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I am miserable...TMI inside (pregnancy at an elder age)


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I am 21 weeks pregnant. Only 21 weeks. yet.....


Oh..and I am 44 years old. This was not like this when I was younger and pregnant...


I am so exhausted that about 2-3 hours after waking up, I feel like bawling. I have already been crying today over my exhaustion. I did not get up until 10:30 and by 1:17pm, I was crying. Now I am back in bed, posting about this. 


I am really hoping someone here has BTDT and has great advice to cure this! And not just wait 19 more weeks, because I am so sad over how miserable I feel. 


Also, I wet my pants multiple times a day. I have a ton of lung scarring from my parents chain smoking when I was growing up, so I get a lot of respiratory problems while pregnant. As a result, I cough a lot, to the point where I end up throwing up. And when I cough, I tinkle a little sometimes. 


Any solutions or help?


If you have anything mean to say, please don't. I am already crying.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


No suggestions really but I wish I could give you a hug. I know that my first pregnancies were at 20 and 21 and my last pregnancy was at 32 and it was much harder. I dealt with horrible back, hip and pelvic pain that was quite debilitating. We are just celebrating my baby's first birthday and it's only been the last few weeks that my left hip hasn't caused me daily pain. I know this isn't the advice you want, but remember that this isn't forever, just focus on getting through each day and try not to focus on how much time you have left.


ETA: Also, pamper yourself and make people do things for you. My kids waited on me hand and food the last month of my pregnancy especially. I stopped doing all housework, barely cooked. I know it sounds lazy but I really was in horrible pain and they were very understanding and sympathetic. And aware that it was a temporary situation. My hip has bothered me since then but I've resumed all my usual activities since the baby was born. :) Just getting up off the floor is a bit slower and sleeping on my left side is sometimes painful.

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I'm so sorry!  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Congratulations on the new baby. 


Have you had your iron checked?  That might account for the severe exhaustion. 


Unfortunately I can relate to coughing and bladder control problems.  It's the pits, but buy yourself some pads for bladder issues to help you not feel so helpless.


I hope you get to feeling better soon, and maybe you need the rest for both you and your new little one.



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There are also certain viruses that can exhaust you. Last pregnancy-at 41-I thought I was just old but it turned out I had a virus that makes you feel exhausted. Definitely check it out with the doctor. Being exhausted after 2-3 hours isn't normal even for a pregnancy in your 40s.

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:grouphug: BTDT. Do your Kegal exercises at all times, in all places. I hope you can do other exercises as well, at least some extra walking. I know you're tired!

I was 40 when pregnant with my last. I was so tired in the first four months and in the last 2 months with that one. I hope you will find something to help you...either vitamins or herbs.

Wear pads. Make sure you're drinking a lot of water. I don't care what anyone says about juice, I used to drink it a lot when pregnant, especially cranberry, but not with any sweeteners or added sugar or corn syrup.

I hated taking vitamins when pregnant; try to find a good brand (health food store) chewable adult vitamin.

Try breathing exercises too, and try to stay away from taking in too much dairy which will make more mucus and thus more coughing.


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Ask to get your thyroid checked, iron, vitamin d levels, and B 12 checked.

This! It's very likely that you would benefit from additional vitamin supplements. Pregnancy might not be the sole cause of your fatigue.


I don't have any solution for the wetting, but there is no shame in using depends inserts for more heavy duty protection.

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Oh, I had my last at 42, it was waaaay different from my first pregnancy!


Many hugs!!!!!!!


Echoing to have your iron carefully monitored. Also, be aware that gestational diabetes is something that may affect you at this age even if it didn't at any other time. Be sure to have your glucose levels checked, too.


I want to be encouraging - you can do this! - but I also recommend finding a groove and establishing some strategies that will help you stay rested and able to persevere not only through pregnancy, but through your new one's first year. Good shoes, vitamins, chore assignments and friend/family support systems will see you through.


More hugs!!!

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Also be aware the post-partum depression and post-partum anxiety are much more common in older women.  And it can start before delivery.  Hormones are just wonkier in older mothers.  I think you should speak with your doctor, so that he can determine the source of your problems.  It may be depression.

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First of all, I want to say you are my hero and an inspiration. I am 39 and we want to have another baby sometime, so I need examples like you instead of all these young whipper snappers saying they're soooo ooooooold having babies at 28. :)


You might look into Katy Bowman's work on the pelvic floor to help with your leakage. I have been reading her work for a few years and it helped me a lot with hip and back pain in my twin pregnancy--my first post-Katy-Bowman pregnancy. It is, as the human body is, very complicated, but more natural movement and alignment might make a big difference. Here's a KB post on stress incontinence: http://www.katysays.com/a-wee-problem-with-crossfit/http://www.katysays.com/a-wee-problem-with-crossfit/


Here's another about body alignment in pregnancy: http://www.katysays.com/mama-baby-alignment/


There is just so much . . . . A good starter on body alignment to help with pain and incontinence with step-by-step do this, do that info that can be done in pregnancy is the MuTu System. They have a big Black Friday sale, which I hear will be around 40% off.

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Had a baby @ 46. Yes, you are more tired. I napped most afternoons. (I thought the kids were watching travel videos, but years later they confessed to cartoon channel-hopping.) BUT if you're that tired something else is going on. Be sure you are drinking enough and getting some fresh air/sun/exercise every day if you can. And get your iron level, blood sugar, etc. checked!! Oh, and Depends or maxi pads are better than just crossing your legs & hoping during a coughing spell. You don't need the extra laundry...in fact, teach the kids to do laundry!


Plus, I would get lots of supermarket or Costco frozen meals & prepared salads. Don't try to cook from scratch. And teach your older kids a meal or two if you can -- nachos or tacos, spaghetti with canned sauce, chef's salad with precooked chicken breast, omelets are all things that they can help with. You'll need it even more after the baby comes, KWIM?

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:grouphug: I was like that with my last pregnancy - I was 30, so not older, but I do know how miserable it is to feel debilitation exhausted all the time. You have a lot of great ideas here, one more that I found that helped was getting one of those electrolyte drink mixes, I would drink it whenever I needed a boost of energy because it helped for a couple hours - I would typically drink it shortly before it was time to start cooking dinner and that would give me enough energy to cook.

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:grouphug: BTDT. Do your Kegal exercises at all times, in all places. I hope you can do other exercises as well, at least some extra walking. I know you're tired!

I was 40 when pregnant with my last. I was so tired in the first four months and in the last 2 months with that one. I hope you will find something to help you...either vitamins or herbs.

Wear pads. Make sure you're drinking a lot of water. I don't care what anyone says about juice, I used to drink it a lot when pregnant, especially cranberry, but not with any sweeteners or added sugar or corn syrup.

I hated taking vitamins when pregnant; try to find a good brand (health food store) chewable adult vitamin.

Try breathing exercises too, and try to stay away from taking in too much dairy which will make more mucus and thus more coughing.


A great way to remember to do them is when sitting in the car, and you click on the indicator to turn- do them with the clicking sound. :laugh:

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Electrolyte mix is so important to me when I am run down. I used to use the Emergen-C packets, but I found I didn't want so much Vitamin C in my life. Too acidic. Now I use the ElectroMix by Alacer Corp. It's the bright green box. It's just the electrolytes and a tiny bit of flavor. Each packet makes a liter of water, so you get a fair amount out of each one.

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I wanted to chime in to reiterate that it's not just being an older mother.  I was nearing 50 when my last was born and I didn't experience anything like what you described.  Please see your doctor.


I had my last baby at 44. I don't think it's age I think something else is going on. Iron? Blood sugar? Sleep often, eat well, exercise gently. Pads for the incontinence.Be kind to yourself.



Had a baby @ 46. Yes, you are more tired. I napped most afternoons. (I thought the kids were watching travel videos, but years later they confessed to cartoon channel-hopping.) BUT if you're that tired something else is going on. Be sure you are drinking enough and getting some fresh air/sun/exercise every day if you can. And get your iron level, blood sugar, etc. checked!! Oh, and Depends or maxi pads are better than just crossing your legs & hoping during a coughing spell. You don't need the extra laundry...in fact, teach the kids to do laundry!


Plus, I would get lots of supermarket or Costco frozen meals & prepared salads. Don't try to cook from scratch. And teach your older kids a meal or two if you can -- nachos or tacos, spaghetti with canned sauce, chef's salad with precooked chicken breast, omelets are all things that they can help with. You'll need it even more after the baby comes, KWIM?


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  • 1 month later...

You sound like you may have Sleep Apnea.   Do you snore at night and wake up un-refreshed?   It can cause all sorts of havoc.  My apnea didn't show up until I was pregnant. I felt so awful (and it deeply affected my spirit/mood) that I went to the doctor (sleep center/sleep clinic) and was tested and found to have severe apnea.   The machine (CPAP) made ALL the difference and made me worlds better.    Mine was so severe that it affected my blood pressure (elevated/high BP is another symptom of sleep apnea).     Bless your heart!   Hugs to and prayers for you! 

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I agree about the iron.  I'm not pregnant and haven't been since my mid 30s but I am now 44 and am noticing that in general, I need supplemental iron otherwise I feel sick, I'm exhausted - just going up the stairs puts a strain on my muscles to the point of exhaustion, and I want to lay down all the time.  I never noticed my need for iron until this year.  Maybe the age we're at just needs more iron to keep going?  So much more when your pregnant.  

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I'm so sorry :grouphug: .  I was 37 with my last (#6).  I didn't have the exhaustion, but I barfed the whole preggy.  Not like in the beginning. with mega-morning sickness (thank God!!) ..but i had my "daily barf", as I called it.  And yeah, I peed myself too...such a lovely vision - barfing and peeing.  yup fun, fun, fun.  NOT.


As to the exhaustion.  It does sound extreme.  I would check with your doctor... maybe you're low on iron or hypothyroid or something.  And, yes, perhaps depression.  Every pregnancy can be different.  It's good to have it all checked out in case there's a really simple answer/remedy that could save you hours of misery.   Good luck.

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Well, I'm only 32 and I had the respiratory and tinkle problems this time too. I will say that I read that pregnancy induced asthma usually clears up by 35/36 weeks, and it certainly has for me (even earlier, actually). And the leaking urine thing is supposedly normal, especially when you've had multiple pregnancies. I'm sorry you're feeling bad though. Hugs!

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I just got out of the hospital. Went to the Ob this morning. I felt like I had a UTI but had really high ketones. I also lost 2 more pounds. Now..I eat, I really do. But I lost more weight? I had beef roast with mashed potatoes and gravy and a salad last night for dinner. And I drink milk a lot. I don't eat fast food or such, but that is a good thing. They gave me fluids and my ketones went down, but then back up while I was still there. They finally gave up and said they were going to stop checking my ketones because they keep going up instead of down.


On the cute side though..I walk in from the trip to labor and delivery and both the littles hug me. And then smallest one wants me to take off my bandage over the place where the IV had been. So I did. She looks at it and says "ohh...hurts?" and I said "yes" and she then proceeds to poke at my swollen bruise and go "hurt hurt hurt?" LOL..I was umm..yes. now it really does. Then they argued who got to snuggle me. I have two sides, but they want the same side. Oh well. Hopefully the new baby will be as cute and snuggly.


I forgot to add...28 weeks this weekend!


And for the breathing treatments..the OB has me on a steroid nebulizer twice a day and an inhaler 4 times a day.

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I just got out of the hospital. Went to the Ob this morning. I felt like I had a UTI but had really high ketones. I also lost 2 more pounds. Now..I eat, I really do. But I lost more weight? I had beef roast with mashed potatoes and gravy and a salad last night for dinner. And I drink milk a lot. I don't eat fast food or such, but that is a good thing. They gave me fluids and my ketones went down, but then back up while I was still there. They finally gave up and said they were going to stop checking my ketones because they keep going up instead of down.


On the cute side though..I walk in from the trip to labor and delivery and both the littles hug me. And then smallest one wants me to take off my bandage over the place where the IV had been. So I did. She looks at it and says "ohh...hurts?" and I said "yes" and she then proceeds to poke at my swollen bruise and go "hurt hurt hurt?" LOL..I was umm..yes. now it really does. Then they argued who got to snuggle me. I have two sides, but they want the same side. Oh well. Hopefully the new baby will be as cute and snuggly.


I forgot to add...28 weeks this weekend!


And for the breathing treatments..the OB has me on a steroid nebulizer twice a day and an inhaler 4 times a day.


Sorry you had to go in. :(


Have they said anything about the gestational diabetes?  Milk has a ton of sugars, and mashed potatoes and gravy are basically just carbs.  That could be the cause of the ketones and the wonky weight loss even though you are eating.  I'd really, really look into a GD diet very seriously and start monitoring your sugars.

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Sorry you had to go in. :(


Have they said anything about the gestational diabetes?  Milk has a ton of sugars, and mashed potatoes and gravy are basically just carbs.  That could be the cause of the ketones and the wonky weight loss even though you are eating.  I'd really, really look into a GD diet very seriously and start monitoring your sugars.

I failed my 1 hour, which was just before Christmas break. And I have my 3 hr next week. My 1 hr was 165.

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I failed my 1 hour, which was just before Christmas break. And I have my 3 hr next week. My 1 hr was 165.


Yeah, I remember you posting that, which is why I asked.  With those results combined with the weight loss, exhaustion, and now ketone thing...it just seems like the doctor would want you to monitor your sugars and watch carb intake before you go through the next test.  It doesn't sound good to wait (to me) if you're having those kinds of symptoms.


Of course I'm not a doctor and I don't want to give medical advice, just my two cents, which is probably worth less than that.

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Yeah, I remember you posting that, which is why I asked.  With those results combined with the weight loss, exhaustion, and now ketone thing...it just seems like the doctor would want you to monitor your sugars and watch carb intake before you go through the next test.  It doesn't sound good to wait (to me) if you're having those kinds of symptoms.


Of course I'm not a doctor and I don't want to give medical advice, just my two cents, which is probably worth less than that.

I had not realized there were carbs in milk. Do you maybe have a website that can help me figure these things out? I thought milk was protein. I knew potatoes were carbs.

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Just check labels.  Look at your milk carton...it does have protein and a lot of good stuff (everything but iron, I think), but it also has sugars (lactose is a sugar).  But for food that doesn't have labels (veggies and such) you can go here to look stuff up (your don't need an account to search and use the site).

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At 38 I was carrying twins and was miserable every. single. second.


Really bad "morning" sickness the first six or seven months -- then just so heavy I couldn't stand up for long. I always had to lean on the counter or something while making lunch.


I was so, so unhappy. So, so unhappy. You are not alone.


I found a couple of things that helped my morning sickness. For some odd reason, big macs from McDonalds helped me to feel better. Sort of. No idea why. I'm vegetarian so I'd thrown the meat out and eat the rest of it and it definitely helped.


What I really hated was people would say oh, you'll feel better by the fourth month or the sixth month or whatever. I never felt better.


My heart goes out to you.



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I just got out of the hospital. Went to the Ob this morning. I felt like I had a UTI but had really high ketones. I also lost 2 more pounds. Now..I eat, I really do. But I lost more weight? I had beef roast with mashed potatoes and gravy and a salad last night for dinner. And I drink milk a lot. I don't eat fast food or such, but that is a good thing. They gave me fluids and my ketones went down, but then back up while I was still there. They finally gave up and said they were going to stop checking my ketones because they keep going up instead of down.


On the cute side though..I walk in from the trip to labor and delivery and both the littles hug me. And then smallest one wants me to take off my bandage over the place where the IV had been. So I did. She looks at it and says "ohh...hurts?" and I said "yes" and she then proceeds to poke at my swollen bruise and go "hurt hurt hurt?" LOL..I was umm..yes. now it really does. Then they argued who got to snuggle me. I have two sides, but they want the same side. Oh well. Hopefully the new baby will be as cute and snuggly.


I forgot to add...28 weeks this weekend!


And for the breathing treatments..the OB has me on a steroid nebulizer twice a day and an inhaler 4 times a day.


oh my! how miserable.  I hope things even out for you soon.   Nebulizer? I must have missed something.  Do you have asthma too?

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