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Unexpected Early Arrival


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Dd2 arrived last night at 34 weeks, six days. She weighs 6 pounds, 7 ounces and is 19.5 inches long. She's in the NICU with a CPAP to help her breathing, but otherwise seems healthy. (I went into labor without warning, so she didn't get the steroids.) Doctor was suggesting a VBAC, but she was breech, so that was ruled out. I have to say this c-section was so much easier than my first! Skipping the whole pushing thing is pretty great.


Everything was so sudden, and I haven't held her yet, it doesn't quite seem real...

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Congratulations! I hope you get to hold her soon!


As far as recovery, make sure you rest as much as you did with your first c-section. You'll probably feel less pain, but your body will still need that rest. I was so thrilled at the relative lack of pain, that I was going for walks and lifting things heavier than the baby the week after. Bad idea, a very bad idea. Sit on the couch, cuddle the baby, and ask for help with anything else.

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Wow! I'm sorry she didn't wait around for your plans but it sounds like everything went very well. I hope her breathing improves and you can take her home soon!


Now, where are our cute baby pictures, eh?!


How is your recovery going? My c-section was pretty brutal the first few weeks, I hope they gave you plenty of the good stuff so you're in no pain.

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DS was 34w5d and a little smaller than that, and we had him home in a week, but it was a little longer before he caught on to nursing--but he still caught up to average size by his 4-month check-up.



Take it easy, like PPs have said, and don't overdo.




And now on behalf of the Hive: We demand politely request a baby picture, in order that we may "Awww" in your general direction from all over the planet.

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