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Blind date

Night Elf

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Does going on a date with someone you met online count? If so, then I've been on 2 blind dates.
One was an absolute waste of time, air, and emotions. 
The other I ended up marrying.  :thumbup:

My sister met her husband through a blind date as well. It was a group date. He didn't talk to her all night until they were at Taco Bell and he asked "Are you going to eat that last taco?" She thought he was an idiot and swore to never go out with him. Been married almost 5 years now. haha 

Edited to correct horrible punctuation.

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Yes.  I was set up by my mother once, and I have never again been so bored.


I also went on a blind date in Germany that my host family set up.  Only I didn't know it was a date - host family told me I was just hanging out with the guy for the afternoon.  He had an intellectual disability and needed someone to accompany him and no one else was available and would I mind doing it?  Only apparently HE thought it was a date, because HIS MOM told him it was a date.  He spent the whole time trying to kiss me.  My host family apologized up and down for that one!  I was able to laugh it off, but it was really awful.  He was a big guy, and I was rather at a disadvantage.  Thankfully he wasn't violent in any way.

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DH and I met on a blind date.  My best friends and his best friend were dating each other at the time and set us up.  Our friends have been married for almost 20 years and DH and I just celebrated our 19th anniversary.


DH's parents and one set of his grandparents also met on blind dates. 

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Yes, in high school. Horrible. We had nothing to say to each other! The couple we were with were laughing it up and having a good time, which only put the spotlight on our discomfort.


If I had to go back to the dating world today, I'd probably be much more adept at making conversation with a total stranger. However, I'm not sure if I'd want to put myself in that position while actually calling it a "date."

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Sort of.  I met my husband on-line.  We had talked for several months, e-mailed, and sent regular mail.  When he finally came here to meet me we had never seen each other (no pictures, no nothing).  We had not even heard each other's voice.


Not quite the traditional idea of a blind date, but rather nutty looking back at it.



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Yes. I can't picture the guy at all, but I will remember his voice forever. He was apparently a very successful attorney and he also seemed like an awfully nice guy, but the pitch of his voice grated on my nerves so badly that I couldn't focus on anything else. I remember feeling like I must be the most shallow person on the planet for focusing on his voice, so I agreed to go out with him again... and I still couldn't stand his voice.


I hope he ended up with someone nice, though. :)

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I had a friend who hated going on first dates by herself and because I was happily single all the time I was her go to for going with her. So the guy she was going on a date would bring someone too. So I've been on many. Most of them were great! Sadly my friend had terrible taste in guys so she always got the a*hole. But the a*hole always seemed to have an attractive nice friend. None of them ever broke me of my having no interest in a relationship during college but some good friendships came from those blind dates.


One was furious when I broke my no dating in college rule for dh because he had been biding his time until I graduated. I had to point out that if he was the one I would have lifted the rule. I knew dh was the one after the first night we hung out together outside of the kung fu school he taught at.

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I met my husband on a blind date but he was not one I was set up. He just was there and knew my girlfriend (blind date was double date) and we have been together since that night.

poor guy I was set up was so not my type (nor was I his) met his lobster a few months later.

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I married my blind date too!  We went to different high schools but our friend groups were basically a Venn Diagram. A friend of mine thought we'd be a good fit but only expected us to be together over the summer until I left for college. Now 21 years and a handful of kids later...

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