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what is on your Mother's Day wish list this year?


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My first thought had been some wall decor for my kitchen, but then I learned that DH is not totally sold on the idea I have for that, so I have to work on convincing him.   :glare:  So then I picked out a new sugar canister, since the lid on the current one is broken and we've got it covered in unattractive plastic wrap at the moment.  I sent DH a link to the amazon page for the canister I want with the subject line, "Happy Mother's Day to me." ;)

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I will be on the road home with the rocket team. So I wish for no traffic, construction, or accidents. Smooth sailing is my Mother's Day goal. If i could have my m.d. wish a day early, then beautiful flights and a finish in the top ten would definitely be my dream!

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I try to avoid getting gifts for Mother's Day.  I don't think we need another stressful shopping holiday in our year. 


 I usually appreciate someone else cooking dinner for me (that does *not* mean take-out pizza :glare:)  and/or some flowers. 


This year I'm thinking I'd like to see if a couple of friends can get together for dinner.  My one friend & her husband were never able to have children and didn't adopt.  Mother's Day is very hard for her.  And a single friend whose mother died about 10yrs ago... we all enjoy getting together and it's been a while.  I'm kind of hoping it might work out for next Sunday. 

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I wish for noo drama at our Mother's Day dinner. 


My in-laws will be in town along with my dd and dgd [my dsil has opted to stay at home since the last time he was around my mil she refused to talk to him].  The in-laws are coming out for my middle dd's graduation from community college and decided [surprise!] to leave early so they could be here on Mother's Day.


I can't tell you how happy this makes me. :glare:


I don't wish to discuss religion, which will be the topic de jour if mil has her way.  She's out to save our souls, one way or another, and their church has [imho] drifted in to the close-to-whackadoodle range in the last few years. 


I'm pretty sure she doesn't consider me "saved" since the church I attend has *gasp* female pastors.  She asked me last year how I could continue attending such an unBiblical church.


Um....I get that some Christians don't believe in females in leadership positions in the church.  But seriously - ask me that in my own house???  And I'm a deacon, so yeah...obviously *I* don't hang my hat on those particular verses.




That's the Mother's Day I get to come home to, after attending my unBiblical church service.


Just......no drama.  That's all I ask for.  I'll get my real Mother's Day next year. :D

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I'm getting exactly what I want... to spend it with my own mom!  I'm flying out to help finish clearing out my uncle's house to get it ready to sell (he died a few weeks ago).  I told my husband coming back home to a clean house would be nice (and since he'll be taking off work that week to be home with the little guys, he'll have plenty of time to do it).

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Dh is always sick in bed with allegeries on Mother's day. 

So May 11th is Father's day. (I get Father's day)


So Dh will get pampered, play computer games with the boys, and get his pick of what to do. 

I might get him a new board game thing. 


On my Mother's day (June 15th) I think I might run a 3KM race with my boys and get my pick of restaurant to eat at.

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Snazzy, expensive new sunglasses. I live in sunny Atlanta and wear them year-around, and the cheap ones are not cutting it. I trust that my 10 year old who, as a toddler, broke three pair of sunglasses within a week (one while I was standing in line to pay for them), is beyond that now, so I can upgrade.


And also the day off.

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A new essential oil order.  My birthday is also this week, so I am trying to justify the cost by saying its for both. :) 

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I just got a new phone, which is an early Mother's Day gift.  Usually I tell them exactly what I want:  for someone else to take care of most of the dishes, for my husband to cook, and just for everyone to get along and have a good day together.  Honestly, that's pretty much like every other day around here, except I'm happy to do the cooking otherwise.  I don't focus a lot on Mother's Day, but I know it's good for *them* to focus on it, lol.

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I have pretty low expectations/desires for Mother's Day.  I just want to have a calm day, some time to myself, and a nice dinner.  I don't even mind if I cook it.  We don't live near my MIL but the weeks before Mother's Day are always stressful because we can never think of something for her.  She's very hard to buy for but expects a gift.  I don't want to add to stress by asking for things for myself.  I think it's a rather bizarre holiday anyway. 

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A day at the beach.  We only live 3 hours away...so we plan to leave at 7 am and be there by 10:30 or 11.  I want to sit with my feet in the sand and just relax and read.   What's nice is..no cooking--eat out and nothing else to store or dust. ;)

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Somebody in my immediate family to wish me, "Happy Mother's Day."


Oh ya,  and not to cry about my mother who has been gone 19 yrs.  It's always the sermon at church on Mother's Day that sets me off crying (remembering my Mom).  I wish I had more control over my crying!   


Hugs to those of you that no longer have your mother.  :grouphug:

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Mother's Day is hard because I miss my mom (4.5 years).


I want time to do whatever I want on Mother's Day, to garden, to read, to sit with an adult beverage. I also don't want to cook a blasted thing.


Most years I get my wish. Ds is still hearing about the Mother's Day I had to spend at his Eagle project work day :D

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DH is pretty good about deciding that without my input, lol. I have to admit that I've always enjoyed anything he gets me - in Mothers Days past it has ranged from Sheri's Berries and cards, to Godiva strawberries, cards, and new pajamas, and one of my favorite Mothers Day gifts was a religious statue of the Blessed Mother and Jesus that sits on our bookcase.

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No diaper changes on Mother's day; Dh has to do all of them. Sleep in, cards made by my boys and husband, dinner out. Every 5 or 6 years Mom day is ON my birthday. Or the same weekend/weekend before. So the whole weekend belongs to me. :P We're taking the kids to a hibachi (sp?) grill for the first time for them and dh. That's going to be fun. :D

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That DH will be comforted. His mother died 10 years ago, and he struggles every year at this time, especially since we found out we were pregnant very, very soon after his mother died. It's kind of melancholy for me as well, because it brings to mind the children that I lost to miscarriage and infant death, as well as the one I have, as well as the awareness of how much other women who have been in my position will hurt when mothers are asked to stand next Sunday, and who don't know if they should stand, sit, or run screaming from the room.



Honestly, I just plain hate holidays. I'm not sure there is one anymore that doesn't cause pain.



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Mother's Day is always only a few days after my birthday, so I feel a bit greedy asking for more stuff!


I'm pretty good with a sleep-in and a decent breakfast in bed. Homemade cards are nice. Books and chocolate are always welcome (the birthday books and candy are nearly always finished by then )  :)


same here. I admit I hate the proximity.  my son asked me what i wanted for my birthday (because I asked him what he wanted for his - which is just after MD)


at times I just want to say - give me the dead flowers (re: a boquet of cut flowers) and/or chocolate.  this year - maybe a flat of ivy geraniums for my hayracks I have off the front of the house.  

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I wish for us all to be healthy.  I have a sinus infection and dh and dd are coughing.  My mom is coming into town on Thursday and my dd has a dance recital on the Tuesday after MD which means having rehearsals on MD and Monday as well.  We were all sick the last time my mom was here in Jan, so I hope we can get over this.  We don't get to spend MD with my mom very often so it is kind of special this year.

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I wish for noo drama at our Mother's Day dinner. 


My in-laws will be in town along with my dd and dgd [my dsil has opted to stay at home since the last time he was around my mil she refused to talk to him].  The in-laws are coming out for my middle dd's graduation from community college and decided [surprise!] to leave early so they could be here on Mother's Day.


I can't tell you how happy this makes me. :glare:


I don't wish to discuss religion, which will be the topic de jour if mil has her way.  She's out to save our souls, one way or another, and their church has [imho] drifted in to the close-to-whackadoodle range in the last few years. 


I'm pretty sure she doesn't consider me "saved" since the church I attend has *gasp* female pastors.  She asked me last year how I could continue attending such an unBiblical church.


Um....I get that some Christians don't believe in females in leadership positions in the church.  But seriously - ask me that in my own house???  And I'm a deacon, so yeah...obviously *I* don't hang my hat on those particular verses.




That's the Mother's Day I get to come home to, after attending my unBiblical church service.


Just......no drama.  That's all I ask for.  I'll get my real Mother's Day next year. :D


Ack! Wishing you a drama-free, wonderful day. Can you just smile at your MIL and ask her to discuss "religion" once you are all in heaven? There'll be more time then (and the perspective may have changed) - eternity.  :)

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I would love to get money for clothes & a haircut, and an extra special bonus would be a pedicure and having my eyebrows done.


In my dream world I would also get time to myself and wouldn't have to lift a finger around the house, but that is not going to happen.

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That DH will be comforted. His mother died 10 years ago, and he struggles every year at this time, especially since we found out we were pregnant very, very soon after his mother died. It's kind of melancholy for me as well, because it brings to mind the children that I lost to miscarriage and infant death, as well as the one I have, as well as the awareness of how much other women who have been in my position will hurt when mothers are asked to stand next Sunday, and who don't know if they should stand, sit, or run screaming from the room.



Honestly, I just plain hate holidays. I'm not sure there is one anymore that doesn't cause pain.


I hate what they've become here in America.  Either they've become too commercialized (Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving) or there too much "you've gotta do it this way... or you're a failure" (Mother's/Father's Day, Valentine's day, etc. etc.)


I'm so glad I'm no longer in a church that feels compelled to give the annual "Mother's Day sermon".  Ugh, I used to feel so badly for women who either weren't mothers.  One year a pastor gave a sermon that talked about all the negative statistics of kids who grew up in single families for mother's day :confused1:  :confused1: .  Seriously, what was he thinking?    The only thing we do to honor them in our current church is we say some prayers for moms, grandmoms, and godmothers at the end of the service, and we also say a prayer in memory of those who have died.  Oh and, someone hands out a flower (which I actually wish they wouldn't). 

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I told DH I wanted not to have to cook any meals, and I want to do something fun with the family, either that day or the day before. We have a museum pass that is good for several site, and it will expire soon, so I would love to visit one of the sites.


The likelihood is high that DH will get chocolates for me, as he tends to do that, and it's sweet of him. I am not a big gift person, but I appreciate that he does that. DS4 will wake me up when he's hungry, and I find it hard to get back to sleep, so it won't really work for DH to let me sleep in, even though he'd be willing. But not having to do meals is a big gift for me!

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Angel food cake for breakfast and pancakes for lunch!  :)

I do not want breakfast in bed.  I heard my kids talking about that, and I told everyone that I'd much rather have them let me get ready upstairs while they prep breakfast downstairs, and then have us all eat together at the table!  Breakfast in bed just does not sound fun to me at all, and besides, with two 7yos doing the serving, it sounds dangerous!  :P

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I'm so glad I'm no longer in a church that feels compelled to give the annual "Mother's Day sermon".  Ugh, I used to feel so badly for women who either weren't mothers.  One year a pastor gave a sermon that talked about all the negative statistics of kids who grew up in single families for mother's day :confused1:  :confused1: .  Seriously, what was he thinking?    The only thing we do to honor them in our current church is we say some prayers for moms, grandmoms, and godmothers at the end of the service, and we also say a prayer in memory of those who have died.  Oh and, someone hands out a flower (which I actually wish they wouldn't). 


I really like the mother's day service in our church!  So far it's always been very positive in ours.  Being a single parent, it's nice to have some adult recognize my contribution.  ;)


I would be pretty angry about a sermon cutting on single moms!  My kids are growing up with a single mom and they are doing just fine!  Hopefully our pastors would not be that stupid; if they were, I'd give them a piece of my mind!


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I try to avoid getting gifts for Mother's Day.  I don't think we need another stressful shopping holiday in our year. 


 I usually appreciate someone else cooking dinner for me (that does *not* mean take-out pizza :glare:)  and/or some flowers. 


This year I'm thinking I'd like to see if a couple of friends can get together for dinner.  My one friend & her husband were never able to have children and didn't adopt.  Mother's Day is very hard for her.  And a single friend whose mother died about 10yrs ago... we all enjoy getting together and it's been a while.  I'm kind of hoping it might work out for next Sunday. 

I agree with Debbi.    Honestly, sometimes (and I don't mean to be nasty about this) it seems retail benefits MUCH from all of these holidays.   Sure, I'll take a gift if given to me for Mother's Day, but I don't ask for one, nor do I ponder about getting one. 


A home-made gift and/or card, song, poem, etc. would be great.  Perhaps if dh and dd made dinner - I'd enjoy that too! 


And, in our next home I'd love to have an English garden and grow beautiful flowers and wildflowers.  A fresh-picked bouquet would be nice!



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No diaper changes on Mother's day; Dh has to do all of them. Sleep in, cards made by my boys and husband, dinner out. Every 5 or 6 years Mom day is ON my birthday. Or the same weekend/weekend before. So the whole weekend belongs to me. :p We're taking the kids to a hibachi (sp?) grill for the first time for them and dh. That's going to be fun. :D


I had a few sparsely attended birthday parties as a kid because so many of them were on Mother's Day weekend.

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Usually D takes the kids out for most of the day so I can have some quiet. 

 We might all go out for dinner, or order in. I might ask him to pick up take out in the city. We don't really do gifts.


:iagree:   This is usually how it goes at our house too. Dh takes the dc to the park or someplace and we get take out. No gifts.

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I just want a little time alone. We are always at the beach with my parents on Mother's Day (which is a great present in itself). Typically I go out for breakfast alone somewhere where I can also just sit and read or go for a nice long walk alone and then I take a bath at some point (the house we stay in has a big huge tub). Then I take my Mom out to lunch while my Dad and dh handle the kids. Our usual routine is that dh and I go out in the afternoon to the movies and then later we all go out to a local pizza place. 


We're not really gift people so dh doesn't usually get me a gift. For my Mom this year I'm getting a mini Keurig coffee maker, I haven't gotten her a gift in awhile that isn't really something from the grandkids (picture, photo gift, etc) and I for some reason I felt like doing a little more this year. 

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It's always something totally self-indulgent, it just taken ds awhile to figure out what I would really want to indulge myself in.


One year he got me a $200 gift card to the spa. I don't like short hair, never wear makeup, and don't understand things like fake fingernails and brazilian waxes but I did understand just how intense a present that was coming from a debt-free college student who was juggling multiple part time jobs.


He's toned it down a bit and realized that used books would make me a lot happier, but he's still too young to understand why I still want the present I started asking them for when they hit their teens: for somebody else to mop the kitchen floor for me.



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All I ever ask for on my birthday and Mother's Day is to not have to cook dinner. We always get Chinese takeout on my bday. My mom is going to be here for Mother's Day this year, so I might have to put a little thought into how we spend our day.

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We are just going to have dinner with my parents on Saturday evening since my parents have a 90th birthday party to go to on Sunday.  I never expect anything for Mother's Day.  I'll just be happy if I feel somewhat human that day.  LOL

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