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Fill in this blank: The best thing I ever did for my complexion was __________.


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Paula's Choice products & Mineral makeup.

 I've been using the PaulasChoice products for 10 years and I actually get compliments on my skin.  I also use sunscreen daily (necessary in a higher altitude, sunny place).  I've gotten my DH started as well as DD and the products have changed their skin as well- which makes me a believer all over again.  I will never try any other products or waste money on marketing claims again. :)

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Get a prescription topical antibiotic that 90% healed my adult acne. Yaz fixed the rest, though I am no longer on it. The Clindamyacin made my skin practically perfect, after years and years of continuous break-outs.

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Just HAVING a skin regimen, IMO!  After I read Don't Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me by Paula Begoun, I realized that I needed to get going on taking care of my face!


I noticed a huge difference in my early 30's once I started using exfoliant--both BHA and AHA; I use Paula's Choice, but there are many good brands.  


Now that I'm in my 40's, a good retinol product (this one: http://www.paulaschoice.com/shop/skin-care-categories/retinol-treatments/_/Clinical-One-Percent-Retinol-Treatment/?=) is making a big difference.  

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Duac cream. I was fine until age 35, then cystic acne appeared overnight. After several years of fighting it through more washing, less washing, more moisturizer, less moisturizer, this product, that diet, and everything in between, I saw a dermatologist, and started using the cream. I now have one or maybe two breakouts a year. Big difference.

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The best thing I ever did for my complexion was be born with it


Sorry!  Probably not what you wanted to hear, but that would be my fill-in-the-blank answer. I've long used moisturizer, but I only use it about twice a week.  I've used fancy face washes, I've used bar soap (that's what I use most), I never remove makeup before bed, etc. I'm not wrinkle free (I'm 49 and especially have crow's feet, but I have since I was young), but I do have healthy looking skin. 

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I have very oily skin and hair with acne that comes and goes (but not cystic acne). Going gluten free seemed to make a difference, though I wouldn't necessarily advise that; it was just a good thing that came from it.


Besides that, Trader Joe's tea tree oil soap (the bar soap) and probiotics (Renew Life).


Avoiding excess sugar helps too.


Once in a great while, I moisturize with natural lotion (homemade coconut oil base).



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Microdermabrasion. L'Oréal made a fantastic kit about 10-11 years ago, and I still look back at pictures from that time, and think my skin looks better than it ever did before or since. I use an Olay kit now that's decent, but not as spectacular. I wish I could buy the other one again, just so I could see if works as well on my mid-30s skin as did on my mid-20s skin.

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Treating each break out like mini infections. I'd treat each pimple with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol and neosporin every night.


Now that I'm no longer in Florida - hello oil and humidity - I wash my face with water mostly unless I've used makeup.  I moisturize every night with a heavy cream during winter and a lighter one during summer.

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Second best would be a topical retinal product and a good moisturizer, btw - and mineral foundation (I use meow cosmetics and they're amazing). I have scarred, acne prone skin that gets compliments all the time, because nobody can tell. Half the time they don't even think I'm wearing foundation. Hard to believe, knowing my face can do a great imitation of a moonscape!

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Using cosmetics that are also skin treatments- tinted moisturizer with natural spf, eye makeup with anti aging serum in it, makeup remover that has vit e and other oils, etc. I don't like to even spend five minutes of skin care routine so double duty products are the way to go for me.

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For adult acne:  I went to the dermatologist and got this erythromycin topical solution and prescription benzoyl peroxide.  I used both religiously for several months and then just the erythromycin for another several months.  It has been 25 years, and I haven't had a problem since.

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start washing with honey.


Yep. I have always had excellent skin but since washing with honey my old skin looks a good as it did in younger days. Not teenager good but good.


I stopped using soap and face cleansers a few years ago. I only wash with warm water and a wash cloth, then moisturize. A couple of times a month I will do a yogurt and honey mask.


Are you using Manuka honey or local honey? 

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Well, I'll tell you this:  my son's complexion is completely different when he is on/off sugar.


Me, I've got eczema but my face always looks great, skin-wise.  No soap, ever.  California Baby Calendula cream, not lotion.  No oil.  


But mostly I think it is the mercy of God because the rest of my skin is a wreck.  I am truly thankful as one does have to "face" the world, whereas one can (and does) wear long sleeves, gloves, socks and long pants most of the time.  




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