pg, is most likely to cause a false positive.  (false negatives, are *very* common.)


pg tests measure HcG - only produced during pregnancy.

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