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Creepy or not creepy? Aka-- my son is furious with me

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Hubby's home!


Ok, hubby asked me to be VERY vague as to what is going on, because of current situations that are ongoing.


so.... let's just say that we are VERY satisfied wtih how the church (and "others") are going to be working together to investigate/research. We are VERY satisfied with how the pastor reacted, and how he is handling the situation, and how he is communicating with others. And how he immediately involved "others"


My husband has already been cc'd and contacted already by others investigating/researching.


Poor pastor. LOL Hubby said he looked like a truck hit him by all the info. He never once did defend any of the actions of the Bible teacher, usually saying, OH NO-- we can't have that! over and over....


Anyway, that's all I can really say. At least right now.


Thanks so much for your input! I love you guys!

Edited by joyfulheart
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I would speak to pastor, remove kid from class probably no matter what pastor says (and no more mission trips with people who don't watch kids better than this), and talk long and hard with kid about why this all is a big fat No.


This could not be more creepy. You are entirely right to be utterly freaked out.

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Creepy. Unless the guy has never turned on the TV or read a newspaper in the last year, he should know better. :glare:


:iagree: BIG TIME!!!! After having the Sandusky rapes all over the news, what man in his right mind would even think this is a good idea??? I would definitely contact your pastor and make sure your son is never alone with this man again.

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He didn't ask parent permission first? Nope. Didn't invite parents along? Double Nope. You have a different impression of him than your son does? Triple Nope.


Stay strong on this one. Your hackles are up for a reason. Listen to that voice.


In 20 years your son will understand. Really.


We got your back!

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Creepy. No doubt.





Be very clear (blunt) with the pastor about this. The fact that this man has broken church protocol should be highlighted...the pastor needs some concrete reasons for discontinuing this man's presence with the kids b/c he (the pastor) will have to answer to the church about why such a nice young man (:ack2:) is being outcast so rudely.

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Oh NO NO NO! Most predators are people who systematically gain the confidence of their young victims in just this sort of manner. Trust your instinct and I'd strongly advise you to report this behavior to whoever is in charge of the volunteers. This has creepy written ALL over it!

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Either creepy,

or innocent, well-meaning, and clueless.


However -

Even if clueless/innocent, it opens up the guy to accusations (whether true or not), and thus opens the church to liability.


So the answer is no, your ds can't go, both for his protection and the guy's.

(He may understand/accept it better if you explain that regardless of your ds's feelings, it wouldn't be smart for the guy. And that may help your ds see the other side of it and not be clueless himself when he is older.)


And yes, you should tell the staff your concerns.

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Not just creepy. Wrong.


If your alarm bells are ringing, take it as a sign.


Deal with the son's anger - there's a reason YOU'RE the mom, and he's not.


And by all means, :iagree: with being very, very clear with the pastor. The church sure doesn't need to be condoning this. At. All.:glare:

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Creepy. Why does this guy have your son's number anyway?


Good question! I asked my son and he said he gave it when trying to sign up for a mission trip in march. I checked the history, it's the first time anyone from the church has contacted him. No other texts.


(I uaually have his phone with ME, and he only gets it when going to a friends' house, so that I can reach him if needed. Only a handful of people have the number...)

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Ick. Ack. Yuck. Run!


Don't let your son near this man again, no matter how reasonable his "explaination" of the situation may be. His actions are stupid at best, but probably much, much worse.

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You might also want to insinuate to the minister that you could have a nice fat law suit against whoever for allowing this person to take your son off site in his own personal vehicle. I don't think you even need to insinuate, just tell him.


That he did that is that bad. He opened the church up to a myriad of liabilities. Can you imagine if there had been a car crash and he had all those boys in the car without permission?

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Creepy, you're not out of line. Wow! I'd probably be on the phone to the other parents and the pastor tonight, sorry.


Even if he is harmless, he's an idiot. Who does that type of stuff without going through the church and the parents. There are protocol to cover their liability.


There is no way I could sleep without discussing it with someone.

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Just to add, I told my 20 year old brother, and he reacted pretty strongly. He says he's be bordering on reporting the guy.


He said that's grooming. Unless the guy is mentally incompetent (his words), he's grooming those boys and he's a predator.

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Not even close to the range of appropriate. At their age, all communication goes through the parents, and you do NOT ever take children off site without explicit permission. Clueless at best, and very dangerous at worst. Your Mama Bear bells are ringing for good reason and you're doing the right thing.

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I'd call CPS and, if you have any friends who are cops, I'd give one of them a call too and have them do some checking up on him.


This is DEFINITE grooming behavior, and taking a bunch of boys somewhere alone, without permission or other adults in his vehicle is SO WRONG.


In fact, if you know his full name, check the online sexual predator reports for your area NOW.


ETA: Call the other parents tonight. Call the pastor when you've spoken to the other parents. This is SO WRONG.

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Hubby and I are on the same page.


We don't have the pastors phone number, Dallas churches don't do that. LOL

Hubby did send him an email asking for an urgent face-to-face meeting, hopefully for coffee first thing in the morning, or at worst, tomorrow after he gets home from work.


Hubby and I agree that he is NOT going on the trip. I believe there is another calss he can be in, so that will be moved... And sadly, we may not do any further mission trips if that adult is going. Sad, because son loves the mission trips. :(


Hubby is trying to give him the benefit of the doubt on the phone-- he may have assumed it was a parent's phone... but the rest I won't budge on.

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Hubby and I are on the same page.


We don't have the pastors phone number, Dallas churches don't do that. LOL

Hubby did send him an email asking for an urgent face-to-face meeting, hopefully for coffee first thing in the morning, or at worst, tomorrow after he gets home from work.


Hubby and I agree that he is NOT going on the trip. I believe there is another calss he can be in, so that will be moved... And sadly, we may not do any further mission trips if that adult is going. Sad, because son loves the mission trips. :(


Hubby is trying to give him the benefit of the doubt on the phone-- he may have assumed it was a parent's phone... but the rest I won't budge on.


I'd be hunting down the pastor's phone number. Don't you have a deacon or associate pastor you could call?


Has this pastor been at your church long?

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