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Would you/do you you homeschool your grandkids?

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DD10 asked me yesterday if I would homeschool her kids when she grows up and has them. I laughed it off at first because I hadn't really thought about it. But then I thought, I'm working so hard so that they can be well-educated and have a promising career as an adult. If I homeschooled their kids then they could continue to focus on their careers and still know that their children are still being well taken care of and are getting a good education.


Now, obviously, we have a long way to go before this becomes an issue. But it honestly made me curious.

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Looking at the question from the other side:

Would I want my child's grandparents homeschooling him? :huh:

Now I know there are some uber-hip and energetic grandparents out there homeschooling their grandchildren. But I would have serious reservations about my child's grandparents ability to homeschool.

Coming at your question from that perspective, I can't imagine homeschooling my grandchildren. We are older parents and I doubt we would have the energy or enough remaining brain cells by that time.

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Never! When my kids are grown, I am having me & hubby time, all the time!! I know that sounds selfish, but I feel like I am investing all my energy into my kids education, and I don't think I would have the energy to do it with my grandkids.

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Yep, DS9 already has it all planned out. That is why he will not let me get rid of his favorite books from when he was little (not because he still finds some of them fun to read or anything ;) !)! (Oh, this is also the kids who wants like 25 kids LOL)

And DD6 wants 4 kids, but she will be busy being a "baby doctor" , so I will teaching them....or so I've been informed.

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I don't want to, but under specific and "extreme" circumstances, yes, I definitely would. And, I know my mom would definitely HS my kids if the need was there. I want them to do it though. Me, the Mom, being the one home with my children everyday is one of the biggest reasons we do this...I want the same for my grandchildren if possible. However, I really would love to be involved. My mom teaches my children art once a week and sometimes comes over for special projects. (My kids LOVE it!! And, I love it too because I really don't have time to teach it.) She is even going to our HS'ing conference with me. She is interested in their education and she would HS my kids if she had to. But, I'm the one who does it and I want to be the one.

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Obviously ages away for me, but if the situation came up and I had a child whose family was interested, I would consider it, I think! It has a certain efficiency - by then I will be more experienced at homeschooling than most anything else, and it guarantees a certain amount of grandkid time... IDK, I could change my mind, but as of now, I'd be willing to consider it.

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Definitely. DD has already told me that she's going to be looking to me for help with homeschooling her own kids. I'll only be giving guidance though, not doing any actual homeschooling. Although I would if I could or needed to, without hesitation.

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Nope, not me. I am done and will definitely need time to pursue hobbies and enjoy myself stress free. I would love to see the grand kids but only to spoil them and give them cookies, perhaps do fun things with them like bake and take them for ice cream It will definitely be my kids turn to know what it is like to be an adult and to take responsibility for their own lives. I have done enough, I would say. It will be my turn to sit back and relax while they have the roller coaster ride called life.

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My dd has asked the same question. She has also proposed that I could school her children part-time so she could work part-time. I'd love to do it! I consider it the best compliment ever that she wants me to school her kids. It means she thinks I'm doing a good job with her even if she won't directly admit it.

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Nope, not me. I am done and will definitely need time to pursue hobbies and enjoy myself stress free. I would love to see the grand kids but only to spoil them and give them cookies, perhaps do fun things with them like bake and take them for ice cream It will definitely be my kids turn to know what it is like to be an adult and to take responsibility for their own lives. I have done enough, I would say. It will be my turn to sit back and relax while they have the roller coaster ride called life.



LOL.....I guess I should qualify my response!! B/c the above definitely appeals to me as well. However, since there is only 17 months between my youngest dd and my granddaughter, I will be a LONG way from being finished homeschooling when my grandkids are school age. :)

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This is something that has come up. My oldest grandchild is in third grade. I've always maintained my willingness to homeschool my grandkids but their parents have to be responsible for dropping them off at my house and picking them up, as well as purchasing materials. I've had some serious discussions with my stepdaughters about it and we've come close, but ultimately they decide that the logistics don't work for them (ie too far to drive to drop the child off at my house). But oddly enough they think it is just fine to drive to my house for babysitting. Maybe babysitting is okay because it isn't an every day thing, I don't know.


I'm getting older and I am less interested, so if the topic comes up again in the next five years or so I'm not sure if I'll still be willing.

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If my girls needed to work to help support their family, but their children to be homeschooled, I would definitely consider it. We are a long ways from that though. It would also depend on my health at that time too. Rheumatoid arthritis runs in my family and it has my mom pretty out of commission.

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Maybe, but not so that they can have careers. I don't mean to be the least offensive--this is MY opinion. I think there is much to be gained by staying home and raising your own kids (and homeschooling is a permutation of this), and I would love dd to be able to experience that, and for my future grandkids to have that sort of environment. Maybe she'll be a single mom, tho, or maybe she won't agree with me. I'm great with working at a career part time or off hours or before/after kids. It's kinda funny, because I'd even be willing to give her $ so she could do it, but that's just a fantasy in my own head...lol! She gets to choose, for the most part--not my life.


I would love to help, tho--as long as she took the lead and knew I felt she was in charge, and we'd do things her way.

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I would love to. I'd also be willing to just help a DIL who wants to hs, by offering to co-teach or helping with cleaning, cooking, laundry...


I realize that doing it all yourself builds character but I don't want to see my DILs work as hard as I have with no help. If they will live nearby, I will be the kind of MIL and Grandma that helps.

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Nope, not me. I am done and will definitely need time to pursue hobbies and enjoy myself stress free. I would love to see the grand kids but only to spoil them and give them cookies, perhaps do fun things with them like bake and take them for ice cream It will definitely be my kids turn to know what it is like to be an adult and to take responsibility for their own lives. I have done enough, I would say. It will be my turn to sit back and relax while they have the roller coaster ride called life.



I feel the same way. No, there is no way that I'm doing this for grandkids (assuming that there is not some major extenuating circumstances). I will not homeschool them, and I will not babysit them on a daily basis (like daycare if parents were working). I absolutely LOVE taking care of my kids and homeschooling them, but I am not interested in doing it for grandchildren. Those children will be my girls' responsibility to care for and educate in whatever manner they choose to be appropriate for them.

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I'll be a party pooper. NO!


My youngest was 5yo when the oldest grandchild was born and I found out that I am tired! I'm closing in on 50 and find myself daydreaming of sending my own kids off to be educated by someone else :p . I love my grandchildren but I don't want to be their parent. I want to enjoy my time with them, not be the disciplinarian.

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I really have a hard time imagining having the emotional and mental stamina to homeschool my grandkids well, unless there were an urgent need to do so (like an untenable school situation.) I am in the homestretch and am running on burnout here. I admire people who have that kind of energy. However, I could see myself filling in as a substitute teacher for a period of time (like a new baby in the house or some other reason.) I could also see myself as a doting grandparent who takes the kids on great educational adventures. If any of my children were to homeschool their own, I could see myself regularly giving the homeschooling parent a break by taking over for a day. But, then again, I may be in a situation where I would need to work in order to not be a financial burden on my children.

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I don't know if I will be the sole educator for my grandchildren, but I do know (even though my daughter doesn't even have a boyfriend yet) that I will be involved in some capacity with homeschooling my grandchildren. My daughter and I have already discussed this. Mathematics is a weak area for her and she wants me to at least work with her children in that area. I imagine I will be involved in at least one other area as well. I'm really looking forward to it. :)

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Depending on circumstances, I would absolutely consider this! I'd be honored if they asked me. I would have loved it if my own parents had homeschooled my own kids. (I mean if I couldn't, for some reason.) They are both very sharp, fun, and wise.

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Willing to and wanting to are two very different things. I know I am willing to do whatever I can to help my kids and grandkids when duty calls. Is that the vision I have for my hoped for grand mothering days? I have to admit it is not.


And for all of those hoping their hypothetical DIL will stay home and teach, why not your sons? I hope I am raising sons who will be willing to put family before career if them being home makes more sense for their families than their potential future spouses to be home. It's impossible to say what will work decades in advance or even if homeschooling will be the best option for them and their hypothetical families.

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Nope, no way lol. I'm an older parent...I'll be lucky if I see any grandchildren.


I don't expect my kids will homeschool their kids either. It's a choice I made for my kids but I don't think they will make the same choice. Homeschooling is still rare in Australia so I doubt my DILs will even have it on their radars.


I know my DD would rather go to school so I don't think she will homeschool either.


I am looking forward to being the "educational support" . Fun field trips, tons of read alouds. Lots of craft activities. Being a reading tutor. Doing all the fun educational things I never seem to get to do with my kids.


I would do it only if there was a desperate need and my own kids couldn't do it.

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After homeschooling for about 24 years, I will probably have a lot of wisdom and experience to provide my grandchildren an excellent education, but I hope my children will learn from me and do it themselves. I would however be very interested in being a supplementary teacher. Susan Wise Bauer has that in her mother. Susan is able to still teach as a college professor, write books, do speaking engagements and homeschool but her mother has always been a helper to her as well. I believe her husband has also helped. I see nothing wrong with making it a group effort. :)

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Nope, not me. I am done and will definitely need time to pursue hobbies and enjoy myself stress free. I would love to see the grand kids but only to spoil them and give them cookies, perhaps do fun things with them like bake and take them for ice cream It will definitely be my kids turn to know what it is like to be an adult and to take responsibility for their own lives. I have done enough, I would say. It will be my turn to sit back and relax while they have the roller coaster ride called life.


Me, too. If you had asked me a few years ago I probably would have said I'd homeschool my grandkids, but this is a really long chapter in my life and I am looking forward to a new chapter someday. I really enjoy being with the kids and homeschooling them so I'm not wishing this time away, but I know I will enjoy the silence and solitude of an empty house.

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I would say that it definitely helps that I only homeschooled my daughter from 6th through graduation and she did an online school for high school because at that point I was working full-time. She is my only child so I still have a lot of "teaching time" left in me. LOL :D

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My oldest (an aspiring opera singer) has run this scenario by me a couple of times. In her vision I bring my 10 year old son along, and we follow her around wherever she is singing with me homeschooling both my son and her little one. Um...I'm thinking no. First of all, I like my husband and really wouldn't want to randomly up and leave him. Second, I'm tired. My plan is to homeschool my son up until high school, unleash him on the public high school and hopefully get to sit down for more than 5 minutes. Maybe I could even read a book that's not a "read aloud". Maybe.

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Firstly my kids are the intense perfectionist asynchronous clones of me, I'll let them survive their own kids. Secondly my exteneded family tend to marry late. If my older marries at 28 which would be the norm for my family, I would be 60. I want to rest and relax, and hopefully be in good health However I have no problem being supportive in other ways as my parents are supportive of my kids.

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I would love to set up schedules, plan and buy (and hoard) curriculum (and be the first to smell the new books, mmmm!) read aloud (I enjoy reading aloud in different accents) and make them laugh and possibly even do some cool projects together. All this on the condition that either one of the parents are around for things like potty breaks, disciplining the kids, providing the $$ for the tons of curriculum and the top-notch planning software! :001_tt1:

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I've imagined taking a subject, but probably not the whole shebang. I've been thinking about some kind of Gram's Home School, though, to take hs'ers' kids for the day so they can do dr's appts, jury duty, or escape a Really Bad Day. :)

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I would. I think it would be hard work, but it's very different from being your own kids too.


I would have educated to graduation at least 5+ kids most likely. One of the major stresses of homeschooling is just having some successes and significant experience to build confidence. Here's hoping at that point, I'd have it.


I would be able to clock out and leave the school at "school". That's really not an easy option when it's your own kids and you are cattle prodding the kids to finish so you can clear the table to make dinner, then bed and so on. I'd be willing to have them for 8ish hours while mom and dad work, but I would not be at all happy to have them from breakfast to bedtime everyday or get up at 6am to take them to a soccer match. I'd absolutely expect their own parents to do that.

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I would love to! I really enjoy homeschooling. I'd be honored to homeschool my grandkids. I'd love to have one of my dc grandparents step up and offer to work with my dc (on their terms, of course). Even if they just read great literature to them and did creative projects one day per week I'd be thrilled!


Sometimes I wonder if the goal in all of this quality Ed is for my dc to have an interesting career or if it's just to be well-educated. Personally, I love learning and don't plan to ever stop. But I really do consider my career to be my children (and homeschooling).

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Looking at the question from the other side:

Would I want my child's grandparents homeschooling him? :huh:

Now I know there are some uber-hip and energetic grandparents out there homeschooling their grandchildren. But I would have serious reservations about my child's grandparents ability to homeschool.

Coming at your question from that perspective, I can't imagine homeschooling my grandchildren. We are older parents and I doubt we would have the energy or enough remaining brain cells by that time.


In my case... my mother is a recently retired teacher who now tutors, and is in good health. I would never ask her to homeschool my kids, but if she offered (utterly impractical, as we live 8 hours apart), I'd definitely consider at least letting her do some of it.


I don't know if I'd homeschool my grandkids. It would totally depend on the situation. If I have custody of them for whatever reason (not that I anticipate this), then probably yes if I could handle it. Beyond that, I wouldn't do it if I feel they were taking advantage of me, intentionally or otherwise, or if I felt I'd be undermining their self-confidence (ie. if they ask me because they don't feel capable). Though I'd be honored that they felt their own education was good enough that it was what they wanted for their own kids.

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As the mother of a boy, and someone who has a very strained relationship with my own MIL, I would be very, very cautious if ever asked about this. I don't want to be the overstepping MIL that I've been blessed with. I'd like to be there to fully support my son and any future partner that he has, but I don't want to get in the way or in any way take over a parental role. If they both really, really wanted me to, of course I would (at least part time)...but I think a lot would depend on the situation.


Again, though, it's just a particular sensitivity I have. It's been tough convincing my MIL that, in fact, *I* am DS's mother, not she.

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