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What Does Your Kids Name Mean?


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My DD's name has a few meanings the main one being bitter, but it can also mean wished for child.


Older DS's first and middle names put together mean noble warrior, which is thinks is very cool.


Younger DS's name means usurper or supplanter.  His middle name means protector.

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Well, one has the initials GIN, and together they are G&T. It was accidental, but take from that what you will.


Lessee. My eldest's name is inspired by Raiders of the Lost Ark. DD the Younger's name just seemed right. It means "vigilant" but we didn't take meaning into consideration.

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Indy's name is my mom's maiden name.  I won't say the meaning, as it's ridiculously easy to figure out and I don't want his name out there.  It's not a common name, though last year it cracked the top 100 for the first time.  Boo.


Han Solo's name is also a last name.  James Bond picked it out.  I can't give it's meaning either, as it's easy to figure out.  I can tell you it does have something to do with the Beatles (JB's favorite group).

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We didn't choose the children's names because of their meaning. Oldest means messenger, so does my dad's name even though they are two different names - just a neat coincidence, I didn't even know at the time. The middle name means red and it's also my dad's MN.


Middle child's name means red -another coincidence. MN are two nouns, a season and a flower.


Youngest child's name means Black and MN means pearl. So black pearl. Not intentional as I really wasn't paying attention to the meanings.


Interesting that they all have a colour meaning.

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I didn't choose them for the meanings, but I did reject a beautiful family name for a girl because it meant "lame".


One boys' name has a religious meaning, one is Greek in origin and has a sort of victorious meaning; one boys' name simply refers to an animal :)  I guess I chose against negative meanings, but the meanings we did chose weren't the reason we chose the names--they are all family names.



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Dd's middle name is Jewell. It was my father's mother's name. She died when he was a young teen. Dd's first name became highly popular. We had no idea it was so popular when my mother suggested it, but It is a beautiful and feminine name that went well with the middle name. We call her by her first name, but she hears the middle name often too (usually when I am frustrated with her). :lol:


Ds's name means something to him. He chose it and asked if it could be his name when he came to us. It was a name he liked and it provided a bit of distance from his former life. It is not his legal name (yet). Hopefully one day it will be. He has had this name for 3.5 years and he has never wavered from it. It is an English name, and I think it is quite distinguished.



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My son's name has a meaning, but that's not why I gave him his name. He was named after my father, who died when I was 14.


ETA: I've never been asked about his name. Though it's not common, and is somewhat outdated, there are several celebrities with this name.

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Man of God, gift, God is good


Gift from God, shelter


Gods gift, heard by God, praise the Lord




ETA: I need to not do two things at once. The middle kids names mean,


Who is like God (in feminine form), shelter. Not sure why I wrote Gift from God.

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Meanings are very important to us when choosing names (for kids, pets, fictional characters  . . . ). Each of our kids has a first name that has Celtic roots and a meaning we liked.


My daughter's, coincidentally, is similar to the meaning of my name, They both mean "white," "fair" or "blessed." 

My son's means "dove" and is related to music.


We gave each one a middle name in honor of my mother-in-law. My daughter has one of my mother-in-law's two middle names, which also happens to be the name of one of my favorite literary characters. My son has my mother-in-law's maiden name.

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I'm assuming people get asked what names mean because they're unusual? 

Our names mean basic things (rock, light, twin, and bitterness or wished-for child). We often get asked why we chose these names, but that's a different category, right? 


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DD#1: clear/bright

DD#2: blind

DS: new town


Yes, poor DD#2, lol. :)  But her name is very pretty, and it has some nice historical and literary connections.  Obviously, we liked it enough to use it in spite of the meaning.


The girls' middle names are both in honor of family members (meanings are pure for DD#1, pearl for DD#2).  DS's first and middle names honor family (middle means ruler).

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DD's middle name is Joy. Having finally had a living baby after an infant loss at 22 weeks, multiple MC and a very, very high risk pregnancy, that was the predominant emotion. DH felt it put too strong of an implication on a child to make it a first name-because NO ONE is joyful all the time.

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My kids are all named for characters in books, movies, and comics.



First name... Small girl in the book The Little Princess

Middle name... Horrible awful amazing movie staring Christian Bale and Mathew Machanauhay



First name... Movie about an archeologist

Middle name... My favorite princess



First... The X-men Gambit

Middle... Spy from Burn Notice

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Mine kids' names mean:

Female variation of a name that means "Who is like God?"
"God has heard."
"YAHWEH is salvation."

No meaning, but is a different spelling of the English form of the name of a Biblical person in the New Testament.

The baby we lost in a late miscarriage:  strong (first name), God's peace (middle name). 

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My oldest DD was named after a car :auto:  DH tricked me. Her middle name is a short combination of both my Mom and DH's mom.

My youngest DD's name is a place. I have never been there but liked it as a name. :wub:  Her middle name is from DH's grandma and it was also my Grandma's middle name.


We just got lucky that way. I like that they both have first names that our their own but middle names have family meaning. The only part I didn't plan for was saying both names in a row and getting them twisted up and mixed together which has created a new, not so nice sounding name that seems to apply to both of them. :confused1:

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I named one and my DH named the other.

The first boy has the names of my two favorite NHL goaltenders of all time..

The second boy has a name my DH liked, and his middle name is the name of a World War 2 sniper that my father knew as a child and deeply respected for his character and his marksmanship. 

Not a family name in the lot. Although both boys first name would also be a saint's name.

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DS1: 1st name is name of a Prophet and middle name is Dh's father's name which is rare and means similar to "begging" (this one we chose because DH is the oldest and it is his father's name, not for the meaning. Dh's father was named this because his mom lost many babies ,like 4-5, after her 1st 2 and so the next baby she had she named this as she was "begging" God to let her baby live.)

DD1: 1st name is a famous name and also from DH's family and middle name means "true, upright" and also happens to be DMIL's first name

DS2: 1st name is a name of a Prophet and means "to increase in influence" and his middle name means "noble" and is also his grandfather's first name

DD2:  1st name means Gentle (and is a famous name) and 2nd name means Beauty (and is also a family name, DH's grandmother's 1st name)


We did look at meanings (except DS1) for all of them.

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I regret using names with any meaning at all.  It's knocked some of my favorite names out of contention further down the line.  After all, how can you say to baby #11 that your brothers and sisters have deep, meaningful names and yours means sheep? ;)  (I love Rachel and I want to use it, lol.)


#1 - strength and joy and named after my mil

#2 - Christ follower, middle name - God will increase, named after my Dad

#3 - Full of grace, God is my oath - named after my grandmother (maternal) - died at 12 days

#4 - God is my oath, graceful - named after her sister

#5 - Captivating, Christian - named after my mother

#6 - To honor God and named after my fil

#7 - A father's joy, faith

#8 - princess, light - named after my paternal grandmother

#9 - God is my judge & hope

#10 - symbol of peace and middle name - serene

#11 - Pure, Pearl - named after my paternal grandmother as well

#12 - Resolute guardian - named after my DH,  middle name: one who supplants -named after my paternal grandfather



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My first daughter's name is a flower and a character from my favorite book from childhood. I've loved her name forever. Her middle name is after my great grandma.


My second daughter shares a first name with one of my husband's favorite historical figures and a middle name with my grandma. Her middle name is also the name of my favorite author and other inspiring women.


My son is the fifth generation to carry his first name. It's very classic. His middle name is from my husband's favorite movie from childhood and one we both liked. Combined with his first name, it sounds vaguely literary.


Their names are all fairly common, and no one has ever asked their meanings. Telling the literal meanings would give away the names..

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I don't want to share.  It might give the names away.  But I'm curious about how many people choose a name for their children based on the meaning.  My choices were pretty random.  I didn't even know what the names meant until after the fact.


Nobody has ever asked me that question either.


My eldest son's name has a meaning that I would tend to avoid.  However, it was Husband's best friend's name and I liked it.  I can't remember what second son's name means - it's my brother's name and we liked it.



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