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Who is taking a family vacation this year?

Kari C in SC

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my dad offers us a week at hilton head every year but my sister is going this year and she's such a wild card I have declined if she goes. So we *may* go to Hilton Head depending on who else is going. It's budgeted but we won't know until closer.


But our other trip will be Orlando in December. We try to go to FL every other year.

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In February, we are going to Disney World for a week.


In April, we are taking a week-long Caribbean cruise on the Disney Fantasy.


In June/July, we are taking a 12-night Mediterranean cruise.


That's all we have planned so far. We love to travel. :D It is one of the reasons that I love homeschooling!

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Does the Northeast leg of College Visit Road Trip count as a vacation? I think it does, as we're squeezing in a trip to visit my MIL (who is that most excellent kind of grandma who not only doesn't mind that we're staying only two days but is practically shooing us out the door, lovingly, as she tries to get to her various classes, commitments, and appointments).

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I wish we could go to Texas, but by the time you add up air travel for 4 at 369 bucks a pop (I checked yesterday) it is way out of our budget this year. We would drive but it takes 3 days one way. Dh only gets 7 days off. I'm hoping to take the girls to Disneyland for a couple of days in March. We have season passes, and the commute isn't too terrible.

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My oldest is having our first grandchild in June and several kids have camp in late July into Aug. Two kids are looking for summer internships across the country and another one is taking summer college classes locally. All this means our vacation plans are very tentative and close to home.


I think we're going to look at renting a cabin in Western MD. It's only about 3hrs from here so it gives flexibility to those who are working nearby. I have no idea when we will are going to squeeze it in though.

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I wish we could go to Texas, but by the time you add up air travel for 4 at 369 bucks a pop (I checked yesterday) it is way out of our budget this year. We would drive but it takes 3 days one way. Dh only gets 7 days off. I'm hoping to take the girls to Disneyland for a couple of days in March. We have season passes, and the commute isn't too terrible.


When we had this problem we rented a car (cheaper than flying even for 3 days) and drove one way and flew back. Another idea is to drive and then let DH fly back while you drive back more slowly. I can't tell how old your kids are but if you feel you can, it's a good option.

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Last year I took my adult son with Autism with me when I went to California to see my family. This year some of us may drive down to Nashville for a weekend as Sister Thomas More (my s-i-l) is celebrating 25 years with the Dominicans. I may be taking a dd or two on college visits. That is about it. Most extra $ (haha - what is that?) goes to college tuition now. Our last real vacation was flying all six of us to California about four years ago. The kids have simply aged out of family vacations :-( and finances are tight.

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We will be driving cross country this summer from California to Chicago. We do this nearly every summer because we love it.


In the fall we want to go to Europe for three to four months. I am still in the planning stages of this trip, and I am hoping it all comes together. :)

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When we had this problem we rented a car (cheaper than flying even for 3 days) and drove one way and flew back. Another idea is to drive and then let DH fly back while you drive back more slowly. I can't tell how old your kids are but if you feel you can, it's a good option.



Thank you! This is a fabulous idea. My kids are old enough they just don't want to do it. I might make them. I'm so ready to see my cultural home for a couple of weeks.

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In the fall we want to go to Europe for three to four months. I am still in the planning stages of this trip, and I am hoping it all comes together. :)


I wanted to do this, but now my kids are in public school part or full time, and we can no longer vacation while school is in session. Bummer!


But one of these days I do want to take a long vacation back east. It's usually cheaper for us to go to France, so we do that, but there is so much beauty and history on the east coast that I want my kids to experience.


I hope you get to go!

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We will be driving cross country this summer from California to Chicago. We do this nearly every summer because we love it.



This is our plan for the trip too. We're thinking of going through Yellowstone and the Dakotas, Minnesota, down to Chicago. Have you ever done a route like this?

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We take several a year usually. Because of my older dd's medical issues, I am not sure yet. We are contemplating a Caribbean cruise in March but aren't sure we will do that because of dds problems and house issues. We definetely want to visit Memphis this year, go on some birding trips and maybe start college visits for youngest.

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We go to the beach with my parents every year.


We took a big trip last year (2 week driving tour of the SE including Great Smoky Mts. , Nashville, New Orleans and Atlanta) so we weren’t planning anything big this year. Dh recently is really wanting to go to Niagara Falls so that’s a maybe.


We have a family wedding to go to in NYC in the fall so that will turn into a mini-vacation.

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We tend to go on a lot of family trips, largely because I'm not too fond of this town we live in. Any excuse to leave!!


We are going to Palm Springs for spring break (an extended family tradition).


Summer fencing Nationals are in Columbus, OH this year - another trip.


We had so much fun on a Grand Canyon trip last fall, that we are going to try a hiking trip in Lassen National Park (in Northern CA) this fall. No electricity and no hairdryers in the cabins!! That's about as "roughing it" as I can take. :laugh:


We are planning on a Disneyland trip again in the late fall.


....and a few trips to visit family in the PNW throughout the year.


No wonder my kennel bills are so high!

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We're taking a family vacation to Disney World in early June to celebrate dd17's graduation :) Ds has been at his year-round campus job for a year now (he works in IT) so he's able to schedule time off when he wants.


I hope we can get to Colorado for a long weekend to visit my sister and her husband-----that will probably be just dh, dd13, and me since the college kids will be busy.


The three of us might go away for a few days this spring while dd17 is on a band trip.


In the fall dd and I will take a lot of field trips to various colonial sights for American history :D

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We're going to the Florida keys next week with the whole family. Like 20 of them. We've never flown with the boys- should be interesting.


We did a week in Bend, Oregon, exploring the volcano and mile long lava tube cave. We also dug for thunder eggs (similar to geodes) and it was completely awesome.


We go to the Oregon coast for two separate weeks- one for my work, one for pure pleasure.


We like camping, but this year renting houses and inviting the grandparents has been a blast.

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That's all we have planned so far. We love to travel. :D It is one of the reasons that I love homeschooling!


Me, too! When the kids were younger we drove all over the California/Nevada/Arizona with dh on his business trips. Fun times. Then he got a job that required more air travel, and the kids started taking too many classes that they couldn't miss, and now we rarely travel as a family. (one of them is in college now, and the other is a senior who's taking classes at the local CC, and they don't even have the same spring break this year!)



We took an Alaskan cruise in 2012. We loved it!! Alaska is amazing. I hope you have a great time!


Thanks! :)

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We are going to single parent's family camp for a week again this summer (it is a bible camp). We love attending a family bible camp each summer, and found this one last year that we loved. depending on finances after taking care of normal expenses and few other things, if there is enough $ left over we are going to drive to the west coast this summer for a week of camping there and back in the mountains and do some ocean side science while we explore the area. Hoping if we do that to have enough to go to the Vancouver aquarium.

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We have trips to Portland, OR, and Nashville, TN scheduled.


We also have plans for a trip back to NJ/NYC/LI, one to Hilton Head with a stop in Charlotte, time at a lakehouse in Michigan, a trip to Chicago and one to San Diego and upstate NY but we don't have dates for those yet.


We were looking into a Scandinavian trip, but by this point we are running short on time and we have friends pcsing to England next year, so we'll do be Europe stuff next year instead.

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We are planning on Disney world in early September. My mother wants to go too. After finding out my dad just had to mention the girls being in school by then. I had to laugh and say "but I'll save money this way looks like another year of homeschool!'

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We hope to be heading south scouting out colleges for my high school junior.


Plus, my oldest might be getting married in GA this summer, so that probably should count.


We also try to head to upstate NY to visit family (it's where I grew up).


And, we always go away for our Anniversary - that could end up combined with one of the others pending schedule of the others.


Most trips center around colleges and family since we have two in college and one soon heading there. In two years we'll be back to "normal" vacations again, but I'm enjoying what we have while we still have a boy or two with us.

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I know that we will go to TN a few times. My kids love Dollywood and we buy season passes. I'm trying to plan something for mid-February but I'm not exactly sure what yet. I would love to do Disney but I just cant fit it in the budget right now. Thinking of taking the kiddos to the Great Wolf Lodge for a couple of days....

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We're taking a long weekend in Jacksonville in March for my aunt and uncle's 50th wedding anniversary. I wouldn't count is as a vacation since it's just a long weekend, except my sisters and their husbands will be there, too, so it will be a blast!


Caribbean cruise in April.


Norway, Key West or an all-inclusive in Negril, Jamaica in late summer. We can't decide. That one will be just DH and me, though, so the girls can spend some time with their father in Florida.

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Pretty sure we are. Going from Cental Valley California to Salem, OR for a family reunion, but we're making a vacation/field trip out of it. Since we're studying California history this year, we'll likely stop at Sutter's Mill (where gold was discovered) and a few other historical places. We'll probably stop at Lassen Volcanic National Park and Mt. Shasta. That won't be till summer, though.

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