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Sandy updates ... How are you faring?

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We made it through the night without losing power. Local news tells us there are several closed roads in the area and thousands in the county and more in the neighboring counties without power. I feel fortunate.


In another hour I'll be walking around outside to see if there's damage. It's still windy and quite rainy, but much colder than yesterday.


I feel for all of those with major damage and without power...


(I posted this on the other thread, but I think it is better to have updates on a new thread.)

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We are okay here in Mid-Michigan. We lost power a couple of times intermittently, but then it came right back on however, there are about 60,000 without power but not in our region. Now, our county does not have to cancel school though I will say that this morning had to have been rather wild for the kids standing out and waiting for the school bus. Reports are that several busses will be late to school because of tree branches that are down impeding their paths. A few kids cannot be picked up until some of the branches and debris are removed. No major damage, but I have to wonder about the smarts of holding school in our area. A lot of kids have family living on the East Coast so anxiety is high and there are reports of roof leaks at several local school buildings. This might have been a good day to say, "Keep your kids home."


Along Lake Huron, the school districts are closed. The waves got a wee bit too high in that area and some families are dealing with water issues plus a few sections of M-25 (the main road around the lake in this area) have big trees down, lots of debris, and near Essexville (east side of Bay City and in the swampy area of Saginaw Bay), flooding of the road. However, really this area came through just fine. For certain there will be some beach erosion and boats that are beat up, a pier or two with a little damage, but absolutely nothing to complain out when one considers what people are dealing with out East.


I'm waiting on info from the west side of the state. Lower Lake Michigan was going to "froth at the mouth" and there are a LOT of low lying areas by comparison to Lake Huron. I expect more flooding and damage there. I know a lot of people do not understand - "Oh, it's just a lake!" Nope, these are inland seas so 50-70 mph winds coming across them when they have depths of up to 900 ft. for Michigan and 750 for Huron which means waves can reach very scary heights. The amount of water being carried across Huron right now (looking at a local weather cam) and onto land is startling. I can only imagine what it's like on Lake Michigan.


Dd's fiance is just outside of Philadelphia. She lost contact with him in the middle of the night. She's nervous, but I'm confident that he's fine. They had taken appropriate preparedness action. The family that I'm worried about (our dear nephew and his wife) is in Baltimore (Cockeysville). We haven't heard from them since 3:00 yesterday afternoon.


What was Lake Erie like last night? I've been wondering about communities along that shoreline.


Haven't seen any pics of Chicago.


Keep checking in! Every east coast hiver that posts, "We're okay" is a relief and a blessing!



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I'm in Ohio. We still have power, but lots of areas nearby don't. Some roads are closed. Schools all closed. Many downed trees- two on friends' houses. If it's like this in Ohio, I can't imagine what it's like on the coast.


Two friends in different parts of MD posted on fb last night that rain was actually leaking in through the windows. Craziness. Haven't seen posts from them yet this morning. Worried for everyone.

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We are okay here in Mid-Michigan. We lost power a couple of times intermittently, but then it came right back on however, there are about 60,000 without power but not in our region. Now, our county does not have to cancel school though I will say that this morning had to have been rather wild for the kids standing out and waiting for the school bus. Reports are that several busses will be late to school because of tree branches that are down impeding their paths. A few kids cannot be picked up until some of the branches and debris are removed. No major damage, but I have to wonder about the smarts of holding school in our area. A lot of kids have family living on the East Coast so anxiety is high and there are reports of roof leaks at several local school buildings. This might have been a good day to say, "Keep your kids home."


Along Lake Huron, the school districts are closed. The waves got a wee bit too high in that area and some families are dealing with water issues plus a few sections of M-25 (the main road around the lake in this area) have big trees down, lots of debris, and near Essexville (east side of Bay City and in the swampy area of Saginaw Bay), flooding of the road. However, really this area came through just fine. For certain there will be some beach erosion and boats that are beat up, a pier or two with a little damage, but absolutely nothing to complain out when one considers what people are dealing with out East.


I'm waiting on info from the west side of the state. Lower Lake Michigan was going to "froth at the mouth" and there are a LOT of low lying areas by comparison to Lake Huron. I expect more flooding and damage there. I know a lot of people do not understand - "Oh, it's just a lake!" Nope, these are inland seas so 50-70 mph winds coming across them when they have depths of up to 900 ft. for Michigan and 750 for Huron which means waves can reach very scary heights. The amount of water being carried across Huron right now (looking at a local weather cam) and onto land is startling. I can only imagine what it's like on Lake Michigan.


Dd's fiance is just outside of Philadelphia. She lost contact with him in the middle of the night. She's nervous, but I'm confident that he's fine. They had taken appropriate preparedness action. The family that I'm worried about (our dear nephew and his wife) is in Baltimore (Cockeysville). We haven't heard from them since 3:00 yesterday afternoon.


What was Lake Erie like last night? I've been wondering about communities along that shoreline.


Haven't seen any pics of Chicago.


Keep checking in! Every east coast hiver that posts, "We're okay" is a relief and a blessing!




Interesting that most people reporting here are not on the east coast. I sure hope everyone is okay.


The wind is absolutely howling and it's "only" hitting 50 mph right now. Many are without power in my area. I'm hoping we don't lose it.


Did you see the coverage last night of people surfing on Lake Erie? And, we live on Lake St. Clair. The waves are HUGE!!! And, absolutely gorgeous.

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We are in NH and are fine, but I just wanted to jump in and remind everyone to be careful as they begin cleaning up. Our neighbor was outside after a storm last year taking pictures of the damage when a branch fell onto her. She is still in a wheelchair and probably will be for life.




If there are broken branches on the ground, there are probably ones overhead too.

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I have to admit I was a minor wreck until I heard from dd in college but the wind started to die down and she got power back around midnight. Some are still without power here but we're fine. I feel terrible for my friends in Long Island and NYC. It's bad there. :(

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Just talked to dh. He works downtown (right on Lake Erie). It took him an hour to get there (usually 25 mins). He said the roads were bad with debris everywhere and areas of standing water. There are lots of areas of standing water. 3-4 feet high. But, some roads are fine. He said there are chunks of downtown without power, but his office has power. Some of the windows in the building did blow in overnight. A friend of ours who works one floor down from dh had her window blow in and her office is a total mess.


When I talked to him yesterday afternoon, when the wind was just starting to get bad, he said all the girls in his office were freaking out about the waves on the lake. They are on the top floor of the office building and have unobstructed views of Lake Erie on three sides of the office. They could see the waves crashing over the break wall in many places.


NUTSO! We were in a hurricane on the Outer Banks when I was twelve, and I remember it like it was yesterday. I hope everyone on the east coast is safe.

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We are in central New Jersey, and it was a horrific night. OUr gutter partially came off and banged against the house all night. Shingles are gone on the roof and the wood is exposed. We can see downed trees, and police lights that are blocking roads. We lost power but it is on right now, so we are quickly making coffee, taking showers, and charging our phones. we plan to go outside to walk around the house and see the damage in the light without the wind. Haven't seen any of our neighbors yet. We had a tough night sleeping with all that wind. wow.

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Well, that wasn't terrible at all for us. We lost power about 9:30pm and it was back on two hours later. When my big girl came into our bedroom at 4:30am, it was calm outside. I did a walk around our house and everything seems in place, nothing blew away. There is some flooding in the back but that is normal with heavy rains.


I thought it was going to be a lot worse because we were right in the hurricane's path in NY.

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We're fine here, and didn't lose power. There are lots of other people locally without power, though - we're very lucky in that we seem to be in a spot that's fairly stable that way. We had power last year during the Halloween icestorm when most of the town, including the grocery stores and restaurants, lost power for almost a week. There were also trees down in other parts of town, roads closed, schools closed again today.


My brother had a tree down in his yard and another large branch just missed the house - he's moving/closing tomorrow - so glad it missed doing any bigger damage.


Hope those closer to the coast are doing well! Watching pictures on the news from NJ and NYC - they look like they got the worst of it. And the snow in the south! So odd that it'll hit almost 70 here up north today when people way down south are under feet of snow!

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Well, we're about as East Coast as it gets, as the beach is 2 blocks away. The Atlantic Ocean is usually 4/10 of a mile away* (our beach is veeerrryyyy wide). While there was water flowing through parts of the island, much of our part stayed dry. Northern part of the island took it worse.


We got paid back with the back end winds. All. Night. Long. Some trees down, a few snapped poles, and wires down. We've seen worse. (And, no, I'm not talking about the '62 storm. I may be old, but even I wasn't born yet!)


We are directed to stay inside for now. Next update is 10 a.m. from the county. We'll get our marching orders then. I love Cape May County. Hearty folks here. Sensible management.


*Got to about 2/10 away

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Everything seems okay here north of DC. It's still raining but the wind has died down. We never lost power and most everyone I know never did either. I haven't watched the local news yet to find out how the roads are but there's a lot of debris in our yard and street.


I also feel for those in NYC, Atlantic City and the surrounding areas. crosseo.gif

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I am in WV and we are home today with about 3 inches of snow (I don't live in the mountains where they are expected to get up to 3 FEET of snow!!!). School is cancelled today and I hear that roads are nasty. We have some wind but I don't think it's as bad as they feared, although we are under a wind advisory until 5pm today.


Our electricity keeps flickering, but so far, so good with that.

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I'm from northeastern Maryland along the Mason Dixon line and somehow we managed to get through last night without losing power. The wind last night was incredible as the backside of the storm hit after the eye went overhead. I think it was worse than the front side of the storm. My sinuses were in terrible shape throughout yesterday and overnight.


There are lots of power outages, some minor damage to property but all in all things are good in my immediate neighborhood.


On Friday a friend offered us 2 broken generators for $20 and since we didn't have a generator we accepted. My husband spent 2 days creating and repairing and get us 1 working generator. I know that although I'm very proud that he was able to get us a cheap working generator, especially at such a late date, I'm very glad that so far we haven't had to use it.


After over 48 hours of rain I'm getting real tired of hearing it.

Edited by Mandamom
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Glad you are ok. I was thinking about you!


Aw thanks! We didn't make our decision to stay lightly. I was picturing worst case scenarios, and planning for them.


Some barrier islands have some real problems...Just heard that Ocean Drive, which connects all of our barrier islands in the county, washed out at Townsend's Inlet, so there's no access to Sea Isle City from Avalon. Before high tide, Ocean City had a surge of water wash through town...but overall the assessment is, "It could have been much worse." (These folks around here plan for Mass Destruction of Epic proportions.)


I am being nice and letting school start 1/2 hour late. :)

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We are in central New Jersey, and it was a horrific night. OUr gutter partially came off and banged against the house all night. Shingles are gone on the roof and the wood is exposed. We can see downed trees, and police lights that are blocking roads. We lost power but it is on right now, so we are quickly making coffee, taking showers, and charging our phones. we plan to go outside to walk around the house and see the damage in the light without the wind. Haven't seen any of our neighbors yet. We had a tough night sleeping with all that wind. wow.


Our night was about the same. Gutters came down here too. We all slept very badly, especially since we were huddled in our front room away from the trees. Dc could not seem to be quiet. Dogs kept roaming around wondering why they were out there. They were totally confused. I finally let them outside at around 4:30 am and allowed them back into the living room where they usually sleep.


I'm trying to decide if dogs get a walk this morning or not. Haven't been able to get a good idea of the damage/problems in our area from the local news.


We are all very tired, but still have power, and no water in the basement. We feel blessed.

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In northern Baltimore, our lights flickered all evening but we never lost power. All my carefully arranged plans were unnecessary! We slept in the lower level for safety but would have been fine in our own beds. (One person in the Baltimore suburbs was killed when a tree fell on his house, so our concern was not completely out of line.)


Baltimore has flooding at the harbor and in other low-lying areas, and reportedly there are 200 power lines down in the city and 200 trees across roads. We're under a no-drive order from the mayor until noon at least.

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On a first look outside, we, ourselves, got no damage - not even many small branches down. There are even leaves still on trees (those still green or greenish - the rest blew off). I'm really surprised. I guess the trees all got pruned well in the earlier storms we had (where we did lose limbs).


Water is going over the dam from our pond (a 1 acre pond), but that often happens with excess water, so shouldn't be an issue.


Around us they are getting power on quickly (we didn't lose power). The local news had 10,000 without power in our county when I got up, it's down to 8000 now with the latest update. I feel for those workers as it's still raining and really cold compared to what it used to be. There are roads closed and trees down (pics on our local news).


We still need to walk fence (around our pastures), but that will happen once the rain ends. The ponies (12) all seem fine and are outside as if nothing happened. (They can choose to go in or out as they wish.)


Here's hoping more check in saying it's not as bad as it could have been - and my prayers are with those who had it worse than expected.

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We're in MA. It wasn't bad for us at all. We never lost power and just had some wind and lots of rain. I was really expecting it to be a lot worse, but I am glad it wasn't. Today is eerie, it is sunny and almost beautiful outside.


I feel horrible for those in NJ, NY, and all of the hard hit areas. :(

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South-central PA here. We're doing fine. Lots of wind but not nearly as much water as we expected. We lost our electricity at about 7:30 last night, but we have bottled water, blankets, and fleece sleepers for the little boys, so we were warm last night. My DH fired up our generator so we could do the necessities this morning but will turn it off in a bit. We've sustained no damage (maybe a few branches), and it seems that the worst of the storm has passed. We're feeling very grateful and praying for anyone still affected.

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i posted this in another thread. we lost 2 trees. below is the photo of the one we heard fall just after dark last night. it fell across the driveway. the wind was horrific. I have auditory sensory issues so hearing the wind (without being able to see the trees is torture for me)


we are in central nj. just about half way between philly and the ocean.



i did just hear on the news that about 2 million without power

my friend a few blocks away lost power last night. she may come over for freezer space and showers later this afternoon. especially if her kids have school and work tomorrow.


Robin in NJ



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We live inside the beltway in VA. I happened to have to come out to western OH with the kids for a funeral on Friday so we've stayed out of the mess. My husband, who is at home in VA, said the lots flickered quite a bit, but we never lost power. We had water pouring into the basement, but he was able to rig up a hose system to bail it out before any damage was done.


We are getting some beautiful snow here in western OH from the storm. The kids are very excited about the first snow of the season.


I have several family members in lower Manhattan. I haven't heard from them since midnight, when everyone was out of power but fine.

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Glad so many fared well.


We're in south-central PA and doing fine. Less water than I was planning on. We have not lost power (we rarely do.) Our sump pump failed overnight for whatever reason so we had 2 inches of water in the basement when we checked early this morning, but we had anticipated that could happen so everything was up off the floor. Not a big deal to clean it all up, thankfully. We had a generator but didn't need to use it. For some odd reason, our furnace isn't working well today, we may have to have someone come look at it...it's quite damp and chilly today!

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We are fine. Some of our children are in Queens NY and near VA beach. They are all fine. My parents and brother/family are doing well in NJ but I 'm not to sure about my Aunt and Uncle 's house in Sea Isle City. They are 1 block from the beach. They did leave though.

We are in Pa and my neighbor called me to say that she has a light covering of white sand all over the inside of her front windows. ??

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We have power, which is a minor miracle. Our church (next door, same property, different line) doesn't--usually it's the other way around, but they strung a new line after the derecho, and I guess it held up pretty well!


It's raining but no wind--NO wind--kinda weird.


I only have one doggie to walk today. :001_smile:

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Well, we're about as East Coast as it gets, as the beach is 2 blocks away. The Atlantic Ocean is usually 4/10 of a mile away* (our beach is veeerrryyyy wide). While there was water flowing through parts of the island, much of our part stayed dry. Northern part of the island took it worse.


We got paid back with the back end winds. All. Night. Long. Some trees down, a few snapped poles, and wires down. We've seen worse. (And, no, I'm not talking about the '62 storm. I may be old, but even I wasn't born yet!)


We are directed to stay inside for now. Next update is 10 a.m. from the county. We'll get our marching orders then. I love Cape May County. Hearty folks here. Sensible management.


*Got to about 2/10 away


i'm so glad you're ok! I've been thinking about you.


I can't reach y friends in NJ. They lost everything. Their house was flooded at low tide. :sad:

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News reports are that sleet is causing hazardous road conditions. We've got accidents on I-75 and M-25 plus numerous side roads and given the nature of one driver's injuries will likely see a casualty. So, though we aren't close to the hurricane's path, those outer bands are causing havoc to an startlingly wide region. Our phone is out...winds knocked a good size tree down on the local Verizon sub-station thingy (I don't know what it's called) and our entire town now is without phone. Since my cell phone is Verizon as well, internet is my mode of communication for the day.


Waves were breaking quite high over the break wall at Port Sanilac. They are going to experience some significant beach erosion as well a lot of damaged boats that people really didn't think would need to be moved.


Still haven't heard from nephew and niece in Cockeysville, MD and so I can honestly say I'm worried. However, if they've managed to get through on my brother's cell phone (AT & T), it could be that he hasn't bothered to email me. Thinking good thoughts on this.



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I'm in Northern Delaware and, while we were supposed to see some significant damage, we had no issues whatsoever. No water in the basement, no down trees, and no loss of electricity. There aren't even any limbs in our yard. The house across from us ALWAYS loses a tree or at least some big limbs in storms like this and they were totally fine. The next town over, on the other hand, is a mess.

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We're on the eastern shore of Maryland, mid-shore (inland). There are leaves down but we never lost power and there's no flooding, at least here in town. We have low lying bridges outside of town that are probably underwater.


It was just drizzling earlier, and now the rain has stopped. Last number I saw was 6.93" of rainfall in town. The winds are back to our normal - we have lots of open cornfields all over the county so it's normally breezy.


All in all, things are good.

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Still haven't heard from nephew and niece in Cockeysville, MD and so I can honestly say I'm worried. However, if they've managed to get through on my brother's cell phone (AT & T), it could be that he hasn't bothered to email me. Thinking good thoughts on this.




Our friends and family in that area have reported power out, roof leaking, etc but nothing too serious. My sister lives in Timonium and I haven't heard from her yet, either.


ETA: My younger sister talked to the one in Timonium, and they are all fine.

Edited by LizzyBee
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Received an email from nephew and they are good!! YEAH! He thought he'd already sent one to me and wasn't aware that dh and I were worried.


They only had intermittent power interupptions, but the parking lot for their apartment building is a mess of tree limbs and some other debris so they'll be staying put a while. Their cars weren't hit though so they are very happy people.



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but I 'm not to sure about my Aunt and Uncle 's house in Sea Isle City. They are 1 block from the beach. They did leave though.



Sea Isle's access from Avalon is washed out. But try to remember this... Despite all the devastation, there are more places standing than not. So, I'll hope the best for your Aunt and Uncle's place.:grouphug:

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i'm so glad you're ok! I've been thinking about you.


I can't reach y friends in NJ. They lost everything. Their house was flooded at low tide. :sad:


Aww thanks Denise. See all those pictures of downed trees and all that? THAT scares me 1000x more than storm surge...and all friends and relatives live along creeks and in woods! Since this one was so big and bad, we made an educated guess to stay put. I am really shocked that we didn't have storm surge. We were expecting to lose our first floor. We may have in our other house (Summer rental. No flood insurance...) Can't go the 8 blocks yet to check on it. Police are being adamant about not lifting curfew yet. We're a pretty big town to secure and there is a lot of stuff down, so I get it.

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Another Hiver from South-Central PA (I think that makes 3 or 4 from this general area in one thread- LOL!)


We're doing fine here - we never lost power. Kids got freaked out in the wind, and one point our front door blew open by itself. DH got home from work just fine, and he felt confident enough to go to work today. I'm waiting for his call now to make sure he got in safe.


My mom works in NY and got stranded at work last night due to downed trees/etc thankfully she works in a hospital so hospital was giving employees beds. I haven't been able to get a hold of my dad in CT, but my mom hasn't called me, so I'm confident that they are fine.


Glad to hear mostly positive reports.... :)

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