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What's your personal "What About Socialization?"


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Do you all sleep together? (when I tell someone I live in a Christian community). Uh, did you not hear the "Christian" part? Or folks ask whether it is a cult. Yes, I am a part of a cult. Join us! Want some punch?


Not so much any more because I am out of shape, but I have been asked thousands of times whether I play basketball or volleyball. Or someone just says "you're tall." I heard a great come back when a tall person is asked if they play basketball: "yes, do you play miniature golf?" but I haven't had a chance to use it yet.

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My husband and I drive truck across the country as a team. People always ask "do you drive the same truck or seperate ones?"




BTW, the woman in my profile picture is my mom. But, our daughter AND those 2 dogs are all on the same truck at the same time. And yep, we are together 24/7 and lots of folks swear they couldn't do it.

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I HATE getting the "Are you planning to have any more?" question.  Especially right around my first miscarriage, during my month-long ectopic roller coaster and resulting reduced fertility, through my scary genetic testing period, and while we were (twice) trying to decide if we were going to "close up shop."  Not to mention the fact that some of my children were never planned to begin with!


Of course, I realize I've probably asked people that question myself!  It's almost a reflexive question that seems harmless until you stop to think about the complexity of the answer for most people.


When people tell me "I don't have the patience," I usually answer "Neither do I."

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DH also works from home (we own our own business) and homeschool (of course).  We ALWAYS get asked if we get tired of each other, or go crazy being all in the house all the time, etc.  Then we hear about how that person could NEVER do it <insert reasoning>.  


yes!  Same experience.  

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"I guess now you know how your wife feels, huh?" Because apparently 1) I'm automatically married and 2) If I get exxasperated with my kids, its the universe punishing me because ...why, exactly?


"Oh, wait, so...is their mom dead?" Drop dead. Now. Right now.


"How many baby mamas do you have?" (the boys are less than a year apart.)


I hate when I tell someone that I have 2 kids and they reply. "...That you know of!" As if I've just been sleeping around oh so much I can't keep track of my offspring.


"So what? [Their mom] can't do anything for them?"


"Do you have legal custody of them?" No, as a matter of fact I do not. The only we that we have been able to stay one step ahead of the authorities has been by offing those who discover our dirty little secret...


"You should send them to their mom."


"Man, I'd rather just pay child support!"


"How much do you pay in child support?"


"Can't your mom keep them?"


"Can't her mom keep them?"


In responce to my insistence that I can't do FRIVILOUS/FUN ACTIVITY because I have offspring that need food, shelter, clothing, my time, presence and support:

"Man, you deserve a medal!" Uh...why? What do you expect me to do? Leave my kids out in the cold--wet, naked and hungry? Don't get me wrong, I'd happily let your mongrel spawn go to pot, but not my kids."


"*tsk, tsk* This is why I don't condone fornication." To which I say 4uck you and I don't mean that in the lustful way. And yes, I actually told the pompous hag that to her face.


"I'll be praying for you to get a wife." I'll be praying for too...after all you can't live forever and statistically I'm far more likely to be around next year.


"Man, kids suck! " spoken by a childless frenemie.


"When do you do anything fun?" Every weekend when I drag myself out of the house and take my sons out. Every night we have Math Circle or when I listen to my boys freestyle a book or when we do any of the 1000 funny, spontaneous, engaging and interesting things that we do.


"...mamas baby, daddies maybe..." You can go leap from a height for all I care.



"Next time, Gil, find a godly woman." How bout you skip the sanctimonious, holier-than-thou bit and just go to hell?


"You should've given them up to adoption." The only way I'm able to refrain from striking my especially stupid peers at times like that is by focusing on the fact that I'm a single dad. If I get locked up, I'd lose my kids.


"You need to get out more, man." You need to develop a second brain cell so that you might gain the ability to spark a thought in that cesspool you call a brain.


"You look tired--you need to ditch the kids for a while and get back out there man! Just go wild." Right, because my exhaustion has nothing to do with my 3 jobs, 4 classes, or ailing relatives. It can't be anything else but parenting that wears me out.


"Are those really your kids?" What...the...frick does that even mean?


"I think [Their mom] might have tricked you man! How do you explain 2 kids so close together?"

Uh...so let me get this straight, you are implying that its possible for a woman to fall pregnant twice within a year but only by two seperate men?

What jerks! Wow!

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Can we have your kid so you guys can go do the couple thing?  We made a decision due to issues related to grandparents to not leave dd with someone else.  We have made exceptions for classes and usually the people that same issues as the grandparents so the likelihood of us wanting to leave her with them is slim.  And by the way we were married for 15 years before having kids we had plenty of alone time together and we like doing things and spending time as a family.


People ask me how come my 3 yo isn't in school, I'll admit she is tall for her age and carries herself well, but come on.  We are even in a big homeschool area.

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"You can't homeschool them for high school!"  I have been told this so many times.  It's not even in the form of a question.  Well, yes I can.  To be fair, I do outsource a few subjects such as algebra 2, Japanese, and French for my daughters.  Although I could teach high school math and French if I really wanted to spend the time staying ahead of my daughters.  It's been a long time since I've studied either math or French.

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This is more dh's burden than mine. He's a chronic pain patient and people are forever prescribing cures. Also, he's a pastor, so we have a couple hundred people who really care, and want him to feel better, and sometimes have a hard time accepting the "chronic" part of chronic pain. So on a given Sunday he might be told for the hundredth time that he should look into acupuncture (he has) and then turn around have have someone else say something like, "Oh, I didn't know that was still a problem." Every week. Poor guy.

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"I could never do that." 


I hate that. Especially because this is after I tell them that we had a horrible year in public school and I left my teaching career to homeschool a child with special needs. 


I didn't think I could ever do this, either!!! We do what we need to! 

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"What's wrong with you?"

"What happened to you?"

"But you don't really HAVE to be in that wheelchair, right"

"But you don't LOOK like one of those wheelchair people!"

The worst is when I have my dd4 with me..."How in the world..?! Is she really yours? Then, I guess you are at least able to have S@x? How do you manage that?"


Actually, I don't HAVE to be in this wheelchair, I am just lazy and it get me great parking...I was injured whilst wild boar hunting in the rainforest a of Antartica with only a sharpened number 2 pencil, the way real women do it..no, she isn't actually my daughter, but it turns out if you just swipe a child off the street corner in low-income areas no one will mind too much. I may not look like a 'wheelchair person' right now, but you should see me when I forget my secret anti-drool medication.

Ah, s@x, well you see we have this trapeze thing where you...


And lots of variations of the above. I TRY to behave myself, I really do. But I have been known to come out with such outrageous answers that they don't know what to say. Sometimes humor for me is the only way to keep from being REALLY rude.

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Oh, I want to know more.  Can you start an "Ask a Christian Community dweller" thread?





Do you all sleep together? (when I tell someone I live in a Christian community). Uh, did you not hear the "Christian" part? Or folks ask whether it is a cult. Yes, I am a part of a cult. Join us! Want some punch?

Not so much any more because I am out of shape, but I have been asked thousands of times whether I play basketball or volleyball. Or someone just says "you're tall." I heard a great come back when a tall person is asked if they play basketball: "yes, do you play miniature golf?" but I haven't had a chance to use it yet.


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I just think, "Yeah, you probably couldn't." 



"I could never do that." 


I hate that. Especially because this is after I tell them that we had a horrible year in public school and I left my teaching career to homeschool a child with special needs. 


I didn't think I could ever do this, either!!! We do what we need to! 


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When people find out I stay at home with my kids, "I wish I could afford to do that". Well, we made a lot of sacrifices.


My son has a clogged tear duct, "why is he crying?" or "he has something in his eye". Yes, I know, the last 30 people who looked at him told me.


This doesn't really bother me but my husband and I chuckle about the fact that when I'm out with our 3 kids people tell me I have my hands full. When my husband is out with them he's told he's such a good dad.

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"Oh, I would love to have your curly hair." Said with a certain look in their eye. 


I'm almost 47, it took until I was about 42 to not vehemently hate it, so yes, if I could give you my curly hair I would, in a heartbeat. Poor ds inherited some of my curl, so you could pick us out as mother and son in a group after a windstorm. We went to a family wedding on dh's side a few years ago. They all have beautiful straight flat hair, it was windy. Ds and my hair looked horrid. It had been styled when we left home.  :glare:


Yes, this! If I hear "people pay good money to make their hair look like yours" one more time, I might lose it. 


We get a lot of "when are you going to have another" or something about only children needing a sibling. We tried for 4 years to have another, I found out I was pregnant in March and had a miscarriage at 7 weeks. Please stop asking me this! 


Oh and we hear a lot about our diet. We eat mostly vegetarian. DH has gout and if he eats any meat or egg, his toe swells up to twice it's normal size and he is in so much pain he can't walk. Mostly (DS and I will eat meat and eggs sometimes) plant based for health reasons, please don't argue with it. I never hear people arguing against crappy mainstream diets. 

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My husband and I drive truck across the country as a team. People always ask "do you drive the same truck or seperate ones?"




BTW, the woman in my profile picture is my mom. But, our daughter AND those 2 dogs are all on the same truck at the same time. And yep, we are together 24/7 and lots of folks swear they couldn't do it.


That sounds so cool!

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My very first job was a waitress and every-single-time I said my name, the customer would ask "Just like Whitney Houston?.....Can you sing?! Where's Bobby?" Ughh those were the longest 2 years of my life!

Ah I can relate to this one. People would say "just like Crystal Gail", or they'd sing Crystal Chandelier to me, or Crystal Blue Persuasion.

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My all time favorite was from a Raytheon engineer (seriously, an engineer....I thought they had to be smart for this job???????) who asked us AFTER seeing the rocket team in the presentation competition last year, and AFTER asking us where they all went to school - four are homeschooled, our three sons, and one other - and AFTER witnessing them receive fourth place out of 35, and AFTER seeing my eldest son interviewed by a Timken executive and receive an offer of a college internship - are you ready for this?


"How will they ever learn public speaking?"


Really. :banghead:  :banghead: :banghead:  Because A. the schools do such a profound job of teaching public speaking and B. obviously they didn't learn a thing or two by the involvement of the adults in their lives who helped them prep for the presentation competition in which...wait for it...they did six minutes of public speaking and two minutes of question and answer in front of a panel of NASA engineers, and in which they placed FOURTH out of the original 35 teams that submitted presentations in the hopes of making the top ten teams to do it in person.


Just wow!!! Staggers.the.imagination.

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"Oh my.. Are they all yours?", "How many do you have?" (As they start counting..). "You had them one at a time?", "You sure got your hands full!"


And then I REALLY freak them out when I say I homeschool them too. They usually are speechless for a moment, and then try to find the nearest person and tell them all about me as I smile and walk away.

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My husband and I drive truck across the country as a team. People always ask "do you drive the same truck or seperate ones?"




BTW, the woman in my profile picture is my mom. But, our daughter AND those 2 dogs are all on the same truck at the same time. And yep, we are together 24/7 and lots of folks swear they couldn't do it.


I read the first sentence, looked at your profile, and thought you were really one tough cookie to have such a young kid and a full time job at your age  haha!  Or perhaps it's just that your mom looks like she really could handle all that.  


Good for you guys.

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My s-i-l would probably say hers is "are they identical"~~ asked about her boy/girl twins. I would have never believed her if I didn't hear two people ask her in one shopping trip...

I get this one. And my boy and girl aren't even the same age. What the heck?

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The ones I get over and over from dh's family:

What about college?

What about prom? (although this one has kind of stopped since ds attended both the freshman and sophmore dances at our local high school with friends.  Whew, something normal they can understand.)


From strangers:

How do you spend all day with your kids?


In relation to dh's currently being disabled?
So he is always home, in your space.  How do you deal?

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"Do they all have the same dad?"  Well, it's none of your business and it doesn't matter.   :glare:


DS1 & DD1 look very much like DH, DD2 and DS2 look more like me.  I haven't gotten that question as much since DS3 was born since he looks more like a mix of both of us.  

My 2 youngers are so similar in appearance. The other two don't look like them or one another. I get this one.


"You must be so happy to finally be having a girl!"


Uh, I've had 5 stillbirths, you really think it mattered to me if this baby was a boy or a girl? Even if I hadn't... what the heck? Especially when said in front of my boys! How do I even begin to respond to that? My middle son has even taken to saying in a sort of shy tone how it must be nice for me to finally be having a girl baby. No, kiddo, not really, I would be equally thrilled no matter what. Frankly they thought of a girl is terrifying and I'd be much more comfortable with having another boy; I love having all boys, there's nothing quite like the way a little boy loves his Mama.

I get "You finally got your boy!" when they see I have 3 big girls before my little boy. Because I was going to keep popping out babies like Michelle Duggar until I got a boy! I usually laugh it off and say that 4 was my limit boy or girl.

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Oh that reminds me of one -- "Where did his red hair come from?" How on earth am I supposed to know? Is that even an answerable question? The genes don't come labelled with provenance, as far as I know. I mean, I'm polite and say the right things, and I've probably even asked other people the same question in the past. But after hearing the same question over and over for 13 years, it eventually dawned on me how stupid it was.


ETA: I guess I've probably only heard the question for 11 years. He was bald for the first two years!



My babies all were born with a full head of hair but one of them was born with absolutely gorgeous red ringlets. I had a surprising number of people ask me if his hair was real.


As a redhead, I hate to tell you but it doesn't get better, ever. I hated that question as a kid: "Where did you get your red hair?" My parents are both brunettes and there had been no redheads in our family in many generations so it was kind of a surprise. Lot's of "Maybe it was the mailman" jokes. Then somewhere in my teens it switched to old women coming up and telling me that their hair used to be the same "pretty red" as mine but that then they had kids and it changed colors. That's JUST what you want to hear as a 16 year old. 


I also get a lot of "Where's the white rabbit?" or "Like Wonderland" jokes. 


I do get asked a lot if my kids are mixed-race (they are) but I don't mind that so much because almost always it's someone who is either mixed-race themselves or has mixed-race kids and is just being friendly. And if they tell me kids are beautiful, all is forgiven anyway. ;)

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This is more dh's burden than mine. He's a chronic pain patient and people are forever prescribing cures. Also, he's a pastor, so we have a couple hundred people who really care, and want him to feel better, and sometimes have a hard time accepting the "chronic" part of chronic pain. So on a given Sunday he might be told for the hundredth time that he should look into acupuncture (he has) and then turn around have have someone else say something like, "Oh, I didn't know that was still a problem." Every week. Poor guy.

Oh yes!  I get this all the time!  The absolute worst was this woman I met at a church who decided to loudly pray for me.  Then she followed me around saying "Are you better now?"  "No?  How about now?"   I don't see her any more (thank goodness) but I got to the point where I was peeking around corners to see if the coast was clear.  

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One is my voice.  I sound very young, especially on the phone.  "Are your parents home?"  or some other rude comment all pertaining to the fact I sound like I'm still in my early teens.  I've given up on this one and started commenting I'm older than I sound.  Thankfully I'm fat now, and it helps me look a little bit older.  Otherwise, I start getting the babysitter comments.  *sigh*


"You shouldn't have more children.  I bet she loves being the only girl.  If you have another, then she won't be the only princess." ( I have six boys and one girl.)  Whatever.  When we decide to have another, we will be happy with either a boy or girl.  I'm realistic that I will probably have a boy again though.  LOL


The last I can think of is my husband is a tower climber.  He is on the road occasionally.  "How do you do it?  I would (insert some type of self injury, like jump off a bridge)." (Because I have 5 children at home.)  "You can't have a successful relationship with someone that does that work."  etc. etc. etc. Oh the best one is "What if he dies?".  "Do you have enough life insurance if he falls?".  First, none of your business.  Second, I trust my husband's ability to check his equipment, check the tower and make an informed decision on whether or not to climb.  I'm not sitting here drowning in worry that he will die.  I look forward to the next time he makes it home.


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People actually say these things to you?  







"What's wrong with you?"
"What happened to you?"
"But you don't really HAVE to be in that wheelchair, right"
"But you don't LOOK like one of those wheelchair people!"
The worst is when I have my dd4 with me..."How in the world..?! Is she really yours? Then, I guess you are at least able to have S@x? How do you manage that?"

Actually, I don't HAVE to be in this wheelchair, I am just lazy and it get me great parking...I was injured whilst wild boar hunting in the rainforest a of Antartica with only a sharpened number 2 pencil, the way real women do it..no, she isn't actually my daughter, but it turns out if you just swipe a child off the street corner in low-income areas no one will mind too much. I may not look like a 'wheelchair person' right now, but you should see me when I forget my secret anti-drool medication.
Ah, s@x, well you see we have this trapeze thing where you...

And lots of variations of the above. I TRY to behave myself, I really do. But I have been known to come out with such outrageous answers that they don't know what to say. Sometimes humor for me is the only way to keep from being REALLY rude.


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People ASK you that?  How very rude!  You do not look like their grandmother.  People are idiots.

I think part of it is a reflection of the culture where a lot of grandparents are raising their grandchildren.  And I am an older parent who doesn't dye my hair.  Most of the time, people ask and then apologize when I say that I'm their mom.  But I did have one woman (the lady behind the counter at our local deli) who would just not let it go.  She asked "Is that your granddaughter?" referring to dd.  I said, "No, my daughter."  And she said "You mean your granddaughter."  And I said "No, my daughter."  This went on a couple of times before I lost patience.  I said "I think I would know that carried her for 9 months and gave birth to her.  She is my daughter!"  Then my 16 year old son came up and she said "And this is your . . . "  "SON!"  

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One is my voice.  I sound very young, especially on the phone.  "Are your parents home?"  or some other rude comment all pertaining to the fact I sound like I'm still in my early teens.


Last time that happened, my mom happened to be visiting, so I gave her the phone. :) Other than that, I tell them they have the wrong number and hang up on them. It happens much less now that we're on the Do Not Call list.



Fortunately, as DS gets older, people are less inclined to ask whether we're going to have more. Now I only have the "he's tall" comments.

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This doesn't really bother me but my husband and I chuckle about the fact that when I'm out with our 3 kids people tell me I have my hands full. When my husband is out with them he's told he's such a good dad.

Same here! I get "are they all yours" or "you have your hands full", he gets "your children are so well behaved" or "you're such a great father"

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Well, that is still just really rude.  


I was waiting for my son to get out of surgery a few years ago and there was a 3 year old with an older looking woman.  I still knew I shouldn't just presume she was the grandparent.  I didn't address it at all.  She happened to volunteer the info and told me her daughter was having a minor procedure and she was watching her grandchild.




I think part of it is a reflection of the culture where a lot of grandparents are raising their grandchildren.  And I am an older parent who doesn't dye my hair.  Most of the time, people ask and then apologize when I say that I'm their mom.  But I did have one woman (the lady behind the counter at our local deli) who would just not let it go.  She asked "Is that your granddaughter?" referring to dd.  I said, "No, my daughter."  And she said "You mean your granddaughter."  And I said "No, my daughter."  This went on a couple of times before I lost patience.  I said "I think I would know that carried her for 9 months and gave birth to her.  She is my daughter!"  Then my 16 year old son came up and she said "And this is your . . . "  "SON!"  


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"I could never do that."  - Yes, that's probably true.  Don't try, really.  It's not for everyone.  :)


And the one I get every. single. time. it's mentioned that we homeschool: "Where do you go to church?"  Really? Homeschooling = church?  Apparently in our area it does.  We don't attend a church, and the moment that I mention that there is a stunned silence as people process the fact that we don't homeschool for religious reasons.  I never could have imagined that this would be our most common question.  

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"What's wrong with you?"

"What happened to you?"

"But you don't really HAVE to be in that wheelchair, right"

"But you don't LOOK like one of those wheelchair people!"

The worst is when I have my dd4 with me..."How in the world..?! Is she really yours? Then, I guess you are at least able to have S@x? How do you manage that?"


Actually, I don't HAVE to be in this wheelchair, I am just lazy and it get me great parking...I was injured whilst wild boar hunting in the rainforest a of Antartica with only a sharpened number 2 pencil, the way real women do it..no, she isn't actually my daughter, but it turns out if you just swipe a child off the street corner in low-income areas no one will mind too much. I may not look like a 'wheelchair person' right now, but you should see me when I forget my secret anti-drool medication.

Ah, s@x, well you see we have this trapeze thing where you...


And lots of variations of the above. I TRY to behave myself, I really do. But I have been known to come out with such outrageous answers that they don't know what to say. Sometimes humor for me is the only way to keep from being REALLY rude.


My goodness. Some people really don't think before stuff pours out of their mouths. I'd like to see the trapeze, though, when you have a chance. Sounds like fun! :lol:


I guess it's kind of good that people actually talk to you, though. When I was in a wheelchair for a few days after baby #4, most people didn't look at me or talk to me - they looked at and talked to dh who was pushing the chair.


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This doesn't really bother me but my husband and I chuckle about the fact that when I'm out with our 3 kids people tell me I have my hands full. When my husband is out with them he's told he's such a good dad.



I get this one, too, from my IN-LAWS!

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"Are you guys done having kids yet?" Asked by people who think we should be done. umm since when was 3 kids the cut off? actually I got that after my second but it was stated more like this, "Yay, you have a boy and a girl, now you're done right?" grrr! its none of your business when I'm done.


P.S. I'm 4 days late, I've NEVER been late without it being because I was pregnant, so when someone asked me this question today I laughed in their face and just walked away.

I got that whole thing because I had a boy and a girl. We just had our 3rd, a girl. When people see me with her and I don't have my other kids with me and ask if she's my (I'm 29) and I say I have two more the next thing I get, "two boys?" When I say boy and a girl they seem perplexed.
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My goodness. Some people really don't think before stuff pours out of their mouths. I'd like to see the trapeze, though, when you have a chance. Sounds like fun! :lol:


I guess it's kind of good that people actually talk to you, though. When I was in a wheelchair for a few days after baby #4, most people didn't look at me or talk to me - they looked at and talked to dh who was pushing the chair.


Ha! We get that too, the ignoring, if hubby is with me.


And I know this one sounds really harsh, but it is the context:

"Can I Pray with You?"


I am not talking close friends, family, etc., but random people. I swear people will come up a grocery store aisle, see me shopping and stop dead. We have lots of kids at the Uni here (private Baptist) that will go into public places and look around to see who they can pray for. Why, oh why, is it always me?!! In the frozen food section to boot?!

Do I just look like I really, really need it? I am all for sharing the love, but really...it gets offensive:(

My hubby once had a tshirt made for me that said:

"I am not able to dispense Heaven points at this time"


ETA: sorry, I tried to take a picture of my magic s@x trapeze but the light kept reflecting off of all the metal pulleys and bars, and the entire contraption was too big for one frame. Also, it was hard to see what it was, as I was hanging upside downĂ°Å¸ËœÆ’

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Oh, I hate "what about prom"!


Because we all know that people who don't go to prom are irreparably harmed for life due to the profound disappointment of NOT going to prom! :glare:

Exactly. I always tell them my kids don't think prom is worth sitting through 4 years of high school.

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