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S/O Where do You Store Your Tea Kettle?

Jean in Newcastle

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This is a spin-off of my hot drinks thread.  If I give up my microwave habit and use an actual tea kettle to boil water, where do you store it?  We have limited counter space with none available to store anything there.  Dh doesn't like to leave things on top of the stove.  Right now my tea kettle is in the back of a cabinet where it is a pain to pull out and thus it is easier to just nuke a mugful of water for my tea.  

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Using a kettle for your tea will transform your tea experience so you need to find a way to make it accessible on a daily basis. We have an electric kettle which we keep right on our counter in close proximity to the sink so it's dead easy to fill. (Just as an aside, the coffee I talked about heating up in your other thread is now luke warm even though I just nuked less than a few mins ago)

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We have a stove-top kettle, and it stays on the stove all day.


I would like to get an electric kettle, but the truth is I don't know where I'd put it so that it would be accessible but not clutter up the counters. In part, that's why I haven't gotten one yet. The one on the stove is nice shiny metal and doesn't seem as "ugly" to me as the plastic electric kettles.

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We have a stove-top kettle, and it stays on the stove all day.


I would like to get an electric kettle, but the truth is I don't know where I'd put it so that it would be accessible but not clutter up the counters. In part, that's why I haven't gotten one yet. The one on the stove is nice shiny metal and doesn't seem as "ugly" to me as the plastic electric kettles.


I just looked around my kitchen and had to laugh at the irony of my post. At the moment nearly every inch of counter is covered with clutter -- crates of fruit, Christmas bread wrapped in foil, tins of cookies and candy and spiced nuts, a few dirty dishes, a bottle of brandy, and clean china waiting to be put away. I'm not sure I could even find ROOM for an electric kettle just now. But soon it will be back in order, I hope.

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So this isn't hive speak for where you keep toys?



On the stovetop (it's a shiny red kettle that looks great with the terracotta wall color). I need to get a new electric kettle--I miss the one we had for years. Both our college kids took electric kettles with them.




In a bedside drawer ;)

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Like your husband, I don't like stuff cluttering up my stovetop.  I've had more than one small fire from people using the stove as a countertop while the burners were still on or hot.


But the one exception I make is for my teapot. I have a glass pot, so it blends right into the background instead of standing out and reminding me that my stovetop is cluttered LOL.  They do make smaller, one-cup glass pots ... it wouldn't be hard to store one of those in the cupboard with your teacups or -mugs. Grab and go, kind of thing.


My brother has this weird electric thing that fits into the cupboard. It heats the water up in a few minutes, and it resembles a short, plastic pitcher. He uses it to warm up water for oatmeal every morning. It's my opinion he doesn't save much time over using the stove, but he likes that it's convenient ... can be left on to stay hot for awhile ... and can be shoved (literally) into the cupboard when he's done with it. That might be another idea, also. I think he got it at Target for, like, $10 or something.

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Using a kettle for your tea will transform your tea experience so you need to find a way to make it accessible on a daily basis.



So this isn't hive speak for where you keep toys?



Yes, which is why the first response made me smile.

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I have two open shelves and the electric kettle lives there and gets brought down to the counter as needed (most days at least once, sometimes twice.). We are low on counter space and the only things that stay on the counter are my radio, the stand mixer that is too heavy for the shelf and too tall for any of the cupboards and the coffee maker. The kettle is on the top shelf with the iron, toaster, timer and pasta maker cutter. The lower shelf has the phone, measuring cups, sugar and flour, the creamer and sugar bowl, meat grinder attachment for the mixer and the kitchen scale. It's not attractive really but it is functional and expands our small kitchen into the kitchen table space.

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One teapot â‰  clutter, though. I use it daily. It's no more clutter than my microwave or coffee pot.


Oh, see those things are still clutter to me.  My microwave is housed in a built-in cabinet, so it's out of the way. I don't own a coffee pot.


I just have a thing with kitchen surfaces. I like them completely bare. Even my dishtowel and sponge have dedicated "homes" not in (my) view. The rest of my house looks like a tornado hit it LOL, but my kitchen ... ah, my kitchen ... everything in its place, and clutter-free. Minus the glass teapot on my stove ;) It and a cookie jar are the only things left out on my counters at any give time. And I only stomach the cookie jar because my nephew made it for me and he's over here every day. And my kids are amused by my countertop issue, so they encourage him to ask about the jar every day. They're rotten munchkin smurfs who like to watch me squirm.

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Well, I'm glad I'm not the only person who thought, "store your tea-kettle?"


I have an electric water boiler on the counter next to the stove.  But if I didn't have that, I'd have a tea kettle on the back burner of the stove at all times.  :)

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Ours is shiny metal and just stays on the stovetop. I use it for tea, coffee (French press), hot chocolate, boiling water for cooking purposes, etc. We use it nearly every day.


:sad: Honestly? In storage. Since I became LDS, no more tea. I don't miss anything from the "Mormon Health Code" (Word of Wisdom) except the tea.

Most Mormons don't bat an eye over herbal teas. We had our tea pot on the stove even when we still observed the Word of Wisdom. We used it for herbal tea, hot chocolate, and boiling water.

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If they are used several times a day, they should be out, and you should make a space for them. That's my theory, anyway. 


Since no one else had said it, I'll mention that you can have a small spout installed in your sink which connects you to instant hot water. Dh's grandmother has one. I can't bring myself to trust it, but it is a pretty cool invention if you have the funds for it and are anti-stuff-on-counter. 

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Since no one else had said it, I'll mention that you can have a small spout installed in your sink which connects you to instant hot water. Dh's grandmother has one. I can't bring myself to trust it, but it is a pretty cool invention if you have the funds for it and are anti-stuff-on-counter. 


but unless it *boils* water, it just doesn't make very good tea. Instant hot chocolate, yes; tea, no. :-)

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When I had a tea kettle I kept it on the stovetop, on one of the "back burners." Now my cast iron pan lives there and I use an electric tea kettle which lives on the counter during the winter season. During summer when we only drink coffee in the morning and no tea at night, the electric kettle gets shoved wherever there is room, probably with the cookie sheets which I only use during the winter season as well.

I am superbly organized and have my life in order, Yes Siree!  :lol:



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If I don't have a set place for it then dh will clean up and will put it somewhere and it will take me weeks to find it again.  (Actually this happens even if I do have a set place for it, but the chances are higher that he will put it close to where I keep it and I will be able to find it.)


With a big smile, tell Mr. Jean in Newcastle that the tea kettle lives in a set place: the back left burner of the stove. It was not put there haphazardly but with a purpose: for anyone to be able to boil water efficiently when needed. :D

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