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A poll of some sorts...do you go for your "annual"?


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I go for a physical every year and my GP does my female exam. This past check up he said the guidelines have changed to recommend every 3 years for the female exam unless there is a problem or history of problems in the family.


ETA I do a mammogram every year as my mother was successfully treated for breast cancer 13 years ago.

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No problems ever and I do not go annually. I've actually never had a mammogram (I'm 42). I had a pap in March 2013 after #5 was born but before that the last I had was in 2005 after #2 was born. But, I have no family history for breast/ovarian etc cancer nor do I have risk factors (hormone use for instance). Now my girls will be encouraged to be very proactive in the reproductive health because my MIL had breast cancer as did many if the women in her family.

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No - haven't been since shortly after youngest was born and have no intentions on starting.


We only do Dr appts when something is needed... (once kids are mostly grown anyway - we did do well-child check ups when they were young)


We do stay knowledgeable about blood pressure and a few other "numbers."

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Every 3 years per guidelines. But that has varied based on my history. At one point after they found suspicious cells I was going every month. That wasn't fun!

That guideline is for a pap smear, not a physical. Physicals should still be every year.


Eta: I know you probably meant for a Pap smear, I was just clarifying for the general purpose of the thread. :)

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umm....no. I have been once (about 8 yrs ago?) since ds was born. I was experiencing some abnormal, odd feelings. Figured I knew what it was, but wanted to be certain. I was correct. Haven't had any need to go back since. Not even for a sick visit. Don't plan to go. I do not believe in well care.

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That guideline is for a pap smear, not a physical. Physicals should still be every year.


Eta: I know you probably meant for a Pap smear, I was just clarifying for the general purpose of the thread. :)

Yes, I meant a pap smear.  By a physical do you mean just a breast exam or a full physical exam?  The breast exam is every year when I have a full body physical.  Mammogram is every two years - but I've had more frequent when I had the need due to a lump.  

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I go every year.  My doctor says I don't need to, but I feel like I do. I worry about hard-to-detect cancers like cervical cancer or ovarian cancer.  My father died of pancreatic cancer, so that is why these things concern me. My cousins's wife just had a cancerous tumor removed from one of her ovaries at age 53. She is now in chemo and radiation. 


I also get mammograms on schedule, starting when I turned 40. Bleh.  :ack2:

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umm....no. I have been once (about 8 yrs ago?) since ds was born. I was experiencing some abnormal, odd feelings. Figured I knew what it was, but wanted to be certain. I was correct. Haven't had any need to go back since. Not even for a sick visit. Don't plan to go. I do not believe in well care.

So, you think if you had cancer, you would feel it??

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I meant for a pap smear. Should have clarified. I see my GP once a year. Sometimes more since I take medications for hypertension. I have had two mammograms. I will not have another until I am 50 unless I feel something. As someone else stated, there is a lot of controversy surrounding mammo's and I think that decision is best for *me*. I have been going every year for pap smears for the last 15 years or so. Never had a bad one, except when I was 22 and it turned out to be nothing. I guess I will probably go, but I am not going to go on time. I am going on a tropical vacation in about 3 weeks, so I guess I will make the appt. for February. Was curious what others did. Thanks for the responses so far.

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I recently went in for a pap and was also told that the recommendation is now every 3 years. My mom is currently battling breast cancer. Although genetic testing came back negative, I was advised to have a mamogram every year. I'm on the fence about this one since I've heard a lot about the dangers of radiation (even the smallest amounts). My mom had a mamogram in January which came back negative and in May she discovered a 5 cm lump in her breast. I plan to be more diligent in self breast exams.

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Physical and blood work every year.  Pap smears have been more like every 2-3 years but I have one set up for January and anticipate going annually after this due to family history.  While I am in a monogamous marriage I don't see the harm in having the exam annually.  It is unlikely that anything will be abnormal, but I fall into the might as well be safe than sorry camp on this.  I have female relatives who have died from reproductive cancers.  

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So, you think if you had cancer, you would feel it??


Better question would be would I decide to battle it. And, I do not believe that early intervention is as successful as statistics lead people to believe. (With the exception of certain genetic instances which I do not have.) I believe in allowing nature to take its course in most circumstances. This isn't something that I am willing to debate or even "discuss" because people do not have an open mind on the subject. But, no, I do not believe in routine well care (and much sick care). I do believe that most people have the ability to be in tune with their bodies well enough to notice very subtle changes. I do believe in treating some illnesses. I do not do routine well care for my children either.

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I see my internal medicine doctor annually for a complete check-up.  I believe the recommendation for pelvic exams now is every third year.  I had a partial hysterectomy years ago, so no need for a pap smear.  Mammogram yearly.


I stopped seeing my OB/GYN several years ago and started letting my internal medicine doc handle it all. I much prefer "one stop shopping" and don't see the need in going to two doctors at this stage of my life.  I can always see my gynecologist if there's a specific problem in his area of expertise.

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I was going to go to the every 3 year pap program but last year's pap got messed up and I just started spotting for the 2nd one so she said to come back this year :-( She did say that a pap every 3 years was fine if there was no history of issues and no high risk behaviors.

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Yes, I meant a pap smear. By a physical do you mean just a breast exam or a full physical exam? The breast exam is every year when I have a full body physical. Mammogram is every two years - but I've had more frequent when I had the need due to a lump.

I mean full physical and breast exam. I am supposed to do a mammo yearly. I was only recently moved out of the every six months mammo or MRI category after a clean genetic series.

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I have not been since my youngest was born, 3 years ago, but that is on my list of things to do come New Year.  I was also told of the every-3-year pap protocol.


I am 41 and have yet not had a mammogram.  My understanding is that the current research suggests that the overall benefits of routine mammography for women in their 40s is fairly unclear.  This is something that I will be interested in discussing with the doctor, though.


I do not have a regular physical, although I do have a yearly skin check (history of melanoma).  

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I went for my first physical this year in about 6 years.  I was fine.  I haven't had a PAP in about 7 years.  I need to go.  I went to the dentist for the first time in 14 years about a year ago.  I was worried, but nope, no cavities and no issues.


This doesn't mean I shouldn't go more, but I don't.

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I do not go every year.


I've gone three times in my adult life - once per pregnancy. I've had two paps, each at a post-natal check-up. I'm still in my 30s, so no mammograms either. I see a hematologist monthly, and she wants me to set up an appointment with an OB/GYN. So I guess I'll get my 4th visit (and maybe a pap?) in the next few months. Yay.







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Every single year.


And if I hadn't been doing that for many years, I would probably be dead now.


I'm pretty in-tune with my body, but many cancers and pre-cancers have no symptoms, and by the time you do have symptoms, the disease can be very advanced.


I figure my annual exam and mammogram take a grand total of a few hours a year, and it's well worth the small amount of discomfort to be sure everything is OK -- or that the doctors are able to catch any problems at a very early stage so they can be taken care of.

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Yeah. My "issue" is my mother had ovarian cancer. It's very difficult to detect, and even if caught doesn't tend to be cured.


I don't want to be treated for anything. That's why I don't go to the doctors for "preventive" care. I guess I don't believe it makes a big enough difference.


(sure I'll be flamed...)

You know I'd never flame you, but my aunt and two other women I know had ovarian cancer and all there were cured. I'm not sure how my aunt found out about hers, but the other women found out as a result of their annual exams. I wish the doctors could have cured your mom. :(


The problem with not wanting to be treated for anything is that if you ever do get any kind of disease, you'll end up being treated for it anyway, because you won't want to suffer and you won't want to die. But the treatment is usually a lot easier when a problem is discovered at an early stage, rather than when you're already very sick.


I'm sorry.


I don't mean to lecture. I really don't. It's just that I'm kind of gung-ho about the annual exam thing because I truly believe (and so does my gyn) that having them my saved my life.


I don't want to be a nuisance, though, so I'll stop nagging now!

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I don't know anyone who goes for a yearly exam in the Netherlands.


Pap smears start at 30yo and are every 5 years. Mammography starts at 50 years and is every 2 years. (Obviously, if you have a family history, you will start exams earlier and more often.) I don't even 'have' a ob/gyn. My family doctor would think I'm nuts, if I go in every year for a general exam.


Threads like this make me anxious. I never understamd why these sort of things are so different between countries.....

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