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This is not a democracy. (share your title)


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I say that a lot. The kids hate it.


However, it got me to thinking that I probably need a title.


President..nope. My vote and my dh's votes are all that count.


Queen...tempting. But it sounds too old. That'd make my dh the king and implies that I'd have to bow to his wishes. Nope.


Empress...I like it.


I am Empress of the family.

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I say that often as well. ;) When I was growing up, my mom always added, "If it were, you wouldn't have voted for me." As a parent, I totally get that now. :lol:


HA!  Thanks for the new comment.


My son brought me a crown that I am wearing right now. IT's pink with Sleeping Beauty on it.

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I tell my kids that all the time. I tell them it is a benevolent dictatorship. :P


Punk always sighs when I tell them our family is not a democracy and tries to explain to misguided me that our country isn't one either. I have to fight the urge to remind him I was the one that taught the lessons on government systems last year. *sigh*

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  • "One who contributes structure and process to interactions so groups are able to function effectively and make high-quality decisions. A helper and enabler whose goal is to support others as they achieve exceptional performance" - Bens[2]
  • "The facilitator's job is to support everyone to do their best thinking and practice. To do this, the facilitator encourages full participation, promotes mutual understanding and cultivates shared responsibility. By supporting everyone to do their best thinking, a facilitator enables group members to search for inclusive solutions and build sustainable agreements" - Kaner
  • [
  • "An individual who enables groups and organizations to work more effectively; to collaborate and achieve synergy. He or she is a 'content neutral' party who by not taking sides or expressing or advocating a point of view during the meeting, can advocate for fair, open, and inclusive procedures to accomplish the group's work" - Doyle[1]


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I refer to the government here as "Momocracy."


Some frequent quotes:


"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you."

"Because I said so."

"You get to decide that for yourself after you turn 18."

"I do not argue with six-year-olds."

"Do what I said.  NOW."

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I'm the Lead Rangeress. Therefore, I make the decisions that are in the best interest of the group. Even Mr. Lead Ranger defers to me most of the time if it involves the children or schooling.


Most often, they call me Mommy. Or Mama.


I frequently say things like, "I didn't ask if you wanted to; I just told you to do it."

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Nice. I like it!

Our family is a democracy.  DH and I each get 2 votes.  The kids get 1 a piece.


What can I say.  Life isn't fair.

Usually things come up like this:


The kids are in the car and they go "Who votes we go to Sonic and get ice cream? "They all chime in and then I remind them:




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This reminds me of when Great Girl and I studied the labor movement, and she was genuinely radicalized and insisted, quite seriously, on partial control over the means of production. When I explained that what we had here was a benign despotism, she actually wept tears of frustration.


Now she holds out for a feudal system with primogeniture. At least that what she tells Middle Girl the system is.


ETA: She tells me that the part that made her cry was my explaining that, under the law, everything of hers actually belonged to dh and me - even money she earned - and we had a legal right to dispose of it at will. Not that we would.

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According to my 4 year old last night at dinner I am the "best cooker person ever". I'll take it.


This is not a democracy because it's not a form of government at all. This is a family.

My kids also groan when they hear me say, "this is a family".


Then they finish for me, "and in a family everyone works together".




Maybe I should start reminding them we are family outside of chore time.........

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We are Mean Mom and Bad Dad.


My four year old just told me this evening for the first time that I am mean.  I wouldn't let him have carrots with dinner simply because we didn't have any - he's clearly right, I am mean.  I joked to DH that I would have to pull out DS's baby book to jot down this milestone.



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Guest inoubliable

Everything is pretty equal around here. Everyone does what they can to the best of their abilities. There's a movie... I can't remember what it is. Ice Age, maybe? Where it's said "... that's what you do in a herd." We've said that probably a zillion times. It's passed down from my Da. 
As for what the children call me? My name. In front of other people, they call me "mom" unless they're sure that any present adult wouldn't be offended. They do call DH "dad", though. Mostly because DH is a III and DS8 is a IV and that would just create all kinds of confusion to be calling out their name around the house.

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I need to come up with something like that. So far it's not pretty here.


"Pick up your things from the floor!!!!!"

"You just like to boss little kids around, you big bully!" :(



They do kiss me afterward, but still, I would rather be the goddess.



When the little monsters....whoops, I mean darlings, say things like that to me I tell them it means I am living up to my my official title. I was conferred the title, "Mother: ruiner of lives, destroyer of dreams", upon the birth of my first child and I would hate to lose it because I wasn't keeping up my end.


(My sister says she plans to have my title printed on a massive tote bag for me to carry my homeschool supplies around in. Something about the idea of the homeschool mom openly declaring she is ruining her children's lives amuses her!)

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