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what a freaking nightmare. Save the email. Go to the bank and see if they can give you a record of the account closing. 


This. Depending on your bank's policies, the account may have been incorrectly closed. Most business accounts here require both parties to sign upon closing or withdrawing the full balance.

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This. Depending on your bank's policies, the account may have been incorrectly closed. Most business accounts here require both parties to sign upon closing or withdrawing the full balance.


I don't think he closed it.  If I read correctly, it just looks like he withdrew all the money from it.

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Bank. Lawyer. Check ethics rules to see if you can report him to the licensing board of whatever it is he does. Ugh!!! :(


I'd demand that the funds be put into a lawyer's escrow account. Get a dissolution document drawn up that includes a gag order so he can't bad mouth you. What a jerk!

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yep, lawyer today. Many do free consult. Then you can have their number on speed dial for tomorrow.

Seen it happen unfortunately.

Don't expect his behavior to suddenly become reasonable, and totally look into a gag or restraining order. Don't want him harassing you/your business later.

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It's so difficult to believe people do this routinely when you are an honest person that would never dream of pulling the same stunt. I have seen far more of the ugliness of human nature, since we've been in business, than I would care to know about. 


Best wishes as you work to get this resolved :grouphug: .

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Wow, what a piece of work he is. I'm so sorry, I know what a nightmare this has turned into.


Yep, time to get tough and fight back. Call the lawyer, and at least get an initial consultation. Then if you don't get your money tomorrow, hit him with legal action. Just to be safe, I would also contact the bank and get written confirmation of exactly what was in the account and what the withdrawal was... Paper trail.


:grouphug: I'm sorry... If you needed any confirmation that you're doing the right thing getting out, I'd say this is it.

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Why wait until tomorrow? It's only 3:30. Tell him you are on your way and expect the check to be ready to hand over when you get there. If it's not ready, you will be calling a lawyer immediately. Like, on your cell phone outside his door.


Gag order--yes.

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I called my father who has a lawyer on retainer here where we live. I asked whether i should given the ex partner til tomorrow to give me the check, since that is what I demanded in my strongly worded email, or if I should just call the lawyer.


Ugh, this sucks.

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I called my father who has a lawyer on retainer here where we live. I asked whether i should given the ex partner til tomorrow to give me the check, since that is what I demanded in my strongly worded email, or if I should just call the lawyer.


Ugh, this sucks.


I'd call the lawyer anyway, and let the lawyer decide whether it's best to wait until tomorrow.

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I thought that to withdraw money in that amount from a join account you need both parties signatures.

Since this is a business situation and not like a marital joint account, can he be charged with theft? I would be calling the police about it.  What is to stop him from transferring the money into another account no one knows about, or spending it all tonight so it is no longer liquid?  I would see if criminal charges can be laid against him for theft.  And I agree with with others to not wait until tomorrow for the lawyer, get one now.  YOu can still wait until tomorrow to use the lawyer to go after him, but for today you need to get one to begin with.  If you wait to call a lawyer a tomorrow you won't get a meeting until Friday if you are lucky, so he won't be served regarding this until Monday at the soonest.  Talk to the lawyer today, meeting in the am, papers drawn up ready to serve him with in the afternoon, hit with whatever penalty on friday.

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My hope for a boil on his butt has now turned into a wish for three - that he'll need to get lanced.  



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:   There are some awful people in this world.


oooooh... maybe TMI, but I had an abscessed boil right about where you mention, it was literally truly the size of a BASEBALL! ANd sadly, due to swelling and such, local anesthetic does absulutely NOTHING for the pain when it;s lanced. So take my word for it, even if he only gets the original boil you wished for, it will be PLENTY painful enough...  maybe it will scare some sense into him. :leaving:

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Oh jeez, here comes the spammers

For crying out loud, this is getting ridiculous. :glare:


I feel so sorry for the moderators!!! :(


I'm starting to think that, for their own sanity, they may need to come up with a stricter approval method for new members.

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