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Anyone Else Up for the day before 5am?


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Anyone else up early?


We used to just be gone before 5am on Fridays but DS is old enough to join the nearish fitness club. Of course DS fell in love with the 5am spin class. I did not think he would actually stick with it but he is. So were are up 5 days a week at 4am. I am not a fan of getting up early *gag* but after the class we come home shower and start on school work. 99% the time he is done with his school work by 9:30am. I am loving that!! We have more free time now and I am loving it!! :)

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I'm up at 5:00, but I'm considering moving it to 4:30 so I have time to exercise. The only reason I get up that early, though, is so I can have quiet time before getting the kids up. My son has to leave for school at 7:30. I try to get to bed by 10, but it frequently doesn't happen. I often nap when the toddler is down. Fortunately my 9th grader is pretty independent with her schoolwork, so I have the freedom to do that.

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We are in bed by 8:30 most nights. Tonight we will be going to be at 7:30 because DS loves the Monday morning instructor and plans to do 2 classes back to back. I like my sleep! Monday and Wednesday currently are late nights due to beloved activities. Both are done by the end of the month and will allow us to go to bed early every night. :)

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I am up at 5:00 am right now. It's miserable. I want to be sleeping, I wish I was sleeping, I need to be sleeping. DD is awake too. She's going to be miserable at school today.


(Jet lag, can't seem to get past it. Gonna have to do this the hard way by pushing through.)

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It's almost midnight, and the baby is wide awake. I'm hoping he falls asleep before my husband's 3:30 alarm goes off. I've been running on a sleep deficit for years, but getting up before 5 would be too few hours asleep. It'd be dangerous, and not just in that "don't block my path to the coffeemaker" way. I remember a time when I could go to sleep early and be awake before the morning paper was delivered. I did get a lot more done on those days!

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I get up at 4 am. Dh is a baker, so I have breakky with him & see him off to work. Then I have my morning devotion, exercise, shower & my boys are usually up just after 6 am.


We try to get to bed around 9.30 pm. We are perpetually tired! But I'm just as tired if I get a sleep in...

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Dh and I get up at 5 to do yoga together. Mornings have always been our 'date' time, though. Before the 3yo we'd get up and have coffee and fresh pastries from the bakery around the corner. The sun rose over the ocean right outside our dining room window. It was beautiful. Then came the wee'un, and our mornings were shelved until very recently when we could count on him to sleep past 5 himself.

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I wrote many many posts about early schooling. My son just did SO much better by getting up "too early" to do school. The work got done not only early because we started earlier, but FASTER also. What takes 5 hours when you start at 8am takes 3 hours when you start at 5:30am. I don't know why.


It crossed my mind to start doing this with the littles at some point. However, *I* am older now, I guess and not really willing to be dealing with little kids before 6:30 (when their clock currently turns yellow signaling they may get up). Then cuddle time and eating and....well, then we're back up to 8 or 9am for a school start time :)

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Normally my alarm goes off at 5. Currently I'm pregnant and sometimes I am just too tired and I sleep in until 6. It feels good at the time, but at 7 when my kids wake up I feel very unprepared and behind schedule. Our whole day runs more smoothly if I have accomplished certain things before the little ones are up wreaking havoc.



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I wrote many many posts about early schooling. My son just did SO much better by getting up "too early" to do school. The work got done not only early because we started earlier, but FASTER also. What takes 5 hours when you start at 8am takes 3 hours when you start at 5:30am. I don't know why.


It crossed my mind to start doing this with the littles at some point. However, *I* am older now, I guess and not really willing to be dealing with little kids before 6:30 (when their clock currently turns yellow signaling they may get up). Then cuddle time and eating and....well, then we're back up to 8 or 9am for a school start time :)


I am glad that someone has this experience as well. I was seriously wondering if maybe I had under guessed at the workload. It's nice to be done so early and have the rest of the day free. :)

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I wrote many many posts about early schooling. My son just did SO much better by getting up "too early" to do school. The work got done not only early because we started earlier, but FASTER also. What takes 5 hours when you start at 8am takes 3 hours when you start at 5:30am. I don't know why.


It crossed my mind to start doing this with the littles at some point. However, *I* am older now, I guess and not really willing to be dealing with little kids before 6:30 (when their clock currently turns yellow signaling they may get up). Then cuddle time and eating and....well, then we're back up to 8 or 9am for a school start time :)


I agree. Why is this? Special magic morning hours?

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I wrote many many posts about early schooling. My son just did SO much better by getting up "too early" to do school. The work got done not only early because we started earlier, but FASTER also. What takes 5 hours when you start at 8am takes 3 hours when you start at 5:30am. I don't know why.


It crossed my mind to start doing this with the littles at some point. However, *I* am older now, I guess and not really willing to be dealing with little kids before 6:30 (when their clock currently turns yellow signaling they may get up). Then cuddle time and eating and....well, then we're back up to 8 or 9am for a school start time :)


That's a really interesting question about why it's so much easier for some people to zip through school when they're up early! I have no clue what the answer is, but I wonder if it has something to do with the strong rhythms our bodies have regarding hormone production. Maybe some brains function better at a certain level of various hormones.


I know sleep schedule is tied very closely to weight control. I wonder how it's tied to performance on physical tasks, and also mental tasks.


TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) says chi circulates through various systems at various hours of the day. I wonder how they drew their conclusions, and whether that, too, is related. Could it be more than just hormonal fluctuations?


Oh great, now you've given me a new rabbit trail for the next several weeks ... :auto:


Edited to add: Slept in until 6:15 this morning. Wow, that was amazing! But now I'm playing catch up on various things.

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I'm first out of bed in the morning at 5:30 and usually last in bed. Sometimes on the weekends, I'll be bad and sleep in until 6:00 am. I like waking up early, though.


An ideal morning for me is to wake up, grab a cup of Joe and sit out on my patio while listening to the birds and watching the sun start to rise. Can't wait for it to warm up a bit around here.

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That's a really interesting question about why it's so much easier for some people to zip through school when they're up early! I have no clue what the answer is, but I wonder if it has something to do with the strong rhythms our bodies have regarding hormone production. Maybe some brains function better at a certain level of various hormones.


I know sleep schedule is tied very closely to weight control. I wonder how it's tied to performance on physical tasks, and also mental tasks.


TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) says chi circulates through various systems at various hours of the day. I wonder how they drew their conclusions, and whether that, too, is related. Could it be more than just hormonal fluctuations?


Oh great, now you've given me a new rabbit trail for the next several weeks ... :auto:


Edited to add: Slept in until 6:15 this morning. Wow, that was amazing! But now I'm playing catch up on various things.


U of Chicago School of Medicine recently researched how a lack of sleep affects fat cells. It turns out that not getting enough sleep reduces the ability of fat cells to respond to insulin. That's why some chronically sleep-deprived people gain weight and develop diabetes. I would provide the link to the article I read but it's not online yet; however, the study has been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

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U of Chicago School of Medicine recently researched how a lack of sleep affects fat cells. It turns out that not getting enough sleep reduces the ability of fat cells to respond to insulin. That's why some chronically sleep-deprived people gain weight and develop diabetes. I would provide the link to the article I read but it's not online yet; however, the study has been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.



Also if I'm awake at 3 am there's a higher probability that I can have ice cream and not share it with a kid. I wonder how that factored into their research.

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Monday's we are home late and we did not get up early this morning. My other excuse is that I am still recovering from being ill and I needed my rest! 4am wake up call in the morning! I am waiting for the washing mchine to finish up and I will throw the clothes into the dryer and head to bed. :)

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Does it count that I usally get in bed around 5:00 am :lol: So yeah I'm up before 5:00 - sorry couldn't help it. I do rotation of evening/night shift. I'm usually getting home at 12:am or 4 :am.


I actually interviewed for a job and it was offered to me but they wanted me at the hospital at 4:30 am. I would of needed up by 3:00 am to get ready and stuff. I would rather stay up all night then - get up -

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