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S/O Are visible diapers tacky?

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A few posters mentioned covering diapers in the undergarment threads.


I don't like visible paper diapers. My oldest always wore onesies so that his diaper never showed. 


When we switched to nice cloth diapers (not the ugly plastic pants my oldest wore), I treated them like clothes. It seems silly and unnecessary to cover cloth pants with more pants (and sometimes more pants again, if the baby is wearing a diaper, a wool soaker and then a regular pair of pants as well).


What do you all say? Let all those dipeys hang out, only the cute ones, or never any at all?

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From New England but now live in SoCal.  I have never given it one thought if a diaper was showing.  Honestly, the idea that we must cover them (is this a modesty thing??) is just such a bizarre and foreign concept to me.


Heck, a naked baby bum is one of the top joys in life.

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My babies diapers were always covered regardless of diaper type. I personally find visible disposable diapers tacky, but that's just me. I'm from Texas

However, the new covers for cloth diapers are so cute, I'm not sure I would always cover those.

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I think it *looks* better with paper diapers covered. That doesn't mean I always did it when we used them. I spend too much money on pretty cloth diapers to cover them if I don't have to. Plus, yeah, in the south and we are closing in on summer.

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I would dress my kids up for certain occasions, but seeing a baby in a diaper doesn't bug me one bit.  My kids ran around in diapers all the time. 


ETA - I'm from the upper midwest with cold winters.  I had one kid that took off his pants every time he walked through the door year round.  LOL.  :D

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Are you talking in public or at home? At home or in the yard my babies often wear just a diaper (cloth or disposable) or a pair of training pants or just their birthday suit. When we leave the house, though, they always wear appropriate, comfortable clothes on their upper and lower body. Even when we will just be driving in the car and no one will see them, I still put them in shorts and a t-shirt, at least, to keep the car seat straps from hurting them.


I live in Michigan and I don't think I have ever seen a baby at a store or library or other public place with an uncovered diaper. Pajamas, sure, but not just a diaper.



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I used to cover dd's nappies because those nappy covering knickers are very cute. Then I had a boy and was happy if he would keep his pants on at all. Current stance is I don't care what anyone under three is wearing as long as it is appropriate to the weather and they don't piddle or worse on my floors or bed.

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A few posters mentioned covering diapers in the undergarment threads.


I don't like visible paper diapers. My oldest always wore onesies so that his diaper never showed. 


When we switched to nice cloth diapers (not the ugly plastic pants my oldest wore), I treated them like clothes. It seems silly and unnecessary to cover cloth pants with more pants (and sometimes more pants again, if the baby is wearing a diaper, a wool soaker and then a regular pair of pants as well).


What do you all say? Let all those dipeys hang out, only the cute ones, or never any at all?


I don't like visible diapers, either, but what I like more is having cute undies, lol.


I like the plastic pants because they aren't bulky and fit more easily under pants or whatever. The cute little dresses my dds had came with matching bloomers :-) so of course they wore those. If I were diapering again, I think I'd still go with the plastic pants for that reason.

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They are babies.  Naked, in diapers, or more clothing, they are cute and innocent.  Have them wear what is comfortable for them and convenient for you.  

:iagree:   On older people, my opinion may change.  :lol:


I love cloth diapers and use them as bottoms in summer, too.  FWIW-I'm from "the North" where we have sweltering summers of 90+ degrees with full humidity and I didn't care about seeing dipes when we were in Northern IL or NC.  So my region didn't matter.

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Exposed disposables are one of my personal pet peeves, but I don't care if other people do it--except DH, but he knows my stance :). Even in the house on 115+ degree days DS wore shorts over his diaper. Besides the visual issue, I like there to be an extra layer of protection between my carpet, couch, or lap. There were a few times he played outside in our courtyard with markers, a cardboard box, and popsicles in only a diaper but that's it.


DD always wears a diaper cover when wearing a dress/skirt. We only occasionally use cloth but they are more like clothes so I could go either way with them.


Once I was at the park and saw two toddlers in short dresses and sagging, overfull disposables going down the slide with their dresses riding up. Their mom was talking on the phone and whining about needing to change them but didn't. A different issue, I know, but gross.

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I just think diapers are ugly, and gross looking when they're peed in. So Pink always had cute little diaper covers.

I'm not a fan of seeing kids running around in nothing but a diaper, but that's just because I don't find it cute. Idk, I guess I just find diapers sort of disgusting.

I don't feel the same about undies, swimsuits, or nakedness. Just diapers - blech.

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I always covered paper diapers but didn't sweat it with cloth (though most baby outfits are either onesies, or come with matching diaper covers).


We lived in a warm climate when both of my girls were babies so a common outfit was cloth diaper (either AIO or fitted with cute cover) and a T shirt or tank top.  Many times they would wind up without the top and if it was breezy we would throw on some babylegs and call it good.

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It's a baby! No, it's not tacky. Cover it, don't cover it, who cares?! It's a matter of personal preference only. I've lived in different areas of the US and Guam. I have had babies in cloth, sposies, with bloomers, with covers, without, and even entirely without while PLing and ECing.

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Visible disposables are tacky to me, but I don't find them offensive or inappropriate (at home--not in public). But I pay good money for my cute cloth diapers--no way am I covering those up when I'm at home! (Though again, I do fully cloth my kids when we go out in public.)

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I think for three y.o. and under it is okay to go without. I guess I think if it is an older toddler, the diaper should be covered. They don't really look like babies anymore. However, if someone else doesn't care if their older child runs around in a diaper, why should I care? So, whatever floats your boat.

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If be interested to see responses plus what state or region folks live in. I suspect more southern folks find it acceptable than northern folks who are likely to put clothes on baby because baby isn't so terribly hot. ;)


Without reading further, I am from Southern California. I lived in Japan until a few weeks before my first was born-where there were no diapers and babies wore underpants like everyone else. He was born in northern Nevada. We lived there for less than a year. We traveled between Louisiana and California for a few months, and have lived in Louisiana ever since, except for a few months back in California.

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Well call me tacky :) dd2's diaper isn't showing in public but at home it might be all she's in. I don't have a sewing machine yet to make covers (though I will be borrowing dmil's for the summer) and I use disposable because dh has a thing against dirty diapers in the washer.

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I don't think it's a big deal but I always cover the diaper when we're going out. When we're at home, she can hang out in whatever. In fact, I was going through old pictures of my older two and was surprised at how many had them in just a diaper or running around naked. :)

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I always covered them with a onesie or something because several of mine were related to Houdini and an extra layer between them and the velcro tabs was a sanity saver for me.  Otherwise, the little escape artists would whip off those nappies and be feelin' the breeze!

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Pretty cloth diapers should be left uncovered for the admiring public.  In fact, cute dresses should be worn to highlight the cuteness.  


Uncovered cloth diapers?? And so, when baby wets and her diaper is soaked, then...???

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Uncovered cloth diapers?? And so, when baby wets and her diaper is soaked, then...???

the ones we used usually had a waterproof PUL layer. Some people use wool soakers instead.



I consider a baby wearing a diaper of any kind to be fully clothed. I have raised babies in Texas, Utah, and California. If we're leaving home I do try to have at least a shirt in addition to the diaper, and of course something warmer if it is cold, but I've never worried about a diaper showing, cloth or disposable.

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I don't find it tacky..just gross. I don't want to see saggy diapers. My kids always wore onsies at home or proper clothes when we went out.


In summer they were in an air conditioned house or covered up outside because no clothing outside means sunburn.


I do like cute nakie bums..those are allowed...just not saggy diapers lol.

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I can not even begin to wrap my mind around the idea that only cute diapers should be showing.   It's a diaper.  They are all doing the same thing and will end up crappy. 


My thoughts for my kid still in diapers is that I don't care.  Half the time getting her to keep a diaper on is an accomplishment.  At home if she's in a diaper and t-shirt or a diaper and super hero cape or a diaper and socks, great!  .  I put pants, a dress, or a skirt on her when we leave the house/yard, but if her skirt rides up or something?  Still don't care. 

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I feel that all nappies, either cloth or disposable should be changed as soon as wet or soiled - it doesn't matter if the are covered or not, but change them please. My big gripe about disposable is that some people leave them on until bursting point - I guess they are trying to get their money's worth of use out of them- but those poor babies bottoms :-(

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I never had a little girl to dress so I haven't given much thought to this. Do they sell things to go over diapers for girls to wear under dresses or do people just sew bloomers? For my ds he wore just a diaper around the house at times, but in public always a onesie or something over the diaper. I consider diapers like underwear. If I had a girl wearing one with a dress I would hope the dress is long enough to cover her diaper when she sits down. But I don't have much experience with little girl's clothing. I imagine that they stick out of the skirts/dresses on girls sometimes.


I don't know anyone that uses cloth diapers and the only ones I've seen didn't shout "cute" to me. We got some passed down to us, but we didn't use them as diapers. I guess I will have to peek in the baby aisle to see what everyone is referring to.


The idea of purposely exposing a diaper in public doesn't interest me. I'd just think about it leaking on the surface where the kid sits.


Many dresses for little girls come with matching bloomers (although they aren't bloomers that come all the way down to their knees, lol. They just cover the diaper area.). I have also bought ruffled panties and put them over the diaper/plastic pants; it just looks cuter than plain ol' plastic pants. And of course there are always tights, which cover everything. ;-)


Diapers aren't supposed to be "cute." They are purely utilitarian. :-) And in my world, they would always be covered up, so white is fine.

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Cute cloth all-in-one diapers and diaper covers are sufficient by themselves. Frugly plasticky covers, training pants, and all disposables are not.


I hate onesies. They aren't made to fit over cloth and usually cause wicking issues when they do.


Climate is a factor. I know onesies are great for keeping shirts tucked in when it's cold.


My kid doesn't need more layers when it's triple digits!

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Cute cloth all-in-one diapers and diaper covers are sufficient by themselves. Frugly plasticky covers, training pants, and all disposables are not.


I hate onesies. They aren't made to fit over cloth and usually cause wicking issues when they do.


Climate is a factor. I know onesies are great for keeping shirts tucked in when it's cold.


My kid doesn't need more layers when it's triple digits!


Yeah, we were happy with the plastic pants. They weren't bulky, they kept baby--and anyone who picked her up--dry (mostly!), and her cute little matching bloomer-thingies fit right over them. I made lots of little clothes like these for my daughters. No one saw either plastic pants or diapers. :-)

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I'm pretty sure we're having several conversations here. Some of us are talking about diapers peeking out of clothes, some are talking about diapers exposed around the house or in the yard, and some are referring to diapers showing in public places, like the store. We're all just kind of talking past each other. ;)

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I'm pretty sure we're having several conversations here. Some of us are talking about diapers peeking out of clothes, some are talking about diapers exposed around the house or in the yard, and some are referring to diapers showing in public places, like the store. We're all just kind of talking past each other. ;)


Not several conversations; just variations on a theme. :-)

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Ok I do understand the nasty saggy diaper being an issue. That grates my nerves just for the fact that I know that poor kid going to have a horrible butt rash, and well it just looks bad. I change dd2 when I see "the line" turn green (not sure what size they go up to, dd2 still wears size 1 Huggies little smugglers) or I smell or hear something :)

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