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Face blindness test


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I got 93%. However, I've watched a lot of TV and movies over the years. If you haven't, this would have been a lot more difficult.


I haven't watched any tv or movies in 15 years and seldom before that.  I got 84% correct (out of the 25 that I recognized once they gave me the name)

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I couldn't care less who most of those people are, but I did know a good many of them - more the political figures than the celebrities. I just don't care about most celebrities & don't keep up with current pop culture, so any celebrities after, say, 1990, I didn't really recognize all that well. 

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I agree with PPs that it is easier to recognize celebrities. 


I agree also. My theory is that when we watch tv and movies, the actors' faces are very prominent and we stare at them for a long time. In real life I don't get right up to someone's face and stare at it for a long time. Someone giving a speech, maybe, but chatting with a new person at church coffee hour? It's much less "stare time" unless you act really creepy. LOL That's why I think it takes me numerous times of meeting someone before I become really confident in recognizing them. But it often takes just one tv episode to recognize an actor.


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I missed one. I know who he is and would normally recognize him, but it wasn't a good photo.


Was it a world leader? If so, I missed that one too. 


I think I'm the opposite of face blind. I hate watching movies for this reason - I spend half of my time trying to figure out where I saw random cashier before. (A Subway commercial? A small role on a TV show?) Thank goodness for IMDB!

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I totally think my son is face blind. One day, he asked he how someone could recognize someone without seeing their hair and clothes... This has been on my radar ever since!


I got 87%.

That is funny, and I can relate to him.  I remember getting corrected by my mom SO many times growing up for not saying, "Hello, Mrs. So-and-so" whenever my mom had a friend with her.  But the truth is, I couldn't tell any of her friends apart (except for one who was the only one with white hair).  I knew she played tennis with Mrs. Perry, so I'd always say "Hello, Mrs. Perry," if the friend was wearing tennis clothes.  And I knew Mrs, Aldrich was her sewing friend, so if they were working on a sewing project, I'd say, "Hello, Mrs. Aldrich."  But if I walked in and she was just sitting having a cup of tea with a friend, I would have no idea if it was Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Aldrich, Mrs. Burek, etc... and so I'd just mumble, "Ummm, hi," with no name attached.  I was clueless.


I've often been amazed at how well my DS recognizes people.  Thankfully he seems to have inherited DH's facial recognition abilities!

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I got 46% although there were several where I'd think I know that face, but couldn't come up with any details other than it is familiar. Then when they said who it was, I knew!! I do that all the time. Our Ped. nurse was a mom at basketball. She knew me and my kids by name. I knew she was familiar, but her kids weren't and it wasn't until she came to a practice with her uniform on that I placed where I knew her from. I can recognize faces but not draw any details why I recognize them from memory without other input.

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I did well but mostly because everybody was white. I grew up in an area that was almost completely white and I have a much harder time telling blacks and Asians apart. Also, although I could recognize the faces, I am terrible at describing people's appearance. If I had to give the police a description of a non-white criminal, I would be one of those annoying people that says, "The guy was Asian" instead of being able to give a more detailed description. I rely heavily on hair color, style, and texture, so if a group has much less variation in those things, I'm in trouble.

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I got 100%, but I lived in the UK for 10 years so I didn't have any trouble with Tony Blair or Rowan Atkinson. Ben Stiller was the one I had the hardest time coming up with a name for.  


I agree that celebrities are a lot easier to remember than people IRL, because you often see their name in print along with their photo. When you meet someone IRL, you generally only hear their name while seeing them, and unfortunately for me, that just goes in one ear and out the other. I'm embarrassingly bad at remembering names.  :blushing:

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I only missed Tony Blair, which was surprising to me as I really struggle to remember faces in real life. Typically, I forget what someone looks like when they change their clothes. I can remember names, phone numbers, birthdays, anniversaries, but very little about what a person actually looks like. Apparently my problem goes away when the person is a celebrity! 

ETA: For me, personally, it is much easier to recognize a 2D photo version of someone once I've seen a 2d version of them. If I see them in real life (so, 3D) I can't really remember their features in 3D or 2D. However, once I see them in a photograph, I can usually recognize them in another photograph. No guarantees I'll recognize them again in real life though. (If any of that makes any sense. :) ) 

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I got 100%, but I lived in the UK for 10 years so I didn't have any trouble with Tony Blair or Rowan Atkinson. Ben Stiller was the one I had the hardest time coming up with a name for.

I don't normally have trouble remembering Tony Blair's name, lol! That photo did not look like him to me, but I guess that is the purpose of the test.


I mostly remember Ben Stiller's name because I know his dad is Jerry Stiller.

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89% which surprises me. I don't really look at faces. Although I can usually recognize people and remember a fair amount about them, but I have a hard time remembering names and I guess I've always just told myself I'm bad at remembering people. I guess it's not remembering the people that's the problem though.

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ETA: I tend to Identify people by their mouth. My dh thinks that is weird, but apparently I'm pretty accurate. I always wondered why Super Hero costumes obscured the eyes and top part of the face when, clearly, it is the lower part of the face giving away their identity. :lol:


So they can still kiss the girl!

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To take the quiz, does one have to register? It didn't seem like I could do the test without a login


You don't have to login or register -- but if you don't, it still takes you to a page that asks for name and age and email address.


I just typed in guess who and went right to the test.


Turns out I'm ok at recognizing faces.  I just can't put names to them.

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My results:


Out of 30 faces, you correctly identified 14.
You were familiar with 18 of the people in this test.

If we exclude the ones you were unfamiliar with, you got 78% correct.



I wasn't entirely sure how to fill in the familiar/unfamiliar question.  In all cases, I was familiar with the names even if I know I had never seen them.


I actually recognized more faces than I thought I would.  I did read the comments before I took the test.  Had I taken it first, I probably would have identified fewer faces.




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It really is somewhat of problem, being face blind. If those pics had been of anyone local, I might not have gotten any of them, much less the two that I did get. Celebs would be anonymous around me, no need for sunglasses :coolgleamA:; even my heartthrob, Johnny Depp, unless he was in his Captain Jack getup.

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I only missed Tony Blair and Margaret Thatcher.  I knew who she was but could not recall her name.  I vaguely recognized Tony Blair and thought "political dude" but did not know his name.  I knew everyone else.  I couldn't remember Rowan Atkinson's last name, but I gave myself credit, and I associated him with Mr. Bean.

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Guest submarines

I consider myself face blind--it is very difficult for me to recognize people. To my astonishment I got 78% right.

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I don't normally have trouble remembering Tony Blair's name, lol! That photo did not look like him to me, but I guess that is the purpose of the test.


I mostly remember Ben Stiller's name because I know his dad is Jerry Stiller.


I agree the picture was a bad one. I would recognize Tony Blair normally (or at least the actors that play him :lol:)

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I got 100% - although I couldn't get all their names (the test says it's okay if you recognize them but can't remember the names, just put what you know about them).  I usually said where I knew them from (Tony Blair = British PM).  I also get De NIro & Pacino mixed up but I got it right this time. 


I expected a good score, actually.  I have very good facial recognition.  I can't usually get a name, but I can pick people out that I know from somewhere when I run into them randomly.  I can usually pick out where I know them from too - although that's getting harder as I've gotten older (is the connection high school, old youth group, one of our old churches, homeschooling, or one of the kids many activities from the past?)

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Huh...ok.  For some reason I didn't get that.  Guess I didn't read the instructions carefully enough!


So I did way better than my score indicated.


So basically you're saying that you passed the face blindness test, but failed the instruction blindness test? ;)

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I got 93% of the faces I was familiar with.  I was surprised how different some people look without their hair!


When we were doing a recent human anatomy unit on the brain, we read an article (I think in a recent National Geographic) that said there is a specific neuron in our brain coded for a particular celebrity's face - anytime we see that person's face, that neuron lights up.  I thought that was interesting!

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Okay, it makes me feel better that most of us missed Tony Blair.  I really didn't think that looked like him!


Other than that, I got them all.  I'm pretty good with faces but better with names.  DH is great with faces but terrible with names.  Between the two of us, we can usually figure out who's in the movie, LOL!!


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I did much better then I thought I would, 83%. However, for the huge majority I could not come up with a name, I described how I knew them... Once they displayed the name I could verify to myself I was thinking about the correct person.

This! I am HORRIBLE with names.


I did name a couple after their movie character/ movie title. Zoolander and Ace Ventura. :-) LOL


Even Jerry Seinfeld, I played a whole scene in my mind, with the neighbour and the short bald guy and The woman. Knew the show was his last name, but could NOT drag it out of my brain.


I got 83%. Familiar with 23, recognized 19 of those. There were 7 I had no idea who they were. I had heard of their names, but that's about it.

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