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s/o Poll - we have to have one - How well do you fit into HS Mom Sterotype? Others?


How Sterotypical are you?  

459 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you wear, or have you worn in the past 5 years any denim jumper or skirt below the knee?

    • Yes, often.
    • Once in a blue moon
    • Never, ever.
    • I know lots of hsers who dress like that.
    • I don't know anyone who dresses like that.
    • Something else
  2. 2. Do you drive any vehicle that looks like a Homeschool Bus?

    • 12-passenger Econoline here.
    • Mom mini-van, but not specifically homeschoolish
    • No, I've clung to my Acura; we only have one kid so it's fine.
    • We don't drive.
    • We ride donkeys.
    • Something else.
  3. 3. Does your hair/makeup or general appearance resemble someone with the name Ingalls?

    • We just braid it; what are you talking about?
    • My hair is purple.
    • My hair looks like Jennifer Aniston; nobody says I look like a homeschool mom.
    • I wear a head scarf; nobody looks at my hair.
    • I'm rockin' the Jamie Lee Curtis.
    • I still wear it in Feathers. Long live the 70's.
    • Makeup is a Tool of the Devil.
    • Something else.

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I wasn't sure what to vote with the vehicle one so I just voted something else. We had a chevy blazer when we only had two, but when dc#3 was on the way we got a toyota mini van. We finally got rid of that for a Ford Fusion almost a year ago. I'm not a fan of mini vans and would go for an SUV if we needed a bigger vehicle.


I don't wear skirts unless I'm in a wedding party and have no choice. I wear dress pants, or jeans. Skirts and dresses and me don't get along.

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This last fall our HS Co-op was getting a huge influx of new families for some reason.  I tried really hard to convince all the Moms to wear denim jumpers and buns for the first week of class just to freak all the newbies out.  Sadly, no one went for it.  It sure would have been fun though!

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Honestly, I hear that denim jumper thing, and I've never, ever seen anyone who wears a denim jumper. Even though I'm a homeschooler, I still love cute clothes for all of us (including DH, lol!), nicely styled hair, good makeup, fabulous sunglasses, etc. I would think if you liked those things before you started homeschooling, you would still like them even if you homeschooled?

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Um, big SUV here.  No makeup.  Usually jeans and a hoodie.  I have nice, long hair that I usually wear loose around my shoulders.  


My choices don't reflect my religious beliefs or anything, I am just not that into fashion and most makeup products irritate my skin.  My SIL is more well groomed and conscious of her fashion choices and I'm glad that she is in my DD's life for when DD gets to be a teenager and needs advice about that stuff.  :)

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I wear dresses and skirts exactly half the time. I always have. nothing to do with homeschooling. most everyone here in Australia wears dresses and skirts regularly. especially in the summer- so much cooler

I have always have had long hair past my waist. I always have kept it braided, at least since I was 12. I cannot stand hair flying around my face. nothing to do with homeschooling.

 We own a 12 seater Toyota Commuter bus. what can I say. I have 5 children , mostly over 6 feet tall and they need the room, plus what else fits all the kids and the surfboard and boggy boards for a trip to the beach? nothing to do with homeschooling

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A few years ago a friend and I went to a homeschool-days event at a local living history site. She had a running list of tally marks on the back of her map that she kept adding to as the day went on. Curiosity finally drove me nuts and I had to ask her what she was tracking. Her answer:


"Nasty denim skirts. I bet my husband I could find 100. I get to buy a new pair of red pumps if I win."


It was hilarious!!! When I looked around I realized that the group there really was a lot more conservative than my friends at home. I saw my very first family dressed in matching homemade jumpers that day, and I was mortified beyond belief. I wouldn't have believed the stereotype if I hadn't seen it for myself.


I don't claim to be photo worthy every day, but I love nice clothes.

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I see denim jumpers and moms who don't wear make-up while driving 12-passenger vans, but I am not one of them. I put on make-up most days (~5 min.) and do my hair. I love bold earrings. I'm wearing 3" ones right now. :P I almost always wear pants of some kind. Sometimes I wear a maxi skirt or dress. Other skirts and dresses are knee-length. I love pencil skirts and fitted jackets. I also love tall boots and high heels. :)


I drive a Toyota Sienna.

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I don't think I have ever even seen anybody in a jumper, but I do have a long skirt that I wear to church once in a while. Mostly I'm in jeans.


I'm a minivan mom.


My hair is either a shoulder length cut with layers and side swept bang OR a braid/ponytail when it gets long. Right now I am in the braid stage. Me thinks it is time for a haircut. :D

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I wear maxi skirts all the time, but they're "in" (right?!).  I wear skirts that are either a. knee length or b. maxi.  I drive a minivan, but that's pretty standard, too for my area of town and number of kids, home schooled or not.  I have normal hair and makeup.  

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I am so tickled that i put purple in my hair the other day, and now it's popped up on a poll. :lol: (obviously I answered no on denim jumpers as well.)


I harbor a secret wish to put purple in my hair! 

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I'm very fashionable...or so I've been told. No jumpers, nothing below knee-length (although I wear a lot of skirts and dresses because I love them!). I'm also very self-conscious, so I'd never say that about myself if other people hadn't said it first!


I drive a mini-van, mostly because I have five children, and I don't know how else we'd get around.


As for general appearance...my hair color changes regularly, but the style leaves something to be desired. One of these days, I'm going to go back to my natural color (medium-ish brown), but with pink highlights. I do wear makeup often, but not always. And I have my nose pierced.


So, I hope I don't fit the "old" homeschool mom stereotype, but most of the homeschool moms I know don't fit that picture, either!

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I do like wearing long flowing skirts in the summer (no denim, skirt or jumper!).

But I also wear dress pants/short skirts with button down shirts and heels, or jeans and sweaters and hiking shoes.

Short hair, no makeup because I don't care enough.


DH actually does drive an Acura ;-) And I never had a typical "mom car". And stick shift is a must have.

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Well, I can't stand calf length skirts but I love comfy ankle length skirts; I drive a 15 passenger van, when all the seats are installed, and my hair is currently about three inches long cause I'm growing it out. What does that make me?



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Jumpers, heck no, skirts, absolutely.  I love a nice floor-sweeper and denim is a-ok.  I am a very casual dresser for the most part.


Vehicle is a small SUV, two older kids, no need for a van.


Hair is not Jennifer Aniston (hate her), but it is nicely maintained and I do make an effort to wear makeup regularly.

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I drive a sedan, I wear normal make-up, and I have unruly curly hair. I wear below-the-knee skirts all the time, but they're part of my bellydancing costumes and most are slit to the thigh.


I don't think suburban homeschoolers have a uniform unless you count jeans, fitted Ts, and hoodies.

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I wore a lot of Ms. frizzle jumpers (made from various bright prints) when I was still teaching? I retired them after DD was born-realizing that they still fit at 34 weeks pregnant (and getting a lot of compliments about my "adorable maternity clothes") meant they retired from my wardrobe ASAP.


My group doesn't have the jumper/long skirt set for the most part, but some of the other area groups do, especially the highly religious ones. I've visited a few where I was the only person in pants in the room except for maybe the pastor of the sponsoring church. (I arrived at one with a toddler clutching a stuffed dinosaur. I swear that I had this definite vibe that they might be planning an intervention...or maybe an exorcism!), and DD has been in homeschool classes where half the kids were dressed like one of the Duggars, and half...well, let's just say they were eclectic.


I don't wear makeup unless I'm going to be on stage, usually wear my hair in a short cut that doesn't require much work, and I drive a minivan with an "I love my snake" magnet.

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I frequently wear knee length skirts- I pair with tall boots in the winter and sandals in summer. I also wear maxi skirts a lot in the summer and occasionally in winter to church. I wear jeans a lot too, especially in our cold Canadian winters. :)


My hair is quite long- nearly waist length- I trim it regulaly and currently have bangs, I'm planning on getting long layers soon. I wear minimal makeup- mascara, coverup if needed, and lip gloss.


I drive a mini van, but we only have 3 kids so I sometimes use dh's Ford Fusion or the pickup truck.


ETA- in our hs group there are few women who wear only skirts, definitely no jumpers, lots of fashionable moms and several that wear "mom jeans" ;)

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I have a calf length denim skirt that I wear in the winter with a sweater and boots.  I haven't owned a jumper since I was 10.  I drive a mini van, a 4 wheel drive truck or little economy car equally.  My hair ranges between Jamie Lee Curtis to shoulder length.  I hate make up because it's a pain, but I will break down and wear some when I have a special date with dh.


I do frequently see women who prove the homeschooling stereotype although I have no idea whether they actually homeschool or not.

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Haven't owned a denim jumper in my entire adult life. Do not wear denim skirts, but I suppose that maybe the skirts I do have probably just dust the bottom of my knee, and a couple of professional skirts are longer, pencil style.


My hair is dyed a lovely chestnut brown with mild mahogany highlights, and I have a great hair cut. It takes me maybe ten minutes to flip it with the curling iron so I do that nearly every day.


I wear make-up about half the time.


Toyota mini-van that totes around a 4-H competitive rocketry team.


DD is very fashionable, the ds's wear mostly jeans and t-shirts though eldest boy does like to wear nice button downs with his jeans to church, and sometimes sports a navy blue or khaki jacket and a pair of weejuns with them. That said, he likes long, floppy hair.


 I am with Regentrude, a manual speed transmission is preferable. However, with 6 rocket team members to haul around, the mini-van is a must.

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I fit the stereotype to a t! Long hair, no makeup, long dresses, but I no longer drive a minivan. We went Suburban for years, but now with only 2 at home, I drive a Tahoe. My girls wore only dresses for many, many years. My older two mostly still do (well, Navy girl only does when she's not in uniform--when she has a choice she wears the skirt with her uniform instead of trousers. Most of the time now, she's in a flight suit). You forgot the raising goats in your poll. REAL hsers raise goats. I guess we fail there, because we raise sheep.


I was very close to saying that!  I used to introduce myself on my blog as, "...a homeschooling mom, though I don't wear a denim jumper or raise dairy goats..."  :D  It's not entirely out of the question that I might eventually have dairy goats, though. I have begun to mention it to dh once in a while; I have begun "the drip" that I employ when I think I may eventually have to convince him of something that is currently off the wall.  :tongue_smilie:

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I have to admit that I have a long denim skirt that I absolutely love to wear to church when it's super cold out, because well, it's super cold out. You know like between -20 and -40. Which I guess lots of you can relate to now that we shipped all the coldness from Alberta to the east coast :D

Don't the Arctic Homeschooling Moms all have snow skirts?

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I voted for the purple hair even though I took out the purple a couple months ago. It was just too much upkeep to strip out my dark brown (and gray...) and add the purple in to keep it up any longer. I miss it.


I mostly wear jeans. My clothes are actually a bit preppy overall. Makeup when I think about it. And I'm happy to say I still drive my convertible!

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Haven't worn a skirt since I was 19yo. I'm usually in yoga pants and a cotton blouse or tshirt, Lands End style.

Barefoot at home (I live in CA!). I like sneakers or Skechers Go Walks when outside.

Blue minivan fondly nicknamed the Tardis.

Hair is usually in a ponytail with wisps of it falling everywhere.

ETA: no make up usually...once in a while I experiment with very light, skin tone eye shadow and black liner. Lipstick gives me lip sores. :(


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Only wear skirts (I've seen my rear in pants and it wasn't something I want to repeat!), all full, midcalf or longer, either denim or print, and usually worn with a tshirt or other knit top. I used to wear jumpers, but actually quit before I started homeschooling. My hair is mostly gray, below shoulder length and worn either in a ponytail or pulled back at the sides. Haven't worn makeup since my wedding (my husband says it tastes funny), and I often even wear white sneakers and socks. We've always just had a regular 4 door sedan.


So, outwardly, I usually look every inch the stereotypical homeschooler. Everything else, however, is a different story. ;) I think it's part of why folks are so surprised when they get to know me and find out about things like political and religious beliefs.

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We are conflating a skirt below the knee with a denim jumper?!  That knocks me right into the yes, often category.


Yeah!  I wear skirts a lot.  Skirts that hit just below the knee.  Skirts that I personally think are kinda cool!  At least in a mom chic kind of way.

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I wear long denim skirts, birkenstocks left over from my massage school days, and usually a tunic-styled type, sometimes the top of a Shalwar Kameez, sometimes something else.  Oh and a hijab (scarf) (although my hair is short underneath).  Make upĂ¢â‚¬Â¦ usually none, but sometimes a bit of concealer, mineral powder makeup, and Bert's Bees faux lipstick.  


I'm kinda like a hippy Muslim homeschoolin' Mom, I guess.


Oh, and if you want to rock some long denim skirts, I totally recommend http://www.denimskirts.com

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Denim jumper? Seriously? But I do know a few at the homeschool group who dress like that.


Car - I refuse to give up my small SUV style. It reminds me that I am a skier (well, before we moved to the South), hiker, and camper. And the dog likes it.


Hair? Never mastered braids. Have more of a Sandra Bullock look, although I also never mastered makeup.


I guess the best I can say is that people who find out I homeschool often say, "I would never have guessed that!" I'm good with that, given the stereotypes.

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It's overalls with a skirt.  Sort of.


I think this is a "stereotype" that only homeschool moms know at this point.  I think there *might* be a stereotype of homeschool moms in the general public as wearing button up blouses and long pencil type skirts.  But I'm not even sure about that.  I don't know that there's a clothes stereotype at all.

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I do not own any jumpers, but I do wear long skirts or dresses on occasion. I really shouldn't, though, because I'm only 5' 2.5 and short people aren't supposed to wear long skirts/dresses. Oh well, I do anyway.


I have longish hair that I wear down with waves. I wear make-up 99% of the time. The one time I didn't wear any when taking ds to therapy, his therapist asked if I was ok (like 20 times!) because he thought I looked really tired and stressed :glare: . I finally had to say, "no, I'm fine, this is just what I look like without make-up."  :lol:  I'm not even old yet, so sad.


I drive a small car/crossover type vehicle (Toyota Matrix).



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I wear jeans or dresses/skirts.  I have one pair of corduroys.  When I worked I wore a lot of trousers and slacks.  Most of my skirts and dresses are knee or below.  I also pretty much live in a hoodie and low top laceless converse unless the activity requires more supportive shoes.  When I am not sporting the hoodie, odds are fair I am wearing a cardigan and/or a turtleneck My hair is long but it's been short short punky and probably will be again.  I have 4 tattoos and a tiny spike in one nose.  I don't wear makeup and I very rarely wear any jewelry besides my wedding ring. 


When the poll options include riding on donkeys, I have to confess to not being entirely honest in my selections.  I figured "Camry" was closer to "Donkey" than "12 passenger van". 

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I live between Organic Valley headquarters and these Amish farmers prosecuted for selling raw milk, so I don't care what stereotypes I fit!  In case you're wondering what Organic Valley has to do with fashion, we see a lot of styles like this:  



I kinda like the hippie-look, truth-be-told, but I'm over 50, so I'm not really up to revamping my entire wardrobe.  

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I guess I kinda fit the stereotype. I drive a minivan (although with five kids, DH wants to trade up to a 12 passenger). I have long hair (insanely long, past my rear end), but I don't generally braid it; it's either loose or in a bun most of the time. I wear makeup only a couple of times a year, if that. I usually wear jeans and LLBean all weather mocs, but I did have a stage where I only wore long skirts for over a year, and I still wear them a lot when it's warm.

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I had no idea that short women shouldn't wear long skirts.  I wear long (maxi) skirts all the time.  Colorful & gauzy in the hot summer and knit in the not very cold winters.  If I am not wearing a skirt I am wearing the Land's End yoga pant/ sweat pant hybrid.  For shoes I wear toms, or ballet flats of running shoes.  My hair is long and very curly.  I wear it in a messy braid or bun, sometimes with a scarf woven in.  I wear minimal make-up:  BB cream, mascara & lippy.  My 19yo dd tells me I dress boho/ eccentric.  When dressing up for a date or church I like cardigans, scarves and brooches.  I don't drive but Dh drives and Acura or a Harley and dd drives a Camry that is older than she is. 


Amber in SJ


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Hmm, I have two kids and drive a camry. I have a pixie cut. I'm a secular homeschooler who goes to church. I don't leave the house without eyeliner. My kids looked at me funny the two times they've seen me in a skirt. I wouldn't be caught dead in yoga pants since I am sooo not the body type they are made for, but I'm sure they're cozy.

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