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You know you're an older mom when...


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Your little one can't kiss you goodnight without smudging up your reading glasses.


You fall asleep before your kids. Even the grade schoolers.


Your youngest thinks it's fun to pinch your hand skin and see if it stays that way.


Your kids are beginning to include your wrinkles in their drawings of you.


Your kids are jealous of your fiber gummies because they think you have a secret candy stash.


Your teenaged daughter tells you she loves to pat your face because it feels like bread dough.



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When your family TaeKwonDo master shows you extra respect.  (Because you're probably older than his mom.)


When family TaeKwonDo feels like being on the torture rack.


When you're wondering which is going to come first - your menopause or your daughter's menarche.


When your 8yo gives you fashion advice so you don't embarrass yourself (and her).


When your 8yo wears higher heels than you do - and she is more steady on those heels.


When you stumble through read-alouds because you don't have your reading glasses.


When you leave something unfinished or out of place for hours or even days, because you're waiting for the spry young ones to show up and take care of it.


When you feel OK saying unacceptable mom-isms such as "because I SAID SO."


When you frequently tell your kids, "be gentle with me, I could break."

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Every time someone mistakes me for grandma instead of Mom to my younger kids, I wince.  I try to remember that it's a natural mistake because there are lots of grandmas younger than I am, but it still makes me wince.  


dh think's it's hysterical when people think he's dudeling grandpa.  people thought he was 2ds's grandpa . .  .



my kids have all been mistaken for dudeling's parent at sometime.  it no longer phases them.

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I am only 29 but last year I was 75-80 years old. I was on oxygen, still am at night, and using a walker. I moved slower than frozen water. I wore slippers 2/7.  Saggy boobies, thanks nursing, but from my great grandmas veiw point its won't get much worse. I needed bars to use the potty and shower. I could only climb 4 steps. Needed a nap preferably 2 or three. Getting out of bed was a fiasco. No one trusted me in the kitchen, or would let me drive, very good thing.  I miss the walker. I could whack people that irked me in the ankles, and they wouldn't know the difference. It made flirting very very awkward. I honestly feel sorry for anyone that has to put up with me when I get very old. Now I would say I am 50 and dropping down to where I should be. The kinks are containable, noisy and painful, but containable. My hormones aren't all over the chart.   :laugh:

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Every time someone mistakes me for grandma instead of Mom to my younger kids, I wince. I try to remember that it's a natural mistake because there are lots of grandmas younger than I am, but it still makes me wince.

Me too, I had mine at 38 and 40. Once one of my kids did something and a passer by shook her head at him and said "poor Nana".

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On the bright side, people think I'm younger than I am because someone my age couldn't possibly still have little kids.

I still know what music and shows and YouTube vids are hot because my kids tell me.

I have young fashion directors to keep me current.

I know all the Nickelodeon teen stars.

Picking up pre-teens means I'm up past 9 on the weekend.

I have a reason to still enjoy sledding, roller skating and easy bake ovens.

BUT I may have babysat some of my youngest kid's parents :p

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The Math program you used for the first 3 no longer exists for the last 3.


Your youngest thinks you were born with gray hair.


The music from your teen aged years is back in style.


3 perks of being an older mom:  listening to young new moms worry and compete- about stupid things- and not feeling even a pang of anxiety.  Having your teen daughters to dress you- and do your makeup for you.  Having teen daughters to work out with.


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When you go to MNO and mention Karen Carpenter.  You get two responses - "Who?" and "Oh, yeah, she was one of my mom's favorite singers."


So, you post a link to a Karen Carpenter video online the next day so you can educate these youngsters.


Again, most of the comments revolve around the idea their moms used to sing them to sleep with Karen Carpenter songs. And one mom, bless her heart, said she still had Karen Carpenter records. Love her!

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When you taught your child's tumbling classmate's mom in KINDERGARTEN music-and her DC is 2 years older than yours. I also taught her cheer coach trumpet in 6th grade (and remember him as a kindergartner who cried and wet his pants on the playground when mom dropped him off), and the new Nurse Practitioner at her pediatrician's office flute.


For some reason, they all recognize me, but I have a really hard time recognizing them....

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When your oldest son is playing with or carrying around  your youngest child in a public space and people automatically assume he's the father (I can't tell you how many of those my son has gotten and it mortifies him and just makes me feel old)


When you constantly take your glasses on and off when doing small detail work because you are just trying to find a way that you can see the small detailed thing.

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Oh, boy, I can so relate to many of these! 

  • You neeeeed your Sunday nap while the youngers throw a blanket on you and close your bedroom door. 
  • You regularly bump into your children's friends with their own new littles at the pediatrician's while your taking the youngers. 
  • The others moms going into ballet and flag football look so.very.young. 


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I am not an older mom really but I have a 16 year spread from oldest to youngest now.


I also went from being a mom of none to having my 3 within less than 16 months--ages 8, 14 months and newborn at that time.  Now we have an 11 year old foster son as well.


There are 7 years between my youngest and foster ds so I am having to get back into the elementary school mindset vs. highschool.

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