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S/O-what unpopular/lesser known movies do you love?

Mom in High Heels

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Some that have already been mentioned....


Hidalgo (I don't usually like animal-themed movies, but loved this one)

The Intouchables

Little Miss Sunshine

Some oldies from 1990... Miami Blues and La Femme Nikita

Leon, The Professional (was it originally titled The Assassin???) -- the one w/ Jean Reno

French Kiss

The Painted Veil (w/ Ed Norton & Naomi Watts)


I'm sure there are tons more, just can't think well right now...


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Mystery Men!!! It's my FAVORITE super hero movie of all time. We quote lines from it all the time at our house. If ever slip up and do it around other people, we get some weird looks


Move Over Darling. It's an old Doris Day/James Garner movie. My kids even like it.




Big Fish. It always make me think of my daddy. I was actually watching that movie one day, and when it got to the scene where the lead character dies, and thought, Daddy's dying right now. He actually was. I couldn't watch the movie for a while. Now it is bittersweet.


I agree with whomever said Secondhand Lions and Hidalgo.



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OMG, I thought my cousin and I were the only 2 people on the planet who liked this movie!  The summer between 7th and 8th grade, she and I watched this movie almost every day.  I can still sing all the songs!  I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed.  


I suppose I should be embarrassed that "Back to School" and "Cool Rider" on my Ipod and just thinking about "Do it for our country" makes me laugh.

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Lars and the Real Girl. My feel-good movie. So sweet. 


Lone Star. So much going on in this movie. So many themes about race, class, and dealing with the past. And a mystery. And Chris Cooper. How can you not love Chris Cooper? 


I always feel Barton Fink is underrated. Its not as well written as The Big Lebowski (one of my all-time favorites), but the acting is stellar (one of John Goodman's best roles I think) and the oppressiveness of that hotel reminds me of The Shining. 


Adventureland is a fun movie. I think a lot of people can't get past Kristen Stewart, but we liked the basic coming of age story and the restrained picture of the '80s. 

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OMG, I thought my cousin and I were the only 2 people on the planet who liked this movie!  The summer between 7th and 8th grade, she and I watched this movie almost every day.  I can still sing all the songs!  I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed.  


For a while there, it seemed to be on HBO every four hours. 


I've decided to be proud. :)

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Better Off Dead 


I love this movie!  We've been known to say "I want my $2!" at random moments.



I just put this in the other thread, but Wild Hogs was not a well known movie, but it's a great little comedy.  


Love this one too. It's a family favorite around here.



Seen all those except "Miss Pettigrew..." and loved them all.   Enchanted April is my go-to movie during the winter blues.  I love that movie "it's a big tub o' love!" 


Here's my additions:


Always -



Oh my, I haven't seen this movie in ages.   So sweet.



Others that I think aren't too popular but I love:


Grease 2 (I can't even think how old I was when I realized there was a second Grease movie!)


OMG, I thought my cousin and I were the only 2 people on the planet who liked this movie!  The summer between 7th and 8th grade, she and I watched this movie almost every day.  I can still sing all the songs!  I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed.  


I suppose I should be embarrassed that "Back to School" and "Cool Rider" on my Ipod and just thinking about "Do it for our country" makes me laugh.


Y'all can add me to this list too.  I know all the songs and I could even do that little dance Michelle Pfeiffer does during Cool Rider.  I think Maxwell Caulfield was the start to my current day attraction to British men.  Add in the bad boy on a bike and I was a gonner.  Oh, and I used to make the boys cover their ears or leave the room when "Reproduction" came on.



Mystery Men!!! It's my FAVORITE super hero movie of all time. We quote lines from it all the time at our house. If ever slip up and do it around other people, we get some weird looks


Move Over Darling. It's an old Doris Day/James Garner movie. My kids even like it.




Big Fish. It always make me think of my daddy. I was actually watching that movie one day, and when it got to the scene where the lead character dies, and thought, Daddy's dying right now. He actually was. I couldn't watch the movie for a while. Now it is bittersweet.


I agree with whomever said Secondhand Lions and Hidalgo.


I love Willow. It's another family favorite.


I've seen Big Fish but didn't care for it.  It just seemed odd.


I loved Doris Day in Pillow Talk.  


Argh.  There's another old movie from that era that I've always liked but I can't remember the name of it or enough about it to search for it.  That's gonna drive me crazy now.


ETA: Cry-Baby with Johnny Depp.  It's so cheezy it's almost painful to watch now.  :laugh:

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Simon Birch

The Illusionist


Phoebe in Wonderland



Ones listed that I have seen and really like:

Tremors (own it)

The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill...

Lars and the Real Girl

The Painted Veil (Edward Norton is a favorite)

Big Fish

The Cutting Edge





ETA: when the Illusionist came out, there was another magician themed movie (The Prestige) that came out and seemed to be the popular choice. I watched both and liked the Illusionist better. My brother argued that there was no way that the Illusionist was better. Then he watched it and admitted that I was right. :D

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Many that others are mentioning including


Truly, Madly, Deeply

So I Married an Axe Murderer

The Hudsucker Proxy


A few I didn't see...


What's Up Tiger Lily (this might be my favorite Woody Allen movie, which, I know, is really wrong, but the egg salad sandwich plot is so weirdly funny to me)


City of Lost Children


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The Ref (we watch this every Christmas, but I'm pretty sure a lot of people here know it)

LOVE The Ref!  I watch it every year at least once.  Hilarious. 





Forgetting Sarah Marshal


This movie cracks me up.  Every time.  He had me at vampire puppet opera. 




Nmoira, on 17 Oct 2013 - 5:26 PM, said:

So I married an Axe Murderer


Ohmygod I adore this movie.  I've proudly hooked countless people on it!


The other one I can't watch enough is Waitress.  It's with Kerri Russell, Andy Griffith, Cheryl Hines, Jeremy Sisto, and others.  It's really well written, funny, poignant, and just really, really good.  I also love the soundtrack.  





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Simon Birch

The Illusionist


Phoebe in Wonderland



Ones listed that I have seen and really like:

Tremors (own it)

The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill...

Lars and the Real Girl

The Painted Veil (Edward Norton is a favorite)

Big Fish

The Cutting Edge





ETA: when the Illusionist came out, there was another magician themed movie (The Prestige) that came out and seemed to be the popular choice. I watched both and liked the Illusionist better. My brother argued that there was no way that the Illusionist was better. Then he watched it and admitted that I was right. :D


I love the Illusionist! Edward Norton is one of my favorite actors too. I can't think of anything I didn't like him in.

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I've seen a bunch that are on my favorites list...


Enchanted April

Truly, Madly, Deeply

Strictly Ballroom

Jean de Florette and Manon of the Spring


I do think Tremors is hilarious, definitely B-movie!


The movie that I love that I'm not sure anyone else has even seen is:


The Bride - re-imagining of Bride of Frankenstein w/ Sting and Jennifer Beals.  Love that movie!!


Some others that spring to mind:


Wings of Desire (w/ Peter Falk and Bruno Ganz)

Monsoon Wedding


Buckaroo Banzai


There are lots more as my taste in movies tends toward the obscure and often foreign, but I haven't been to the movies much since I had kids, especially the kinds I tend to really like... I used to go all the time.



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OMG, I thought my cousin and I were the only 2 people on the planet who liked this movie! The summer between 7th and 8th grade, she and I watched this movie almost every day. I can still sing all the songs! I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed.

We're gonna boooooowl tonight!


I want cool rider. A cool, cool, cool, cool rider!


Let's do it for our country, the red white and the blue. It's not a lot to ask of us; our country wants us to!


Reproduction, Reproduction, put your pollen tube to work.

Reproduction, Reproduction, make my stamen go berserk.


I'll be yours in winter, when the snow is on the ground...

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I don't know if this movie is lesser known, but my all time favorite movie is Idiocracy.  That movie just makes me laugh and laugh and laugh.  Another one I have always loved is Weekend at Bernie's.  That one cracks me up too.


My dh calls that a documentary.

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Since we're talking movies, I thought I'd start yet another thread. What lesser known or unpopular do you love?


The ones that immediately come to mind are:


Strictly Ballroom

Oh, no you didn't! When I read your subject line this movie was the first that popped into my head! The only other person I know who has seen this told ME to watch it! Funny and quirky!


Gia Carides, cousin Nikki from My Big Fat Greek Wedding is in SB. And she is married to Anthony

LaPaglia! Just had to share. I love that another human on planet earth has seen this movie. :D I think I saw it Costco recently. Maybe on blu ray?


OK, I must edit to add some thoughts or I will just quote everyone and end up w/ a zillion replies. YES to:

Pillow Talk ("Yaya, Rolly, Polly!")

Four Weddings and a Funeral

Notting Hill

About A Boy - and I am NOT a big Hugh Grant fan!


Also, I am obsessed with the Ocean's 11 trilogy (the remake of 11 and sequels 12 and 13). Rusty's always eating in 11 and is the only who can understand their greaseman. The "looky lou" in 12? ROFLOL! And Andy Garcia on Oprah in 13 cracks me up! I am not a Brad pitt fan either, but this cast is hysterical. So sad Bernie Mac is gone. And I'd like to go on record as saying that Don Cheadle has never done anything wrong on film. (OK, I have only seen Hotel Rwanda and the Ocean films, but the man is a brilliant actor! Come to think of it, so is Toni Colette: Little Miss Sunshine, The Sixth Sense are examples of her nearly Meryl Streep-esque mastery of accents. Connie and Carla? Well, not my fave, lol.)


And The Princess Bride is a gem, as recently discussed here. Also I believe The Shawshank Redemption would have had more box office success if it'd had a different title.


And in case anyone questioned my total lack of sanity, my family watches a movie at the start of each sports season that we like. They are all family favorites and most, if not all, are true stories:


NFL - Invincible and The Blind Side

Hockey - Miracle

Basketball - Hoosiers and Glory Road (not *my* faves, sport or movies)

Baseball - The Rookie (think Dennis Quaid, not Clint Eastwood)

and we don't watch horse racing but SECRETARIAT!!!


Does anyone else HAVE to watch their favorites whenever you happen to see them on tv? Even if you OWN them?

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I love this movie!  We've been known to say "I want my $2!" at random moments.




Love this one too. It's a family favorite around here.




Oh my, I haven't seen this movie in ages.   So sweet.






Y'all can add me to this list too.  I know all the songs and I could even do that little dance Michelle Pfeiffer does during Cool Rider.  I think Maxwell Caulfield was the start to my current day attraction to British men.  Add in the bad boy on a bike and I was a gonner.  Oh, and I used to make the boys cover their ears or leave the room when "Reproduction" came on.




I love Willow. It's another family favorite.


I've seen Big Fish but didn't care for it.  It just seemed odd.


I loved Doris Day in Pillow Talk.  


Argh.  There's another old movie from that era that I've always liked but I can't remember the name of it or enough about it to search for it.  That's gonna drive me crazy now.


ETA: Cry-Baby with Johnny Depp.  It's so cheezy it's almost painful to watch now.  :laugh:



Let's see, 


The Thrill of it All

Calamity Jane

That Touch of Mink

Lover Come Back



Love Doris Day!

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ETA: when the Illusionist came out, there was another magician themed movie (The Prestige) that came out and seemed to be the popular choice. I watched both and liked the Illusionist better. My brother argued that there was no way that the Illusionist was better. Then he watched it and admitted that I was right. :D



Loved the Illusionist.  We watched it 3x's, and we've recommended countless times.  I never saw Prestige, but after watching the Iluusionist I didn't want to.  I felt like it wouldn't be able to compare.  

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Babette's Feast

Cinema Paradiso

Earth Girls are Easy with Geena Davis and Jeff Goldblum


I've seen Earth Girls are Easy before. It was funny.




Tequila Sunrise


The Man From Snowy River (always loved the scene where the hero rides almost vertical down a mountain)


The Truth About Cats and Dogs


I liked The Truth About Cats and Dogs and have seen it a few times, but I don't think it's one I'd watch over and over again.


I remembered the name of the movie I was talking about earlier.  It suddenly popped into my head while DH and I were at DQ earlier tonight.  It was Tammy and the Bachelor with Debbie Reynolds, but I've seen all of them. 

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Babette's Feast

Cinema Paradiso

Earth Girls are Easy with Geena Davis and Jeff Goldblum


Babette and Cinema Paradiso on my list, too--Ds says you have to see the director's cut of CP or it totally doesn't make sense.


LOVED Wings of Desire--I think everyone should see it.


Love the Trois Colours series, and the Decalogue series (but they were made for TV, in Poland, I think).


And I don't know anyone who has watched The Sacrifice, but it's weird and good.


Oh, also Terrance Malick's Tree of Life--fantastic! His Days of Heaven is good, too, and the most beautiful movie I've ever seen--each frame is like a painting, no lie. Amazing. The soundtrack/score ruins it for me, tho. 

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I'm so happy you said that. When I name The Ref as my favorite Christmas movie, most people look at me as if I've grown a second head.


Add me to the list for The Ref every year during the holidays.  I love that movie!


A Boy and his Dog - the single most bizarre movie I have ever seen, but I love it. Maybe because it is so bizarre.


It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World - watched it for the first time with my dad at the old Alabama Theater when I was a kid. It is still one of the funniest movies ever IMO!

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Vertigo--doesn't everyone?

Strange Brew--classic


Joe vs. the Volcano


La Fee-- :)


DH is the only person I've met who likes Joe vs the Volcano.


ETA: I loved the first few minutes, but it went downhill quickly.



Yes!  My family of origin has this weird connection with Joe vs. the Volcano which no one seems to understand! Seriously, we quote the really bizarre, circular lines ('I'm not asking can he get the job, can he do the job?') that only a playwright would put in a movie. I once wrote an essay about how misunderstood that movie is. Its a classic fairy tale journey, and as such its easy to see it as formulaic because it has all the obvious parts of that genre. The parts of the journey are supposed to be spelled out for the reader. Most fairy tales are moral primers. Oh, and its not a comedy, not in a ha-ha sense. Its mildly absurdist, in a passively existential way. 


And I totally want luggage like that. To take with me everywhere. 

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The Gods Must be Crazy


This movie is GENIUS!  My 9th grade History teacher had us watch it in class one day (well, 2 days), I thought it was just the strangest, quirkiest movie ever.  


We're gonna boooooowl tonight!


I want cool rider. A cool, cool, cool, cool rider!


Let's do it for our country, the red white and the blue. It's not a lot to ask of us; our country wants us to!


Reproduction, Reproduction, put your pollen tube to work.

Reproduction, Reproduction, make my stamen go berserk.


I'll be yours in winter, when the snow is on the ground...


OMG!  You are my new BFF!!!!!!


The talent show is so awesome it hurts.  I always wanted to do that skit at a talent show!

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Not sure what's popular but I have to agree with a lot mentioned.

SLC Punk

Hudsucker Proxy

Strictly Ballroom

Better Off Dead

Soylent Green


Strange Brew

Repo! The Genetic Opera

Joe vs. the Volcano

Romance and Cigarettes

La Fee

Thoroughly Modern Millie


Oh my goodness! I have seen Modern Millie. That was a ...um...unique movie. :lol:  I am still not sure if I liked it or not. :lol:  You can't help but watch it though.

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Loved the Illusionist.  We watched it 3x's, and we've recommended countless times.  I never saw Prestige, but after watching the Iluusionist I didn't want to.  I felt like it wouldn't be able to compare.

They are both really good, but I think I like The Prestige better. I definitely think you should watch it! I actually just rented The Prestige again recently and now I'm thinking I need to rent The Illusionist again too. ;)

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Besides some others already mentioned:

Oscar-Sylvester Stallone does comedy and he's not bad! Also has Tim Curry and Marissa Tomei.

Saving Grace- Brit comedy with Brenda Blethyn and Craig Ferguson.

Camille Claudel- French movie about a female sculptor and her relationship with Renoir.

Monster in Paris- French animated movie dubbed with English and American actors. I believe it's still on Netflix. A fun twist on the Phantom of the Opera.

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