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Has anyone started thinking about Christmas yet??


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Someone posted on FB the other day that it was 90 days away.  :svengo:  

I seriously feel like we JUST put all the Christmas stuff away.  Normally I don't feel like the year goes by quite that fast, but this year, Idk... It just FLEW!!!


We usually go shopping in October for gifts for the kids.  I have absolutely NO idea what to get them - haven't even thought about it, and not sure I'm ready to, BUT...


Gift ideas for a 9 (almost 10) year old boy?

8 year old boy (by then)?

4 year old girl?

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I am...I have a spreadsheet going with ideas/costs for St. Nicholas Day, Christmas/stockings, family gifts, and my fall/winter birthday kids.


I'm going to follow along with ideas for a 7/8 year old.  Mine is getting a Lego set and some books, but I don't have any other ideas yet.  Maybe Settlers of Catan or another game.  He already has science kits and Snap Circuits galore.

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We've already bought the boys' presents, know what we want to get for our older dd, and have an idea for the younger dd. I've also been building up a stocking stuffer pile. I enjoy Christmas shopping! :-)


As for ideas for kids...Lego sets never fail to impress our kids! Games (like Carcassonne, Killer Bunnies, Survive!, and Ticket to Ride) are all fun with kids. The younger kids might not understand the ins and outs of the game, but our dc love playing even if they don't fully understand!

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I have an ongoing Christmas wish list going so I'm prepared!  I like to space out my buying also because there's something wrong with me and I like to have everything finished by November so I can focus on baking and other things in December.  Due to many many deaths in my family and a few relatives that have ostracized themselves my shopping list is pretty short this year.  I also bought wrapping paper from Costco so I'm wrapping as things come in. 




A few board games

Heat resistant BBQ mitt

Infared temp gun

I'm having a friend also paint a nice portrait of DD for him



A Playmobil Christmas set (St. Nick day)

A Christmas picture book (St. Nick day)

Candy (St. Nick day)

A Christmas puzzle (St. Nick day)

All the American Girl's Welcome to .... World books

AG outfit

LEGO house

Dollhouse furniture

Foxtrot comic book


DH's cousin:

A gurgle water pot


DH's cousin's husband:



DH's aunt:





Schliech horses

Christmas picture book 



Keva planks


Christmas picture book 


Mom and Dad:

A shutterfly calendar with family pictures

A shutterfly scrapbook with our trip to Yellowstone



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7 of our 9 grandkids have fall birhtdays and all 4 of our DD's and DIL"S have October and December birthdays.  We started shopping in August!


I have my DD's and DIL's about done for both birthday and Christmas.  I am sewing  them napkins to go with some beautiful Amish baskets they are each getting.  I want to find some little things to go in with the napkins yet llike a cookbook, or something they want in their kitchen.  One of them needs hot pads desparately!

Birthdays are going to be some hand woven scarves we got at a craft sale, and then some personal things like candels, or a necklace or a good book.  

I have a couple of thoughts on one son in law, but nothing on the other 3.


Grandkids.  I have a couple gifts tucked away for a while now, but mostly I have no clue. 


A couple of years ago I started the 4 gift poem thing.  But now that 17 people times 4 gifts!   I am going to abandon that one this year or at least shrink it down.  


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Costco had some Christmas decorations out in early Sept.  I don't think about Christmas until after Thanksgiving although I do have a list of gift ideas, and if I happen to see something, I'll pick it up.  I like simple, low key Christmases and don't like shopping.  Except for my new granddaughter.  Amazing how grandchildren can making shopping fun again.  :laugh:

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I am boycotting Christmas this year.


Seriously, I have NO desire to even start thinking about it.


I have told my hubby that once his Dad no longer cares our family Christmas will start being whenever is convient and the meal with be sushi based, or whatever we are in the mood for. 


(He is of course welcome to put on a traditional family Christmas, but he doesn't care enough to do so.)

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DD still only wants three things.  But she is also getting a wardrobe for all her AG clothes.  She really likes Saiges dog so when they have free shipping I'll be getting that  and a few other things.


My youngest son, anything from Think Geek works for him and something Green Bay Packers


Older sons I don't know probably several gift cards so they have something to open and axe sets.


We will also get some Angel Tree kids to buy for.   


Parents are getting hard each year.  Mother usually comes up with something practical for us to get my dad and I always give a big box of chocolate he likes.


Mom is still fun to shop for because she won't spend money on herself so she really likes getting nice face creams, perfume etc.



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Dd made her wish list a couple months ago. :tongue_smilie:


Ds2 says he's going to make a list this year since he never has before.


Ds1 prefers not to think that far ahead.


I would like to start buying things off the wish lists but still need to chat w/dh about it.


We also have 2 birthdays coming up. I haven't even thought about those yet.

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Just brainstorming a bit because DD's Christmas is going to look a lot different from last year when she had grandparents and aunt/uncles buying for her.  I'm thinking about buying train tickets and getting tickets to Wait Wait Don't Tell me in Chicago for everyone's big present.  It would be an cheapish weekend but still fun.  Don't know how I'd wrap it though. 

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Hahaha.... I have dd's birthday at the end of November (26th), Dh's birthday Dec. 13th, Christmas then baby due at the end of January. That's just who lives at my house I don't even want to think about any one else (lots of November birthdays in my family including my mom, a brother, a niece and various cousins, aunts and uncles).

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Funny, I was just thinking about this!


We are keeping it simple. All but one kid have jobs, and so everyone is responsible for purchasing their own gifts for giving. I will personally get one thing for each member of my family and I already have ideas for 3 of them (in fact I might just place an online order this evening). I also handle the stocking stuffers but I pick up little things throughout the year. The biggest challenge in that is trying to remember where I stashed them awaiting Christmas Eve!


I will keep decorations at a minimum unless asked to host a Christmas party this year. It's always a possibility. Last year  went to heroic efforts, hosted four different Christmas gatherings plus a fancy dinner for many at Thanksgiving. Told dh I am still recovering from that.  :lol:  Seriously, though, I am....Just don't have it in me for big doings this year. We will have fun, but I won't be doing nearly as much work on my own as I did last year.



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I start "thinking about Christmas" on June 25. :-)


Not much to do here, though. It's just Mr. Ellie and me, and we're not big gift-givers. We usually just do Barnes & Noble gift cards for our grown-up, married dds and sil; we have bought a couple of small things for the cutest grandchild in the entire known world. :-)

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Finally had the date set for the extended family Christmas bash - Nov 30th.  Everyone sounds like they can all come down, there will be 4 generations and all my cousins and their families are planning on attending.  What made it easier for everyone to attend was that we moved it away from Christmas Day!  The roads will be fairly clear, everyone who had to book the day off could because it was Nov, and not Dec.  My generation with all the little kids is really happy about this.  It's all our parents who have their noses out of joint because it's not in Dec.  My response to my aunty was "Suck it up Butter cup", you can either see me Nov 30 or come out to visit in January. 


So, far on our personal calendar, we are averaging 2 large events every week in Dec, and it is still Sept!!!  I can't imagine how crazy it will be come Dec this year!   I'm happy I'll be able to see all my uncles, aunts and cousins + spouses and their children.  We usually only end up getting together once year anyway, this way it will be less stressful.  We don't exchange gifts among all of  us, but we do plan games/activities for the kids to do.

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My mom is already hounding me about Christmas lists for the kids. I think she is buying one bigger gift for the kids. I think she is getting a bike for ds, I haven't gave her any ideas for the girls yet.


I'm not sure what we are going to get ds, we just bought him an EV3, he bought himself a bow w/ his b-day money and my parents are buying him a bike. I don't have any other big ideas for him. He has said before he'd like a skateboard but yet again we don't have a lot of places to ride one around here so I don't think it would get much use. I'll be getting him books for sure and perhaps some magazine subscriptions, he LOVES to read.


I'm thinking of getting the girls some playmobile pieces. Dd says she wants an easy bake oven but I don't know that she would really get much use out of it. She helps me quite a bit making real food in the kitchen and I think she would tire of the few items she could use it for, plus she likes to cook at least once a day. I will be buying them some more art supplies for sure. Dd6 really likes to create things so I considered a kids sewing machine but I don't know if she is ready for one yet.


We will get adult relatives gift cards to local restaurants. I will give cash for the nieces and nephews. I generally stink at picking at gifts and at least cash and gift cards make people happy. Oh, I did have one idea for my fil, I want to get him a nice cordless sawz-all as he is always borrowing dh's.

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yes...just a little. 


I was surprised to see Target already stocking Christmas wrapping paper and bows by their Halloween stuff. Hobby Lobby has had their Christmas stuff up since the July. With all that it's made me start thinking about gifts for the kids and extended family. Thankful I buy throughout the year so I don't have to get/make much. 


Normally I make things for the grandparents or have my kids but this year I haven't and honestly do see the time so not sure what we'll do. 


My older 2 (girl 11, boy 12) are getting legos. Friends for the girl, medieval for the boy as their BIG Christmas gift. We are waiting until Oct 1st to buy them from LEGO so we can get double points. I love their FREE rewards program every-time I buy online at LEGO.com or at a LEGO store I got points and the points = free money. So I am hoping I will get a duplo set for my almost 3 year old free. 


Looking for ideas too love to read what others are doing/planning...

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I've been thinking about it for MONTHS. I still haven't really come up with any good ideas, though...




DH is done. He is getting himself a gift. Yay! Makes my life easier. I will wrap it and put it under the tree, even if he's already used it. LOL


DS is pretty easy to buy for, so I'm not too worried about him.


DD - I have NO clue. Zero. Zilch. Nada. :( I am really beginning to hate Christmas because she is SO hard to buy for. I always end up feeling like Christmas morning will be a huge disappointment for her, after the anticipation. It gets worse every year, too. She's only eleven!!

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I've finished shopping for the kids. That's the fun part. I need to keep reminding myself that I am done and to not buy anything else. Ds has wanted the same thing for almost a year now (a specific Lego kit) and is going to be SO excited to see it under the tree. He won't care if there is anything else -- once he opens the Lego he probably won't open anything else until the next day (which is also what happened last year).


I still have to shop for the adults on the list. That isn't nearly as exciting.

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I have finally learned to keep Amazon lists for all of my family members. I post the kids wishes, and they magically appear on birthdays and Christmas thanks to grandparents and sweet aunties. Lots of ideas there.


As to my own personal shopping... Well... I have a book for my in-laws. That's about it.

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Just made this Cranberry Apple Pie and it definitely makes the house smell like Christmas. 


I don't seem to have replaced any of my beat up string lights with the LEDs I keep planning to buy off-season, which means there will be longer segments of dead bulbs to be hidded in the back of the tree.  Two of the four bulbs in the candle lights we let burn since last Christmas are now dead, so I suppose that will need correcting within the next several weeks.  Fortunately, it was the middle two, and it still looks symetrical from the outside, so there's that.


DD's been practicing music for the NJYC winter concert, so it sounds Chirstmas-y already.


It's the little things.

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Funny enough, right after I posted this, I got a text message from my Grandma:

"have you thought about christmas lists yet?"

:lol: :lol:  (They come down for our 'Christmas' with them - well, and to visit, obviously - sometime in early to mid November.  So she's usually shopping in October, too. :) )


Luckily, we don't buy for very many.  Just the kids, maybe something for each other (DH and I), but we don't buy for brothers/sisters/nieces/nephews.  We get my grandparents something, usually a gift card, and the same with his parents. 

I just can't believe I haven't thought of anything for the kids yet... Yikes!

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DH and I are going to take an overnight trip to Lake George a few weeks before Christmas to relax, be touristy and Christmas shop. 


We go down to RI to my dad's house for Thanksgiving weekend and our tradition there is Black Friday is decorating Grandpa's house for Christmas and doing Christmas that day - gifts, etc. It's our Christmas season kick-off. :-) 


No ideas on gifts yet. I don't like to do it too early. Half the fun for me is the pre-Christmas excitement. Then I wait and wrap everything on Christmas Eve while watching Elf or some other fun Christmas movie after DH and DS go to bed. 


Christmas Day we usually have an open house here - it's pretty small (and so is our house) but fun.

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I am so stumped this year! No clue on the 15yo, very few small ideas for the girls, and the last thing the little boys need is more toys.

I am *SO* over electronics, and the older kids aren't all that into clothes. What I really want is to give us all a family trip, but I know how hard it would be for them to break tradition.

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Very Big Smile.

Plane tickets for those from "away" are booked, except one dd waiting on a job schedule.  she is likely a no-show, as triple time is irresistable.

Christmas pjs are ordered.

no gifts yet.


performances: one dd was cast as cinderella for the area ballet, the other as one of the seasons, so there is much excitement and practicing.

both dds are in multiple orchestras, one of which is playing nutcracker music this year, so already there is music in our house.  its a gift. 


the only new decoration purchase needed this year is a new artificial tree.  much discussion, as some family members would like white lights, some would like white candle lights, and three inexplicably would like coloured flashing lights, which i simply can't abide....


looking forward to it,


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Y'all are nuts. :D


I wouldn't be except ds and dh just got cast in a local production of A Christmas Carol. Ds was practicing carols for two days for the call back and I started to feel it was just around the corner.


But I just got through birthdays and I haven't pulled out the Halloween stuff yet. I need more time.

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I wasn't thinking about it until I read this and realized that I am way behind :laugh: .


Right now,  the discussion in our home is all about Halloween costumes. Dd likes to be creative and make hers, so that gets pretty difficult since I don't know how to sew. Velcro strips are my friend. I probably won't do anything until November. We decorate the tree the day after Thanksgiving.

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I have a couple of Ever After dolls put away that I bought BOGO in July. I am trying not to go overboard like I do every year. Our oldest two moved out a few months ago so they are getting household stuff. I am seriously thinking about getting everyone a lap desk. I think they will be useful doing school on the couch. Any thoughts on whether or not to buy them would be helpful.

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