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Would you all please pray?


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My sister could really use prayer right now. Her husband committed suicide just over a month ago following 10 years of dealing with depression, anxiety, and OCD. Despite all of that, my sister believes Tamiflu played a big role in the suicide. Their son has severe epilepsy because of a documented vaccine injury. He is an adult but mentally like a preschooler in most ways. He requires basically 24 hour care. 


Dealing with losing her husband in this way is difficult enough on it's own, but she has the issue of caring for her son now alone. Over the last year, he has been very difficult to deal with at times. They were seeing a research doctor over a year ago who wanted to try a medication approved in Europe.They got permission and started it, and he almost immediately had radical behavior changes. Even though they worked him off of it right away, the behavior patterns stayed.


She can't cry in front of my nephew because it really upsets him. She can't grieve in a normal way because she's constantly having to deal with him. She has a little outside help from a lady, and my dad lives in the same county as her. She lives about 3.5 hours from me, and I'm so sorry I don't live closer. I went up there when it all happened, went back one week, and got my nephew during another week. Our other sister might be able to go there tomorrow. If not I might can go. 


She's really struggling with the amount of suffering in her life and why it has to be this way. Thank you so much!


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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Is it possible for her to seek counseling? Or, is there a local organization that would help provide care for her son for a few hours every week or two? (I know a church in our area provides adult-care to give caregivers a needed break.)

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She has her local church which is being very supportive. He is home full-time. She already had help one day a week, and I am going to keep him for a few days once a month. She knows she needs more help, but she's going to be VERY selective with who that would be.


Can something be arranged through respite care or some type of home care service that is (hopefully) covered or partially covered by insurance? This whole situation sounds like a very heavy load on one person's shoulders.

Glad you are helping out with him but it must be hard for you as well to drive back and forth.

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I hope she can get some respite care of some sort quickly to be able to get some space to grieve and relax. That is a lot of stress for one person to be under and deal with. Stress is so unhealthy that she'll end up ill herself without some downtime.


:grouphug: S to all.


Hoping for some peace and healing for your sister.

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Can I add safe travel to the prayer request? Thank you all so much! My older sister was going to TN to be with her but has developed a sore throat and cold symptoms. She doesn't need to be around our nephew. I'm heading up later today to stay a couple of nights. We just lost our mother a year ago yesterday, so this is a difficult time for all of us! 



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My sister could really use prayer right now. Her husband committed suicide just over a month ago following 10 years of dealing with depression, anxiety, and OCD. Despite all of that, my sister believes Tamiflu played a big role in the suicide. Their son has severe epilepsy because of a documented vaccine injury. He is an adult but mentally like a preschooler in most ways. He requires basically 24 hour care. 


Dealing with losing her husband in this way is difficult enough on it's own, but she has the issue of caring for her son now alone. Over the last year, he has been very difficult to deal with at times. They were seeing a research doctor over a year ago who wanted to try a medication approved in Europe.They got permission and started it, and he almost immediately had radical behavior changes. Even though they worked him off of it right away, the behavior patterns stayed.


She can't cry in front of my nephew because it really upsets him. She can't grieve in a normal way because she's constantly having to deal with him. She has a little outside help from a lady, and my dad lives in the same county as her. She lives about 3.5 hours from me, and I'm so sorry I don't live closer. I went up there when it all happened, went back one week, and got my nephew during another week. Our other sister might be able to go there tomorrow. If not I might can go. 


She's really struggling with the amount of suffering in her life and why it has to be this way. Thank you so much!

Good Lord, that's terrible.  I'm so sorry.  Praying.

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