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I am so sorry you had such shocking news, but grateful this sneaky Ba@tard has been found and now can be battled!


Keeping you in my prayers and sending millions of positive vibes your way.

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Wow. I'm so sorry. That was so unexpected. Sounds like you have lots of supportive people around you and good doctors. Take it easy. Talk to them about hormone replacements (natural or chemical) to ease your symptoms.



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:grouphug: I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this. What a shocking ordeal!


My 36 year old sister just went through this, and has a similar story to yours. Stomach pains, immediate surgery, large mass but we don't think it is suspicious, oh it's malignant, hysterectomy, etc. So much of your story reminds me of how it went for her in January.


They seemed to have caught hers early (she had a huge mass the size of a cantaloupe!) and she only needed 4 chemo treatments. So far she is doing well and is hopefully cancer free. Her first 6 month check up was great.


All to say that you will get through this. :grouphug: It's not easy but it sounds like you have a wonderful family and you know we are all here. Please let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do. I'm not sure where you are but if you were local to me I'd help you out in any way you needed. :grouphug:


Take care, we're all thinking of you.



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