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What are your you/your kids doing this summer?


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Especially those of you that have teens just starting high school?


It would be nice to get an elective or two in now before high school officially starts in September.


I'm going to do a Study Skills Course for my older DS and some of his friends. We are also going to do 6-8 awesome art projects this summer with the same friends (and their younger siblings who are friends with my middle DS) and some science labs/kits.


All my kids are continuing with Juijitsu that they are doing 4 days a week. Older DS goes 8 hours a week! He is surprised he is starting to get muscles! 


And we have a 3 week trip planned to England and Scotland. So excited!


What about you?

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I'm no longer homeschooling. So, I'm just working this summer and driving my (just finished his first year of college) teen around on his break.

He's doing two community theatre shows, taking a class at the community college, teaching a class at his local dance school and building himself a workshop in the garage of our new rental house.

Edit: Oops, I forgot to mention that, assuming he can work out the scheduling around the above items, my son plans to head to NYC to crash on his big sister's couch for a week and take a bunch of dance classes up there.

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My boys were shocked, dismayed and disgruntled to hear that they will be doing summer reading, math, and music in July. Just like every. other. summer.


I bought the boys summer bus passes and a pool pass.


We designated July at-home month, so we've got one doing a summer camp, one doing a counselor-in-training program, and one doing summer ballet.


August will be "let's decided what we want to do today" month. :)


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My older kids are taking a well-deserved break in the US this summer. Oldest ds should be able to get his driver licence finally.  Middle ds will be finishing some history reading in a topic he likes and finishing working through LOF Advanced Algebra though.  The rest of us having some serious Mexico exploration planned before we have to leave.

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Dd17: 2 weeks of overnight naturecamp (totally awesome outdoor academic program she's done a few years) teaching swim lessons, assisting at her ballet studio, attending dance intensive. Summer reading and starting college essays.


Ds13: trying to decide between extended school year summer program for sp Ed students and summer day camp for teens with special needs. One week of a camp that teaches public transit skills while taking fieldtrips all over our area. Swim team in neighborhood (this is a huge deal he is able to do this again after years of not due to set backs). Reading practice with mom.


Both: a couple days beach camping. A trip to universal with me.

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Swim team, which takes up most of our time through July. 


I'm working through the AoPS Algebra book (and loving it so far). I have major decluttering plans and some semi-major gardening plans. 


Everyone is doing math, a tiny bit of Latin and piano. They usually do the summer reading program at the library which is a little lame so I have my own. Oldest has to read two books a month from my selections, middle son has to read one book a month from my selections. 


Oldest is picking a couple of Scout merit badges to work on. Middle son would be likely doing a lot of roller blading and skateboarding but he broke his arm doing the former so is out for a bit. Daughter has ballet camp for a week. Both boys go to camp in August. We all go to Chicago at the end of August. 



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We just returned from 3 weeks in Europe. That was a great start!


DS does lots of sports in the summer--swim lessons in the mornings and track in the afternoons bookend a lot of our days. We both love the routine. Plus he competes in various triathlons, 5 and 10k races, and bike races throughout the state and New England. We use competitions as excuses to travel. :)


Other than that, we spend as much time as the weather permits swimming at the ocean and ponds, biking, hiking and enjoying the outdoors. Today was the first in a weekly self imposed challenge to explore somewhere new to us. We have endless beautiful areas near us to explore but we find it can be easy to get into a rut.


He also reads a lot, but there's still tons of downtime. I'd love for him to find something to help fill it with.

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Oldest ds is going to a leadership camp with Air Force JROTC, then starting to prep for the SAT in fall and continuing to work on his fitness goals. One twin has a four-week summer program that's mandatory for the P-Tech academy he's starting at in September, and the second twin will work on a study skills course while his brother is off at school. He's also taking a programming class that runs through July and will likely choose to start another programming class right afterwards.  Each kid is expected to read throughout the summer, from a list of books we work together to choose.


We also do a lot of fun, non-academic stuff through the summer - cooking, water fights, movie marathons, computer gaming as a family, etc.

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I work full-time.  My kids therefore are in different day camps all summer.  Each spring, it is a big project for me to figure out my kids' summer schedule.  In the evenings they do tennis, gymnastics, math camp, TKD, and swim team.  On Saturdays they do horse riding and swim meets.


For school, they will do at least a couple hours of academics each day.  It will be a combination of review/drills and deeper stuff.


We plan a road trip in Canada for a couple of weeks.  We will bring school work and will try to make it educational as well as fun and relaxing.


I want the kids to do scout badge work over the summer so they don't need to worry about it during the school year.  I will try to approach these as unit study type projects, with the girls documenting their work so they can remember it when it comes time to get leader sign-off in the fall.  But they should also be somewhat independent.


We had a scout camping trip planned for this weekend, but it got cancelled.  Hopefully it will be rescheduled or we'll go ourselves sometime this summer.  I also promised the kids a trip to Kalahari and to a nearby old-fashioned amusement park.


We're remodeling our house and the girls will get new rooms, so that is kind of a big project.


Other than that, just working on a bunch of age-appropriate life skills.

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My oldest, freshly graduated DD is working two jobs, so her days are pretty full.


One of the 15yr old DDs will be volunteering for two weeks at a day camp. Both 15 year olds will be taking a week long trip to NYC with our church.


The rest of summer will be spent learning to drive, hanging out with friends and going to the pool.


I will be taking a Spanish class for four weeks.

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we are starting more of a year round schedule so we are still doing 1 or 2 days a week of school, just a few hours each day.  July-off to move across the country, then somewhere in August, start a 3 day a week school schedule, then in Sept, 4 days.


In between on all the days off, we plan to live at the water park as much as possible, have as many silly sleepovers as possible, camp and hike in the mountains until we move to FL, and oh yeah, my DD14's personal favorite, sleep late.  Once in FL, we plan to take full advantage of my parents 60 acres with dirt bikes, 4 wheelers and cousins.  Also, live at the beach.  


We are very outdoorsy and there's usually little time for much else to partake in such as classes or other structured stuff, other than the pool.  Once we aren't land-locked, we will trade that for the beach.

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We are off from school until Labor Day, except my son requested a Minecraft Mod class. Otherwise, he has 4 weeks of sports camp, 4 weeks of theatre camp, 1 week of fencing, 1 week of surf camp, and then 2 weeks roasting in Florida on a family vacation.

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We are starting our summer program tomorrow: Math, writing, and reading every day, Latin or Spanish alternating days, and history or science (alternating weeks). We'll have a two week break from June 28 to July 12, resume summer schedule until August 10th, and then have off until the beginning of September.


DS has voice lessons until the end of June, drum lessons until the end of July, and will probably do swimming lessons at a local pond in July. In between we have a family trip to Bermuda, a weekend natural history conference, and then he has a week at an Audubon camp in August.

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My kids are getting their permits and learning to drive this summer.  Each one also has to design an elective course for at least a half credit of summer school. My son is looking at Blender tutorials for that. He will also do some prep for taking the SAT history test or CLEP history test, and will finish economics with me.   My daughter is looking through art books to get some ideas of assignments to set herself. Since she has been doing dual enrollment at our CC for art, I'm  not sure that's the best choice, but... I gave the choice.  She also has been promised a lot of volunteer opportunities with our public library's teen group.  Each kid has a week of camp too.  


They will do a lot of reading.  I'm trying to figure out how my daughter can channel her recent vast reading of Georgette Heyer novels into a partial credit. 


I want to get the dungeon (crawlspace storage area) cleared out, do some fun reading, walk when it's not too hot, and get over my homeschool burnout.

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Mine are home from college, so it's a little different than their high school days.


Middle son is spending most of his summer at Stanford doing a paid research internship.  While he's here he's on vacation catching up with friends and family.  He fits right back in with chores and life - pretty much like he never left.  At the moment he's out helping a high school friend with a Psych course the friend is taking.


Youngest is here the whole summer and has been terrific about doing outdoor landscaping chores around our farm.  Today he was tackling Poison Ivy, but he's also done garden, hedges, various other weeding, and even built a nice decorative stone wall around a new tree we planted.  I haven't had to ask for any of this.  He's done it on his own.


He also helps hubby when hubby needs engineering field work done.  At the end of the month he'll start an overnight paid job at a potato chip factory.  That's a job purely to earn college money - potentially reminding him why he's in college too.   :lol:  Before that job starts he'll be joining his gf on a family trip to the beach that her family takes.


We took a one week vacation right after middle son arrived (the later of the two) and have gotten some time in on family walks and games too.  We're also headed to watch Jurassic World Friday and already saw San Andreas and Tomorrowland all at the theater.


I love having my guys home. 


No school for us in the summer - ever.  We all wanted a break.

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You mean other than laying around on the couch and watching TV/playing Minecraft?  :leaving:


In my defense that was only the first week....


My older has to read three novels and do 100 "minute math" sheets to be handed in on the first day of school.  My younger has about 20 lessons in his math book to complete before he starts pre-algebra at co-op in the fall.  That is pretty much it academically.


This is the first year my older son hasn't been on an all star team for baseball, with its 7 days a week practice.  I am really not sure what to do with him as he is beyond that "camp" stage and all he wants to do in life is sleep and play video games.  We will probably go play golf one day a week, try to get to the beach one day a week, and I did sign up for free bowling this summer through Kids Bowl Free. 


My younger son will do some golf camps and is performing in a musical at the end of July so he has practices a few nights/week. 

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DD10 is working on her amphibian microbiomes/colonization project (and got colonization and metamorphosis, so she's happy) and doing a lot of reptile education work. She has a 2 week science and math camp, a week long piano camp, a 5 day herpetology conference, and a week long family visit coming up in June and July, and we'll start 6th grade in mid-August.

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DS11is doing two weeks of tennis camp, one week of piano camp, one week of film camp *, one week of visiting grandparents, family vacation to London and Paris and a week of day trips and such.

In terms of classes, he is taking two Arabic classes, once weekly French tutor, AoPS algebra class and an intro to Shakespeare w/ online g3. He also does a high school level chemistry class with an amazing local mom and teacher.

It seems like a lot when written down, but most classes are at night.

*these are local, inexpensive, not really hard core, more "exposure" type camps. The providers get grants so the cost to us is little. I am very grateful!

Eta we will also continue swim lessons and we got a swim membership for July. Going camping twice.

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Right now, we are chilling out, but in July, we will start our electives.  We will do art, picture study, composer study, and science in a five-week block over the summer.  Really looking forward to hitting those subjects every day and not trying to squeeze them in around our other subjects!


All total, I could probably give a quarter credit or so of fine arts for the work they will do, maybe up to half a credit, but I think that's pushing it, unless I decided to require a research paper or hefty ongoing art project or something.  I could maybe get a half credit each of art and music if I included the guitar and piano practice they also do as part of their music credit.


ETA: They will also have a week of martial arts camp, in addition to their weekly martial arts class.

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Meg, twelve in October, is taking her Family and God classes for AHG. She had the first one today and absolutely loved it. She has five more to go and a party too.

She is signed up for theater camp, Into The Wicked Woods, for the third week in June. She has hip-hop for eight weeks on Tuesdays. She is signed up for various tween/teen crafts at our libraries and writing workshops. We have plans at the Y for swimming, cardio and a couple of classes such as Zumba and yoga. Probably do another week long day camp in July. We also are still doing history, Bible, math and literature during the summer. We usually start homeschooling in Aug because it is so hot and end in May, but she starts VP online beginning September.

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Dd14 has a busy summer:

Week long hiking trip to Denali National Park

Two weeks with Grandma in California

Another week-long trip - this time in a canoe.

Softball three to four nights a week.

One or two youth group events a week (dd21 is helping lead the youth this summer)


Hanging out with her friends - hiking, biking and playing music at each other.


My older kids are both working this summer. DD21 is coaching softball in addition to working

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June: tying up loose ends with spring classes, a few field trips with other families, lots of time at the park. Last week of June 1 week camping/amusement park trip with friends.


July: older son has month long, full day robotics class 4x a week, younger son has a baseball skills camp. When they are not in class/camp, we will be hanging out some. I am adding some accounting clients this summer and setting stuff up for that. Last few days of month we are going backpacking.


August: Another camping trip. Just hanging out. My nieces are coming to stay for a few days as well.


September: we start back with homeschool art and electives classes. I will be doing Oak Meadow with younger son and teaching older son math, writing, and geography.


Also spelling bee prep continues in earnest year round. ;)

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We just got in from walking around our farm lanes looking at thousands of fireflies performing their annual courtship.  I envision doing that nightly for the next couple of weeks.  Does that count?


I love the outdoors on summer nights.  Fireflies, owls, bats, frogs, crickets, and the stars & planets glistening (sometimes the moon too, but not tonight) - all so peaceful and relaxing.

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Just signed the boys up for swimming lessons.  DD is leaving to work as a staff in training at a summer camp at the end of the month and has a horse trek the end of August.  She also has a three week dance intensive somewhere in there, not sure how that is going to work out. The boys also each have a week of summer camp.  My summer will be spend transporting children and trying to find time to relax.  I think we will take a family trip in the fall.

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Dd15: 10 days visiting her best friend who now lives in Texas, 4 weeks at Arabic immersion camp at Concordia Language Villages


It will be very strange not having her home for most of the summer! When she's at camp, she won't be able to text/email/talk on the phone.


Dd20: working, working, working; prepping for the play she will direct in the fall; staying fresh with French


Ds22: working and preparing to move to CA in early August for his real job


Me: gardening, planning next year's school things (I have to write a series of AP syllabi for approval by the College Board), going through boxes of things from my parents (I try to do this each summer; perhaps this year I'll be able to do it without crying and sadness), taking a much-planned and -anticipated trip to Alaska with dh :D

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Well we have four kids in college, so our summers are quite different now!  One is doing that while married and living independently and also has a full-time job;  another is in a year-round college course of study;  another is waitressing at a national park for the summer;  another is a counselor at a children's summer camp -- just 45 minutes away, so she gets to come home every weekend and play Catan with us.  :)



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Wow, that sounds exciting!

dd 14 just got her first job, we go in this morning for her schedule and paperwork.

She is doing PT all summer to restore the muscle wasting she had from Lyme and for help with the residual neck pain and headaches.

She has also chosen to continue math for the summer so she doesn't forget anything.

Friends from Denmark coming for 3 weeks and we have a lot of activities planned with them.

Camping for 2 weeks, may end up being just me, now that youngest is working. 

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Everyone sounds like they have busy summers planned!!


It's so hot where we live that we mostly treat it like winter and stay indoors!! I'm looking forward to our trip and being outdoors for 3 solid weeks!!


And Ramadan starts later this week so we won't be going out much during the day either. Hopefully that means we'll get a lot more done at home!

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We just got home from the Grand Canyon. Tomorrow DS starts 5 weeks of summer school for math. The kids will have a couple of VBSs (I know it's a sin to use an apostrophe to pluralize,but that just looks weird), two of my DC will go to summer camp in July, my two youngest have swimming lessons the last two weeks in July and then there's August.

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They will continue their music lessons and also be part of the library reading thingy. We also have a few camps scheduled for the summer. Other than that, summer is pretty lazy for us. 

I do plan on starting back in August, which my kids are having mixed emotions about. I think by then, I will be ready, and they will be board!

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Mine are doing fun stuff!  lol


Dd18 is going to a gaming place that serves handmade milkshakes with her dad to play Dungeons & Dragons. :)

Ds21 is "  "      to play a Star Wars role-playing game


Dd18 is also going to a tech camp 2x weekly over 6 weeks or so at dh's company to learn programming, web design, robotics, and other stuff like that.  It's all beginner level or so, but there is a Programming 1 and 2 so the classes build on one another a bit.  Very lucky to have this opportunity because it's free!


Dd16 wants to take a photography class so I'm going to try really hard to find one for her. 


All of my daughters (16, 18, 20) are going to start some kind of 5k training with me one of these days so we can do a fun race in the fall.


Ds14 joined Boy Scouts this year and he is getting ready for summer camp after next week!  He is SO psyched.  The whole merit badge thing is totally up his alley.  He has never been away from home for this long without a sibling also being along so I think he's excited.  :)


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