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Small things that are making your day or week rock.


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So, today I am glad for:


My lunch (curried chickpeas, cauliflower and potatoes with an excellent red lentil dal on the side and a red pepper slathered with hummus) is making my belly very happy. (ETA: Yes, I know hummus is a weird pairing with the rest of my meal but YUM.)


My niece and nephew are coming over this afternoon to bake my SIL a birthday cake. And stay for make your own pizza night. I found a huge jar of marinated artichokes in the back of my cupboard that I didn't know I had for said pizza night.


My sons are making paper decorations for the windows.


These three things are offsetting my ill fitting new retainer and the fact that my dishwasher is on the fritz.


What's making you happy just now?

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So, today I am glad for:


My lunch (curried chickpeas, cauliflower and potatoes with an excellent red lentil dal on the side and a red pepper slathered with hummus) is making my belly very happy.


What's making you happy just now?

Well, leftover tacos for lunch WERE making me happy...until I saw your lunch! Now I'm craving Indian food...:)

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I am in love with the awesome pu'er tea (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pu-erh_tea ) we bought in China this summer. I break off a piece less than 1/2" square from the disk of compressed tea, crumble it into my Teavana infuser thingie, and enjoy cups of tea all afternoon from those leaves.


Love, love, love!


Also: the replacement red leather watch band for my favorite watch is rocking my world today!

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-My ds telling me what he wants to get other people for Christmas more often than he tells me what he wants.


-My youngest, 22 months, telling me I don't have a baby in my belly but he has one in his (not in so many words but that is what he's communicating.)


-Getting paid double for a pet sitting job because of how grateful they were they found someone who could handle their aggressive dogs.  Its not really the money that makes me happy but being rewarded for being good at what I love doing!

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Receiving a FaceTime call from my grandkids today- which lets me see the brand new baby and also hear the others being so sweetly enthusiastic about her. 

Made a full batch of those cookies with the Andes candies on them- the ones that taste like Thin Mints. I have little packages of cookies to send my inlaws, grandkids,  daughter, and sister. And even a few left for us to enjoy...I love surprising people with goodies!


Spent a lot of time working on a quilt this week. It's got about 2000 pieces and I'm having such a good time taking my sweet time with it. I'm grateful to have spare time to squander on my hobby. 



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-My special needs daughter singing Christmas carols

-My 13yo daughter going grocery shopping with me

-My 11yo scrubbing dishes without being asked

-My 22yo son finally getting to spend the holidays with us again (he just got out of the Army)

-tomorrow being hubby's and my wedding anniversary--we are going out for a dinner date and Christmas shopping

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The kids decorated the Christmas tree.


The house is sparkly clean.


DH took DS to a doc appt that I was dreading attending (because it's dark and rainy and cold, and like a dummy I scheduled an appt during peak rush hour, oops!).   DH is my hero.


New relatives.  :)

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My kids are making paper snowflakes for our windows while the temp is in the mid 70s. 


My house stayed clean for a whole week if you overlook the bits of snowflake debris on the floor.


Why is it that I like jazz and I like Christmas music, but I don't care much for jazz Christmas music? Except, of course, for Vince Guaraldi.


Teaching my kids the Peanuts' dance!

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One of my twins made up a couple batches of cookie dough and froze it.  Every day this week she has baked some cookies, made tea, brought it to me on a tray along with a book.  Who says homeschooling older kids isn't as fun as when they were young.

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My dh picked up pho on his way home from work, especially nice since im starting to get sick.

Dd's friend is spending the night and her mom dropped in and visited and we had a very nice time chatting.

The Christmas decorations are up and our first real tree in 7 years looks amazing.

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My dh picked up pho on his way home from work, especially nice since im starting to get sick.

Dd's friend is spending the night and her mom dropped in and visited and we had a very nice time chatting.

The Christmas decorations are up and our first real tree in 7 years looks amazing.

I hope you feel better soon! :grouphug:

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Awesome thread!


I love reading the good things people are up to.


So many positive things in my life this week...


dd#2 and I got all but one college application off. (yay!) She also got into a DE class at the CC next semester that she had been waitlisted for ... scheduled back to back with the other class she's taking. Sweet! One trip per day and done.


I get to play in an amazing wind ensemble... so incredibly lucky to live in this town and have this experience. Concert last night was a huge high.


Just really digging the time with my teens right now and realizing deeply how short our time together is getting. It's making me love each moment to the fullest.







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<--- That is supposed to be a photo but I think I screwed it up.  If it isn't working try this link: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=761041743949636&set=a.399965513390596.103311.100001314520589&type=1&theater


I finally figured out how to neatly store bobby pins without taking forever to re-place them on the cardboard!  It is the simple things in life that make me happy.

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I have enjoyed reading these!


Know that, while I am presently low on likes, I liked them all!


Around here it has been the normal, wacky, stuff my kids come up with making life fun.


For example- Bug made a Lego baby Jesus this morning.


Then he made it a DJ booth.


Then he made it rap.


Sister basically called him a heretic and then no one seemed to understand why mom needed a "costume" change.


Yep. Rapping baby DJ JC busted up school this morning.




DH says he doesn't even have words.

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At the moment all my kids especially the adult kids are doing good.  We've gone through some pretty hard things as a family this year so to have some peace and knowing everyone is happy and safe and at the moment enjoying school, working and making good decisions is really good.  


oh and my 14 year old asked me today if he could get lego's for Christmas.  This made me very happy, I miss shopping for toys for my boys and his list consiisted of computer stuff....so now I get to go LEGO shopping!!!

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We are moving in January. I've been packing and cleaning and have decided to take December as an easy month with regards to schooling. This is causing a bit of internal panic, but I'm trying hard to let it go and enjoy this season...

A couple of days ago, while packing the schoolroom, my dd9 found the fractios wrap ups and sat doing them for quite a while, on her own.

Today we met friends at the park and the moms had coffee while the kids played.

I took the kids to Barnes and Noble for hot cocoa, and my dd9 begged for a new book-Potentially Catastrophic Science. Dd6 begged for a book to read on her own. How could I say no? 😉

Words from their mouths today-

"Mom, can we please do Beast a academy today?! I miss it!" From dd9

"Yay! I love reading!" From dd6

They spent the afternoon cutting paper snowflakes out of coffee filters and decorating the tree.

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We managed to do a real school day yesterday, after about two and a half months of...  well, mostly not doing anything.


Dad has FINALLY gotten a home health nurse to check on him.  His pic line is still in, but at least she changed the dressing on his feet.


I got all the dishes done last night (another thing that hasn't happened in ages) and when I went to mop, youngest ds took over (and did a great job).


Oh, and I came back here and it's so much the same, it's like I never wandered away in the first place :p

ETA:  The VA called and apparently had no idea he had been home for a week!  FINALLY, the ball is rolling and Dad will be getting the care he needs :phew: that just made my month.

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Yesterday my almost 2 year old asked to pee and ran to the bathroom. I've never once talked about going in the toilet but that didn't Stop him from peeing in it last night! I know this is merely the beginning of this potty training bit but I'm excited he initiated it entirely by himself.

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