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I have discovered my super power!


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My dog is invisible to all but awesome me with special doggy-sighting vision.


Everyone can be sitting in the kitchen 10 feet from the door with the dog standing patiently waiting until someone lets him out. But, alas he is invisible. It is only when I enter the room can I actually see him standing there.

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My dog is invisible to all but awesome me with special doggy-sighting vision.


Everyone can be sitting in the kitchen 10 feet from the door with the dog standing patiently waiting until someone lets him out. But, alas he is invisible. It is only when I enter the room can I actually see him standing there.

Poor pooch. Extra treats for him since he has to cross his legs to hold it until you rescue him! :)

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I am the only one in the house to have the ability to notice the tp roll is almost empty and there are no more extra rolls in the bathroom and replenish them before the tp runs out.


That super power is not necessary in our home; we have a Toilet Paper Fairy.  I highly recommend her.  We get her from the same agency as the Laundry Fairy, who magically deposits clean clothes in our drawers and closets.  

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My super power is the ability to see used Kleenex on the floor *and* the ability to bend over and pick them up and deposit them in the nearby garbage can.


I suspect others can see them as well, because they will step over them repeatedly. I have witnessed this on so many occasions. So, really maybe my super power is just the ability to bend over and pick them up.




*maybe* the rest of the clan has the super power of just not caring. .... hummm...


My other super power *might* be the ability to see the end of the toilet paper is close at hand and get another roll and put it out just so no one ends up short. Survey says no one else in this house has that ability.

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I am the only person in my house who can turn off the light in the laundry room.  (Don't ask me why *that* particular room.)


I'm also the only person who has the ability to remember to keep the left basin of the kitchen sink empty.  It has only been 20 years I've been asking the other adults to do this.


And the ability to see my own dirt/mess must also be a superpower.

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Ahh... superpowers.    Mine is filling up the brita water filter pitcher.  For some reason everyone else can empty it, but I am the only one who can fill it.  I recently was able to turn over my ice-cube-tray fillings powers to one of the minions, so there is hope. 



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my super power is putting things back in the fridge.  i live with wonderful people who can cook amazing meals..... but are somehow unable to put the things they used back where they belong.

my other super power is putting empty bottles, cans, etc in the recycle box.... and garbage in the garbage can.




reminds me of the crash test dummies song "superman".... "changing clothes in dirty old phonebooths"....


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I have the special ability of identifying whether the dishes in the dishwasher are clean or dirty. People that don't have this power apparently need to leave their dishes on the counter because "they aren't sure if the dishes in the dishwasher were clean or not."

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I have powers which I try to only use for good.


I have figured out that the dog will drink water from the bowl on the floor at unpredictable increments, requiring replenishment of this life-saving liquid, AND I have figured out how to do it.


I have super secret knowledge about the giant blue can in the garage. It is marked "recycling" in 6" white letters to throw you off the scent. It is, in a twist of reverse psychology the likes of which I have never before encountered, meant to hold recycling until pickup day. I smirk at the clueless who continue to pile recyclables in the sink and basket, content in the knowledge that I am the chosen one.


I can clean in a room in such a way that you can distinguish the newly-scrubbed room from its previous state. True story.

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This thread is making me ROFL!  :lol:


I have many of these superpowers and more.  Really, at the end of the day, I am the only one who just instinctively knows where things go in this house.  It's a curse and gift.  I try to use this power only for good, and never evil.  No autographs please!  Contact my agent if you would like an interview.  :ph34r:

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It is a pleasure to be among so many greats!!


My superpower is the ability to see the future. Just today, my kids were going to science class and I was able to *see* that they would need their science books. I can also predict when a TKD bag will be needed. It can be hard to stay humble but I try!!

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That's my super power too! I just told dh the other day that apparently I am the only one in the family who can close the kitchen cabinets! I didn't know it was a superpower! That gives me a whole new spin on the situation. Is toilet cleaning a superpower, too???? LOL

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I have the special ability of identifying whether the dishes in the dishwasher are clean or dirty. People that don't have this power apparently need to leave their dishes on the counter because "they aren't sure if the dishes in the dishwasher were clean or not."

People in my house just load the dirty dishes in with the clean ones. We need your talents here.
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I have the amazing and apparently rare ability to recognize which kitchen towel is already wet and use it instead of wetting a new one every single time something needs to be wiped. And the complimentary power of rinsing and hanging said wet towel so it is ready for future use.


It's okay to be jealous. :coolgleamA:

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I have the amazing and apparently rare ability to recognize which kitchen towel is already wet and use it instead of wetting a new one every single time something needs to be wiped. And the complimentary power of rinsing and hanging said wet towel so it is ready for future use.


It's okay to be jealous. :coolgleamA:

Gotta admit, I am reeeeeaaaaally jealous of this one.

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I have superrefrigeratorvisionarypowers. I am the only person around who can look into the refrigerator and easily see all the components of healthy, delicious meals and snacks.


I am surrounded by wailing masses of starving ones who can only cry out, "But there's nuuuthin ta eeeeeeeeeat!"


At times I cloak my power for the sake of encouraging the starving ones to become students of my ways and thus gain the power for themselves. Alas, I have yet to make a full fledged convert.

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I also have the tp superpower.


I used to have the superpower of being able to soak dishes so they will come clean in our sorry dishwasher. (We did not get to choose it.) But, I had the small people do all the dishes for a week and now they too share my dish soaking superpower and will remind anyone who forgets to rinse or soak a dish to soak it so it will get clean!! (Getting a 9 year old boy to notice and do this may be a true superpower, LOL.)


Unfortunately, the other member of the family does not have dish soaking superpowers. He does, however, help with other chores and always empties the vacuum cleaner, an especially helpful chore with my allergies. His superpower is wiping down the sink, the rest of the family deems this unnecessary. He says that if we wipe down the sink he will put toilet paper rolls on the roll instead of on top of them!

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My Dd has the super power to spot the teeny tiny insect in the dusty ceiling corner at the furthest point from her in the room. This triggers her "danger" shriek. When you hear the shriek you must come running to defend her from the axe murderer you are sure is in the room with her. It took a lot of years to deactivate the shriek.

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My Dd has the super power to spot the teeny tiny insect in the dusty ceiling corner at the furthest point from her in the room. This triggers her "danger" shriek. When you hear the shriek you must come running to defend her from the axe murderer you are sure is in the room with her. It took a lot of years to deactivate the shriek.

My youngest has this super power, too. Maybe they can join forces for good and protect our world from teeny tiny insects! (Of course, they would need someone with the super power of actually stepping on said teeny tiny insect. . . )
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I have the super power to identify and pick up socks from the floor and put them in the laundry basket.  Apparently the males in my household do not have this super power as they never know where their socks are.


I also have the super power to look in the fridge and know when something is spoiled and needs to be thrown away.

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My super curse power is the ability to CONNECT THE DOTS.


Just yesterday I connected these dots during my shower:


... 8" standing water around my shins

... giant hairball in shower drain




It wouldn't have been that bad, except the comments that followed.

"Hey! The shower works again! I wonder what happened ..." <-- age 15

"Mom? I think there's something wrong in the shower." <-- age 9

(from shower) "NOOOOOO!!!!!" <-- age 17, wants warm water around his ankles


On second thought, maybe my super power is the ability to stay sane.




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My super curse power is the ability to CONNECT THE DOTS.


Just yesterday I connected these dots during my shower:


... 8" standing water around my shins

... giant hairball in shower drain




It wouldn't have been that bad, except the comments that followed.

"Hey! The shower works again! I wonder what happened ..." <-- age 15

"Mom? I think there's something wrong in the shower." <-- age 9

(from shower) "NOOOOOO!!!!!" <-- age 17, wants warm water around his ankles


On second thought, maybe my super power is the ability to stay sane.




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I have the super power to identify and pick up socks from the floor and put them in the laundry basket.  Apparently the males in my household do not have this super power as they never know where their socks are.



Mind = blown. I never considered this a super power. I just thought that the males in my house had a genetic disorder that impaired their ability to see socks. OK, I've got double ninja powers -- toilets and socks.  :ph34r:

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