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For fun: let's get to know each other's bad side!


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I almost afraid to post that I might kill the thread.


- Both of my kids were bottle fed. Powder formula. Oh, the horror!

- I have never, ever... not even once allowed my kids to sleep in my bed.This is my bed. You have your own. Sleep in it.

- Both of my kids had colic. I would put them in their crib and let them cry while I made dinner, cleaned, and just plain out survived.

- They went to daycare while I worked full time, until they were old enough to start school. Sometimes I even took them to daycare on my day off.

- When me and my first husband got divorced, he got custody of my kids. (Not because I was unfit but because I couldn't afford an attorney. Obviously, I eventually got them back.)

- I have diagnosed OCD and OCPD and I don't take medication for it.

- I have higher expectations for one of my kids than another.

- They were public schooled until the end of 1st and 3rd grades.

- I have a bad temper. Some times I get frustrated and scream and yell like an insane person. Some times I throw things, too. (much of this comes from OCPD and things not being exactly perfect)

- We don't always cook from scratch. Sometimes I will use a can of veggies or soup to mix in. We eat frozen pizza at least once a week. Sometimes hotdogs, too. ;)

- At least part of the reason that I homeschool is because I'm an OCD germaphobic who does not want PS germs invading my home.

- I curse like a sailor. My kids used to repeat it when they were toddlers, but not any more. They just ignore it mostly and I've gotten better about not cursing around them.

- I am addicted to caffeine to the point where I have multiple attacks if I fall behind on my daily intake.

- My germaphobia causes my kids to miss out on things. For example, my daughter is supposed to have a Christmas party with her cheer gym tomorrow. We won't be attending because it's pot luck and I refuse to let her eat food from peoples kitchens that I don't know. It's easier not to go than to try to explain this to her.

- I allow them to climb up the slide at the park. :blush: :blink:

- We used to take cupcakes to public school. :eek: :willy_nilly:



Regarding the bolded. (((hugs))) I hate that it works that way.

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I see that many kids wear pajamas all day, but do any kids run around mostly naked for most of the day? When ds was in vision therapy, his appointment was at 6. One week i realized that it was 5:30, time to start getting ready, and ds was still butt naked!


Um, yep. DD finally grew out of it a couple years ago - around 7 or 8 yrs. old, but DS is still a little streaker. I am always reminding him to at least put his underwear on because "I don't want bare butt all over my house and furniture!"

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Once I got out of the shower to find my 4 and 7 year old dd's running around the house OUTSIDE completely naked. We do not have a fence, so they were running laps around the house. For all the neighbors to see.


Another time, dh and I both thought the other had brought the toddler inside. We realized five minutes later. We had accidentally locked her outside. She had crossed the street and was toddling on her tricycle, in only a diaper.


I often count things like PBS Kids/Magic School Bus videos/National Geographic shows as 'reading', 'science', or 'math'.


I nursed dd1 for almost 4 years, cooked her an all organic diet for years, cloth diapered her faithfully, and co slept for 3 years. It's gone downhill from there for poor dd's 2 & 3.


I let my 2 year old drink my coffee and chew gum.

She also still has a pacifier because she sleeps so well with it, and I don't want to deal with her crying if I take it away.


My lunch menu this week includes Mac and cheese (not even the organic kind, just Kraft) and hot dogs.


I love Ramen noodles and so do my kids, but I only let them eat it once a week...so I can be sure to have plenty for me.


If the kids are playing nicely, I don't interrupt them. For anything. I just surf the net until someone starts crying.


I wear jeans and t shirts daily. I sleep in the shirt I'll wear the next day. I don't own pajamas.


I can remember the last time I took my cat to the vet. She is 16 and perfectly healthy.

Same with our dog. She's 15.


On occasion my dh and I go on dates to the cigar shop.


Dh and I brew tea just about everyday. Sometimes twice. Or three times.




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I've been awake since 3.30am, after DH left for work I was supposed to read my bible and do my exercise... instead I just finished reading this thread, now I'm going to pour myself ANOTHER coffee. This is becoming a pattern, it's easier to beat myself up over it than actually change it.


I'm not a very empathetic person.


I force my kids to do lots of things they don't want to do. I often make the older two clean up a mess that the youngest made, I feel bad about that.


I punish my son for talking to me about Skylanders too much.


I didn't attend any of my grandparents funerals - apparently this make me evil incarnate.


When things are crazy DH & I joke about 'going out for smokes', which is code for running away forever.


Neither of us smoke, but we both enjoyed it when we used to occasionally, and I think if it were cheaper, not so unhealthy, and we could guarantee not to become addicted, we would.


My kids love (and often quote) the Simpsons.


My DS1's favourite band is Rage Against the Machine.


We don't set screen time limits, my kids watch too much TV.


I use ellipses too often in posts...



gee... once I get going I can't stop!

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I'm not a very empathetic person.


I punish my son for talking to me about Skylanders too much.


We don't set screen time limits, my kids watch too much TV.


I use ellipses too often in posts...




Me either.


I don't punish, but I do ban talk about Skylanders (DS) or Moshis (DD) by threatening to toss them all in the trash if I hear about them one.more.time.today. :)


Yep. I try. It just never lasts. Every time they get grounded from t.v/electronics I swear to DH that I'm never going to do it again, because the punishment is more on ME.


There is no such thing as too often. Just ask me. I'm the queen of ellipses...

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This will probably get me kicked off the board or on everyone's block list but.....


I don't think all babies are cute. I have seen some fairly 'interesting' looking little ones.


Now, I would never say anything to the parents, I am not that mean, but I have had to suppress a surprised reaction every now and then.



(going to hang out by myself in the park and run up the slide barefoot)

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This will probably get me kicked off the board or on everyone's block list but.....


I don't think all babies are cute. I have seen some fairly 'interesting' looking little ones.


Now, I would never say anything to the parents, I am not that mean, but I have had to surpress a surprised reaction every now and then.



(going to hang out by myself in the park and run up the slide barefoot)



Hehe I didn't even think my OWN kids wre necessarily cute in the beginning. There is a reason oldest's nickname is monkey butt....he looked like a malnourished monkey when he was born.


Newborns are typically pretty ugly imo but most of them cute up, and then as they become big kids they start to look "interesting" again.

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-My dh and I used to own a home cleaning business. We were the cleaners, dh was the better cleaner, still is. He "fired" me when I was about 7 months pregnant after too many days of me sitting at the top of other people's staircases (not when they were home) in tears with a vacuum cleaner sitting beside me.


- When we'd bid or do a job for the first time, I would judge how clean people were by the amount of dirt on top of the ceiling fan blades


- I sometimes let ds skip part of his schoolwork in exchange for a backrub. Generally it's when I'm toast and he's not going to focus anymore.

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Me either.


I don't punish, but I do ban talk about Skylanders (DS) or Moshis (DD) by threatening to toss them all in the trash if I hear about them one.more.time.today. :)


Yep. I try. It just never lasts. Every time they get grounded from t.v/electronics I swear to DH that I'm never going to do it again, because the punishment is more on ME.


There is no such thing as too often. Just ask me. I'm the queen of ellipses...



Maybe punish was too strong, threaten? As in 'if you mention Skylanders to me one more time you will not play again this week' or I sometimes threaten to bin it...


Haha, I just ellipsed again...


and again!

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I swear all the time. I could make a pirate blush. I swear in front of my children and sometimes even at my children. They are horrified by my language and don't swear.


My house is a mess way more often than it's clean.


I really don't like having people over. It stresses me out. I didn't mind it pre-kids when it was easier to keep the house clean & I didn't have so much going on in my life, but now I hate it with a passion.


I'm not at all politically correct, and I'm often downright offensive IRL (though I try to play nice on the internets)


I spend too much time vegging out in front of the TV and on the computer than I should because I don't have to think, and then I complain that I don't have time to do anything I want to do.


My psycho college roommate swore she was going to move out after she screamed at someone on our floor in the middle of the day for playing her music while she was trying to sleep. Everyone on our floor proceeded to crank their stereos. I found out about it when my boyfriends roommate came in and said, "Hey, Julie. Why is your roommate standing outside in the rain screaming up at your building?" After that, someone wrote, "B*&%$" on our white board. She got my hopes all up that she was leaving and then decided to stay. I didn't think it was fair of her to toy with my emotions like that. It was time for her to go! I started writing things on the white board, making her think it was other people on our floor. Each day she would get all worked up, swear she was moving out, and then she'd cool down by the end of the day. I played the part of the sympathetic roomie saying things like, "I'd hate to see you go, but maybe it is for the best. You deserve to live in peace, and these people aren't going to give it to you." After days of this, I broke down and wrote the "nasty c-word" in permanent marker on the white board. She moved out. We had a big floor meeting about it. I didn't feel sorry. The best money I ever spent was on that new white board.


I once "accidentally" tripped a little girl at dance who was always mean to my daughter. She fell down and cried. Inside, I laughed.


I gave my then-7-year-old dd advice to "knock her on her a$$," if the above little girl pushed her in class again. I also told her if she wasn't comfortable doing that, she could fake falling down, start crying, and yell, "K**** pushed me!" so the teacher couldn't pretend not to see it. "K" was one of the teacher's favorites, so she often chose not to see what that little brat would do to other kids.


My grandparents are 2nd cousins. They met at a funeral of a mutual relative. My family tree is all messed up.

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This will probably get me kicked off the board or on everyone's block list but.....


I don't think all babies are cute. I have seen some fairly 'interesting' looking little ones.


Now, I would never say anything to the parents, I am not that mean, but I have had to suppress a surprised reaction every now and then.



(going to hang out by myself in the park and run up the slide barefoot)


I've seen some fugly looking little babies. Not all babies are cute. I'm with you on that one!

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This will probably get me kicked off the board or on everyone's block list but.....


I don't think all babies are cute. I have seen some fairly 'interesting' looking little ones.


Now, I would never say anything to the parents, I am not that mean, but I have had to suppress a surprised reaction every now and then.



(going to hang out by myself in the park and run up the slide barefoot)


Nope. Stick around. Some kids are downright fugly. It's a fact of life.


My aunt used to tell the story about when her first son was born. Even SHE thought he was ugly, and gave the nurse heck for not covering him up to take him down the hall at the hospital because "people didn't need to be subjected to that". :laugh:


He grew up into a very nice looking man, though.

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Nope. Stick around. Some kids are downright fugly. It's a fact of life.


My aunt used to tell the story about when her first son was born. Even SHE thought he was ugly, and gave the nurse heck for not covering him up to take him down the hall at the hospital because "people didn't need to be subjected to that". :laugh:


He grew up into a very nice looking man, though.


LOL! My mom says my eldest brother was ugly too - something about a (temporarily) misshapen skull at birth. She says my granny's first comment was "ugly as mud." She refused to buy his hospital baby photos.


I will say he grew up good looking, if only because I'm his spitting image.


(I adore babies, but I must admit there are some who simply are not cute/pretty. A college classmate once showed me a photo of her new niece and said, "isn't she just the prettiest thing you ever saw?" Um . . . I honestly did not know what to say, so I just smiled lamely. (My mom later advised that the appropriate response would have been "oh how sweeeet.")

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My youngest was quite ugly. My sister came to see us, and said "oh, he's so...little...". I cracked up- and told her obviously I too noticed he was covered with hair from his eyebrow (yes, just one) to his shoulders, bright red, and wrinkled. Ie, not at all cute!


Maybe the grandma saying is true- he has been in print ads and tv commercials from age 6-11, because he got very cute! Too cute, actually, little girls keep texting him and calling!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too, am a fully-paid-up member of the potty mouth club (and have a full swear jar to prove it).


I actually managed to kick my 10+ can-a-day diet coke habit last year, but now I just drink too much wine.


I haven't entered a single point on my Weight Watchers calculator since Thanksgiving. Too scared.


I have very little patience. Even with children. Even with my own kid.


I think DARE is the biggest waste of time in public schools, but largely because I enjoyed recreational drugs so much in my misspent youth.


I still bite my fingernails.


I hide my naughty adult fiction on my iPhone and Kindle, but I suspect my husband knows what I'm up to, anyway.


I spent many years and $$$ in graduate school, and ended up being a housewife for the past 10+ years.


I'm an unapologetic atheist who is cool with others' beliefs. Unless you annoy me. I tend to be over-snotty with fundamentalists of all types. I'm kind of rude to vegans, too.


I let my dogs rule the house.

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Oh boy did I have fun reading this thread last night! But had to go to bed before my own "reveal". So here goes, in no particular order:


1. I work FT and I love it; Dh stays home and always has since day 1

2. We are Christian but don't attend church; can't stand organized church

3. My kids have no bedtime; they've been know to stay up till 4 a.m., with Dad and sleep till 2 p.m.

4. We are pro-second amendment and get really annoyed at the media's mis-representation of gun terminology to scare people

5. We eat boxed this and that -- I NEVER cook from scratch and don't own a single cake pan

6. My kids probably won't go to college

7. I spend a lot of time on FB, WTM and other places

8. I don't do laundry; that's what I have a 16 year old for

9. I *never* do the dishes on the same night they get dirty; and usually not the second or third night either

10. I don't shave my legs in the winter -- well maybe once or twice

11. My "dress" shoes are black Crocs

12. I have *no idea* how to text (but is that a bad thing?)

13. Today, my socks don't match, and I don't care (yes, I am at work; brown jeans, brown & pink winter Crocs and NON matching socks!!)



Hmmm...I am sure there are more; and many of these are things we all seem to deal with. Guess that's why I love it here!! We are real.



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  • 1 year later...

SKL, this is one of the most fun topics I have ever read, so regardless of how outdated it is, I'm replying!


  • I bottle-fed my kids (majority of the time)
  • I used drop-side cribs
  • I used real diapers (cloth diapers with diaper rash causing rubber pants and dangerous sharp diaper pins)
  • I spanked
  • I kept my kids in diapers at night-time for the longest time
  • I reused the same pair of rubber pants for as many diaper changes as I could before changing them
  • I smoke cigarettes
  • I sometimes changed diapers while smoking
  • I used babysitters when needed
  • I occasionally sit down with DH and have a beer (tomato juice) with him (Summer months)
  • I kept my kids in their cribs till they were over age 3
  • When my kids got diaper rash, I still diapered them in rubber pants
  • I made my kids take out the garbage on garbage pick-up day
  • I made my kids stay home with a babysitter if they were naughty
  • I wear granny panties (always have/always will)
  • I used a pair of scissors to cut my kids soothers in half (in front of them) when they got too old to still be using one
  • I dished-out occasional spankings for accidents when I was toilet training
  • I hate makeup and don't wear it
  • One of my kids wore diapers till age 4
  • I drink pop and love sweets
  • I used the crib as a place for timeouts
  • When my kids soiled their night-time diapers, I made them walk their own dirty diapers down the hallway to the bathroom and put them in the diaper pail
  • I forbid my daughter to wear makeup until she was 16
  • I was strict when it came to bedtime
  • I used vinyl/plastic bumper pads inside the cribs of my first two children
  • When it comes to housework/cleaning, I live by a routine that changes from day-to-day (nothing regimental)
  • I smoked in the house up to a few years ago
  • I used Johnson's Baby Powder at every diaper change when my kids were babies
  • I hung rubber pants out on the clothesline (all by themselves) on non-diaper washing days
  • I used rubber pants 24/7/365 (the old-fashioned way)
  • I use Plastic Kitchen Catcher Garbage Bags
  • I sometimes buy things at thrift stores/second-hand shops
  • I have been known to water on non-watering days
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I needed this thread so badly today! Thank you!!


Okay: I'd stay in pajamas all day, but then I'd eat way too much and never be able to fit in anything else.


I have to be honest: my hyper-critical parents shamed me so much about every little thing that I can't even share the most mundane stupid things I do.



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I am lazy.


This thread is way too old for me to go through again (I'm in the lazy club too).


I wonder if we ought to start another one like it that's more updated.


I can't though.  Not only am I lazy, I've actually GOT to do something soon... like say, leave school, head home, then head into town.

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This thread is way too old for me to go through again (I'm in the lazy club too).


I wonder if we ought to start another one like it that's more updated.


I can't though.  Not only am I lazy, I've actually GOT to do something soon... like say, leave school, head home, then head into town.


I have so much to do. Leaving for work soon, and what I really want is to call in sick (which I won't do),  watch a movie- and make soup.

I don't care how old this thread is.

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Oh my, this has been quite enjoyable. I will add my vices to the list:


1.Both my kids were fed "that poison in a can" formula.

2. I worked full time until we decided to homeschool. Ds completed 4th grade and Dd 2nd grade in public school.

3. They both started in daycare at 3 months when I returned to work.

4. I don't regret one second they spent in daycare. It was a fabulous place and they helped shape my children in to the fab people they are.

5. When they were in daycare I would sometimes take a day off and spend it on me while they were there.

6. I am a lousy homemaker. I would much rather read then clean and it shows.

7. I hide mallowmars in the freezer by wrapping them in tinfoil and throwing them in the back of the freezer. I eat them when I am all alone.

8. I don't like my 16 year old. He is arrogant, obnoxious, full of bad attitude, and not as funny as he thinks he is.

9. I have zero interest in other people's babies. No, I don't want to hold the baby. Really, I don't.

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*I shouldn't have worn white at my wedding

*made out on my 2nd date with dh right in the middle of the living room floor during the superbowl.  Yes, other people were there (and I was 15)

*Pregnant at 17, but married.  (lost the baby though, and didn't have my first kid until I was 20)

*Dropped my oldest when she was a baby :(

*Eat chocolate chips by the handful, straight out of the giant Costco bag...pretty much on a daily basis.

*yell at my oldest child...for being just like me.

*pretend I don't see my dog licking the dirty dishes while I'm loading the dishwasher.

*don't shower daily

*get mad at my husband for breathing.  No really, its annoying.  

*Am a bad Baptist that lets her kids watch anime and horror movies.  

*Really bad Baptist that loves rock music and dub-step.

*yes, I said dub-step.


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I have only gotten worse.

  • My kids have too many extracurriculars.
  • They eat fewer fruits and vegetables than ever before.
  • My kids are materially spoiled.
  • My house is dirtier than ever.
  • It's been like 6 mos since I made my kids do their chores.
  • I am still behind on my work.  Deadline?  What's that?
  • I'm afraid to even think about some neglected duties because they scare me.
  • I'm gaining weight and apparently lack the resolve to reverse this.
  • Right now I am supposed to be working.
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Dh kissed me the first day he met me.

I have gained 20 pounds since we got married and won't really do anything about it

I have a white hot temper that I have to work on constantly

I once chopped my bedroom door down with a claw hammer.

I get mad at my son for being exactly like me

I let ds14 eat way too many sweets

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I need this right now.


  • I did potty-whispering so my kids were trained by 1 yr and 18 months. And for no other reason than the fact that baby / toddler poop grosses me out. I was successful, but only by pressuring my children to go to the potty and forcing them to try frequently. They will be anal retentive. They already are.
  • I yell.
  • I work in a profession where it's really important to care, but I don't. I'm just here because I'm too lazy to start 80 hour work weeks again...
  • I go on the Internet at work to rest my brain because I spend all day coding.
  • I hold my stepkids to a lower standard because I'm too lazy to motivate four children. :( And they know it. :(
  • The only reason I don't wander off is because my ex husband is such a jerk--it's not really because I'm doing a good job with my kids
  • Unlike many, I'm actually not that lazy, but I'm really judgmental because I cannot let myself go and I just can't get how other people do. I realize this is bad, but some part of me, the bad part, tells me, "If you can't have fun, how come THEY get to have fun?"
  • I just mopped for the first time since I moved in with my boyfriend 18 months ago.


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§ I have ADD

§ My kids hear swear words, but I don't know if they realize that they are 'bad' words.

§ I am addicted to McDonald's French Fries and Dr. Pepper

§ I am extremely lazy and out of shape.

§ I have two large containers of Christmas decorations sitting next to me, and I have no intention of emptying them.

§ I have probably purchased 6 -8 workbooks to replace lost ones. Only to find them the day after the new one comes in the mail, and has been written in.

§ I wish I could sleep 10 hours a day.

§ I love my oldest daughter to death, but there are days when I cannot stand to be in the same room with her. And when she was younger, I probably would have sent her back if I could have.

§ Said child is on prozac and concerta. I hate it, but it makes her life easier. And mine.

§ My husband does most of the laundry and has a MAJOR role in the care of our girls.

§ I live with chronic back pain.

§ We don't have pre-set screen limits. When it's time to turn it off, I will tell them.

§ Dh an I spoil our girls horribly, but justify it with the fact that they have no grandparents, aunts or uncles.

§ I rarely fix vegetables. This is why we juice.

§ I only read brain candy, WHEN I get to read

§ We are currently about 3 mos behind in science and history, and are sprinting over Christmas break.

§ I wear sweats with no underwear until I have to leave the house (unless itĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s just a drive by!)

§ I have a really high IQ, (REALLY high) but it means nothing. I barely graduated from High School. (ADD)

I could ditto at least half of this. 

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Ok, I haven't had a kid in a carseat since my 15 year old graduated from one 7 years ago. But I do have a grandson so why can't kids wear a coat in a carseat?

Because all the fluff compresses in a crash making the straps to loose for the child, which results in injuries.  There are videos on youtube showing it.

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We might have to define lazy.  I'm not "out of shape" lazy.  We just went on a 9 mile walk this past week without any problems whatsoever (but it felt like cheating as there was no elevation change).  Anything less than 4 - 5 miles we consider short.


I'm lazy in that I don't want a full time job (why I sub rather than being a full time teacher even though I get asked about it repeatedly at school) AND I rarely do anything I don't care to do.  This means my house is NOT spic and span clean.  It gets cleaned (some) when it bugs me (or someone else) OR if someone is coming to visit and I know about it ahead of time - and care about it.


Something I don't care to do has to really bug me to get me to do it (not just cleaning).  Cooking is starting to fall into that category now that we're empty nesting.  It's awfully easy just to eat out, bring food in, or eat basic things like celery, apples, popcorn, etc, instead now that there are just the two of us at home.  ;)


So, I like to work when I want to only doing jobs I like (or that bug me enough to get them done).  That's what I'm calling lazy.  Many other people do things because they are "supposed" to be done whether making the bed, mopping floors, cooking meals, annual medical appts, coloring between the lines, obeying various laws, etc. (I have to agree with laws to follow them.  If they don't make sense to me, I don't bother - not quite laziness I suppose, but close.) I offer no apologies for any of this.  Anyone thinking of visiting IRL might want to know this ahead of time.   :lol:

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I'm dying the bolded is so funny!

I swear all the time. I could make a pirate blush. I swear in front of my children and sometimes even at my children. They are horrified by my language and don't swear.

My house is a mess way more often than it's clean.

I really don't like having people over. It stresses me out. I didn't mind it pre-kids when it was easier to keep the house clean & I didn't have so much going on in my life, but now I hate it with a passion.

I'm not at all politically correct, and I'm often downright offensive IRL (though I try to play nice on the internets)

I spend too much time vegging out in front of the TV and on the computer than I should because I don't have to think, and then I complain that I don't have time to do anything I want to do.

My psycho college roommate swore she was going to move out after she screamed at someone on our floor in the middle of the day for playing her music while she was trying to sleep. Everyone on our floor proceeded to crank their stereos. I found out about it when my boyfriends roommate came in and said, "Hey, Julie. Why is your roommate standing outside in the rain screaming up at your building?" After that, someone wrote, "B*&%$" on our white board. She got my hopes all up that she was leaving and then decided to stay. I didn't think it was fair of her to toy with my emotions like that. It was time for her to go! I started writing things on the white board, making her think it was other people on our floor. Each day she would get all worked up, swear she was moving out, and then she'd cool down by the end of the day. I played the part of the sympathetic roomie saying things like, "I'd hate to see you go, but maybe it is for the best. You deserve to live in peace, and these people aren't going to give it to you." After days of this, I broke down and wrote the "nasty c-word" in permanent marker on the white board. She moved out. We had a big floor meeting about it. I didn't feel sorry. The best money I ever spent was on that new white board.

I once "accidentally" tripped a little girl at dance who was always mean to my daughter. She fell down and cried. Inside, I laughed.

I gave my then-7-year-old dd advice to "knock her on her a$$," if the above little girl pushed her in class again. I also told her if she wasn't comfortable doing that, she could fake falling down, start crying, and yell, "K**** pushed me!" so the teacher couldn't pretend not to see it. "K" was one of the teacher's favorites, so she often chose not to see what that little brat would do to other kids.

My grandparents are 2nd cousins. They met at a funeral of a mutual relative. My family tree is all messed up.


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Yes I know this is a zombie thread and I don't care.


I have an only child and never felt like I wanted to have more.

I bottle fed her when she was a baby. No guilt about it.

I am generally a.pessimist and worry wart.

Monsanto? What is that? I haven't even tried to learn about GMO food.


I am obsessive compulsive in some ways but not in any helpful ways like always wanting to clean my house.

We stopped attending church regularly.

I am a Dave Ramsey plan dropout. I can't get an emergency fund going because crap won't stop happening long enough for money to build up for when crap happens.

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My kids have warts on their feet.


All but one of my kids are currently not here this week and I realize *I* AM THE BIGGEST MESSMAKER IN THE HOUSE.


I am spending way too much money on Christmas. Again. I will likely have to pull money from savings to pay for it . Again.


I don't allow extra-curriculars because I hate being on someone else's schedule.


I don't keep in touch with people.


My toddlers all drink coffee.


Clutter doesn't bother me.


I tell my kids I'm working when I'm farting around on the computer.


I'm thinking about declawing my cat even though I know how they do it now. 


I say "yes" when my kids ask to do something, and then yell at them for it later.

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