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Greetings, Hive--you're on CNN!

Susan Wise Bauer

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Thanks for the link! That was very nice to read.


:blushing: I hope we don't have any tEa threads on this first page just in case someone checks the link in the article and decides to chat with us thinking we spend all our time philosophizing about Aristotle!



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Nice article!


I sometimes wish I had another kindergartner so I could take advantage of the growing maturity of the movement. The options for educating in a full neo-classical style or even with just elements of the classical style have expanded dramatically since I first learned about the concept of classical education in 1998/99. When I first started, the only help I had was TWTM book and this forum. With the homeschool curriculum and B&M schools available today, it is so much easier for parents just starting out to find support for educating using methods that are not familiar.

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Very interesting. I showered. Hope my skirt isn't too short. :)


The article made me think don't speak of Thomas Paine often enough; and that confounding human need for government.


Once again, comments sections of articles are as interesting as the posted topic. So, back to Paine; if we found more goodness, less evil, in

community, we would not need government. ;)

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I'm so happy to see Classical education get such a good write up, and to have an article where home schooling families weren't treated like the crazy step-child everyone wants to make fun of.


<running to make sure my jumper is clean and everything is in order in the house for guests>


Oh, and a PS: Why oh why do I read comments after online articles???????

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Oh, and a PS: Why oh why do I read comments after online articles???????



They were not as bad as I thought they might be ( although I have not

gone back to the article in many hours), but the negativity people can

spread is do divivisive. Lively discussion is good. That often entrenched defensive negativity cuts us off from the big conversations.

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Lively discussion is awesome when both parties are discussing, but it seems the comment sections online are breeding grounds for peole who dont care who they offend. I just notice that with any POV on the Internet, there is always someone that just wants to rain on the parade and get their jollies from being rude. :(




They were not as bad as I thought they might be ( although I have not

gone back to the article in many hours), but the negativity people can

spread is do divivisive. Lively discussion is good. That often entrenched defensive negativity cuts us off from the big conversations.


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I have a friend who is the admin (as in secretarial admin, the first new hire on this proejct) for a brand new parochial school that is starting up this fall. It is starting with several Pre-K and K classrooms, and when I asked her what the defining vision for the school she said that hadn't been established yet, that the cart is in front of the horse a bit. The people most interested in the project are not educators, they are deep-pocketed church members. I told her the school had to have a differentiating vision and was able to provide her with a good list of resources including Susan's. Fortunately, the wife of one of the church staff members is an educator with a deep interest in classical and a degree in something child-development related, so I'm hopeful that this will get a nudge in the right direction as they hammer out where they are going. I've sent her the link to the article since there is such a nice diversity of classical visions listed. : )

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Everybody, take your feet off the furniture and make sure your hair is combed. :coolgleamA:


Nice article, very cool.



Um. In my house its more "quick everybody put pants on!" Whilst I run through the house bathrobe trailing behind me to go grab the hairbrush. I seem to have upped my record with this, I can do a round the house speed run and be back in clothes, hair brushed in under a minute, apparently I seemed to have mastered the art of getting dresses whilst running and using one hand to brush hair whilst I yank my shoes on with the other, then open the door with a big smile and "what a lovely surprise" :001_rolleyes:

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