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Do you ever know what is going to happen ....


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... before it actually does?  I can think of three times (there have been more) that this has happened to me.  Back in 1995 when my niece was born.  My brother and his wife were having difficulty coming up with a name for her.  I was at work and the thought came into my head that they were going to name her "Angela".  I got home from work, got a call from my mother telling me that they had named her "Angela."  Another time I was straightening up the living room.  My daughter asked me why I was doing that and I told her that a guy I was seeing was coming over.  She said "oh, did he call?"  I said "no, I just know he is."  10-15 minutes later there was a knock on our door, it was him.  Yesterday my mother was talking to a friend on the phone.  Then she hung it up and went into the other room.  I asked her why she didn't bring the phone in with her since she wasn't done talking to that friend.  A few minutes later the phone rang and it was the friend again.


Sometimes this is scary.  Most of the time it is just "there it is again."

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I've had it happen a few times. I mostly remember it happening with big life-changing events. The kinds of things where I needed some time to get used to the idea before it was suddenly dropped into my lap.


Occasionally, I've had the experience where I'm going to meet someone at some unspecified time ("Hey I'll meet you at such-and-such when I'm done with..."). And while I'm in the middle of something else, I suddenly have the urge to leave immediately. Then I end up arriving at the same time as my friend so we don't have to waste time calling or looking around for each other.

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A few years ago, I "knew", beyond a doubt, that my mother (who wanted to take my children to Texas with her) would take them to the beach and my oldest would drown.  They did not go and my mother didn't speak to me for two years..


I cannot say if I was correct, but I was certain at the time and I risked a family bruhaha to stop it.

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A few years ago, I "knew", beyond a doubt, that my mother (who wanted to take my children to Texas with her) would take them to the beach and my oldest would drown.  They did not go and my mother didn't speak to me for two years..


I cannot say if I was correct, but I was certain at the time and I risked a family bruhaha to stop it.


Good job, Lara!  Given what happened to me, I'm glad you risked the fuss, costly though it was.

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I wrote my MIL a letter telling her about something that was going to happen to my SIL and her children.  I asked her to take it and keep it sealed until I asked her to open it.  Over a year later, I asked her to open it.   Exactly, what I had described had happened.


I told her that I struggled with if I should tell her so she could stop SIL, but she agreed that SIL was gonna do what she wanted to do, no matter what, so it wouldn't have helped.  The children themselves were never in any physical danger.


I've known other things but I believe that God gives me this knowledge so I can get ready for the event to happen.  The few times, I have deliberately tried to stop something from happening, two things happen.  I stop having the dreams for a long time, and I actually make things worse.  So, now I tell hubby and no one else when I have a dream.


My girlfriend wants me to tell her immediately if I ever dream about her, I told her I couldn't promise that.  Now, I don't tell anyone else in real life that this happens any longer because it just makes things weird.

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I've experienced that a number of times.  Usually the events that *seemingly* came out of the blue had some warning indicators, just very slight ones that most people wouldn't think anything of.  But those little hints, just a word here or a feeling there, added up.  So, yeah, it has happened to me.  


ETA:  Like another poster, I've had bad feelings before disaster struck on numerous occasions, and there were really no warning indicators.  I didn't know what was going to happen, but I had a horrible feeling of dread each time.

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Constantly. Like, every day. Usually little things-I know so and so is going to get sick, or I know there is a cop on the next block, or a song comes on the radio that i thought of a minute before. Sometimes it's bigger things.


DH and I discuss how all humans should have this ability perfected, but we lost it in the fall of Eden and won't get it again until God restores the paradise and makes humans perfect again. It's a fun subject to discuss.

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Yes to both significant and insignificant happenings. Downright unexplainable foreseeing of happenings and knowing personal details about people I had just met.  After several awkward occurrences, I learned to keep mum and be more vigilant to discuss only what I was supposed to know about them. 


However, confirmatory bias is at play when we humans try to see a pattern of correct hits; we tend to forget about those thoughts that popped into our head that were meaningless or incorrect.  I am not discounting that somehow (though not by supernatural means) certain people can pick up on certain things but I've yet to encounter anyone who can predict with consistent reliability.

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I can remember the first time it ever happened to me.  It may have happened before that, but I was too young to realize it.  Anyway, my friend and I got ahold of a pack of matches and we went to her house so we could play with them.  We knew neither of her parents were home, but we checked around the house just to make sure.  We quickly ran in her room, shut the door, and just as she struck the first match I said, "Your father is going to open the door."  Just then her father opened the door.  After we got yelled at and my friend's father left my friend said, "How on earth did you know that?"   I had no idea.


It used to happen a lot more when I was younger than it does now.  When I was younger I just thought things were happening twice.  I remember saying a lot, "That's the second time that's happened," and someone would always correct me and say it wasn't.  Now what happens to me is random thoughts pop in my mind that are later brought up by someone else or I ask myself a question and the answer is just presented to me within a few days.  Or I can think of something that I really want and somehow I get it.  It's always something insignificant and of course I can't ever think of the winning lottery numbers or wish that I somehow won the lottery.   :lol:  It's more like, "I wish DH would stop at the store on his way home and buy me a bag of chips."  More often than not he'll end up doing it and tell me he got a feeling that I wanted chips.  :)  I wish I could use my "powers" for better use!   :lol:

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Most of the time, it isn't anything that is surprising.  

When I was a kid - 8 or so?  We were driving up to the state my great-grandparents lived in to visit my great grandfather, who was in the hospital.  On the way, we stopped at a rest area in Illinois (I think) and my grandma called up to see how everyone was, and I remember sitting on the bench by the window and my heart just dropping as I looked out the window, and I thought, 'He died.'  I was right.

The one other time was similar.  It was my aunt that time, IIRC.

So nothing real earth shaking or anything.  I was pretty sure Pink was a girl when I was pregnant with her, and was confirmed at 16 weeks.  I would have been happy (and still unsurprised) if she had been a boy, though, too.

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Yes. Some pretty specific things. When I have regular reoccurring dreams, even if they don't make sense, I pay attention. Back when we had one child and no intentions of more I used to dream of being surrounded by many children in specific settings, yet I knew these children weren't "mine". I remember telling dh about it and asking him what he thought they meant. 11 years later every single one of those dreams became reality. Exactly. It wasn't until a couple of years later that I even remembered talking to dh about. He then remembered those dreams as I explained them. Vividly.


Some of the details are so specific, unusual, and unexpected that I doubt anyone would believe me if I told them.


I also go through periods with frequent de ja vu and periods with nothing.

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I sometimes have dreams that come true.. they're usually not anything significant though.   I had it happen not too long ago here on the board, of all places.  It had to do with something I was typing... so yeah, nothing earth shattering or anything.  But, it is weird.



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Three times.  All deaths of family members.   :(


Not so much, oh so and so is going to die.  But a really strong, urgent need to go visit them NOW.  The first time, it was weird.  The second time, I was kinda creeped out.  The third time, I told Mom and Dad that Uncle ________ will be gone within the next 24 hours.  And he was...


And, I never did get to go see any of them because these strong urges all happened within 24 hours of the death.  The first two I was a kid, still in school, and never did get a chance to go see them on time.  The third, I was not even remotely close to this person - he was my great uncle, and I had probably exchanged 10 words with him my whole life.  Hello and Goodbye a few times, pretty much.  So I chose not to go, but did tell my Dad that he should go because it'd probably be his last chance.


ETA:  I've also experienced minor de ja vu moments.  That's kind of weird, too.

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Often, with things small and large.


One small but almost especially odd one: A number of years ago, my husband was poking around in the kitchen obviously looking for a snack. I walked in and said I'd be happy to pull together something if he was feeling . . . and at the exact same moment, we said, "peckish." Now, that may not sound all that odd, until you understand that we've known each other since elementary school, and neither of us could remember ever hearing the other one use that word. In fact, I don't think I had ever spoken it aloud or used it in conversation. I knew what it meant (probably because I read a lot), but I don't remember ever actually saying it before that afternoon. Nor does my husband remember ever saying it before he formed the sentence in his mind that day. Yet, we both chose to use it at that exact moment.


I often know when couples are engaged, pregnant or divorcing before they announce it, and not infrequently before they know or decide, themselves. I generally put that down to being observant, but sometimes I know things even about people I haven't seen in person for some time.


When I was younger, long before the days of caller ID and personalized ringtones, I used to joke that I could tell who was calling by the way the ring sounded.


I have truly bizarre and often vivid dreams, which sometimes seem to make no sense . . . until they do a few weeks later.


I stopped using my tarot cards for a long, long time after I did a reading that scared me and that, at the time, I didn't understand at all. Within a year, it made all too much sense.


THe vast majority of this I accept as some combination of confirmational bias and simply being attentive to my enviromnent. But, honestly, the small stuff like the "peckish" incident still gets me every now and then.


As an aside: I'm listening to the novel Sisterland and enjoying it a lot. I suspect that folks who are interested in these kinds of experiences might find it an engaging read.

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Oh, one random and funny one (that wasn't all that out of the box, again) -- my close friend texted me one morning and it said, 'Can I ask you a super-secret question?'  I was THIS CLOSE to texting her back and saying, 'Yes, if one pink line is really light, it's still positive.'  But I didn't... I just texted and said, 'Yep.'  She then asked, 'If one pink line is really faint, is a pg test still positive?' 


That one was easy, though.  I knew they were ready to start trying for kids, so it was kind of obvious.  :D  

Most of mine are kind of contextual stuff that wouldn't be hard to figure out.  I just remembered this one and it made me smile.  :)

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Does anyone know of a major catastrophe that was avoided because of precognition? I'm wondering about things like tornadoes touching down in certain towns before the weather indicates such patterns, or criminal acts where one is detained with all the evidence of their intending crime, but before they carry them out? For example, has anyone ever called the police to report they precognitively know someone is going to be shooting innocent people at a movie theater or place of worship, and prevented an act of terror by stationing police around to intercept?

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Irl only when I knew my gramma was about to die and told my uncle to get top her asap.  I wrote about it in the paranormal thread, and 1 other tiny moment that might be classified as such BUT with movies/tv shows I can call it 80% of the time.  They are so predictable. 

My gramma phoned my mom up and told her she had a dream that my mom was pregnant and gave birth to a black haired, black eyed baby girl.  My mom was not trying for kids, she was only 19 and not married.  A week later her period was late, and 9 months later I was born with a full head of black hair and brown eyes so dark they looked black.  Mom thought it was freaky enough she retold the story often.

WHen I was pg with my first I knew I was before I should have known.  I was 20, a college student, and was breaking up with my new boyfriend, we had been together for 1 week, he went back east for 3 weeks and then we were together for 2 more weeks before the night in question.  He was driving me home from work, and we were fighting/breaking up and he says"why are you being such a b*tch tonight" and I blurted out "because I am pregnant you a$$hole".  To which he hit the brakes as hard as he could and flipped out.  Now my period was not even due for another week, there is no way I should have even thought that.  A week later I was late, and even though we had split he took me to buy a test, and use it at his place.  It was positive.  That idiot boyfriend is now my idiot ex husband lol.  The fact is when we had that fight I was only 7 days since conception at most, there is no way I should have even thought that, let alone blurted it out like that.  It wasn't even a formed thought in my head, I was as surprised by the words as he was.  Whether that can be called a premonition or simply hyper awareness of my own body I don't know.  It was still weird.  (I knew early when I was pg with the youngest 2 and the one I lost between them, but I was actively trying and aware of every twinge so it's not the same)

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I don't think that has ever happened to me, unless you count the numerous times I think, "Hey, I need to call my mom" and my phone rings while I'm trying to find it in my purse or wherever and, of course, it's her. That happens fairly often. :)


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I predicted my middle brothers birth when my first brother was born. I told my mom I dreamt of a boy with dark hair and the newborn brother was very jealous. Mom wasn't planning anymore kids and the middle brother is the only one with dark hair.


I did dream about my mother's death a month before it happened as well. Now I keep a dream journal and can sometimes match the deja vu to a dream in it.

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I have known certain things before they happen...some big and some small. Some examples I can think of...I knew my grandmother had died before my mom called to tell me and my parents and I had a huge falling out a year ago and I knew before I went over there for the talk they wanted to have with me that I would not see them for a long time after. Sometimes I know to slow my car because a cop is nearby before I drive past him and other times I am driving and seem to be told in my head to look a certain way so I can stop before someone almost hits me. Sometimes it has been a perception about a person...their character or that they are lying, before I really know them. (I try not to listen to this thinking I shouldn't judge them before I know them and should give them a chance but it makes me more cautious in my dealings with the person and I haven't been wrong in this yet.)


Sometimes things I know kind of shock me when they then happen. It isn't always because of a dream....sometimes just a thought or feeling pops in my head. It seems really random when I'll know something....it could be something significant or something insignificant. I don't know everything that is going to happen and I often wonder why certain things will pop in my head but other, seemingly more important things, will surprise me.


I do wonder how many things have popped in my head that I have ignored or forgotten because they didn't happen the way I thought they would (selective memory). I also think maybe I perceive small things going on around me that other people might deem as insignificant or do not notice and those things help me know certain things before they happen but sometimes I am so far away from what I am thinking about before it happens that this can't easily explain why I know.

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Do some of you also have weird connections with your husband? We joke that we can do the though conversations like in How I Met Your Mother.

Just like week I sent him a text asking why there was no Qdoba in the city. He sent back saying that he's spent 20 minutes looking for one an ha just googled my exact question. We'll see something mundane, like a leaf or a car, and we'll make the exact same comment on it. Happens all the time!


Gah! Sorry for all the typos. I'm on my phone without glasses.

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I have a funny story.  When I was really young, maybe 7 or 8, I was walking with my dad and I said, "Dad, sometimes I know things are going to happen or I feel like they've already happen."  I wanted to then tell him I thought I was psychic, but I didn't know the word exactly so I said, "I think I'm psych..... psych......," and he said, "Psycho?" to which I replied, "Yeah, psycho.  I'm psycho."   :glare:  :lol: Thanks, dad.  :)

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Yes, quite often actually.


Sometimes it's feeling like I'll get a call or text from my husband.  


But I get it A LOT in regards to births.  As client due dates approach I quiet myself often and think about her and about the birth.  Usually I sense what time of day she'll birth and if I need to have childcare arrangements (not so much now that my kids are getting older).  I also get a sense of being ready for things like extra bleeding after the birth, being very watchful of the baby's heart tones, etc.  I've also had times where I just knew that we'd end up in the hospital eventually (I do home deliveries only).  My husband keeps telling me I need to write these things down and someday write a book.  LOL!

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I only remember one really significant time, but it also wasn't just me. 


In middle school, there was a small fire in the cooking class. The whole school was evacuated and my two friends (twins) and I were looking through the gate at the fire truck talking about how awesome it would be if the school was too damaged for school  :leaving:


We all looked at each other at the same time and got really quiet. I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach something tragic was going to happen to them, and they did too. 


That night, their apartment building (six apartments I think?) burned down due to arson. 


Other than that, I get some wicked deja vu, and while I feel light headed while it happens, I never know what will happen next. It just all feels eerily similar and makes me feel odd. 


I can also control different aspects of my dreams depending on how long I practice at it. Sometimes I'll do it for two weeks straight, and by the end, I can control pretty much everything. I don't do it often though, because I am always scared of dying in those dreams. If I can't control that certain aspect, I get freaked out I won't wake up. 

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I have gotten the worst feeling when Dh is having an insulin reaction when he isn't anywhere near me. Once he was in another city playing golf with a relative. Another time he was driving in a fog through an unfamiliar town we were staying in, unable to focus/remember what house we were at. I'd gotten terribly restless and fixatedly worried about him for several hours to the point that the friends we were staying with thought I was losing my ever loving mind. (no cell phones or way to track him down back then!) Suddenly we all heard an ambulance siren several blocks away and I just got up and started running out the house to the sound insisting they were heading to him. They sure were. He had eventually managed to stop the car in some old ladies drive way, stumbled out of it and passed out on her lawn. Bless her heart for calling an ambulance instead of the police! She had every reason to think he was some drunk or drugged who knows what, but she said something just told her he was a good guy needing help, not police.


The time he was playing golf I started the same pacing the floor nervousness freaki everyone out thinking I was nuts. The second he walked in the door I looked at his dad (who he was with) and said, "how bad was his insulin reaction?!" and his dad admitted they'd had to caanother country club's medic out because he went from playing golf just fine to stumbled to the ground and not coherent.


Dh and I have lots of things like this on much smaller scales too. Sometimes it's so strong that we tease each other about being under surveillance. The kids joke that we share the Unimind.


When my dad had his last heart attack, I felt intense pressure in my chest and down my left side, turned white, nearly fainted, and dropped the casserole dish I was taking out of the oven when the feeling me. A few minutes later, my Dh was freaking out and putting a cold cloth on my forehead and I said we needed to call my uncle to go track down dad bc I think he had a heart attack and was very scared and upset. I knew he wasn't home, but didn't know where. He had. He had just walked into his girlfriend's house and found her dead (natural causes, but still shocking and upset) That was three states away.


A million little things while pregnant or about the kids too.


It's never really done me any good. I feel helpless about it because I can't change it.


Well that's not quite true. Sometimes I do get a strong urgency that something can't wait. For example, I'll pitch a fit that a kid MUST see the Dr TODAY. I don't know what's wrong, but I feel like I really have to get them in pronto. Usually it's the start of asthma and we'll discover he forgot to tell me his inhaler was empty. Or the start of pneumonia. Or I'll know a delivery isn't going to go as planned or that I need to go in even though nothing points to a problem. But mostly it doesn't change the outcome. It just makes me feel like a paranoid nervous wreck helpless to change why I feel that way.

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Does anyone know of a major catastrophe that was avoided because of precognition? I'm wondering about things like tornadoes touching down in certain towns before the weather indicates such patterns, or criminal acts where one is detained with all the evidence of their intending crime, but before they carry them out? For example, has anyone ever called the police to report they precognitively know someone is going to be shooting innocent people at a movie theater or place of worship, and prevented an act of terror by stationing police around to intercept?



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Does anyone know of a major catastrophe that was avoided because of precognition? I'm wondering about things like tornadoes touching down in certain towns before the weather indicates such patterns, or criminal acts where one is detained with all the evidence of their intending crime, but before they carry them out? For example, has anyone ever called the police to report they precognitively know someone is going to be shooting innocent people at a movie theater or place of worship, and prevented an act of terror by stationing police around to intercept?


Where on earth would police  act on someone telling them something like that? 

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Where ever anonymous tips are heard and acted on, I suppose? I dunno. I'm just wondering if this power has ever been used to avoid disaster.

I'm not sure how it could be, as our system isn't set up to make use of it.


For me, the problem is that my gut will be screaming something is wrong. Sometimes I might even have a very good feeling what needs to be done. But that's just not what police and drs base their decisions on. (nor do I think it should be either)


Even tip lines usually need more concrete info than, "I have an urgent sense we should run to the basement or I had a dream there was a horrible tornado tonight."


Despite what we see on tv, I think 98% of the time they are annoyed at having their time wasted by these types of tipsters and 2% of the time they think the tipster just got lucky.

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When I was 18, I had a very vivid dream that a bear came charging up our hill and tried to attack us. There are no bears in the tropics and the next morning at breakfast, we laughed it off. Our family is the type to talk about our dreams all the time. 

Exactly one week later, we were attacked in our home - an armed robbery. Because of the dream, I knew exactly where we should go to stay safe. What happened was exactly like the dream, except for the bear. 


I often think of someone non-stop and then I hear that something has happened to them - either positive or negative. 


I wish I knew of a way to have more vivid dreams and meaningful on a more regular basis. My grandmother would have them all the time. 


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A couple of times when I was a kid I would dream about my friends.  Those few times my dreams came to pass. Nothing life threatening or altering just happenstance.

Mostly my superpower is being able to know it is my mother calling when the phone rings.  I had this ability long before there was caller id and individualized ringtones.  After a couple of years of marriage I was able to identify my mother-in-law.

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Yes! Its actually very common on my mothers side of the family, but it usually is through dreams or "I smell funeral flowers, I hope everyone is okay." Later, "Oh, no, so and so died." I was always fascinated by it as a child.. they have some pretty amazing stories involving the unexplainable.


The memory that sticks out the most with me is the time I dreamed my daughter was drowning on vacation (we were in the car on the way to our vaca) and when we got there, the FIRST time in the pool, she almost drowned. In the dream I remember I was only a foot away from her, but it was like someone was holding my arms back and I couldn't rescue her. When it actually happened, I was across the pool and running through 4ft of water feels like slow motion.. so in both the dream and reality it felt like I was watching her drown and I couldn't get to her.



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