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What was your first slow dance song?


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My first Hard Habit to Break - Chicago. I only remember this because my dad's church belief was all dance was sin. My aunt took me to the dance and my dad embarassed the crap out of me by coming in and breaking up me and the guy and dragging me out. My bad memory makes me feel the same hate I had then for them and church. Ok not so very good walk down memory lane but I do still like the song. I do like church but just not their convictions

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Stairway to Heaven (which completely changes tempo, so not the greatest choice) or Freebird, I can't remember which. It was 1978 and I was 12. Also known as the Stone Ages around here. :glare:



Sister Christian. The change in tempo was awkward. But, we were in 7th grade. Everything was awkward!!!

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Mine was Stairway to Heaven as well, which is the WORST slow dance song ever because it speeds up right in the middle so everyone's been slow dancing. You bust apart to shake it for a bit, then go back to slow dance the end. Ridiculous.

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Ugh. Hotel California, 7th grade. The guy that I danced with called me after the dance and asked me out. I said no. He then pretended to kill himself over the phone. Unsuccessful, as he showed up to school on Monday. Awkward.


I still can't listen to that song. I'm pretty sure I threatened my wedding reception DJ to keep him from playing it.

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I wish I had really teeny tiny type for this (but I'm on mobile)...


Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'


Sixth grade


ETA: My eldest is going into sixth! Eek!

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Ugh. Hotel California, 7th grade. The guy that I danced with called me after the dance and asked me out. I said no. He then pretended to kill himself over the phone. Unsuccessful, as he showed up to school on Monday. Awkward.


I still can't listen to that song. I'm pretty sure I threatened my wedding reception DJ to keep him from playing it.



Hahaha!! Too bad I don't have the use of smileys. That song would be on my list of songs not to play as well. I remember when the Eagles got back together in the late nineties. My friends' dad played that song on a loop. It got to the point where I had to tell my friends that they needed to come over to hang out at my house instead.

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I'm not sure if this was the first, but an early one I remember is Bryan Adams' 'Everything I Do' from Robin Hood.


Probably one of DH's and my earliest slow dances as well; our first date (to our school's Homecoming Dance) was in October, 1991, so surely that was played often at dances in the next few years.

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Hahaha!! Too bad I don't have the use of smileys. That song would be on my list of songs not to play as well. I remember when the Eagles got back together in the late nineties. My friends' dad played that song on a loop. It got to the point where I had to tell my friends that they needed to come over to hang out at my house instead.


I'm so glad someone else dislikes that song. Seriously, when I say, "I hate Hotel California," you'd think I said, "I perform ritual sacrifices on kittens," based on the shocked looks I get from people. Is it that great of a song in the first place?

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I can't believe anyone remembers! :svengo:


I only remember because "Forever Young" was the prom theme (and that song was the token slow song they kept playing throughout the night). They were playing the song right as we walked in. "We" being my boyfriend, my big 80's hair, and me. My hair was its own entity. :tongue_smilie:

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I remember mine because I was crazy for the guy who took me. We dated for a while, then he broke up with me for another girl. His family loved me and was sad that he broke up. I was a sophomore in high school. Another thing I remember about that homecoming was the enormous mum he got me. It covered my whole body!

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I have no idea, though my first slow dance (in 6th grade) was interrupted by me running away and into the girls' bathroom. I didn't really want to dance with the kid, but didn't know how to say no, so I did a runner instead.


I do remember that some of our middle school dances were DJ'd by none other than Kid Rock.

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I'm listening to Pandora and Creep by Radiohead came on. This was the first song I ever slow-danced to at homecoming. Ah the memories, lol.


Is it just me, or do the lyrics for this song (and a lot of others on this thread) seem a bit wrong for slow-dancing? Or does no one care when the lights are low?

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When the night has come

And the land is dark

And the moon is the only light we'll see

No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid

Just as long as you stand, stand by me...


Good old Ben E. King.


Age 15 or so at a church dance. Leslie was the boy's name. He is now a priest.


ETA: That may have been after another, wholly strange slow dance. I don't quite remember. It was with some guy I barely knew who asked me to dance. The song was Brown Eyed Girl. He insisted my eyes were brown and was acting all sentimental about it. Um, uh, no. Not at all. I have green eyes that are often bright enough that people ask if I wear green contacts. I don't think I ever even spoke to him again.

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I have to stop reading this thread.


I now have an endless loop of really bad slow songs running through my head, and I can't get them out.


Ooo, I'm never gonna dance again! Guilty feet have got no rhythm...


I remember slow dancing to that one and giggling at the irony, as the boy I was dancing with had no rhythm whatsoever. I kept thinking, "no kidding!"

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Where does the time go... *sigh*


You know, I remember the first dance I went to. I was barely in middle school, and our parents set us up. He didn't want to take me, I didn't want to go, but, oh well. I remember standing with a bunch of girls I didn't know (we didn't go to the same school), and he avoided me for the boys most of the dance. I don't even remember dancing! That was in the middle 80's.


Fast forward to '94, and the next dance I went to was my dh's senior prom. We went early because he had to set up the sound equipment (it was his stuff!), and all they did was play a tape that he made. He played "Broken Wings" and "Faithfully" for me, we didn't dance (he still doesn't), had our picture made, talked to a few people he knew, and then left for dinner and a comedy show. Ah, memories.


The one and only time that he has slow danced with me was several years after we married. We were in our house with the door bolted and the shutters drawn, and we danced to "Lady" by Kenny Rogers. LOL

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I was not allowed to dance as a kid. Very conservative parents and very conservative school.


So, I think it must have been after high school.


I just know I didn't do a lot of slow dancing unless I was actually dating the guy. Felt weird to me to hold a guy close if I really had no interest in him......but that probably had more to do with my upbringing too.

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The one and only time that he has slow danced with me was several years after we married. We were in our house with the door bolted and the shutters drawn, and we danced to "Lady" by Kenny Rogers. LOL




My dh is also not a dancer. We slow danced once, also in our house, to the Stray Cats' cover of 'Sleepwalk':



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I can't remember the song (I think it was a Guns N Roses one), but the dance was an LDS teen dance and I thought it was the most fun ever. I had been to school dances before that and they were nowhere near as awesome. At this church dance everyone danced - slow and fast songs. The boys actually asked girls to dance for the slow songs, and it was just lots of fun.


I should add the caveat that I am not from an LDS background at all, I'm from a "dancing is evil" church background, so that contrast in the back of my mind probably made the night even more interesting than it was in the first place.


And these songs you all are mentioning - I am enjoying the memories they stir up. :)

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