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Do you sleep through the night?


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I usually sleep through the night, from 10:30 to 6:30. I normally fall asleep within minutes.

Occasionally I wake up and can't go back to sleep, like the past night; I get up and do something for an hour and then go back to sleep.

If I slept through, I feel rested and energetic. If I was awake, it depends on when I went back to bed: if there was enough time for a full sleep cycle, I feel rested and energetic. If the alarm wakes me from deep sleep, I'm groggy.

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I used to. Then I had babies. Now that they are all old, I still rarely sleep through the night. At this point, my hormones seem to believe I should get up at 3 and go back to bed about 6. I generally sleep from 9 or 10 until 3 or 4. Then again from 6-8 or 9. I have found that if I can get an afternoon nap in for anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour that I stand a better chance of sleeping all night, or at least being able to go back to sleep shortly after waking at 3.

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Usually - sort of.  I go to bed around 9pm and fall asleep within minutes - maybe seconds.  I rarely wake up before midnight and could probably sleep through our fire alarm until then, but by 1 or 2am I'm a light sleeper and will wake up for storms or other unusual things, but I can fall back asleep after stirring.  By 4-5am I'm up and can't go back to sleep.  Trying to at that point is really painful and pointless, so I just get up.


Even if I go to bed at midnight, I can't go back to sleep after 5am or so at the latest, so I really need to watch how late I go to bed.  More recently, I've been getting daily naps to help with that since late nights have been a reality up until the last couple of nights.  College kids at home will do that to a mama.  ;)  Naps in middle age aren't really a chore either.  I kinda like them!


I never need an alarm clock.  If I need to get up at 2am, it's no problem.  I'll wake up around 1:50am naturally.  My brain seems to have an internal clock.  That clock works with spring forward, but not fall back.  It takes me quite a while to adjust to sleeping later, but not earlier.  I've no idea why.  I've always been that way.  It drove my parents crazy when I was a wee lass.   :D

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It depends on how much water I drank close to bedtime. :-)


I'm probably about 50-50 sleeping through or waking up. DH works the night shift once or twice a week, so I'm always up at least once or twice on those nights because I can hear his pager from the bedroom. If I drink a glass of water too close to bed, I'm definitely up. 

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I suppose if you feel fine in the morning, it's not really a problem, is it? It's just your sleep pattern for this stage of your life.

That's the thing. I'm tired all the time. I've had blood tests. There is no medical reason. I just assumed I was a low-energy type of person.

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Nope... haven't slept through the night in 17 +years. I always wake during the night. Sometimes to just use the restroom a few times and can go back to sleep. Other times I wake and stay awake for an hour or 2 until I can drift back off to sleep. I have tried everything that has been recommended for better sleep, none of which seems to work except some heavy medication like Xanax. 

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I didn't used to, but I'm so exhausted now I sleep like the dead if my kids let me. The baby, however, thinks sleeping through the night is for schmoes who don't know the wonders of midnight snacks. He is still waking 2-3 times most nights. It sucks.

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That's the thing. I'm tired all the time. I've had blood tests. There is no medical reason. I just assumed I was a low-energy type of person.



Have you had a sleep study? Even if you do not snore (and I maintain that I do not), you can have sleep apnea that can wake you up at night. I have moderate sleep apnea and was waking up at least partially 16 times per hour. No wonder I felt like a zombie! I started APAP (like CPAP) less than a month ago and feel like a new human. Seriously. I sleep less, but feel more rested. 


I do have to tinkle once a night. Can't blame that on the sleep apnea, just a direct result of tea before bed.

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That's the thing. I'm tired all the time. I've had blood tests. There is no medical reason. I just assumed I was a low-energy type of person.


My husband complains of a similar thing.  He's tired all the time and he sleeps like crap.  He's had all kind of medical tests.  They haven't found anything.


I sleep like a rock and I wake up very refreshed.

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I used to sleep great (aside from babies waking me up) but then when my hormones and thyroid went wonky sleep issues were my largest complaint. Now I'm sleeping again and it is freakin' glorious- I think it is a combo of treating my thyroid (my sleep improved pretty much immediately after starting thyroid hormones), my hormone levels getting better (I was low on progesterone and supplemented a bit but seem to be making enough on my own now-progesterone can really help big time with sleep), and food (ie not eating foods that bother me and keeping my glucose levels stable). Not sleeping is not normal! I'd keep looking to see if you can figure out what is going on.

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I go to bed sometime between 10PM and midnight. My toddler wakes me up at 2:30AM pretty much every night, because he won't go to the bathroom by himself. My husband gets up at 4AM, and this wakes me (he has hearing loss, so the alarm wakes me but not make deep sleeping husband who needs quite a bit of help waking), though whether this is still "night" is debatable, but as I go back to sleep for another couple hours, I consider it night. So, I get up at least twice, sometimes more if someone else needs me in the night additionally. I pretty much always awake tired and crabby. 

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Nope.  I wake up many, many times per night.  I have a back issue and any time I need to change position, I wake up.  I can't stay in one place for very long or I start to hurt, so that means I wake up every hour or so. There are some times that I can just fall back asleep, and sometimes I am up for an hour or more.

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I usually do.  Well, now.  I spent more than 15 years with kids under 3, not getting any exercise, with terrible eating habits, and some real anxiety/stress issues.  Obviously there are other reasons for sleep interruption, but I got rid of mine.
I mean, I didn't get rid of the kids. They just grew up!

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I go to bed sometime between 10PM and midnight. My toddler wakes me up at 2:30AM pretty much every night, because he won't go to the bathroom by himself. My husband gets up at 4AM, and this wakes me (he has hearing loss, so the alarm wakes me but not make deep sleeping husband who needs quite a bit of help waking), though whether this is still "night" is debatable, but as I go back to sleep for another couple hours, I consider it night. So, I get up at least twice, sometimes more if someone else needs me in the night additionally. I pretty much always awake tired and crabby. 


Your husband needs a Fitbit Charge.  Even if he doesn't use any other of its functions, it has a silent alarm that vibrates on your wrist.  I use it because I often wear earplugs, and so I otherwise have to use a very loud alarm.


If I'm exercising regularly, I do sleep straight through the night. If I'm not exercising regularly, I don't sleep well.


Yes - I need to exercise to sleep.  At least a couple of miles of brisk walking.  I can get away with skipping one day, but beyond that I don't sleep.

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I fall asleep quickly and almost always stay asleep all night. Sometimes, I may get up to use the bathroom, but ordinarily have no trouble settling myself again and sleeping the rest of the night. I only have sleep trouble if something very upsetting or stressful is going on.


P.S. Caffeine too close to bedtime does affect me and wires me.

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P.S. Caffeine too close to bedtime does affect me and wires me.


Caffeine is what I use when I need to stay up past 9pm (esp if I want to be cheerful).  I literally can't do it without it - it's way too easy for me to fall asleep.  Coming back off that extra caffeine is a bear though.  Still, there are times when it's worth it.


I don't need caffeine to be awake & chipper in the morning.

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CPAP here. Sound sleeper. I no longer wake to pee unless I down a bottle of water right before bed.


I was diagnosed with sleep apnea prior to gaining weight and I didn't snore.


I was tired, and woke often to pee. My dr at the time required sleep studies before trying meds to sleep (I think that should be standard).

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Yes but my sleep schedule has changed.  About 9 months ago I started to fall asleep at exactly 10 pm and wake up between 6 and 6:30.  I used to go to sleep at 11 and sometimes sleep until 8 but I went through a period where I was waking up at night and then it all changed.


It's so bad that at 10, I can't even keep my eyes open and I can't sleep in anymore.  I am wide awake at 6ish.  No alarms or anything.  And it flows with time zones and changes. 

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I only sleep through the night if I'm completely exhausted--as in, haven't slept for 24 hours or more exhausted.


As a child, I woke with nightmares almost every night and had a hard time getting back to sleep. Now I don't deal with nightmares so much, but I routinely wake at least once to go to the bathroom and sometimes much more than once. Tired is my default state of being; I have very little energy. That and some other symptoms made me wonder if I had issues with my thyroid, but apparently my test results came back normal (the government doctor who ordered the tests after hearing of my symptoms during my exam for medical clearance to move with my husband to his next post--she never bothered to forward me a copy of the results :glare: but she did grant my medical clearance, so I assume they were normal).

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I only sleep through the night when my insomniac dh leaves the bedroom. If he stays in the room I wake up between 2 and 3 am because of the glow from the computer screen or the clickity clack of the keyboard or because he decides to turn the tv on.

Occasionally I will wake up due to night sweats but that is a rare occurrence.

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Have you had a sleep study? Even if you do not snore (and I maintain that I do not), you can have sleep apnea that can wake you up at night. I have moderate sleep apnea and was waking up at least partially 16 times per hour. No wonder I felt like a zombie! I started APAP (like CPAP) less than a month ago and feel like a new human. Seriously. I sleep less, but feel more rested. 


I do have to tinkle once a night. Can't blame that on the sleep apnea, just a direct result of tea before bed.


Funny, teA before bed tends to help me sleep more soundly. Especially invigorating teA... :blushing: :blushing: :D





Which given your post count probably makes no sense, but I just couldn't help myself! :leaving:

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Yes. With the exception of when I was nursing babies I always have. It used to be that I went to bed at midnight or later, but now that dh is on first shift for the summer, we're heading to bed around 9:30-10pm and getting up around 5:30-5:45am. It weirds me out a little, tbh, to see that side of the day.

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Everyone wakes up throughout the night but we generally don't remember it.  Why do you wake up?  Bathroom trips?  Too hot or cold?  Pain in your hips/back?  Noises outside?  Too much light in the room?  Dh snoring?  


ETA:  I sleep through the night but wake up too early due to light coming into the windows.  I wish I could sleep a little later.

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Yeah, pretty much! My 4 year old has taken to waking me up in the middle of the night asking me to put a pony tail in her hair, or if she has to go to the bathroom. And sometimes I have hot flashes. But if none of those occur, I am able to sleep through the night without waking.

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When I'm not pregnant yes :) I typically go to bed by 11pm-12am and then wake at 7am-ish. I never ever wake between those short of something wrong (illness, loud noise outside, kids waking, etc). But even those interruptions are maybe once every 3-4 weeks. 


Now when I'm pregnant I wake in the middle of the night every night at the same time, but it's different for each pregnancy. This time it's 4-5am...very inconvenient because there's not much time to fall back to sleep. The time I wake usually ends up being the time I go into labor in the end. Anywhere from 2am with my second to 5am with this one. 


I wonder if maybe you have sleep apnea? I had that as a kid and it can creep in and cause fatigue during the day and nighttime waking. Or it could be hormone related (thyroid, estrogen, progesterone) or even generalized anxiety? 

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I never sleep all night.  I am always up every few hours, and that's on good nights.  I have tried about everything possible to sleep.  My insomnia is remarkably resilient.  Sometimes I don't sleep at all, or only get a couple of hours.  I had about 4-5 days in a row of that last week.

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