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Urgent Prayer Request for DS


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May 23, 2015
Critical - Unstable.
One step forward - several back.
Transfer to Bone Marrow Unit canceled - remains in ICU.
Many conditions ongoing.
Additionally, have started him on slow, 24-hour dialysis, intended to address issues in addition to kidneys.
This may actually be a blessing in disguise.  We are praying for the intended results in several critical areas.
Even the more positive doctor was trying to "prepare" us today; however, I reminded him of several things, including that my son is in the palms of God's hands, that HE is in charge, and that, while there is a multitude of things coming against his body, God's Word declares that the battle is HIS, not ours, not the doctors, but HIS; and, that Jesus bore 39 stripes on His back for healing and that HIS Word says in Isaiah that by HIS stripes we ARE healed and that Peter reminds us that by HIS stripes we WERE healed and that totally covers my son.
Honestly, I think the medical staff will be glad when I leave.
On the good side, his BP remains normal.  Thank You, Jesus!
Please keep praying.  Please keep praying.
“Nevertheless He saved them for His name's sake, that He might make His mighty power to be known.†(Psalm 106:8)



Came on specifically to check your update. I am praying for your son now, and for you and your family.  :grouphug:  [wishing we had a prayer emoticon]

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In our thoughts and prayers!!!!  :grouphug:


Even the more positive doctor was trying to "prepare" us today; however, I reminded him of several things, including that my son is in the palms of God's hands, that HE is in charge, and that, while there is a multitude of things coming against his body, God's Word declares that the battle is HIS, not ours, not the doctors, but HIS; and, that Jesus bore 39 stripes on His back for healing and that HIS Word says in Isaiah that by HIS stripes we ARE healed and that Peter reminds us that by HIS stripes we WERE healed and that totally covers my son.


You tell em, momma bear.



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May 24, 2015


Still critical - Still unstable.


Nonetheless, the BP remains normal as does the heart rate, and there are a couple other things that have remained or improved today.  While these are the lesser of the multitude of things going on, they are nevertheless positives - Thank You, Jesus!


The 24-hour slow dialysis is also working.  Two important counts have started to trend down, which has assisted in a couple other factors - again - small factors overall - but good is good!


The doctor (same one as yesterday) said he was pleasantly surprised and encouraged by what he saw today.  Thank You, Jesus!


He also said to keep praying (as if stopping were an option)!  


Things remain very critical.  However, there is one thing in particular that is currently URGENT.  God has brought us some time in that tomorrow is a holiday so the doctor's decision (concerning the liver) to use an experimental drug that has very serious, life-threatening possibilities (due to all the other conditions) cannot be implemented until Tuesday.  IF one thing happens by then, he will delay implementing that drug and may not need to revisit that decision.


Here is what the doctor said TO PRAY FOR:  that the bilirubin count decrease to 12 or less.  That is still too high, but he will delay that drug if the bilirubin reaches 12 by Tuesday morning AND continues downward to below one.


PLEASE pray that God will intervene and grant this request, plus continue to move in all these other conditions.




"Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, Who only doeth wondrous things. And blessed be His glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with His glory; Amen, and Amen."  (Psalm 72:18-19)

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:grouphug: Continuing to keep you and your son in my thoughts. Many, many hugs. I hope your son's bilirubin count decreases to the levels necessary and that you continue to see his condition improve. Small positive steps are still positive. :grouphug:

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Praying that God will display His mighty power today in your son today.


Praying for a lowered bilirubin, stability, plus forward progress in the many complications he is dealing with.


Praying for clarity and wisdom to guide all decisions regarding his care.

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Praying that God will display His mighty power today in your son today.


Praying for a lowered bilirubin, stability, plus forward progress in the many complications he is dealing with.


Praying for clarity and wisdom to guide all decisions regarding his care.


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