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I bet this didn't happen to you this weekend


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Murphy, Murphy, Murphy. Do you live near a city that has a pet emergency clinic? I would call them. Sounds like something else is going on with your dog than pain and humping. Honestly, Martha. How disturbing.

The pain medication were upped by the vet we saw twice last week. Blood work, X-rays and so forth have been done. And yes, I've called my vet, but they have not called me back yet.


And yes. I'm rather disturbed by this too!

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My vet called back. I don't think I have ever been so flustered and red-faced while explaining something to a vet.


Vet was honest that this was not a call he had ever had before.


Vet said to not use ice and to try to get him to walk it off and go potty. Dog hasn't wanted to move, much less walk. He is mostly laying here acting both relieved to be rescued and wanting to dig a hole to bury himself in.


If it isn't improved and or he hasn't peed and walking about by morning, I should bring him in.



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I've had this happen, at the vet clinic I worked at. Yes, you need to use lubricant. Usually what has happend is part of the prepuce (doggy foreskin) has gotten rolled under, as in rolled in on itself, and that's preventing the penis from retracting. Lube and actually pulling out that bit that has rolled in was what was needed. There is a name for it, want to say phimosis?


Edited to add: paraphimosis. http://www.petmd.com/blogs/thedailyvet/pmahaney/2013/june/paraphimosis-pet-emergency-or-owner-embrassment-30463


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I've had this happen, at the vet clinic I worked at. Yes, you need to use lubricant. Usually what has happend is part of the prepuce (doggy foreskin) has gotten rolled under, as in rolled in on itself, and that's preventing the penis from retracting. Lube and actually pulling out that bit that has rolled in was what was needed. There is a name for it, want to say phimosis?


Edited to add: paraphimosis. http://www.petmd.com/blogs/thedailyvet/pmahaney/2013/june/paraphimosis-pet-emergency-or-owner-embrassment-30463


Another new adventure.

Like KY stuff mentioned on TV?

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I've had this happen, at the vet clinic I worked at. Yes, you need to use lubricant. Usually what has happend is part of the prepuce (doggy foreskin) has gotten rolled under, as in rolled in on itself, and that's preventing the penis from retracting. Lube and actually pulling out that bit that has rolled in was what was needed. There is a name for it, want to say phimosis?


Edited to add: paraphimosis. http://www.petmd.com/blogs/thedailyvet/pmahaney/2013/june/paraphimosis-pet-emergency-or-owner-embrassment-30463

I looked at the link ... Um. Way, way more penis is out that that itty bit of pink nub shown in the picture. Like the entire thing. But I texted my husband to bring some lube home.

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Dh was on his way home from Texas when I texted him.


Because I refuse to call when I know he is driving.


So he called me to laugh about the funny autocorrect of whatever my text was supposed to be because it said "bring home KY please"


No. That's correct. I need you to come home with some feminine lubricant. And hung up on him. Because he is driving damn it. And I'm sorta laughing so I don't cry at this point and ending up doing both. Because really this is just the perfect addition to a bunch of other stuff going on and I don't need his mouthiness at the moment.


*deep breathing*

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Dh comes in the door in record time with a confused concerned smile and a bottle of salted caramel flavored lubricant.


He is all fun and games about how his bride of 22 years still manages to surprise him.


Then he is all fun and laughing his butt off and shaking his head about the kind of stuff that can only happen in our house and hugging me in sympathy for my trials.


It's all fun and games until I get to the part about HIM using the salted caramel lube to cajole the penis back in.


Oh and we are out of latex gloves, but I have some grocery plastic bags if that helps.


He couldn't get it back in all the way despite rather forceful to my eye efforts and half the bottle of lube.


And the dog did not like salted caramel. As soon as we stopped, he went to town trying to work things out (in?) on his own and promptly gagged on the carpet.


He did however walk outside to pee and poop. What a craptastic day where that is progress.


Crap like this is why June Cleaver was always needing to share a drink with her husband by 4 in the afternoon.

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I hope he's better, but the salted caramel is just too funny. :lol:


I think this is one for the WTM record books.


How is your dd feeling about her doll?

Yep. This is probably going to be a WTM epic:)

What? Have a problem that just won't go away? Well, did you try the caramel salted KY? That solves everything!


Seriously though, poor doggie. I hope things have sorted themselves out this morning.

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The poor little guy.  Hope he's back to rights this morning.  


The first time that happened (minus the doll) to my dog, he also patiently endured a cold pack to the privates with no effect. I took him to the vet and was a little embarrassed when the vet flipped everything back into place in about 2 seconds. I was able to handle it from then on. The worst was when it happened at the airport.  Not something you like to do in front of people, I assure you.  :o



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Dh comes in the door in record time with a confused concerned smile and a bottle of salted caramel flavored lubricant.


He is all fun and games about how his bride of 22 years still manages to surprise him.



Well you can hardly fault the man, between your request for KY and your deep breaths.


What I want to know is if you're going to go with the increased dose of pain meds for Geriatric Poodle again today? Seeing as how it resulted in improved vigor and all yesterday. 


Of course, you might want to lock down all the long haired dolls in the house first. And tell friends to leave their female dogs at home when they come to visit.

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The list of Reasons We Don't Have Pets just got longer.


Yes, same here. 


Next time the girls present a well-researched case for "Why We Need A Dog" I just might unleash this one on them. Disallowing a female dog as an argument, if they can listen to that story and come up with good reasons and probably a signed contract that they will deal with it if it happens, they just might win a dog. :leaving:

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O.M.G. It hasn't even been two weeks since my hysterectomy. I am about to seriously bust a gut here! I am clutching my pillow to my abdomen and trying to wipe the tears before I have to explain anything.


Martha - I hope your dog is much better this morning. 


This thread has to win a WTM award.

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Well, that didn't happen to any of us that weekend, but the rest of us have now had the experience of compulsively checking an internet homeschool forum for the status of a geriatric dog penis. I mean, that's a new one.  :laugh:


I'm sorry it ended with an unexpected vet bill (I've got horses; I know how bad those bills hurt!), but I'm glad your pup is ok! 

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So, how did you explain this to your daughter?

*confused* Explain what. She was right there. So it was rather obvious what had happened while I was flipping him over and carefully trimming doll hair out of the way. She thought it was gross and ugly and stupid. I tend to agree with her.


Sadly this dog has a history of cat and doll assault. He used to hump one of our cats all the time. That was an interesting conversation starter when I'd be sharing a cuppa and conversation with someone in the living room and that would happen. And everyone who wasn't in the know thought it was cute how he would go running through a room with a doll in his mouth carrying it away caveman style to some private room. Like the kitchen. Thankfully this was never the result before. I don't know if he just picked the wrong doll or was unusually vigorous due to happy pain pills.


The doll is fine. A few strands of her loopy hair are no longer loopy and she's been put through the washer.

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Oh, Martha....   :lol:







Dh comes in the door in record time with a confused concerned smile and a bottle of salted caramel flavored lubricant.

He is all fun and games about how his bride of 22 years still manages to surprise him.

Then he is all fun and laughing his butt off and shaking his head about the kind of stuff that can only happen in our house and hugging me in sympathy for my trials.

It's all fun and games until I get to the part about HIM using the salted caramel lube to cajole the penis back in....

Crap like this is why June Cleaver was always needing to share a drink with her husband by 4 in the afternoon.

I must have missed that particular episode...



(Glad to hear your pooch is back to business.) 

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