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That is not a fun way to lose weight.



I hope you DO send him a scathing letter. Do it. Don't back down. Dr.s blow women off ALL the time because we can have such funky symptoms. He needs a smackdown.


Can we all write it together????

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I just cannot imagine how you must be feeling right now. How shocking and scary to go from stomach virus to ovarian cancer with no in between idea that it could be something more serious. I've been sending lots of thoughts and prayers your way.


Did your doctor do a complete blood cell count? I cannot imagine *not* testing your iron and other blood counts when you told him that you were too exhausted to take a shower. I can't imagine them all coming back normal in such an advanced state of cancer, if he tested all of your levels..


Ugh. I'm just sorry anyone has to go through this. Cancer is a terrible, terrible thing. :grouphug:

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I just cannot imagine how you must be feeling right now. How shocking and scary to go from stomach virus to ovarian cancer with no in between idea that it could be something more serious. I've been sending lots of thoughts and prayers your way.


Did your doctor do a complete blood cell count? I cannot imagine *not* testing your iron and other blood counts when you told him that you were too exhausted to take a shower. I can't imagine them all coming back normal in such an advanced state of cancer, if he tested all of your levels..

Ugh. I'm just sorry anyone has to go through this. Cancer is a terrible, terrible thing. :grouphug:


I don't remember exactly what tests he did. I remember getting the form letter with the results and it saying that everything tested within the normal range. I wish I had saved it, but when it came, it made me so upset again at the way he treated me, that I crumpled it up in a ball and threw it away. He was such a condescending a$$hole. Of course, I'm kicking myself in the pants that I never followed up with someone else. I'm kicking myself in the pants because I never found a new ob/gyn when my old one moved away. I'm kicking myself in the pants that the last time I had a pelvic exam was 4 years ago by my family doctor. I don't really get sick, so I haven't been to the doctor in ages for her to suggest getting another pap, so I just let it slide.



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Thank you, everyone.




All right- nobody else better make me laugh! :glare: :lol:




I'm on these boards so much, you all feel like a second family to me sometimes. I do feel support from here, and it does help. I appreciate everyone's thoughts and concerns and prayers.




Yeah. I don't think I've really registered it yet. The only person who burst into tears when he saw me was my other best friend, Matt. He just couldn't keep it together.


The only question I kept asking the doctors was "How could it just start hurting so suddenly?" They told me that it had probably finally become so big that it had twisted the ovary and that was the pain I was feeling. There is sort of more of a back story, which I'm too drained to go into, now, but I guess there were signs that something was wrong, but I just attributed them to other things.


I'm very, very angry at the doctor I went to see last summer because I thought I must have a thyroid problem. I knew something was wrong. I eat extremely healthily, exercise, etc. I was even keeping track of everything I ate at that point. I told him that for the way I ate and the amount of activity I did, I thought I should have way more energy. I told him that simple things like taking a shower or going grocery shopping exhausted me. I told him I couldn't figure out why my feet were swollen all the time and that I really should be losing some weight. He told me that I needed to be really honest with myself about what I was eating, and that I could consider cutting out carbs completely, and that my feet were swollen because I was heavy. He didn't listen to a thing I said. I actually left his office in tears. And then, my thyroid and other blood levels that he checked came back normal, so he was basically done with me. When I'm up to it, he is going to get a scathing letter.


WHAT AN @SS!!!! I am SO ANGRY for you that I could punch his face!

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That is not a fun way to lose weight.



I hope you DO send him a scathing letter. Do it. Don't back down. Dr.s blow women off ALL the time because we can have such funky symptoms. He needs a smackdown.


Can we all write it together????


Oh yes, I was told to go get a job and quit making up medical symptoms. THEN it was discovered that at 33 and thin I had VERY high blood pressure.

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As a cancer survivor (with one of those pretty stem to stern surgical scars too), I have a suggestion. Use what works, chuck the rest:


Find someone to basically throw out your emotions to, all the good, bad, ugly fear, hope, things. Sometimes that can be our spouse, sometimes you may want someone unrelated to you, but knows what you're going through. My dh was my rock during my treatment, but some thoughts I couldn't share with him. It was my odd way of protecting him too. I didn't join a support group and wish I had.



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I am so sorry that this is happening to you -- but please don't blame yourself for not following up with a different doctor. It's not your fault!


I will pray and pray and pray for you. I know we have never met in real life, but I feel like I "know" you from this forum, and I'm sitting here in tears worrying about you, and feeling so sad that you're second-guessing your decisions. You had no way of knowing that anything like this would happen..


Please update us whenever you can, and of course, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. :grouphug:

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That is not a fun way to lose weight.



I hope you DO send him a scathing letter. Do it. Don't back down. Dr.s blow women off ALL the time because we can have such funky symptoms. He needs a smackdown.


Can we all write it together????


:grouphug: I am so sorry.



You are so nice. If it were me he'd have a boot up his arse.


WHAT AN @SS!!!! I am SO ANGRY for you that I could punch his face!


I so wish we could all give him a WTM smackdown. My sister Laura said I'd better not tell her his name.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry you are going through this...what an emotional roller coaster you must be on. Stay strong, stay positive - we've had a lot of cancer of all different types in my immediate family and all have come through clean & healed on the other side. You can do this! :grouphug::grouphug:

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Wow... I am so sorry. What an ordeal. I'm so glad that they did catch it and that they're treating it aggressively. You absolutely cannot blame yourself for not following up, or second guess your decisions. I'm so angry for you that the other doctor blew you off but as others said, that's unfortunately common. We are all here for you and thinking of you. :grouphug: Do whatever you need to care for yourself.

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As a cancer survivor (with one of those pretty stem to stern surgical scars too), I have a suggestion. Use what works, chuck the rest:


Find someone to basically throw out your emotions to, all the good, bad, ugly fear, hope, things. Sometimes that can be our spouse, sometimes you may want someone unrelated to you, but knows what you're going through. My dh was my rock during my treatment, but some thoughts I couldn't share with him. It was my odd way of protecting him too. I didn't join a support group and wish I had.



. Thank you for saying this. It means a lot.


I have two best friends. One is male, one is female. My female best friend was diagnosed with breast cancer 4.5 years ago, so she has already been an invaluable help. There is also a place called The Gathering Place near my house. It's a support center for cancer survivors and their families. I went there qhen my friend was diagnosed, so I know they have tremendous resources.





You seem so strong, I think I would be a basket case. I will keep you in my thoughts.




I'm sure I'll be a basket case after my first treatment consultation in 2 weeks.




I am so sorry that this is happening to you -- but please don't blame yourself for not following up with a different doctor. It's not your fault!


I will pray and pray and pray for you. I know we have never met in real life, but I feel like I "know" you from this forum, and I'm sitting here in tears worrying about you, and feeling so sad that you're second-guessing your decisions. You had no way of knowing that anything like this would happen..


Please update us whenever you can, and of course, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. :grouphug:


Logically, I know it's not my fault, but it doesn't help me to stop blaming myself. Thank you for caring about me. I feel like I know you, too.



I typed the original post on my computer, but now I'm back in bed trying to type on my phone and it's too hard, so I'll check back later.

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Prayers for a fast and full recovery. I'm glad the ER didn't just blow you off, too.


If it makes you feel any better, I went in for my exam yesterday. The new recommendation if you've had normal exams in the past is every FIVE years. So, as long so mine turns out normal, I'm not expected back for a pap/pelvic exam until 2017.

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You could also report the doctor to your state medical board. I'd do that instead of just a letter to him...or include your letter to him to the board.


Glad you got some good doctors in the ER.





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I don't remember exactly what tests he did. I remember getting the form letter with the results and it saying that everything tested within the normal range. I wish I had saved it, but when it came, it made me so upset again at the way he treated me, that I crumpled it up in a ball and threw it away. He was such a condescending a$$hole. Of course, I'm kicking myself in the pants that I never followed up with someone else. I'm kicking myself in the pants because I never found a new ob/gyn when my old one moved away. I'm kicking myself in the pants that the last time I had a pelvic exam was 4 years ago by my family doctor. I don't really get sick, so I haven't been to the doctor in ages for her to suggest getting another pap, so I just let it slide.





Thank you for this reminder. It's been about 4 years for me. I'm making an appointment this week.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I read your post with my mouth agape. I can't imagine how shocking this was for you. Best wishes for recovery!!



ETA: I just scheduled for October 22. Your post impacted me strongly.

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