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14 year old boy, free to good home


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I'd take him.  We have a bunch of new snow and DS17 could use the help shoveling :coolgleamA:


My boy who was up for sale at age 14 for blowing things up (literally!) is right now in New Mexico - blowing things up!   Of course, this is a school-sanctioned event for DS22, but some kids never change!


Survive those teen age years one day at a time!

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Thanks all, for helping me keep my sense of humor. It's laugh or cry. In the past 24 hours nothing out of his mouth has made much sense, and most of it has been with attitude. He's SO SO SO moody! I didn't know boys got that moody! He actually yelled at me for buying him a drink he wanted yesterday, because it ended "wasting his time". Seems he thought I'd take off some schoolwork to make up for the time driving to dunkin donuts. Um, no. Oh, and he lost the DVD's for IEW. He needed to watch it last night. Couldn't find it, and said I never gave him the package, I just gave him the first disc. That didn't sound right...I have all the school stuff on one shelf in the living room, and it isn't there. It isn't anywhere. I searched and searched. I made him look again in his room. Nope. I went in to look myself, and he yelled and moaned and threw a fit that I didn't believe him when he said he looked. That he never was given the package of discs. Etc etc. Said I shouldn't bring up the past when I reminded him how EVERY time he says he doesn't have something I end up finding it in his room. Yeah...an hour later when I made him organize his school papers he found the discs, in his room inside of a math workbook. You know, the discs I never gave him. 


I took him to the library and left him there to do work in a quiet environement. I'm looking at is as protective custody, for him, while I read a romance novel and ignore my dirty house I didn't clean cause I was arguing with him and looking for DVDs all day. 

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Thanks all, for helping me keep my sense of humor. It's laugh or cry. In the past 24 hours nothing out of his mouth has made much sense, and most of it has been with attitude. He's SO SO SO moody! I didn't know boys got that moody! He actually yelled at me for buying him a drink he wanted yesterday, because it ended "wasting his time". Seems he thought I'd take off some schoolwork to make up for the time driving to dunkin donuts. Um, no. Oh, and he lost the DVD's for IEW. He needed to watch it last night. Couldn't find it, and said I never gave him the package, I just gave him the first disc. That didn't sound right...I have all the school stuff on one shelf in the living room, and it isn't there. It isn't anywhere. I searched and searched. I made him look again in his room. Nope. I went in to look myself, and he yelled and moaned and threw a fit that I didn't believe him when he said he looked. That he never was given the package of discs. Etc etc. Said I shouldn't bring up the past when I reminded him how EVERY time he says he doesn't have something I end up finding it in his room. Yeah...an hour later when I made him organize his school papers he found the discs, in his room inside of a math workbook. You know, the discs I never gave him.


I took him to the library and left him there to do work in a quiet environement. I'm looking at is as protective custody, for him, while I read a romance novel and ignore my dirty house I didn't clean cause I was arguing with him and looking for DVDs all day.

Aww, I'm sorry. I feel for you. My 10 year old ds has taken irrationality to heights never before imagined, too.
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Gah! I love these ages but they are so emotionally taxing! My 11yo dd shot me nasty looks all day yesterday and while telling me she didn't understand her work, in the same breath yelled, "I GOT THIS, MOM!" Make up your mind!


My 14yo is doing great, more or less, and my 9yo is managing to not give me attitude but some days, you know, that one week a month, the estrogen is screaming through the household!

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If he did floors and windows I would keep him!


:lol:  Tell him if he does not learn how to do floors and windows quickly, he will be swapped on the WTM board! Because there are people here who need a young man for all kinds of house work. I bet someone somewhere needs some wood chopped...

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It seems to be the age. My ds has been up for rent (If you take him, I'll pay YOU!) several times lately.


Take a "typical" boy and add a sensitivity to gluten that makes him angry, aggressive and illogical when he eats it - and add frequent cheating on the GF diet because "gluten doesn't affect me, Mom!!!":/ Then add a few unresolved adoption issues, a lack of awareness of his feelings and a penchant for lying... and Momma wants to drink. Often. <sigh>


Wait, that probably didn't make you want to take him, did it? Dang. ;)





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One homeschool mom up for grabs. She doesn't eat much, likes to clean and wash dishes, but will not cook and will not speak to your children-- only smile at them and walk by. Rakes leaves, sleeps through the night (if you'll let her), will read your books and give you detailed notes or summaries, edit anything you give her (former attorney) and can play the piano for your evening entertainment. Any takers?



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I'm sitting here holding my beautiful four month old. He's just woken up from a nap in my arms. He is gazing up at me adoringly. Lovely smiles, I am his favourite person on earth.




Yours was like this fourteen years ago, right? I refuse to think fourteen years into my future...denial, denial, denial!

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One homeschool mom up for grabs. She doesn't eat much, likes to clean and wash dishes, but will not cook and will not speak to your children-- only smile at them and walk by. Rakes leaves, sleeps through the night (if you'll let her), will read your books and give you detailed notes or summaries, edit anything you give her (former attorney) and can play the piano for your evening entertainment. Any takers?



Sure, but you'll have to bunk in the garage with the dad and teenage boy I just ordered. My very own peasants!

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I'm sitting here holding my beautiful four month old. He's just woken up from a nap in my arms. He is gazing up at me adoringly. Lovely smiles, I am his favourite person on earth.




Yours was like this fourteen years ago, right? I refuse to think fourteen years into my future...denial, denial, denial!

Well...he loved me totally, but was a hard baby. Colicky, and his sensory issues showed even then. So....maybe yours will be easier?

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DD has been mostly easy for most of her almost 13 years. I keep waiting for the horror I'm told will come, but I have my doubts. There are easy kids. Must go hide now.

My easy kid lost her mind between 14 and 16. I swear we could be having a nice conversation and she'd end up insulted, in tears, and storming to her room while I wondered what just happened. At 16 1/2 she's back to her old self, but I don't even know WHAT that was.


Fair warning.

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DD has been mostly easy for most of her almost 13 years. I keep waiting for the horror I'm told will come, but I have my doubts. There are easy kids. Must go hide now.


Calvin was easy for thirteen years. Then we had six months of something else.  Then he went back to being (mostly) easy.


Good luck



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