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For fun: let's get to know each other's bad side!


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~ *I* swear like a sailor. Sometimes even AT my kids. As in; "Get off your lazy A$$e$ and clean your D&MN rooms!" Surprisingly, they don't swear back, and know that they are adult words. If they do want to swear, they'll ask if they can say the A word or S word or whatever first. :D

~ I rarely cook - so we eat a lot of frozen crap, fast food, and drink a lot of pop.

~ I spank(ed). They got too old, it has no effect now.

~ My kids slept on their tummies.

~ I hardly ever cook.

~ I kill ants, too!

~ I don't *like* kids. I LOVE my kids, but I do not care to ever spend time with OTHER people's kids - except for my niece and nephew.

~ My kids usually head to bed anywhere between 9 and midnight. Usually closer to midnight.



Oh, my. I knew there were reasons I have always felt so connected to you. Here's what I was just about to post:

  • I curse like a sailor. I could probably teach the sailors a thing or two, actually. In fact, my father and grandfather were both sailors and I never heard them use the words that fly from my mouth. I have to relieve the stress somehow.

  • I cook, but I hate to. And what I cook is really not good for people, generally speaking. Lots of heavy cream and bacon fat. And cheese.

  • I spend entirely too much money eating out. It's almost obscene. I'd almost be embarrassed by it if anyone knew how much.

  • I don't have hard limits on screen time. My whole family is almost always on a TV/iPod/tablet/laptop/whatever. We like it.

  • I have never really put my kids to bed after they could get there by themselves.

  • I don't like kids much. I love mine and I enjoy doing things with them, but I believe that there is definitely time to spend with kids and time for adults and kids to do their own thing. I don't think it's my job to entertain them all the time. And I think it's fine and not detrimental to said children.

  • I let my kids watch Family Guy and American Dad.

  • I have tattoos and want at least one more.

  • I call myself agnostic but I'm really atheist (former Catholic) and secretly hope my children are, too, although I don't "teach" them to be. My oldest claims to be but my youngest still claims to be Christian.


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  • I got married at 19 and we live with my parents; we are using school loans right now to pay rent and other things
  • Neither DH or I work; we are both full-time students
  • We don't bring our cats to the vet unless we are getting them fixed or they are dying (I wish we could afford to though)


I have a lot of other things (and I actually just deleted one), but I am too much of a wuss to share :tongue_smilie:

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  • I spend entirely too much money eating out. It's almost obscene. I'd almost be embarrassed by it if anyone knew how much.




Us too. My husband used to check in on four square(social network). I made him quit because my friends were starting to comment about how much we went out to eat. Sigh.


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Us too. My husband used to check in on four square(social network). I made him quit because my friends were starting to comment about how much we went out to eat. Sigh.




I used to check in on FB and do Yelp reviews every time we ate out until people started commenting, so I stopped. I hide it like some people hide their smoking.


I'll actually be having brunch with a friend today at a...um.... NOT CHEAP restaurant today, and dinner with two other friends at another NOT CHEAP restaurant tomorrow night.

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I feel so normal.


I ignore ds's cursing and mumble to myself (ds does not hear me). Sometimes dd hears me and starts cracking up.


I smoke, only outside. But i can't afford to replace my car battery. I only go places with lots of people because i do not have jumper cables. (Are we allowed to defend our issues? Well, I'm going to. I don't drink, do not have designer clothes, or shoes. All of my fun stuff comes from someone. The kids have what they need and a lot of what they want. Smoking is my biggest issue. If i didn't smoke, I'd probably be in martial arts so the money still would not be there).


I judge a lot of the people around here. They're the stereotyped food stamp users; carts full of junk, no food the last week of the food stamp month, rushing to walmart at midnight the day food stamps are posted, etc.


It's 9:50am and ds and i have not started school work for the day.

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I often feel like I don't quite fit in around here so why not....


  • -I was a working mom until my oldest was 11 (when ds was born). She started in group daycare at 7 weeks old, had constant ear infections and chicken pox at 9 months old.
  • -I curse a lot when driving. Ds once asked me why I called him a “stupid f***†and I had to explain I wasn’t talking to him, it was the idiot who almost killed us.
  • -I allowed my oldest to start saying the swear words when singing along with songs when she was 12. But told her if she swore at her grandmother or at school, she’d have to deal with the consequences.
  • -We don’t set screen limits except around school time and bedtime.
  • -My oldest grew up watching every episode of the Simpsons and her first word was “D’ohâ€.
  • -Dh comes home after working all day and cooks dinner every night.
  • -My kids sleep in their clothes.
  • -My son refuses to wear underwear 99% of the time now. He also wears mismatched socks.
  • -My youngest was still in pull-ups at 4 ½. Right after she decided she wanted to wear underwear and never had an accident.
  • -My youngest slept with us almost every night until she was 5. She still winds up in our bed at some point most of the time.
  • -I don’t force my son to eat new foods and make him the same thing for lunch every single day. And it’s not natural or organic.
  • -My kids are often still awake at 10pm (or later).
  • -My kids both have tvs in their rooms.
  • -I told my oldest that I thought pot should be legal.
  • -I wear sweatpants or yoga pants all day at home. Usually whatever I wore to bed.
  • -I have gone out to the store in pj pants.
  • -I hide on the computer or in a book to deal with stress.
  • -I look for excuses to get my kids in trouble so I can send them to their rooms.
  • -None of my kids can ride a bike.
  • -I have a tattoo, double piercings in both ears, used to have a cartiledge piercing, rarely wear a bra, never wear make-up, and live in Uggs from October through April.
  • -I hate talking on the phone and will avoid it at all costs.
  • -I'm not sure what religion to call myself, agnostic? I guess.


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Minutes after posting about how wonderful i am getting with house cleaning, i get to come back here...


My kids are eating pancakes out of bowls and dd is using chopsticks because there are no clean plates or forks.



Lol... So, your kids are resourceful and your DD even knows how to use chopsticks?? That's impressive. Good things all around. Just shift your perspective on the situation... ;-)

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Lol... So, your kids are resourceful and your DD even knows how to use chopsticks?? That's impressive. Good things all around. Just shift your perspective on the situation... ;-)



True. She has a major obsession for Japanese anime. Her use of chopsticks is an extension. I had no part of the teaching. She's been trying to teach ds and i for years! Lol.


Shifting again; had i taught her a bit better, she'd wash a darn plate and fork! Lol.

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I make DS run.


I eat oreos.


I am single.


I have never been married and while I do not mind attending a wedding I feel that being the bride in a traditional wedding is equal to h311.


I want another child and plan to have another in two years.


DS has had his hair dyed more colors than I can count, had mohawks and all other types of hair cuts except the standard boy cut. I am waiting for him to decide on the next color.


DS has 3 earrings and got his firs when he was 3 by his own request.


DS still sleeps with me but is about to be booted.


I refuse to take meals to new moms. I figure they have had enough time to plan that they do not need a meal.


I can not stand it when people can't back a car up and do not know how to use their mirrors. I can forgive them for now knowing how to parallel park but I view no knowing how to back up or use mirrors as dangerous.


DS had his first driving lesson when he was 7 and now drives the truck as needed around our property.


DS will have to pass my drivng test before I let him take the states test and mine is way more intense.


My high school graduation requirements include 2 years of community college or vocational training. I also require a year of ballroom dancing, meal planning and maintaining and running a household before graduating high school.


DS can and does laundry including all steps from sorting to folding and putting away.



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I don't know if this is good or bad or both.


I will go a few days without showering so both kids can bathe consistently. Our hot water heater is not in an insulated area, so if I've been keeping up with laundry and dishes, there is no way the three of us could enjoy a warm shower or bath.


I've yet to master getting up and showering without waking ds.

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Wow. This is the best thread ever. Where was it the other night when I laid in bed awake until midnight, thinking of all the ways I am screwing up my kids.


-my kids go bed between 7:30 and 8. I don't care if they are tired. It's my time.

-My husband reads to my kids every day, so I use it as an excuse to not read to them. We've been residing The Witch of Blackbird Pond for three months.

-I yell. And scream. And criticize. And curse. I'm pretty sure my kids are going to be in therapy forever.

-We totally use our kids to get things for us when we don't feel like getting up.

-I have a gym membership I've used once. I just sit by the pool and read while the kids swim.

-I taught school for six years. Once I had my own kids, I realized how little I liked other people's kids.

-I'm my daughters' Girl Scout leader and secretly, I hate every minute of it.

-the mice in my kitchen get caught in the traps and sometimes are not dead. I have no qualms about scooping them up and putting them in the trash. And no bugs or spiders make it out of my house alive.

-I spend a lot of time online so I don't have to deal with what I am pretty sure is diagnosable depression.

-I am extremely intolerant and judgmental but we go to a UU church because they teach tolerance. We are looking to leave the UU church because there are too many weird peope. Yeah, we are going to hell.

-I want to believe in God but I've raised two atheist daughters who tell me I shouldn't because, "it's not true."

-I like my dog more than I like my kids.

-We spank.

-we eat organic and healthy. Then I put my kids to bed and eat their left over Hallowwen candy (that they traded for a toy).



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-My husband and I both cuss like sailors (he is a sailor so, at least he has an excuse!)

-The kids think it's fun to race to the beer fridge to get either dh or me a beer (they've done it since dd was 4!)

-Both kids were formula fed (and I did not heat up the bottle--dd would drink it cold!)

-I don't like other people's kids (even nieces) but would love to be around mine all day

-Both kids were in daycare and now go to private school

-I work full time

-Both wore coats in car seats (didn't know it was a thing!)

-They have no bed time (they just have to be in bed by the time I go to bed ~10pm)

-dd9 has a very high iq but has straight D's on her progress report (except for a B in "social studies")

-Ds7 also has a very high iq and has an F in language arts and writing but an A in math (and he doesn't even do his homework!)

-We don't make them clean their playroom except for 1-2 times a year (right now you couldn't even walk through there!)

-I don't make them eat all their dinner (dd will only eat veggies and ds will only eat meat---to me it's good enough that they're eating something)

-I can't remember the last time I vacuumed the bedrooms

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Okay, here goes...


* I'm addicted to caffeine.

* My kids eat boxed cereal (the sugary kind)

* I cuss. (My kids don't...the rule is you have to be 18 to cuss in my house)

* When I want my kids out of my hair I put in a movie or let them watch shows on Netflix.

* My whole family plays video games...no one is restricted on time except for ds6 (he behaves horridly if he plays too much)

* I love to play: Mass Effect, Borderlands, Halo, Oblivion, DragonAge, FallOut, and Portal. Oh, and sometimes I play SIMS and trap people in rooms or fences so they will die and become ghosts. :001_tt2:

* My kids do most of the cleaning because I don't like cleaning.

* I use the crockpot frequently...with cream of whatever soup.

* I didn't breastfeed any of my dc partly because my first wouldn't latch on and it was a bad experience but mostly because I just didn't want to.

* As an aside to the above...I often propped a bottle up with a pillow so I could do other things while my dc were eating.

* My kids all used a crib with drop down sides AND they slept with a blankie with them.

* I let my older dc watch R movies.

* My older dc go to bed whenever they want...usually between 10 and 12. My two middle dc go to bed at 10. I put the 4yo to bed at 8 simply because by that time of the day I can't take her anymore.

* I often say, "because I said so".

* The car seat my 4yo is using is expired and I'm NOT replacing it.

* I love flavored rum. My favorite right now is Black Cherry. I have had a rum and coke at 10 in the morning before.

* I don't do organic anything even though I could afford it.

* People who quote bible passages annoy me. Not saying there is anything wrong with them doing so...it's just an issue I have.

* I don't believe the Bible literally.

* I believe the earth is old...really, really old.

* I want to believe in God but sometimes don't.

* I often tell people that I am praying for this or that on their behalf - and do - but I don't know that it does any good.

* I get furious when people judge me for the above 4 things. (I don't believe the above 4 things are necessarily bad, but in the area I live they are considered "wrong thinking")

* I hate glitter.

* I don't strive for academic excellence with dd13. She isn't interested and I'm tired of beating my head against that wall. Our goal is to obtain the mandatory credits for highschool and make a decent score on the ACT so can get at least small scholarships.

* I'm not paying for college for any of my dc and don't feel in the least guilty about it.

* I got a part time job once so that we didn't have to go on food stamps. I worked from 6 to midnight every night during the week and was gone all day Saturday and Sunday. It was horrid for my family, and if I was in the same position again I would go on food stamps instead.

* We had to file bankruptcy once due to astronomical medical bills. I'm glad we did it and would do it again if faced with the same situation.



Okay, reading back over all of that I realize it isn't as shocking as I thought it would be. I actually think it's not even "bad". It all seems pretty normal to me. Then again, everything everyone else has posted seems normal to me too. :confused1:

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- We don't have screen limits for ds, and he has Internet in his room

- he has mini-fridge in his room given to him by grandparents

- he was obsessed with poker when he was about 8. Dh and I don't play, but ds has a wicked cool set of poker chips.

- I drink and in front of ds. I'm trying to model good drinking behavior because we alcoholism on both sides of the family. I want him to see that normal people can have a glass of wine in the evening and actually stop drinking.

- I curse sometimes

- With the exception of two, all of my best friends in school were guys. I've always hung out with guys more than girls. Even today I'll gravitate toward a group of guys over women at get togethers

- I still play the radio really loudly in the car

- I hate cooking. When I am old I am not cooking anymore

- I can go a week or more and not leave the house. Granted one working car doesn't help

- I hide chocolate in my desk

- my dh sleeps on the couch by choice and I prefer it that way (I snore, he snores, both loudly)

- I like my dog a lot more than my cat

- I rarely make the bed

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<snip> I'm an awful cook, I came from a working poor family so we had lots of quick hamburger helper type stuff. Is there a cooking for dummies book?


Of course! Take a look. There is a Cooking for Nerds book too, which made me giggle. :p


I hate gardening. HATE it.

I school year round so that I can justify taking the day off for the entire family whenever one child is sick.

I consider Mr. Magoo a good introduction to classic literature.


ETA: It is Cooking for Geeks, not Cooking for Nerds. My deepest apologies!

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I'm afraid of you people.




Just kidding.


I do many of the things listed.


Not a kid person (except I love mine).

Don't trust people much.

Sleep in and so do the kids, when they can.

Hire out all yardwork.

Have outsourced some higher level math and science, because, hey...I can't do it. I don't even remember anything about it (unless it is about money. I can tell you how many dollars and cents I spent on an item in 1979, but can't remember what TV show I watched last night."

Yell, though I'm a recovering yeller. I still have bad moments, but by the grace of God, they are decreasing.

Do not drink. I thought I could have just a glass of wine a day. Nope.

Talk to drivers doing stupid things on the road, as if they can hear me, "Hey, buddy....are your going to turn or WHAT? Can we get this show on the ROAD???" My kids keep saying, "They can't hear you, Mom."




But I'm also weird in that I clean and disinfect a lot, do laundry like a maniac and it must be folded immediately and not be wrinkled, and we all make our beds always. I don't ever curse. So I'm just an oddball, I guess.

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Oh this is fun.


I have way too many kids.

We don't set screen limits once they are done with their school and chores. (and dh doesn't set them at all)

I spend too much time online in what I'm pretty sure is escapism.

I was rebellious as a teenager and still regret how disrespectful and nasty I was to my parents, esp. my mom.

I have had affairs at the beginning of our marriage when things were just awful, and I don't really regret it.

I wonder daily if I'm going to hell because of that.

I have confessed enough as it is.

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Might as well join in.


I smoke. I'll take little drives/walks down the street to smoke so the kids don't see. As far as I know, they don't know.


I'm completely addicted to Chefville on facebook


I go to Starbucks every single night before work


I exaggerate my work hours. I'll tell dh I got home at 4 a.m. instead of 1 a.m. so he thinks I'm sleeping and doesn't expect me to clean during the day


I'm not going to confess the really bad stuff

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Can I just do a summary post, and admit that I skimmed through a lot of these and was surprised they were on the "bad" list because I thought it was normal behavior?


I found a lot of the things are on the bad list because while they are basically "normal" they are still the things that get judged the most by outsiders(and even extended fmaily)

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I like Dexter. Two years ago I watched the first four seasons over Thanksgiving break. For the last two years I have subscribed to Showtime just so I can watch it.


It took me way too long to figure out what I want to do with my life and now I am afraid it is too late.


I am not as adventurous as I would like to be and my fear of falling hinders my ability to do some really fun things, like riding zip lines.


I turned down an appointment to the USAFA because I was afraid of failure.


I used cloth diapers on my DD but not on my DS.


DD and DS have not had equal opportunities in life and I feel guilty about the disparity.


I really miss my VW convertible.


There are times I am so angry with DD I could just spit. Then I feel guilty for being angry and then I feel guilty for feeling guilty.

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Oh, let's see...


I swear but creatively without using the F-bomb

I play video games - a lot.

I'm cynical

I prefer not to see people unless it is on my terms.

I despise country music with a flaming passion.

I worked until dd was 3

I believe in old earth

I don't believe the Bible is literal

No screen limits during non school hours - sometimes I'll count lunch as a non school hour

Dd wore a coat in the car seat

She slept on her side as an infant

I believe everyone should own and know how to use a gun.

I really dislike airheaded fru-fru women

I use a crock pot

I've left my cart in the middle of the parking lot

I don't wear shoes inside

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-I am extremely intolerant and judgmental but we go to a UU church because they teach tolerance. We are looking to leave the UU church because there are too many weird peope. Yeah, we are going to hell.

wish i went to your UU church . . i was at mine today and was rather annoyed with all the beautiful, responsible people and well behaved children.


of course i'm really sleep deprived and sick .. .

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Heh, let's see.


-I steal a can of dh's Pepsi at least once a day, then scold him for not eating healthier snacks.

-I spend way too much time on the internet.

-The other day, one of our three cats snuck out the door and ran off outside, and I really and truly hoped he would freeze to death out there so I'd no longer have to spend thirty bucks a month on cat food. (He came back. *sigh*)

-I make dh sleep on the loveseat if he's snoring, even though the snoring is usually from his asthma.

-I let dd sleep in her clothes about half the time because that way I don't have to wash her pajamas.

-When it comes to dinner, I count rice or potatoes as a vegetable.

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I just want to say that I love you all, dearly. I am really too chicken to post all of my deep dark secrets, (and yes, I have them-eek!)But I will try and share a few.

LOL. (Oh gee! Lord, forgive me) I read an article once that said scientists found that when you curse after getting hurt, it lessens the pain. So, I no longer feel guilty for cursing after I hurt myself (after all I am simply taking care of myself!). Pppfffttt! (Sh@#!! I just broke my fingernail!!! )
I believe in the Bible (somewhat literally but I am still working that out) and God, (and I feel I have a personal relationship with Him) but I just do not believe that man has not tampered with the Bible throughout the years (I also don’t go to religious gatherings (church) anymore, but I would like to).

I strongly support most Feminist agenda, yet I also believe that a woman should stay home (well at least part-time!!) and raise the kids. Hahahaha! (I do work part time from home and I love it). Well, as long as she wants to, of course. Wink!

I think most homeschoolers are whackos, including myself. I also think a lot of homeschoolers are mean and judgmental (yes, this is me, judging them, meanly) LOL.

I often judge a person and then regret it, after remembering how much I hate to be judged. So, I am only judgmental at first. Haha.
I dress like a younger person, and I am over 35. I like short shorts in the summer (hey, it gets hot- the less clothes, the better..no hoochie shorts though, unless I am working out at home) and skinny jeans in the winter.

I have always had male friends and female friends, but now in my middle age, I much prefer the males!! (platonically- that is) tee hee, seriously!

Sometimes I skip meals, but my children are not allowed to. We all do a lot of screen time, including the five year old.

I compulsively clean a lot, and love to vacuum. But the bedrooms are almost always messy, even though the beds are made. I recycle most of the time, but sometimes I just throw stuff away. LOL.

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I strongly support most Feminist agenda, yet I also believe that a woman should stay home (well at least part-time!!) and raise the kids. Hahahaha! (I do work part time from home and I love it). Well, as long as she wants to, of course. Wink!


I think most homeschoolers are whackos, including myself. I also think a lot of homeschoolers are mean and judgmental (yes, this is me, judging them, meanly) LOL.


I often judge a person and then regret it, after remembering how much I hate to be judged. So, I am only judgmental at first. Haha.

I dress like a younger person, and I am over 40. I like short shorts in the summer (hey, it gets hot- the less clothes, the better..no hoochie shorts though, unless I am working out at home) and skinny jeans in the winter.


I have always had male friends and female friends, but now in my middle age, I much prefer the males!!


Sometimes I skip meals, but my children are not allowed to. We all do a lot of screen time, including the five year old.


I compulsively clean a lot, and love to vacuum. But the bedrooms are almost always messy, even though the beds are made. I recycle most of the time, but sometimes I just throw stuff away. LOL.


This whole post made me laugh, especially the "I think most homeschoolers are whackos, including myself" and "I'm only judgmental at first".


Lol. You sound like a lot of fun.

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~ *I* swear like a sailor. Sometimes even AT my kids. As in; "Get off your lazy A$$e$ and clean your D&MN rooms!" Surprisingly, they don't swear back, and know that they are adult words. If they do want to swear, they'll ask if they can say the A word or S word or whatever first. :D

~ I rarely cook - so we eat a lot of frozen crap, fast food, and drink a lot of pop.

~ I spank(ed). They got too old, it has no effect now.

~ My kids slept on their tummies.

~ I hardly ever cook.

~ I kill ants, too!

~ I don't *like* kids. I LOVE my kids, but I do not care to ever spend time with OTHER people's kids - except for my niece and nephew.

~ My kids usually head to bed anywhere between 9 and midnight. Usually closer to midnight.


Other than the late-to-bed thing, we are twins separated at birth. Oh, except the food thing - we eat organic blah blah blah, and I don't drink pop. But I drink alcohol. A fair amount actually, and daily. Love? :D


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I ) I read an article once that said scientists found that when you curse after getting hurt, it lessens the pain. So, I no longer feel guilty for cursing after I hurt myself (after all I am simply taking care of myself!). Pppfffttt! (Sh@#!! I just broke my fingernail!!! )



THANK YOU!! I feel so much better about my parenting now. :D


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When I had to return to the workforce, I enrolled my kids in PS instead of attempting to be supermom and keep homeschooling while also working outside the home full time.


Somewhere we have a Monsanto bag that was given out at a farm show, and I don't view it as a symbol of evil.


I read my Kindle in the bathtub.


I use cream of ____ soup in my crockpot.







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[*]and go barefoot in the park

I always felt guilty about letting my kids go barefoot at the park, but only because then OTHER kids would want to and then they would get in trouble with their moms


Oh, a youngster! It was a really funny and popular show during the 1980's. Michael J. Fox was the star (the conservative son).

No, oldster. I was in college and didnt have a tv in the 80s (well, starting in 83)

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Here's a few more:


I like tater tots (never have had the casserole though)

I, too, drink multiple cans of Diet Coke a day. Usually during my first trimester I lose the appetite for them, though. So that makes me feel a bit better. My average is 2 a day.

I am lazy and avoid physical exertion as much as I can. I ask my children to get me things if I'm sitting down.

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We don't eat organic and if we didn't eat quick and processed we wouldn't eat at all because I hate cooking (we eat lots of fruit to make up for it)


I take medication for depression


My kids were not breastfed - I tried - each time my milk dried up at 3 months.


My kids were not cloth diapered - 3 kids in 4 years - I don't think so. I did try once - it lasted 3 days.


I spend a LOT of money on my kids at Christmas - they have more toys then they need but I keep buying more.


My two oldest went to public Kindy (Pre-K) they loved it. Not sure if I will send my youngest - he is not as keen to go


My baby was just recently potty -trained at 3.5. He also still has a paci for night.


I love all my kids - but I do have a favourite child :ph34r:


My DD usually gets more Christmas/birthday presents then the boys (not due to favouritism) but because I simply like buying girl toys more and have an easier time of it. I never know what to get my boys and neither have real opinions they will give me. This will probably even up as they get older and the boys actually want things.


I am buying my 5 yo DS a WII simply because I don't know what else to get him. I've always been pretty big on not having electronics but I guess my morals are easily swayed when I'm desperate for gift ideas :o


If my kids drop their lollipop on the ground I rinse it off and let them eat it - anything to stop the screaming :glare:


My 3yo lives on PB sandwhiches - after fighting with the older two to eat a healthy,varied diet I can't be bothered anymore. Food is now just food -eat it .

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Other than the late-to-bed thing, we are twins separated at birth. Oh, except the food thing - we eat organic blah blah blah, and I don't drink pop. But I drink alcohol. A fair amount actually, and daily. Love? :D


:D I don't drink alcohol. I used to, but not anymore - so it's an even trade for the pop. I didn't used to drink much pop at all - except as mix with alcohol! LOL My DH doesn't do coffee or tea though, so he drinks Pepsi for his caffeine and since it's here, well... I'll only drink Pepsi throwback, though. Regular Pepsi is gross! If it's not throwback, then I have to drink Coke.


We actually do eat a lot of organic, too. I try to buy most things organic for at home, so when I don't cook, I feed the kids raw, organic fruit and veggies, along with their corndogs or pizza rolls. LOL Or DD will scramble up the organic eggs for breakfast, etc.

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