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The Easter Bunny is lazy


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When I was a kid, stuff just SHOWED UP in my Easter basket, but, when I had kids, suddenly the Easter Bunny started expecting me to fill the baskets myself. What's up with that? I think the Easter Bunny has outlived his usefulness and needs to be replaced. How about an Easter Chinchilla? That would be different.

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When I was a kid, stuff just SHOWED UP in my Easter basket, but, when I had kids, suddenly the Easter Bunny started expecting me to fill the baskets myself. What's up with that? I think the Easter Bunny has outlived his usefulness and needs to be replaced. How about an Easter Chinchilla? That would be different.


No, no...we need an Easter Ferret...they have boundless energy. And they hop too!

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Isn't that the truth?  Slacker bunny!  The day before yesterday, the EB was panicking, because all the stuff that apparently *I'm* expected to fill the baskets with were hidden so well that they could not be found.  After 2 days of searching, they were finally found, and the EB can now relax.  I want to know why the EB doesn't bring ME anything anymore.  I used to get great baskets.  The EB still has a tradition from when I was a kid that Indy loves.  The basket is always *somewhere* in the house and Indy has to follow the trail of jellybeans from his room to the basket.  The best part about the trail?  Eating it along the way. :)  I'm sure in another year or two Han Solo will be all over it too.

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When ds16 was 3yo, he once told me, "Mom, I know there is no Easter bunny."  I was a little shocked and sad that he had figured it out so quickly. So I said, "Oh." and he continued, "I know he is a man dressed in a bunny suit who comes to the house." Dh and I laughed for days joking it must be Santa in the off-season.

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Isn't that the truth?  Slacker bunny!  The day before yesterday, the EB was panicking, because all the stuff that apparently *I'm* expected to fill the baskets with were hidden so well that they could not be found.  After 2 days of searching, they were finally found, and the EB can now relax.  I want to know why the EB doesn't bring ME anything anymore.  I used to get great baskets.  The EB still has a tradition from when I was a kid that Indy loves.  The basket is always *somewhere* in the house and Indy has to follow the trail of jellybeans from his room to the basket.  The best part about the trail?  Eating it along the way. :)  I'm sure in another year or two Han Solo will be all over it too.



Just warning, this will make you v e r y tired in years to come... :D  

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At our house, the EB has promoted my two biggest kids to an unpaid intern position.  500 eggs!  Done!  (No, not kidding, it really is 500 eggs after 14 years of "collecting eggs" from multiple egg hunts each year.  I'm sure if you bribed said olders with candy, they would be willing to help you out of your bind!  :)


Luckily, the EB has "discovered" that it is much cheaper to fill 500 eggs with pennies (ie: $5.00) rather than expensive candy!  Score!

Hot Lava Mama

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I had to go to the pet store for the Easter Bunny today because Squirrelboy insisted that his hamster (who was a Christmas present and thus is experiencing her first Easter) should have her own basket. I got some treats for the cats while I was at it. I figure it can be a general pet basket :).

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This lazy EB has not even gone shopping yet!


This one hasn't either.  I now have to make a choice between going out on a rainy afternoon (aka now) or wait until tomorrow and have to give up a gorgeous day.  I think rainy day shopping will win out as hiking sounds tempting tomorrow.

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Isn't that the truth?  Slacker bunny!  The day before yesterday, the EB was panicking, because all the stuff that apparently *I'm* expected to fill the baskets with were hidden so well that they could not be found.  After 2 days of searching, they were finally found, and the EB can now relax.  


No pity.  You brought this on yourself by shopping too danged early.  If you buy it all the day before Easter, it doesn't get lost.  

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We have never been visited by that lazy bunny!


My kids know that crazy Auntie C hides the eggs. (And enjoys trying to stump the older kids!)


They also know that mom and dad give them the baskets as a bribe to be good and amuse themselves as we do last minute prep for the Easter services. (DH has been on staff at our church since they were born.)


I like the idea of an Easter Cat.....


He might bring you something. He might bring it and eat it all. He might eat it all, lay in the basket, and dare you to try to move him.


Easter Cat does what he wants and don't give a crap what you think about it!

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This Easter Bunny made it out to the store today.  Now I just have to remember to go get the stuff out of the car after the kids go to bed.  Luckily it was a cool day here and chocolate was okay outside.  I think I will fill them tonight.  Our Easter Bunny doesn't actually hide the eggs though.  DD freaked out when she was younger that a huge bunny had came into the house that we quickly had to cover with the fact that the bunny was in just long enough to drop off the basket full of eggs and then we hid them.  Now he just leaves the basket filled with eggs for us to hide when we get up.

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Actually, I think I know why I don't like Easter.  I don't like candy.  I don't like chocolate.  I don't like any of that stuff.  DH, on the other hand, loves that stuff.  I think Easter should be his gig.  (After all, I do all the other holidays!)


Oh, SparklyUnicorn!  You don't like chocolate?  How can we possibly be friends???  My heart is broken!   :svengo:


WAIT!  Friendship salvaged!  YOU give ME the chocolate you don't want to eat and I get to eat it.  YES!  BTW, I like dark chocolate.  Just so you know. :tongue_smilie:

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Well, despite attending and singing in several (!) Masses during the Triduum, it only dawned on oil' EB that *someone* has to work on Saturday and won't have time to get anything and of course nothing had yet been acquired. So, between the Veneration and Tenebræ EB rushed to pick up a few things.

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I never made a big deal about Easter baskets. We usually had an Easter egg (the plastic kind with candy or quarters inside) hunt at Grandma's and the kids filled their own baskets. I never bought presents for them other than candy. My mom never bought us anything other than candy either.


Our youngest is now 14 and we haven't had an actual Easter egg hunt in a few years but I still buy some candy for them...and make homemade cinnamon rolls of course.

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We have a spring rabbit. He is not the Easter Bunny. He is so frustrated because all the kids want their presents the same day: do they think he has resources like the North Pole? He has to rent storage units for all the baskets that he has prepared early in the spring and kids don't want yet.


Still, he does his best for all those other families, but my kids know that patient children who waith for whatever (surprise!) morning results in him leaving our basket is going to be a lot more full than some of those demanding "Easter morning only" families. Plus, it's more fun to not be sure when the basket will show up.


Have pity on the Spring Rabbit: get more stuff. It makes sense to us!


(Translation: sunrise service, church breakfast, regular church service, lunch, nap, Easter supper, bed time = NOT a day I could successfully add presents to. It's very wonderfully, pervasively and experientially religious, and I like it like that. I also like cheap candy.)

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The Easter Bunny knows better at our house. He insists that my teenagers fill plastic eggs with candy and hide them, and my younger kids have to go searching around for them to fill their own Easter Baskets (which are usually plastic grocery bags since the Bunny never stops by with official woven baskets.)

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I have a friend who's a pastor, and the Easter Bunny visits his kids on Saturday morning, because they're all way too busy on Easter morning to look through baskets. I'm surprised to hear that the Easter Bunny delivers the actual baskets to so many of your kids. Our Easter baskets live in the Easter decoration box and come out a week or two before the holiday. They are then set on the couch the night before Easter and filled by the bunny. The grown ups in our house set out baskets too, and I have to admit I like that part. I can buy myself my favorite candy and a book or DVD I've been wanting with no guilt whatsoever. 


Squirrelboy has decided all on his own that Santa's elves make the things that the Easter Bunny brings. What else would they do in the off season? We've also put forward the theory that both of these mythical figures work closely with Jesus. How else would Santa know who's been naughty and who's been nice?  The idea of an elaborate elven spy network is pretty creepy.


I do love the idea of getting baskets on Easter Monday or a random time. After all, Easter covers 50 days of the liturgical calendar. I'm afraid it's too late to change our traditions, however. 


Our Easter Bunny, by the way, only fills baskets. He doesn't hide eggs. The kids go on at least one egg hunt at a local church, and we've gotten together with another family a few times to have family egg hunts, but it's clear that the bunny has nothing to do with those.

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I'll be glad when Easter is over, because then I can stop buying Easter candy that I'm supposed to use to stuff eggs for the church egg hunt but instead use to stuff my stomach. So. Many. Jellybeans. And I wonder why I've not lost any baby weight? A steady diet of candy canes, conversation hearts, and marshmallow chicks will do that to you...

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Our EB finished his shopping at Home Depot of all places. He picked up a pack of kitchen gloves while he was there, and the cashier asked if they were for the baskets. Yes, I said. Maybe if I leave kitchen gloves, I--I mean, the Easter Bunng--will get fired! Fingers, errr, paws crossed!

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The EB has visited here, and gone. Baskets filled, eggs hidden. No jelly bean trails here - wow, that would be fun but our dogs would gobble up the trails and maybe the goodies! I left the baskets on the kitchen table this year. :)


No nuts, no wheat, no dairy and no food dyes. Kiddos are getting a lot of chocolate (special free-of-everything chocolate), and toys. I am seriously disappointed at not having a bag of Robin's Eggs to steal!!!

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One friend here had a visit from the Easter Rat!  Her mom sent a big box of Easter gifts including bags of candy.  When it arrived here in India there was a small hole in the box and ALL THE CANDY had been EATEN!!  The empty bags were in the box however!!


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Easter Bunny is grouchy, here.  She spent a good part of last night up with a child with a stomach virus, and then spent 6 hours starting first thing in the morning standing in cold wind running a bake sale for the teen club.  EB has wanted to go to bed for some time now.  But DH kept up the 11yo, who will be expecting EB to deliver, until after 11pm.  So EB didn't even get started until after that - first having to find and then get to where DH put the Easter basket storage when he moved and "reorganized" EB's already-organized holiday storage.  Now DH is snoring in his bed, and EB just finished set-up.  Urgh.


The kids each get one Dove chocolate bunny in their basket along with a few mini-Cadbury chocolates.  There are some "robin's eggs", jelly beans, and quarters in eggs that are hidden around the house.  They each have the same number of color-coded eggs to find.  The last eggs to find are special ones that contain the locations where they'll each find a small super-soaker.  (16yo ds just gets the basket this year, and 19yo ds had his chocolate mailed in a care package to college last week.)  We tend to go with small amounts of quality over large quantities here.

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The EB around here pretty much only does candy anymore...it's getting hard enough for Santa to find Christmas stocking stuffers, so EB thinks candy is plenty.  No dyed eggs, no egg hunt (too old).  Maybe (one!) gift of some kind like a t-shirt or box of notecards.  It was easier when they were little and still liked sidewalk chalk and bubbles. 

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My kiddos are getting mass produced hot cross buns from the supermarket just like Grandma used to buy.


Last year the actual child went psycho from too much candy, so he's getting toys, books, clothes etc. this year and Mommy is going to go psycho when the credit card bill gets here.


The Easter Bunny is coming in the evening this year because the oxymoronic "adult child" has to work in the morning.




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The EB has to clean the kitchen before putting baskets together.  EB is feeling lazy.  Maybe stuff can just be tossed on the table and all will be fine?  Do kids REALLY care about presentation?  Sigh.  Probably.  Okay, EB must go clean the kitchen.  It looks like a war took place in there.  WHY is the kitchen always a freaking mess????

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The EB had to go a little Rabid this year to get them pulled together in time.  DD7 was up past 1130pm saying she was too excited to sleep.  LOL  I finally just threatened her with no EB, if she didn't stay in her room and just hauled out all the goodies. 

Last week I went on a bit of a spending spree so the baskets are loaded.  LOL  Oh, well it is good stuff, not junk so it is worth it. 


DS19 waited until 12:05am and already opened his. LOL  He has a busy day tomorrow and will leave early so it worked out better for him to have some time tonight with his presents.  

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The Easter bunny here did OK, but her lookout couldn't stay awake for the delivery, delaying said delivery until she could be sure she would not be discovered in progress. (She is skittish because the local children are night owls known to hunt rabbit.)


Due to the added stress, she decided to cut corners and instead of making sausage kolaches, she just pulled some Trader Joe's chocolate croissants out to proof while she gets some shut eye.

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Thankfully ds is old enough, but this EB is lazy too. He asked for chocolate rabbit, Walmart was out of the real chocolate ones - only had hollow almond bark ones left. So I bought   the EB brought him an entire brick of Almond Bark chocolate and called it the Lego version.  :D Ingenuity at work here. 

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My DD is getting an Easter Axolotl in her basket this year. She can preach a whole sermon on the Axolotl and how they can be a symbol of the resurrection (and explained in great detail after discovering that one of the VBS themes for this summer includes one), so I couldn't resist finding one for her.


I'm tempted to leave a note in DD's room stating that the bunny couldn't find a place to put her basket, but that he'll come back if she cleans her room. Too mean? (Usually, DH, who doesn't go to church, hides the eggs and basket while DD and I are at church on Easter, so that's what we're planning to do again this year). She's supposed to clean her room on Saturday, but we had a big Easter egg hunt/activities day yesterday and it didn't happen.





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Our EB is not lazy, just cheap and cranky. I had to explain the definition of gift to my kids last night, and that it's a blessing even if it isn't something of the child's choosing. And that gift implies the giver choosing it. Sigh


EB set up a fun and silly scavenger hunt with rhyming couplet clues :) leading to an arsenal of Nerf guns and ammo and some candy. Fun was had and kids are content. All is right with the world.


The moral of the story. Christ brought salvation, now go and shoot each other!

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