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7-year-old and "The Hunger Games"

Is a 7-year-old too young for "The Hunger Games"?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Is a 7-year-old too young for "The Hunger Games"?

    • Yes!
    • No!
    • Other

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Would you let your 7 year old read The Hunger Games? My answer would be no, it's too scary.


That's why I moved it to the garage.


Am I out of line?


I think your poll might not work out so well. Because you title asks,

"Is a 7-year-old too young for "The Hunger Games"?"

and the actual poll question is,

"Would you let your 7 year old read The Hunger Games?"



So the answer to the poll title is;

YES. a 7-year-old is too young for "The Hunger Games"?

and to the actual question of the poll my answer is

NO. I would not let my 7 year old read The Hunger Games.

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Our DD8 (profoundly gifted), loved the Hunger Games! Just last month after she finished the trilogy, I posted about her request...

She submitted a research proposal to study in her words, "The correlation of Utopian ideals in the Elizabethan era to that of the post-communist world and it's effect on modern society." She asked me to find her a few books that may be "light-reading" on the topic. Are you for real!? She's only 8 years old, and I can't keep up now!


I voted other, as it completely depends on the child and their maturity/ comprehension level.

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I think your poll might not work out so well. Because you title asks,

"Is a 7-year-old too young for "The Hunger Games"?"

and the actual poll question is,

"Would you let your 7 year old read The Hunger Games?"



So the answer to the poll title is;

YES. a 7-year-old is too young for "The Hunger Games"?

and to the actual question of the poll my answer is

NO. I would not let my 7 year old read The Hunger Games.



You are sooooooooo right!:tongue_smilie:

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My dd11 is PG as well, but she still does not want to read this book, which in her case is probably best. It would be an extremely unusual 7 yr. old who is emotionally mature enough for that book. And a kid could be emotionally mature but still highly sensitive, in which case it could be too disturbing.

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Sorry, I voted wrong: I voted "no" becasue I had read THIS question:


Would you let your 7 year old read The Hunger Games?


but did not read that the poll was asking the exact opposite.

ETA: I just saw that many others made the same mistake.


I do not consider this an appropriate book for a 7 year old, even a strong reader, so YES, I think 7 is too young.

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I think your poll might not work out so well. Because you title asks,

"Is a 7-year-old too young for "The Hunger Games"?"

and the actual poll question is,

"Would you let your 7 year old read The Hunger Games?"



So the answer to the poll title is;

YES. a 7-year-old is too young for "The Hunger Games"?

and to the actual question of the poll my answer is

NO. I would not let my 7 year old read The Hunger Games.


Oh. I said that Yes - a 7 year old is too young for the Hunger Games. It is not just because it is scary - it is because it is way too mature in subject matter for that age.

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I voted wrong too. I think the Hunger Games is way, way, way out of the question for my children at age 7. My son is nine and I am still a hell to the no on this. He is a very strong reader and is profoundly gifted but still not ready for the violence. He is very sensitive to violence.


Heck, I'm not sure I am old enough for the Hunger Games.

Edited by kijipt
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I'm not even sure if I voted wrong or right because I'm not sure which way is right, lol.


But no, my 7 year old would not have access to the Hunger Games. I'm trying to figure out how that conversation would go. "We're going to have to turn this movie off now honey, because the kids have started killing each other. And stop looking at your brother that way." :lol:

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I voted NO because 7 is way too young to read this series. I'm trying to wrap my brain around my 9.5 asking to read it (btw, I told him no, not yet since I believe he's still too young for this topic - there's plenty of time to grow up and discuss another example of the bad side of human nature).

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Guest submarines

So 37% will passionately let their 7 year olds read it, or the results are skewed because of the poll question? I'd like to see a better worded poll, because now I'm curious. :D

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I think your poll might not work out so well. Because you title asks,

"Is a 7-year-old too young for "The Hunger Games"?"

and the actual poll question is,

"Would you let your 7 year old read The Hunger Games?"



So the answer to the poll title is;

YES. a 7-year-old is too young for "The Hunger Games"?

and to the actual question of the poll my answer is

NO. I would not let my 7 year old read The Hunger Games.




I voted no, as in no a 7 year old should not be reading The Hunger Games. It is too violent and has themes that even bright, accelerated, gifted 7 year olds wouldn't necessarily understand.

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So 37% will passionately let their 7 year olds read it, or the results are skewed because of the poll question? I'd like to see a better worded poll, because now I'm curious. :D



Me too. Somebody else start the poll because I'm obviously a horrible pollster.



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I've only just "officially" cleared the trilogy for my advanced 10yo. I wouldn't have stopped her previously, but I did tell her I didn't think she was ready. It's not any more gruesome than a good, bloody mythology book, but there's enough going on under the surface politically and philosophically -- and the ending is so bleak -- that I think it's best to wait for a certain degree of emotional maturity. Yes, it can be an intense read, but nothing in it made me feel as horrible in a kicked-in-the-gut sense as I did for Lyra at the end of The Golden Compass.

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You might want to start all over again with the question and the poll. It is very unclear, and that probably has skewed the results.


No, I would not let my 7 year old read The Hunger Games (or any other dystopian novel). But she loves Heidi and Milly-Molly-Mandy! :D


Then again, I might not ever "let" my children read that book. Why? What is the value of it? I don't like all the dark books that are supposedly popular with children and teens these days.

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I've read all the books and saw the movie, and recommended to my SIL that she NOT let my 11 year old niece read them yet. There is a lot of violence and cruelty in the books, and 99% of 7 year olds (and most 11 year olds) wouldn't "get" it anyways. There is no sense in letting them read this stuff if they don't understand why all of these events are happening. It would just be violent and cruel with no logical reason why.


I voted to not let dd read the book.

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When I voted no, I was answering the question posed in the OP's conversation box. I should have read the poll title more carefully. In any case, I would not let a 7 yr old read (or see) the Hunger Games. I won't let my gifted 9 yr old read it, either. Yes, with her old soul and bright mind, she could most likely "get" a great deal of the issues presented, but that's not the point. I don't care how bright a child is, there is something to be said about preserving joy and innocence in childhood.

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Drat. I misread the poll question and voted backwards.


I would NOT let my kids at 7yo read the Hunger Games strictly because of the content. Mature ideas.


There are lots of good challenging books with less yuck.


Oh good, because I also voted the wrong way (but the other way around) so we balanced each other out.


I read the Hunger Games last year with my (then) 7 year old. No problem. We started it, because he was begging to read it, with the provision that I would shut it down immediately if I felt the content was getting inappropriate for him.


Much to my surprise I found the book not only engaging but morally uplifting in ways that were not just "pat" but involved complexity.


I really enjoyed the Hunger Games and didn't feel like it was "too much" for my son (who is not the "sensitive" type) in any measure. I am very glad we read the book.



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I voted that 7 is too young, and I would actively discourage it, but I wouldn't go to extremes to prevent it.


I let my twins read the first two books at just-turned-10. (The third book wasn't out yet.) That was a fine age for them to read it.


In my view, The Hunger Games is a solidly moral book. I want to make sure kids have support if they need to process anything in it, but I don't feel the need to preach against what is presented in the book as moral. Unlike, for example, Twilight, which has a very immoral message. My twins (now almost thirteen) are still forbidden to read Twilight.

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I think your poll might not work out so well. Because you title asks,

"Is a 7-year-old too young for "The Hunger Games"?"

and the actual poll question is,

"Would you let your 7 year old read The Hunger Games?"



So the answer to the poll title is;

YES. a 7-year-old is too young for "The Hunger Games"?

and to the actual question of the poll my answer is

NO. I would not let my 7 year old read The Hunger Games.


:iagree:A 7 year old is too young to be reading or watching this one, IMO.

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