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Is this the first year schools had the entire Thanksgiving week off?


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The local schools are off on Wed-Fri but I have a lot of friends who have this entire week off.??  New trend?


We are doing school Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday for my 8th grader if he does get his his math and science study guide completed.



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Ours only have Thurs-Fri. This is due to the fact that Michigan, under pressure from the tourist industry, passed a law that PS can't start before Labor Day weekend. Due to the late start, they had to decrease days off at the holidays. This year's Christmas vacation for the local district will be the shortest ever. They'll be back to school for Thursday and Friday, Jan. 1st and 2nd, and since Easter is so late that they can't combine that with Spring break, they are not going to give Good Friday off. I think other school districts in the county are planning on Good Friday, just ours local is not. However, for any of them, that could change if this is a hard winter and they have lots of snow days that need to be made up. If that law had not been passed, then school would start a week or two before Labor Day, and the kids would have a longer Thanksgiving and Christmas break.



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They also have the whole week off here--been like that for a few years now. They also started 1 Aug. But our local school district also schedules a fall break in Sep and a winter break in Feb along with the standard Christmas and spring breaks.


Same here.  All of it.  And I really like the schedule. 

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Same here.  All of it.  And I really like the schedule. 


Me too! We'd been running our homeschool on a similar schedule and found we all needed the break after about 6 weeks of work. The couple of years we were in a co-op that didn't take a break were exhausting!




PS--thanks for not changing your avatar when you changed your name. I get completely confused when people go in and change both at once. Actually I think the name changes are less confusing for me than the avatar changes.

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It's new for our local public school system. They started early this year, but they got a fall break (also new) and now a full week for Thanksgiving. Also, I live in a town with a very large state university. It's also the first year ever that the college students have gotten the full week off for Thanksgiving.

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Me too! We'd been running our homeschool on a similar schedule and found we all needed the break after about 6 weeks of work. The couple of years we were in a co-op that didn't take a break were exhausting!




PS--thanks for not changing your avatar when you changed your name. I get completely confused when people go in and change both at once. Actually I think the name changes are less confusing for me than the avatar changes.


Haha!  I changed my avatar a few weeks or a month ago or something.  No way would I change both at the same time!

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Schools in my area have been off for the whole week since at least my childhood.  I am 34 and live in Louisiana.

I'm almost 37 and have spent most of my life in either MA or CA. Everywhere I've lived has had the full week off at Thanksgiving. Lots of people travel for the holidays (we used to go visit my grandparents in AZ when I was a kid) so it makes sense to have the full week off.

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Our district is just Thursday Friday off. Wednesday is a 2 hour early release.


We also have a law that says school cannot start until after Labor Day. We call it the Kings Dominion law, because it's important for an amusement park to have input in how schools are run.


Schools will be in session until June 20, which is insane. Brains stop functioning 3 weeks earlier. National exams like AP and IB are given the beginning of May, so students have less time to learn the material and then six weeks of nothing to do -- my ds watched several seasons of The West Wing during his government class after the AP exam was given.

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I wish our district had the whole week off! We always did when I was a child. I really didn't want to take younger ds to school this morning.


Having said that, we're doing school today and tomorrow, and we probably still would, even if the public school had the whole week off. I'm kind of regretting it, though. I have so much work to do, and trying to get this math test done is draining my will to live!

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It's been a full week of vacation ever since I was a kid. My inclination is to say we have 1 week at Thanksgiving and double that for Christmas. My dd15 goes to public shool so she's off this week, but my homeschooling son will work today and tomorrow. We just can't afford to take off all week.

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My hometown school had off last week for deer season and this week for Thanksgiving, growing up I think it was just a Friday for deer season and Wed-Fri for Thanksgiving. The school district we are in now just has off Wed-Fri. We are taking off this week in our homeschool because I made the schedule and I want time to prepare for T-giving, birthday party and put up Christmas decorations besides Dh will be off Thurs and Fri which makes schooling considerably harder.

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Public school here has off Wed.-Fri. They started a few years ago when they finally realized people were going to pull their kids on Wednesday (usually to travel) no matter what. From what I heard, a few charter schools and private schools have all week off.


I'm making ds do school today and giving him off the rest of the week. We have family in town plus several events scheduled with our homeschool teen group, so I know he wouldn't concentrate anyway. I might as well not fight it.

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