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What did you get for Mothers Day?


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I got some wonderful natural face cream made in Germany, that I had always wanted but couldn't bring myself to buy. Plus have some presents still to come, as DH ended up in hospital Saturday, so he wasn't able to take my younger ones shopping etc...


So what did you lovely ladies receive?

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I received a new redbud tree that I have to figure out where I want planted.  That was a nice gift.


Then they got me a large box of snowballs (the cake treat).  I haven't cared to eat sweets like that in a long time and can't fathom wanting one now.  :glare:   I'm not sure whether just to give them to middle son (the only other one in the family who eats them) or to take them to school and leave them in the mailroom open to anyone who wants them.


But my best "gift" was just the timing of having middle son return from college so I could have the day with two of my three sons here!  We all went to church, then after lunch headed to watch South Pacific at a nearby Imax theater, then just enjoyed the great weather outside until a late supper (they made - BBQ, homemade mashed potatoes, peas) and then watching a couple of old Dr Seuss videos (The Lorax, The Sneetches, etc).  It all made for a fun day - with or without the tree and box of snowballs...


With youngest heading to college, I don't know that any future Mother's Days will be quite as nice, so it was extra special enjoying this one.

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My real present was spending an amazing weekend as a family. The kids all threw a "party" for me friday night complete with decorations, art, music, dancing, dinner, dessert (pizza and oreos- lol), etc.  They performed for me and presented me with "gifts" that they had made or things that were theirs and were giving to me. It was all so very sweet.  I also went to a Mother's Tea thing with ydd at her school this past week and she made me some sweet gifts for that that I will treasure forever. We spent most of Saturday out in the yard relaxing, cleanning up, etc. And I got a tomato plant! :) Also, I didn't cook or clean the ENITRE weekend. Well, for the most part. ;) We didn't do much of anything on actual Mother's Day because I work on saturday nights, so I'm not much fun to be around after that!

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DH and I went out to dinner at Firebirds on Saturday night. Sunday, I woke up to a card from DH that said he would pay the rest on the tablet that I've been saving up for. I also got a plant from my MIL and money from my grandmother. I thought the money was odd, but a sweet gesture. She can't drive much anymore so she can't get out much but she wanted to give me something anyway. I took her a big plant and breakfast and then sat and talked with her for 4 hours and fixed her ceiling fans.

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I drove up to dd's college to bring home a lot of her things so the rest of her belongings will fit when I go back in a few days to bring her home for summer.


Before I left the house, dh wished me Happy Mother's Day. The first thing dd did when she saw me was tell me "Happy Mother's Day."  When my son woke up, he sent me a very sweet and short text. So I spent most of the day with my dd, lunch, hanging out.


When I got home, my guys unpacked the car, and dh made a yummy light dinner (knowing I wouldn't eat, so that was very thoughtful).


It was a wonderful day. It was like a regular day at my house, and I'm perfect with that--because our regular days are just the best.  :001_tt1: :001_tt1: :001_tt1:


I am not a gift person, but I got a couple of handy gifts--two nonstick fry pans, great idea, since we just threw out an old one or two pans a week ago.


I'm no longer a fan of Mother's Day.  It's painful for so many, those who have recently lost babies, who desperately want to conceive but are unable, those who have bad relationships with their own moms, or lost their own moms . . . so many other reasons.  I avoid church now on Mother's Day because I really dislike when the focus is on moms.

It's a great day when everyone gets along, which I expect EVERY day, and when we spend time together, which I hope for every day, and it's just a little nicer when someone else does dishes.  :) 

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It was a lovely weekend. Tony took me out on Saturday night - we went by the mall so he could have me pick out my traditional, annual, gift of new pajamas from Victoria's Secret (I love their super soft pajamas), then we had dinner at our favorite Thai joint. On Sunday we just relaxed - dd came home from her cousins house (she had slept over), we watched tv together, I got my Starbucks (lol)... and then Tony surprised me by suggesting we look at the local shelter for a pup (I have been missing Luke terribly, as the children have)! We now own the absolutely most adorable German Shepherd mix - Mozart!


I hope your husband feels better.


ETA: and my daddy sent flowers... tulips :)

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Oakley sunglasses.  Well, a gift card to Sunglass Hut to pick them out myself.  I had suggested new sunglasses to my 14 yo a couple of months ago and knew she would remember--she's awesome like that.  My 10 yo went to the store with me to help me pick them out, and if you've ever been in a Sunglass Hut, you know they're little stores, and that they only sell sunglasses.  The woman working there said, "Are you looking for anything in particular?"  Ummm, sunglasses?  I actually ended up buying a pair my 10 yo selected.  He's only mentioned this about a dozen times since.


I also did not cook or clean a blessed thing all day Sunday.  It was a great day.

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My dh is out of town, but he sent flowers on Saturday. I'm not a flowers kinda girl, but knowing he thought of me was nice. <3

My mom and dad sent cards, and my dad put a Panera gift card in his! So after church, I took my three Dd's out to lunch.


My littlest dd made me 'flowers' a bowl full of mud and weeds, and a few buried worms. <3

My middle dd made me a picture and a little folding booklet full of her drawings. <3

And my eldest dd talked to her riding instructor without me knowing and asked if she could give me a lesson for Mother's Day. She knows I've been dying to start taking lessons. <3


We had our life group meeting in the late afternoon. Usually we take turns cooking and everyone brings sides and dessert. This time, one of the organizations we volunteer for offered to provide the main course for us. There was a TON of food! Crab legs, chicken, brisket, sausage, baked beans....we filled in the sides and drinks, and had a lovely dinner with good friends. Plus they hire two sitters to play with and help feed the kids, so the moms really could sit and relax!

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Oakley sunglasses. Well, a gift card to Sunglass Hut to pick them out myself. I had suggested new sunglasses to my 14 yo a couple eof months ago and knew she would remember--she's awesome like that. My 10 yo went to the store with me to help me pick them out, and if you've ever been in a Sunglass Hut, you know they're little stores, and that they only sell sunglasses. The woman working there said, "Are you looking for anything in particular?" Ummm, sunglasses? I actually ended up buying a pair my 10 yo selected. He's only mentioned this about a dozen times since.


I also did not cook or clean a blessed thing all day Sunday. It was a great day.


Yep, we even have them here in oz.

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It was a lovely weekend. Tony took me out on Saturday night - we went by the mall so he could have me pick out my traditional, annual, gift of new pajamas from Victoria's Secret (I love their super soft pajamas), then we had dinner at our favorite Thai joint. On Sunday we just relaxed - dd came home from her cousins house (she had slept over), we watched tv together, I got my Starbucks (lol)... and then Tony surprised me by suggesting we look at the local shelter for a pup (I have been missing Luke terribly, as the children have)! We now own the absolutely most adorable German Shepherd mix - Mozart!


I hope your husband feels better.


ETA: and my daddy sent flowers... tulips :)

Thank you! He is still in a bit of pain, but we are relieved that it's not serious. He has pain on the right side of his back. We thought his gall bladder stone had shifted, or that he past a kidney stone, but it looks like its muscular only. Phew!
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We had a wonderful day at my son and daughter-in-laws on Saturday. She made all the food and would not let me help. Five out of my six children were there (newly married daughter lives in MO, but she called me yesterday and we text all the time), all six of the grandchildren (new baby due in Nov.) My kids are very artistic (did NOT get that gene from me!) and four of the six gave me homemade cards/gifts, one gc and a dinner bell to hang on my front porch which I have been wanting for a long time:) Two of my sons called/texted me yesterday to say Happy Mother's Day again, since I just saw them Saturday. And my daughter posted a lovely tribute to me on Facebook:) I am not deserving of any of this in anyway. I am just feeling so blessed today. 

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ETA: and my daddy sent flowers... tulips  :)




How sweet is your dad!

The absolute sweetest. I miss him like crazy. He still sends flowers for every birthday and random other holidays, lol - to all (4) girls.

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The absolute sweetest. I miss him like crazy. He still sends flowers for every birthday and random other holidays, lol - to all (4) girls.

You are so blessed!


Enjoy and appreciate it, as not every father is so lovely. I wish mine was!

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I didn't want gifts from my immediate famiy but was surprised when my sister handed out small gifts to all the moms at our get together. It was a citrusy scented hand soap. She had to tell the story that as she ages, she finds she can't deal with lotions or candles that have strong scents. So she bought us all nice smelling hand soap so we can enjoy it for a moment and then wash it off. :laugh:

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We went out to eat after church.


Then Dh had already agreed to fix my sewing machine.  He put the parts in, but he wanted to clean it and lube it too and I didn't have any lube, so it is still apart in the dining room, but the new part is installed!  Oh, and the new part was for mother's day, but I ordered it myself!  :laugh:



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Nothing...by request.  Well, actually oldest dd disobeyed and got me a box of chocs, but gave them to me this morning instead of yesterday. 


Middle dd wrote me a lovely letter, and youngest dd called me, and told me I'm the best mum in the whole wide world, and she loved me very much.  That's the kind of thing I love.  I love being a mum...mostly....and don't really want the commercialization that seems to go along with mother's day.


When they were little, I didn't object to them wanting to buy or make me things, but this year, I gave them forewarning that I really, really do not want presents on mother's day from now on.  I was shopping with youngest dd the day before MD, and she said...see wouldn't you like one of these cute little things.....I love to buy you things!  I told her she's welcome to buy them any other day for me, if she gets the urge, just as I do for them.  It's nicer when there's no expectation that they should buy something on MD.


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DS made me an awesome card: a mobius strip made of black cardstock, with "I love you to the end of this mobius strip" written on it in silver ink so the message never ends. 


DD made three cards: a regular-sized one from her and then two tiny replicas, one from each dog, lol. She also made and served a yummy pancake breakfast.

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My girls got me a new Coach purse.  It is lovely.  I really enjoyed my day.  It was a lazy, do-nothing day.  I didn't leave the house (my favorite type of day) at all.  DH went out and got us lunch and then grilled out for dinner.  So, I didn't cook, clean up, etc. yesterday.  I even took a little nap.  Oh, my family also sat and watched movies (all of my choice) with me yesterday.  It was a good day.

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I got a new lanyard for collecting more Cardinals pins when we go to ball games, plus a Mother's Day pin with Fredbird and his mom.  :001_wub:


My oldest son also got me a Lego Mixel set (I really wanted it, because it's so cute!)...now I have to go buy the other two that go with it, because I saw what you can make with all three sets together, and I just have to!


It was a great Mother's Day! :)

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My daughter got me a bag of Lindoor truffles. Dh gave me a card. I bought myself pastrami, specialty mustard, and expensive bread, and had one heck of a sandwich with salt and pepper kettle  chips. I ate it outside in the gorgeous weather with my book and no body else, while dh took charge of the daily chaos for an hour. I was happy. Then I went back to making other people happy.

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Peace and quiet.  Just what I wanted.  I puttered in the garden.  The kids were unplugged for the day.  We played board games.  We shared a nice dinner together and then watched Pretty in Pink. My daughter made me some lovely rainbow loom flowers, lots of hugs and cuddles from my 16 year old son, and chocolates from my hubby.  This may have been the best mothers day yet.


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I was given three homemade cardsĂ¢â‚¬Â¦. a homemade picture frameĂ¢â‚¬Â¦.a homemade braceletĂ¢â‚¬Â¦. and a potholder with DS2's handprint on it.


The kids decorated a Publix Mother's Day cake for me.


DD and I had a girls' day on SaturdayĂ¢â‚¬Â¦and we went to Sephora and I bought myself some new foundation and a fun Benefit kit.   DD said that her Dad was getting me a new phone, but it was a secretĂ¢â‚¬Â¦but I never got one.  :(

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My older daughter sculpted a rose out of a watermelon!  It turned out beautifully, even though it was her first try at watermelon-sculpting.

My younger daughter attempted to make gelatin snow-globes with a flower inside.  It didn't work out quite as she hoped, but was still yummy!

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My dh made french toast that I can eat which is a great treat considering my allergies.  He also went to every natural grocery store in town to get enough elk to make elk burgers and then grilled them in the snow while I Sat on the couch with a book and a glass of wine. One kid made me a card and brought me coffee in bed.  One played cello for me.  One called from Japan.

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My teens talked my husband into taking them to WDW and snapping a picture of them recreating a pose from one of my favorite photos of them as little ones. (My husband works for The Mouse, and we live nearby.) They framed the new photo together with a print of the original.


I love it a lot.

Absolutely fantastic! <3

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The kids made me brunch and gave me some gifts...a flat wallet I had wanted, a plant, a gift certificate for dinner, a small jar of tea, and a handwoven African market basket. They gave me a card that they all signed, complete with a stick figure drawing of our family, including oldest dd in her habit. :-) We spent a few lovely hours together and talked to the two who are far away, including dd in France. We will be over there on my birthday so this was sort of a birthday & Mother's Day rolled into one.

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beautiful spring weather and a day spent in my pajamas


Lush bath bombs and fancy tea


a freshly cleaned bathroom, courtesy of the kids, so I could enjoy my bath bombs


a lovely dinner prepared by DH and the kids


a complaint-free day (for me anyway, kids were instructed to take all their troubles to DH, LOL)

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Books from my dh. :) He knows what I like.


Random objects from the kiddos.


ds gave me his wooden plane, plastic tractor and some other random object.


Girls gave me sweet pieces of their jewelry. :)




It really was one of the most lovely days I have had in a long time.


and then the washing machine started leaking water all over the floor.

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Dc put up streamers and balloons and signs and me cappuccino and toast (they had to get up at 5 to beat me), then they each gave me a painting they did at a paint party (a daisy and a sunflower). Dh and I didn't have the best day but he gave me a custom handmade necklace with dcs names stamped on from a local metal smith artisan, it's beautiful.

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Saturday DH scheduled a massage for me, and we went out to dinner at my favorite Greek restaurant.  We also went to my favorite ice cream shop, which is a bit of a haul, but they make their own and it is fabulous. 


Sunday I opened a card from the kids and one from DH.  My 10 yo had written in beautiful cursive a lovely note to me about how grateful he is that I'm his mom.  It was very touching.  My 7 yo wrote her own lovely note, and my youngest, age 4, wrote a little "I love you" he had copied from a piece of paper :)  I wasn't hungry for breakfast but enjoyed a cup of coffee and mimosas with DH :)


We spent the day with my MIL, and it was very nice.  I had told DH I didn't mind sharing the day with her, as this was her first Mother's Day since my FIL passed away.  I thought it was nice DH carved out some special time for me on Saturday so I could have "my" time too.


MIL handed me a card as I left, and told me to open it in the car.  She had enclosed a very generous check of a value totally inappropriate for Mother's Day.  I'm not sure what that was about.  MIL loves to gift generously, it has always been her thing, but it caught me off guard.  Not sure I can make myself cash it, but MIL would be mad if I didn't. 


It was kind of an exceptionally good Mother's Day.  We don't usually celebrate to that degree, but we've had a rough year in our extended family, and I think DH wanted to do more than usual.

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I bought myself some new shoes. It's the best way to make sure I get something I want and will use and appreciate - buy it myself and inform DH and the kids what they got me. :)


ETA: DH was not home so kids and I went out to eat, then to Sonic for a Strawberry Limeade. I've been craving that for a while!

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I'm the one with the extremely extravagant adult son. For the record, Miss Thang sent me a very sweet email, she just messed up the time difference one year so we have this tradition where she pours her heart out to me and I reply, "That's very sweet of you, dear, but it's not Mother's Day".


It looks like she could hardly wait until after midnight to send it this year.


So I'm a happy camper. My kids rock. :D


My dh didn't forget, he just doesn't exist or else I haven't met him yet.


ds had to work yesterday but he doesn't have to work today so he's making dinner tonight while I surf the forums and read Konos like a novel.

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My husband had to travel for work on Mother's Day, but he took the kids out for the day on Saturday so I could have that day alone, and he brought me flowers and chocolate covered strawberries when they got home.


But my favorite gift was a poem my dd composed about me, with illustrations.  It made me cry.

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Among other things my youngest took me to Starbuck's for Oprah chai, because I wanted to try it (yummy, but did not live up to my expectations given how Oprah was talking about how "spicy" she likes chai).  She wanted to give her own chai (not my mother's freebie) to Grandma, and then she wanted to go to another Starbuck's for another round so I could have more and she could give her own next one to her dearly loved aunt.  Two small chais in one day were a wonderful treat!


I then wanted to stop for more at the end of the evening, so I could save it for today.  The 3rd time we bought the BIG size, and I got to have both.  I drank them both this morning, along with two of the remaining donuts from yesterday.  Sugary pastries and a double-whammy of caffeine:  I've had the jitters ALL DAY.  Totally my fault.  But yummy.  (I'm a chai addict; even just okay chai gets slurped down quickly and in great quantities.  However, I can't handle much in the way of caffeine or alcohol.  Usually I get decaf.  I didn't think to ask yesterday.  Not at all.)


I also received a picnic blanket, several nice pieces of clothing, a major shopping spree last weekend (for new clothes for me, a rare treat as I DETEST shopping for clothes and put it off as long as possible), some pretty kitchen towels, a new Welcome mat for the door (in LOTS of different languages!  Here, kids, let's try to identify them all!), watching DH chase after my nephew when I volunteered us both to watch him as BIL and SIL picked dewberries, all cooking done for me, a lox & bagel sandwich snack, potatoes mashed with Grandma Betty's potato masher (that she recently gave to me, after using it for 70+ years to mash potatoes for those she loved), and LOTS AND LOTS OF HUGS!!!!

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My husband had to travel for work on Mother's Day, but he took the kids out for the day on Saturday so I could have that day alone, and he brought me flowers and chocolate covered strawberries when they got home.


But my favorite gift was a poem my dd composed about me, with illustrations.  It made me cry.


Isn't that last just the best?  I cannot like this post enough!

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