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Religious Quiz

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Are you smarter than an atheist? A religious quiz


Atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons are among the highest-scoring groups in a 32-question survey of religious knowledge by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. On average, Americans got 16 of the 32 questions correct. Atheists and agnostics got an average of 20.9 correct answers. Jews (20.5) and Mormons (20.3). Protestants got 16 correct answers on average, while Catholics got 14.7 questions right.

How will you do on the quiz?

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I missed 4.


I was off on the date that the Mormon religion was founded. I knew it was around 1800 but didn't know if it was just before or just after.


I also missed the salvation through faith alone question. I don't think all Protestants believe this. I guess they were not getting technical ;) I kind of knew they wanted the Protestant answer but couldn't bring myself to click it.


I also didn't know Maimonides, and couldn't remember which religion went with the Dalai Lama.

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I've taken it before and got them all correct. I think the title "Smarter than an atheist" is both misleading and insulting. Misleading to believers because it doesn't mean atheists are more intelligent; just better informed about various religions. Insulting to atheists because, well what does it mean? Most of us know "Are you smarter than a fifth grader?", so it sounds like atheists aren't supposed to be smart. :confused:


The reason many atheists and agnostics do better is simply a matter of research. Many of us came from religious backgrounds, and didn't just stop believing in a deity/deities. We researched other religions to find out if maybe it was just our own we no longer believed in. By the time we come to the come to the conclusion that we don't believe any of them, we've learned a lot about most of them.

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I missed the one about the time period for the founding of the Mormon religion. I mistakenly read it "Muslim" religion! :lol: My answer *would* have been right for the Muslim religion, and I knew the right answer for Mormon. Just misread the question. :tongue_smilie:

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I got 4 wrong. I thought the Catholics believed in salvation through faith alone, too. I knew that was a big change when protestantism was founded, but I guess I thought the Catholic church had changed.


I had never heard of Maimonides.


I got the first great awaking question wrong (was that different from the revivals?) ( I knew it wasn't Billy Graham.)


And I didn't guess on Indonesia's main religion.


Pretty proud of myself. :D

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I missed four, but I used to be Mormon and I've taken School Law, so maybe that's cheating. :)


I wonder if the findings actually have to do more with levels of education than with anything else. Perhaps of the people who took the test, the atheists had a higher level of education? Or perhaps it had to do with socioeconomic reasons.


The answers to most of these just come from being aware of what's going on in the world and having a solid education, don't you think?

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I missed the one about the time period for the founding of the Mormon religion. I mistakenly read it "Muslim" religion! :lol: My answer *would* have been right for the Muslim religion, and I knew the right answer for Mormon. Just misread the question. :tongue_smilie:


I almost did that too!


I'm really surprised by what the averages listed on the site are, but I suppose I live in a bubble of education-minded people. I got them all right, and DH only missed Maimonides. I figured WTMers would do much better than the averages they listed.

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I'm a Christian and Protestant, and I got them all right. I almost picked Hindu for Dalai Lama, then remembered that Richard Gere is Buddhist and the Dalai Lama is his guru, so therefore the Dalai Lama must be Buddhist. I feel like I should get a point off for using Hollywood to figure it out. :D

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I missed two - Maimonides and what year Mormonism was founded. I thought it was in 1800's.


I'm currently atheist/agnostic, was raised United Methodist, my mother's family is all Catholic (and my ex is Catholic), my stepbrother and sister are Jewish, and I used to work for an Indian owned company.

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Are you smarter than an atheist? A religious quiz


Atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons are among the highest-scoring groups in a 32-question survey of religious knowledge by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. On average, Americans got 16 of the 32 questions correct. Atheists and agnostics got an average of 20.9 correct answers. Jews (20.5) and Mormons (20.3). Protestants got 16 correct answers on average, while Catholics got 14.7 questions right.

How will you do on the quiz?


31/32 right. Accidentally hit the wrong button on nirvana. Non-Catholic, nondenominational Christian here.

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I've taken it before and got them all correct. I think the title "Smarter than an atheist" is both misleading and insulting. Misleading to believers because it doesn't mean atheists are more intelligent; just better informed about various religions. Insulting to atheists because, well what does it mean? Most of us know "Are you smarter than a fifth grader?", so it sounds like atheists aren't supposed to be smart. :confused:


I got 31. I would not have known who Maiomondes was except I just read about him in a book.


I'm not an atheist, I am a Christian. But, I didn't take the title as insulting to atheists. I think it was using a "catchy" title, and just pointing out the fact that the people practicing religion should know more about it than those who don't practice religion. It's like if my non-homeschooling friend knew more about homeschooling than I did. It would be kind of embarassing ;).

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I missed two - Maimonides and what year Mormonism was founded. I thought it was in 1800's.


Mormonism was founded in the 1800s. Joseph Smith's first vision was in 1820. The church was actually founded in 1830.


I missed two, but one was my computer's fault. :D

Edited by DianeW88
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I guess I shouldn't be allowed to answer the silly poll. :D I did just to see. Do people really not know this stuff? :confused:


I only missed 1. I thought "Edwards" was too obvious for the awakening. How about questions about Holi or Samhaim? How about Jainism, Sikhism, or something cool like Zoroastrianism.



That's the only one I missed, too.

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I missed two - Maimonides and what year Mormonism was founded. I thought it was in 1800's.[\QUOTE]


Mormonism was founded in the 1800s. Joseph Smith's first vision was in 1820. The church was actually founded in 1830.


I missed two, but one was my computer's fault. :D


My best friends in junior high and high school were Mormon which is probably why I knew the Mormon questions. I'm not Mormon, but we were probably the most similar in moral beliefs...our religious beliefs differed (I'm non-denominational non-Catholic Christian - as another poster put it :001_smile:)

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I got 100%!!! I'd never heard of Maimedes (or however you spell it), but it sounded Greek, so I guessed he was Jewish. Off to google that guy (because I just can't accept the fact that I've never heard of him).


:iagree:me too, except that I'd heard of Maimonides, thanks to the inimitable Ester Maria. (Where are you, EM???)

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I got one wrong. Unsurprisingly, as a cradle Catholic, I had no earthly idea who was prominent in the First Great Awakening. I only recognized the name Billy Graham, and of course I realized that he was a wee young. I didn't know the other names at all.

Edited by kijipt
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One of the ones I missed was the Dalai Lama, which I guess I should have known, but I also missed the definition of agnostic. I had to go look it up after I finished. I really have not understood agnosticism at all! Learned something new today.


Oh, and I'm a protestant Christian with an LDS best friend, which is why I rocked the Mormon questions.

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32/32. Pulling up those Catholic averages! :D




I missed 1, but I consider this quiz a history quiz. After teaching/learning the WTM way for 8 years, how could I not know these? :D


Seriously! I got 30/32, and I'm an atheist. I'm sort of surprised that the average scores are so low, though. I agree that they seemed to be pretty basic questions. I've never heard of the First Great Awakening, though. I can't remember the other one I got wrong.


ETA: Oh, I remember! It was the one about salvation through faith. I thought there were a few Protestant denoms that didn't believe that faith alone would save, no? I thought I remembered a long and heated thread about it here once.

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