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were there lots of trick or treaters?

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We just left out a bowl, so I dont' know for sure. But the neighbour said she had 1.


When we got home we had 1 person come by an adult from up the street. He said, "I'm X from number 14. Wife said I was suppose to give this to your boys. But I didn't when you came by earlier today. So here". It was two extra big chocolate bars that they like.


So we gave one person candy, and took candy from one person. Does that mean + 1 - 1 meaning a total of 0?

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We live on a side street up a steep hill, so we don't usually get more than just the neighborhood kids. I saw maybe 5 or 6 groups going around while we were out. Most of the houses we stopped at were dumping candy in my kids' bags so I don't think there was a big turnout.


When we went to the downtown shopping center earlier this afternoon, there was a higher-than-normal turnout. It started at 4 P.M., and most of the shops ran out by 4:30 or so. In previous years, most of the shops still were passing out candy even by the end.

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We handed out candy and cider and not everyone took the cider. We went through over 100 foam cups (sorry, environment, really I am) so we probably had 200 kids (and adults -- the parents often were happy to have the cider...)


We live in a neighborhood that has a lot of interconnected streets. My friend who lives on a cul de sac road (maybe 7 houses?) never gets any TOTers because their little road is sort of in the middle of nowhere.


It was a perfect night -- when we shut down at 8:30 or so, the thermometer said 50. And it got up to 72 here. Beautiful...

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Almost none. Last year we had a bunch, the year before that hardly any. You just never know. I did have a group of high schoolers come by near the end, and everyone of them was dressed up! Oh, and my dds said they saw two police cars while they were out, and the policemen were giving out candy.

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It was average. Ours is a big trick or treating neighborhood. When Halloween falls on a weekend we easily get a couple of hundred kids and it goes on until about 9:30. When it falls on a weekday we get about 75 kids and it's over by 8:30. Most houses participate in out neighborhood.

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As a neighborhood we were disappointed that we did not have as many as we usually have. Our neighborhood is just getting older, "all" the kids or atleast a good majority are now older teens and young adults. I was worried we would run out of candy and told ds to be careful but we were giving handfuls around 7:30 and still had a bag left. Now I need a good Resee's peanut butter cup recipe

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We never have very many, but this year we seemed to have even fewer. Maybe a total of 15 or 20. I started with 2 bowls of candy, gave out handfuls to all the kids and was still left with 1 full bowl plus about 1/3 of the other bowl.

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Halloween was postponed in our town for the second year in a row (this year: Sandy and downed power lines, last year: ice storm, ditto).


One dd was going to go with friends in town, but they switched to a different friend's neighborhood in a different town when my town postponed. And the older two went with a friend in a neighboring city - I went with them, it was one of those neighborhoods that people drive over to. There were lots of kids out, but they said it was way less than usual.

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Fewer than normal.


Most years we get about 300, but this year it was windy, rainy and about 38 degrees. Only about 200 kids came by.


My three year old begged to go, so we tromped around for 30 minutes in the rain, but he refused to go up to any of the houses. At every house he told me he didn't want to trick or treat there because they only had two lights on or because their door was red or because he was worried they might have a pet snake. One lady actually brought her candy bowl down to the sidewalk for him, but he just hid behind me. His loss; I said trick or treat and she gave me the candy instead!



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I was ready for them. I bought a huge bag of candy. I tidied up the house (finally wiped down Dd's handprint from the glass door). I even got dressed. Hey, yesterday was a rough day. I turned on the light and puttered around by the front door for half an hour. No one came. I figured they must be coming after supper. Dh and the older kids were gone so I decided to wash the kitchen floor. It was close to the front door but out of sight. Perfect. I put on some Casting Crowns and washed the floor. Dh got home and took Dd2 out. I checked the WTM forum and turned the news on. Dh came home with Dd2 and said that they were the only ones who went to four of the houses. She got two king sized candy bars. I guess you can afford to give those out when you only have one kid come. Dd2 did trick or treat me when she got home. Dh went to get the kids while Dd2 ate tootsie rolls. My older kids trick or treated me when they got home. I love my kids, but I was hoping for more of a crowd. We lived in the country for three years. I was looking forward to having kids come now that we are in a community. I guess it isn't a big deal here.

Edited by Meriwether
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We had a few maybe 20 knocks, but not like last year. Last year I was sick in bed, but saw streams of kids out, lots of knocks at the door. We gave out a ton of candy. This year there wasn't so many. I noticed fewer smaller children. Most of our ToT were teens, which I paid attention to after the conversation yesterday. All of them were dressed and were polite and spent some time discussing their costumes.


There must have been something for the little kids going on elsewhere.

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Zero trick-or-treaters came to our door. I don't think we got any last year either, but some years we get a few.


At most of the houses where my child trick-or-treated, folks handed out ample+ amounts of candy. Some people gave big bags of gummy bears, full-size candy bars, paper bags with multiple granola bars + candy inside. We saw only a few other trick-or-treaters while we were out. Everything was pretty much quiet by 8 PM.


The thing that struck me was that only about 1/3 of the houses in the area we went had their lights on. It used to be a lot higher percentage.

Edited by TrixieB
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When we got home we had 1 person come by an adult from up the street. He said, "I'm X from number 14. Wife said I was suppose to give this to your boys. But I didn't when you came by earlier today. So here". It was two extra big chocolate bars that they like.




:) My sister buys candy to pass out on Halloween, but my BIL insists on getting full-sized chocolate bars for the kids he likes.


Because we live in a rural area we don't get any trick-or-treaters at all.

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