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DH was in ER, he will have surgery today, good thoughts please

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DH was sent home Sunday evening. He was on the floor in pain again yesterday following an abnormal nuclear medicine stress test, we don't have his echocardiogram results back so we aren't sure what that means.


They finally took his pain seriously and scanned his abdomen. He has no alternative besides surgery because of the size and position of a gallstone. He has had serious life threatening complications following surgery in the past and spent two weeks in the ICU. I do not know any of the surgeons here so I am trusting his family doctor. It is looking to be a very long day. :001_unsure:

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DH was sent home Sunday evening. He was on the floor in pain again yesterday following an abnormal nuclear medicine stress test, we don't have his echocardiogram results back so we aren't sure what that means.


They finally took his pain seriously and scanned his abdomen. He has no alternative besides surgery because of the size and position of a gallstone. He has had serious life threatening complications following surgery in the past and spent two weeks in the ICU. I do not know any of the surgeons here so I am trusting his family doctor. It is looking to be a very long day. :001_unsure:


If his stress test indicates reversible perfusion defects (aka ischemia) then he is at high risk of having a perioperative cardiac event. It may be safest to pursue further cardiac interventions (probably cardiac catheterization with possible angioplasty and stents) before proceeding with the cholecystectomy. Hopefully the surgeons will discuss all of this with the cardiologists before proceeding. Either way I am sending positive thoughts and prayers for guidance for your physicians and healing for your husband.

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Things have settled down a little bit so I wanted to update. They brought a surgeon in from one of the larger hospitals, so there was a delay. The surgery itself went well. The doctor said that DH is medically "fragile". The biggest concern now is the next 24 hours or so. They were unable to prevent vomiting so the biggest concern will be watching closely to make sure there isn't any bleeding, he has torn his esophagus post operatively in the past. They are working to get his pain under control now and once he's alert enough I'm going to try and go home for a few hours. I greatly appreciate everyone who kept him in their thought today. We should know more about his test results tomorrow.

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Things have settled down a little bit so I wanted to update. They brought a surgeon in from one of the larger hospitals, so there was a delay. The surgery itself went well. The doctor said that DH is medically "fragile". The biggest concern now is the next 24 hours or so. They were unable to prevent vomiting so the biggest concern will be watching closely to make sure there isn't any bleeding, he has torn his esophagus post operatively in the past. They are working to get his pain under control now and once he's alert enough I'm going to try and go home for a few hours. I greatly appreciate everyone who kept him in their thought today. We should know more about his test results tomorrow.


:grouphug: Still praying for him.:grouphug:

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DH reacted again to anesthetic. They had to pin him to the table by force as they brought him out. He has more complications as a result of all the muscle strain than from the surgical sites. His right shoulder and rib cage are stained where he can't take a deep breath and isn't moving oxygen correctly in that lung. It wasn't until the early hours this morning that he was able to lay down in the last 24 hours. He is finally sleeping, actual sleep not anesthetic, since he was admitted. I'm sure the lack of sleep is contributing to his high blood pressure, they had to add more b/p meds. Hopefully today will be a better day. As for good news, his latest EKG was normal, and no sign of bleeding following the vomiting.

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